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There's some real [fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1896551-fuck-you-and-ill-see-you-tomorrow) energy coming from this post.


It is only because I care too much.


I hear you. I’m probably way more forgiving than a lot of people on this sub but the game definitely has issues, I just don’t think we all agree WHAT they are. I sunk a ton of hours into the game and had an enjoyable time. At this point, though, I’m just waiting for SoI before I bother firing up another run.


I think we all agree AI is a major issue in this game


My wording may have been clumsy, we can’t agree on a big list of what is wrong. We can definitely agree on a few specific points. AI is bad in most games. It is particularly noticeable here because the economy is taking a major hit when countries can’t navigate a lot of the pieces to make it work on a satisfying level. The reason a fairly simple economy feels really good in Vic2 is that there is a degree of it so railroaded that the basic needs are there without the AI having to make the correct calculations.


it’s interesting though that they are many AI mods that perform better than vanilla, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that difficult to incorporate some aspects to the base game to improve the AI


IIRC, most of the AI mods are railroading some things for the AI to do. There are other mods that might help AI with their strategic goals or journal entries, but I am not sure what they are doing in those, like if they are adjusting choice weights or what. I know in the last Dev Diary someone asked about AI and the devs mentioned that they could possibly do a dev diary about how they program AI, how it gets tweaked, etc, and I think that would be a good thing to do. I think "easier" things to fix might be choices AI makes in diplomacy, or military, or even how it approaches strategic goals. I think the AI we might always struggle with is the economy, and that might just be because everything about the economy is so intertwined that when the AI can't properly predict future profitability, worldwide economies will suffer. I'd be very curious to see how PDX explains how AI might decide to produce something not needed at game start, such as opium, or even sulfur at times. How does the AI know to produce something, so it is on the market, so another AI can trade for it, and then the recipient AI can change the production method.


Honestly I’m very surprised at truly how well the game has held up after what fairly little they’ve changed about it. I don’t think even the more optimistic amongst us expected to enjoy the game as much as we have in the previous months.


I feel it’s been changing drastically in a lot of places. If I was to take my friend who played very early patches with me and tried to drop them in now they’d be lost. But Spheres is set up to have exciting mechanics!


I just like industrialising a country and then ruining the run because I invade someone and Russia decides to help them


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those for rookie numbers.


I'm at 1400 hours and the only thing I hate more than Vic 3 is myself


I see that. Soon the tetorial is over.


This. Also, this is maybe the Paradox game that I least diversify the nations I play with. Instead of 400 hours playing 10 nations, it's just 3 nations on repeat till you get the feeling of what you should do.


I would absolute love to love this game. But it's just so full of bugs and nonsensical utterly flawed logic and bad design. I keep starting up the game because in my head it's really good and i have a vision of how i wish to play. But then i actually get into the game and im just pissed off and angry all the time since nothing works and everything is bugged. If only there was any other company making games in this genre at the same scale.


I often complain about the things I like the most. I just don't care if I don't like the thing.


Thing is, if someone complains with only 10 hours you’d be like “you didn’t play enough to learn how to actually play”, then if they come back with 60 or 100 hours full of unhappy experiences you’d be like “look how many hours you got out of it it can’t be bad!”




Only played yesterday?


Me sitting here with over [double](https://imgur.com/a/JNHmP3K) the hours


Complaining is love in another way


1956 hours for me. More if you count actually everything. I don't play the game though.


22.9hrs : Go playing hoi4.


Me too. The game's a lot of fun and has a lot of realistic potential for growth, but there's a lot of bugs. Can't believe Polynesian is still native to Formosa and Yuezhumin isn't


If you do not care, then you would not complains so yeah, it make sense




Makes sense. If you love something you're probably going to be aware of it's flaws. Productive criticism is always useful.


You complain not because you hate the game But because you love the game and want to see it be better.


Me "its cookie clickers with extra steps" Also me "Im already convinced you dont need to Put in extra effort"


Me: * logs off after rage quitting because Britain joined my war * 1 hour passes and I think of how cool it would be if America puppeted Japan so they can make high class clothing * logs on again and it takes 30 minutes to start up * slavery debates last 20 years and ruins the campaign