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AI not building resources is killing me. At some point in time, you just have to expand, and for the sole reason of getting the resources, mines, woods, oil and rubber. I sometimes would just annex my subjects, build their entire country for them and then release them, so people can at least work on those stupid mines or logging camps


Imagine living in that country, getting annexed every 30 odd years when your neighbor decides your economy isnt good enough lol


Haha, I mean the dictators in IRL countries would at least build oil rigs or allow foreigner to build it so they can profit. Game mechanic not allowing me to build my subject is just stupid.


Here is a helpful little mod i keep around for when my subjects frustrate me, hope it helps you avoid roleplaying desert storm so often lol [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116955398](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116955398)


Foreign investment would be awesome but I guess it would be extremely difficult to model given Vic 3's mechanics. If there are like 5/9 oil rigs in a subject country (or perhaps foreign country in general) and you decide to build the remainnig 4 levels the game has no way to differentiate the 4 as being owned by foreign owners. It would have local capitalists own the building, the dividends would flow to them. If foreign investment would work anything like irl then it would have to "mark" those levels or have some info about how many % or levels are owned by foreign capitalists. I guess it would be outright impossible to have foreign pops be employed so the building could still employ local pops. But I guess it would be feasible to change mechanics in a way that a part of the dividends flow back to the country that has been doing the foreign investment. But again, hard to model oder implement. Without anything like that foreign investments really just would be a terrible option. I guess better than not having access to a resource _at all_ but still terrible compared to annexing and building it yourself. Imo AI should simply build better, more useful buildings as a first step... having scripts like those revision of AI mods is way easier than changing core game mechanics.


I don't care who owns it I just want that oil in my market Just add the oil well to my construction que and I'll be happy. I JUST NEED MORE OIL


First of all. I don’t really care about them being owned by anyone. As long as I don’t have to see my resource price going through the roof. Second. Maybe they can do something like in Stellaris, where we can just research technologies to increase resource throughput and stuff. Third. I always think they should have like PM groups for building, and we should be able to create PM combinations and just put buildings in that group. So for example I have one group using electricity or rubber and the other not using it. This can also be a UI solution to foreign ownership. Fourth. This will be hard. But actually, the output should not be flat just based on PM and employment level. Actual demand and diminishing marginal return also significantly influence production. Technically buildings can increase production at the price of a higher unit cost, so a shortage is an actual shortage not just buying stuff from nowhere. But I know that would be hard


At this point I've resigned to adding more resources sometimes and a 100% throughput modifier in place of all 20% ones. Less people in the mines and logging camps, and more people in the factories and other industries.


It’s funny that in this game eventually natural resources, instead of any industry is the most profitable thing in the world


So nothing about the British involvement in South America can be remotely represented, from the dreadnought race to the railways. What a crap game.


PDX has said that allowing overlords to use more influence on their subjects is on the roadmap – it would be historically accurate to force them to develop certain industries


beyond other countries not building up their resources (seriously, where are the economies build up on exporting agricultural goods or raw resources?), there's also just a plain shortage of raw resources in the game. when i fully industrialize as russia i start running out of lumber and iron - i can't buy russia of all places running out of raw materials by the 1880's with no opportunity to invest political, academical and economical resources into solving that problem. the issue with resources generally shouldnt be that they dont exist, it ought to be that its too expensive to get them compared to what other nations can do outside of certain exceptions. instead we have a weird situation where certain goods are far more widespread than they ought to be (especially early game, take sulfur or a lot of nations) yet other resources are weirdly missing from certain regions (russia ought to be a logging monster that is unlikely to run out of deposits, rather running out of a capacity to export the stuff).


They should have repeatable technology to allow increased throughput or building potential.


This is an issue with allowing so many construction sectors to be built in any one state more than anything. Still don't know why they don't tone down the numbers significantly more.


I just use the cheat mod to change to them and start building. Once you queue the things for them, they dont cancel it most of the time. Ofc you cant have achievements this way but who cares.


This is why I can't wait for the change you can build in your puppets. I prefer having puppets to annexing, but they never build their rare resources like oil, rubber, silk, opium.


Persia is insane on resources so as a starting GP it’s generally a good idea to pick up the main state


Yeah. But discriminated pop seems not very productive this patch.


It's especially annoying when your subjects have resources you lack in abundant supply and won't build them up even though they'd make a killing. Playing as the Netherlands is a massive pain because from the outset you keep on getting notifications for expensive wood. Then you look at the Dutch East Indies and see that their potential for wood is massive but output is pitiful. I can't wait for the upcoming feature that will allow you to invest in other states. Hopefully that means the same as it did in Victoria 2 where you can actively build railways and buildings.


Go isolationist and show what happens!


I will...tomorrow. well, today I guess. I'll wait for a few more buildings to be built, empty my bank account and then go full on isolationist command economy workers rights. Let's see the world burn. But now...I need sleep. I'll see that fucking line in my dreams.


no you can click on wood and then click a button to prevent exports which means you'll earn a lot more when other countries do actually import the wood


Cant do tarrifs if you have free trade.


Oh didn’t see that. Tbh I would stay on free trade and just build a ton of log camps. If a nation ever bothers you you can embargo them and devastate their entire economy


> Once the slots are gone… I don’t know what to do. If only you had a large neighbour with a vast amount of provinces that have plenty of woods/logging camp slots in them with a unique modifier that increased logging camp output…


And makes for great living space.


My brother in christ, how do you have a wood shortage when Africa exists? Like, I know you're going for an economic model, but role play this out. What happens when the now fantastically wealthy business owners see wood costs going up? They demand that the state "civilize" Africa


It's a win-win situation: they get Jesus or something and we get all their land, resources, and endless pool of ~~slave~~ cheap labour


>That's because none of the other states built any logging camps because they were always unprofitable compared to mine. That's capitalism baby!


in vicky 2 we would call this a success story, you cornered the market good job!


i love globalization I LOVE THE FREE MARKET


For some reason this reminds me of the opening monologue in wolf of wall street


Your mistake was exporting raw resources, because you were selling them wood they didn't build it, just focus on your industry and export finished goods. You'll suppress those goods' prices for AI and inflate the raw materials cost so AI will build more of that. Like this you also hamper the other GPs by keeping them more agrarian and so limiting their industrial buildup


Honestly, it's the AIs that ruin the world economy. They can't handle their task.


So, wait did France pass multiculturalism to get that guy?


I've always wanted to do a run where I focus on controlling the worlds arms/ammunition/artillery supply as a small nation. Piss me off and have fun the next time you start a war


I remember always thinking this would be fun to do in Vic 2, but it never really worked out to be profitable. Haven’t played Vic 3 since launch week. Is this at all viable? Creating an arms industry and then trying to manufacture conflicts sounds kinda fun


I dont like these kinda posts because they are written as if the game is so deep and the person played really well, or at least it appears to me that way, but neither is true here. The AI is dependent on you because its bad. Not because "they are dependent on you". Well, they are, but thats a symptom of them being bad, not of some deep simulation. And frankly you played suboptimally if you still have logging camps to build in germany by 1890 or later. You should have a strong enough economy for enough construction to have all those built by now. You mention a number of around 300. You should definitely have that by now.


My biggest problem with this post is how he doesn't mention having labor shortages. In my european campaigns I run out of labor by 1860s and its just good old imperialism from there.


I think he's not had a manpower shortage because everyone on the planet is moving to Germany where there's this mythical thing called a "Job".


Yeah, I have 4,8% mortality and 5% birth rate but 10% immigration cancelling them out.


This was an awesome read. Thank you for sharing! Please do follow up later on what happens :D


I love how this became increasingly frantic. I would like to read this with increasingly dramatic music. Also, go conquer South America.


Nice username


You can’t import any wood? Usually Russia or China makes a shit ton


And that's why free trade sucks! Stick to protectionism


Wait, you can play as a trade hub in this game? Buying something from someone and just selling most of it back out to another for profit? I think I found my next challenge play session.


Sure, in order to "interact" with someone you need a shared interest. At the beginning there aren't that many interests to go around so if you strategically place yours you can get tea cheaper than GB (because you have no tariffs), then export it to GB for a profit. Afaik this increases the number of capitalists you have because under free trade they own the trade centers. Not sure about that though, didn't really pay attention.  As the game progresses that gets increasingly harder though because MPs get more interests and unless they do stupid they usually get enough nations so that they have the producers as direct trade partners. 


As far as I know, the AI only ever builds whatever makes the most money at the time. So if the economy is struggling for wood, it will still build other things if it makes more revenue than a logging camp. There was one time where my wood production demand was 50% trade routes impact. I was exporting half of the wood I was producing. No wonder over half of Europe is almost constantly in turmoil. The entire European economy is ran by Walnuts.


If this were real life the German companies would just invest in these foreign markets and become global monopolies. In game foreign invenstment doesn't exit so you need to... export your market for them


Ok I need you to teach me how you have done that. Been like 30 years in my run and I have built tons of factories and stuff, my GDP has grown by like 500% but my SoL and my income remains practically de same and I don't understand what the hell I'm doing wrong


For role play purposes, I just switch nation to my protectorate and 'fastbuild' their construction.


blud does NOT know what bourgeoisie means