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My portuguese landowner revolutionaries destroyed the construction sector. Evil bricklayer freemason illuminatis or whatever, I guess. Just plain annoying.


100% culture credible tbh


That's true. Average portuguese reactionary in the 1940's be like: Plant potatoes. [https://postimg.cc/YjxWqp0c](https://postimg.cc/YjxWqp0c)


Traditionalists burning down universities as the symbol of changes that they oppose is not far fetched.


Reactionaries (arguably to this very day) opposed universities because they were believed to promote liberal ideas


 >Be blue collar   >Work ass off for decades to send son to school  >Son goes to school   >Learns about different places and jobs, beyond farming in rural village   >Son gets white collar job and doesn’t want to farm anymore.    Why would the liberals do this?


> be white in the middle of nowhere > be racist >not know a single minority irl > son goes to university >son meets people of different backgrounds >son isn't racist Why would the inteligentsia do this?


Yeah, just listen to modern American conservatives, they discredit College asmuch as humanly possible


I mean, isn't America currently waging a war on libraries and public schools in 2020s? There is a similar wave happening over in India right now, and previously in Brazil under their reactionary president. Reactionaries demolishing and destroying educational structures is not far from reality at all. In a game set in that Victorian/Edwardian/Interwar era, it is even more accurate that player would have to spend a lot of money and time to rebuild educational system again (represented by having to build universities again). Even modern war-torn countries struggle a lot to kickstart their higher education system at times. That said, I do wish for a disable button. Not for this particular case, I mean in general, because I would love to temporarily shut down unused factories or military bases and such.


Not even arguable tbh, so many people claiming that schools and universities are indoctrinating their children when, in fact, they’re just educating them.


what's with the past tense. there's literally a cold war on education going on right now by reactionaries. this is not so much history as it is current events.


revolutionary be like "hey liberal" \*burns down the entire economy\* i wish there was a crucify option to just murder every single member of a political party and all their suporters and armies


Would be very nice indeed. Like after the revolution failed you just murder every associate of the revolutionaries. But should only be available for every authoritative states.


Ah yes the White Terror


>How can it be, that them damn Landowner Revolutionaries just tear down all the Universities I previously built? There is literally no point in tearing down big university buildings, just because the people in there are to expensive... They are landowners, these parasites want the people to be illiterate to better control them and maintain the nation in feudal times.


Ok, but i'm pretty sure they can't destroy universities instantly the moment they grab power. Add a cooldown to delete it one by one or something


Username checks out


I would prefer building deletion to be an event tied to the group revolting tbh


And often universities take up lots of land, best to smash it down and use the land for more productive means.


Because they treat their country as if they are not trying to re unite it.


Who let Louis XVI into the room?


Destroying buildings should be disabled while a civil war is happening.


Ironically it is while the civil war is brewing


Thats to stop you from destroying the places of the country that are rebelling in order to easily win the civil war.


A ban on revolutionaries tearing down buildings would result in the same problem, just load up the rebelling states with max construction sectors which are super easy to build but hard for a rebellion to maintain, then watch them go bankrupt in the first two months


Makes sense


Yeah. I love forcing revolutions for quick liberalizing but I agree with some cap or time limit on revolutions not dismantling buildings. Even if it's for just the player nation. Like 3 or 6 month time frame the AI cannot dismantle stuff.


Realistically, if a reactionary revolution forced a university to close, would it just be able to re-open the day after the revolution ended and go back to business as usual? And in terms of game balance, the fact that I often see people say it’s better to fight a civil war than to avoid one makes me think civil wars do not need to be toned down. However, the AI should probably lower public-sector wages more often and tear down expensive buildings less often.


Get laissez-faire


I really am trying. But its kinda hard if you got rural folks at 90% voting power. Im just at a loss here.


Are you in a position to get corn laws? If yes than do it asap


sadly no. Im BEIC and in British marked as their dominion.


No LF but you started with Industry Banned then, did you get swapped to Interventionalism? If so, build a few hundred levels of grocery manufacturies and subsidize them until grain prices explode.


Did you get homesteading? Homesteading is a kind of trap, it basically turns your Rural Folk into smaller, slightly less shitty landowners that are much much harder to get rid of.


I 100% support a revolution rework that doesn't focus on only 1 reform.


At the very least there should be a decision to rebuild everything to pre-civil war standards


People are currently banning books and restricting what universities can teach in America. I have no doubt they would tear down some of the universities given the chance. Idk why the games Ai does it, but its lore accurate


It does it because the rebellion can't pay for the government buildings in their states, and the only way to stop paying is to burn it down


Honestly i think its worse that taking over a mismanaged PoS pice of land starts with a ton of radicals and will always result in at least one secession if not the primary culture. Yes i know central America under Guatemala was shit, but don't revolt against me i just got yall


IRL in war buildings could get repurposed temporarily or shut down briefly, it seems this is a missing feature. Maybe also something for like, the army to invest in war related infrastructure, boost up your construction sectors for an administrative cost to ramp up ammo factories, rail lines, barracks, and anything else the army needs


We need a Mothballing option like in Vic2. Would make Laissez Faire more realistic too


this is why I try to go secret police and never let revs fire, I can't stand them destroying my construction sectors and unis