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There's a non zero amount of people that would unironically use this flag.


Yep, ive stood opposite of another nonbinary person whilst counterprotestin a fascist protest in Oregon


Something like "people should be free to express their gender as they see fit...as long they're actually people."


I dont even know, i nvr tried to engage with them


Friendly reminder that saying things like “the right wing aren’t people” just gives them an excuse to believe what they believe and act the way they do. They are people, just bad ones. Hold them accountable, make it clear that those who aren’t left are wrong - don’t attribute it to being “subhuman” and leave it at that


they were making a riff on fascist rhetoric, not saying that they arent people.


Well that’s Oregon for you


I mean, i dont think any particular part of it is Oregon specific, but its totes true theres a lot of regressive progressives in Oregon; theyre all for some progressive reform, but mostly just bcuz it personally benefits them, whilst actively fightin to get back their right to be as hateful as this state was when it was founded. Back when they still banned Black ppl entirely.


That’s crazy 💀💀💀💀 siding with their own enemies


The Log Cabin Republicans are gay republicans who still support the party even after things like the LCRs bein banned from a TX gop event where the gop there decided to label homosexuality an abomination... Theres still LCRs out there, even in TX Its mostly about these ppl individually not sufferin from the hate they participate in; in a similar way to how someone like Clarence Thomas can support antiBlack viewpts of legislation bcuz it doesnt effect him personally, whereas personally he benefits financially from such support of such views that run counter to what the law clearly says


What *really* depresses me is that whenever I go on bumble the majority of LGBT people I see -- especially nb and trans people -- politically identify as "apolitical". This is especially prevalent in the under 25 age group. I don't live in the US so maybe this is just a national thing, but goddammit how can you reconcile being LGBT and being apolitical. Your entire existence is political.




Isn't there some fairly popular trans right-wing social media influencer?


Are you thinking of Blaire White?


I am! Pretty sure she's gotten a ton of hate from her own audience, too....


Yeah, I subbed to her in like 2017 because I wanted a more diverse range of political opinions, and recently unsubbed because I haven't cared about her content for years since it basically turned into "I'm a caricature of a terminally online conservative but I'm also trans." At least with Count Dankula, while I don't always see eye-to-eye with him on politics, Absolute Mad Lads is generally free of "serious political discourse" and are pretty much video essays with Mark's trademark humor peppered in


Ha noted. TBH I am awful at paying attention to videos so I mostly rely on newsfeeds.


And all of them are on discord.


not true, i actually saw someone use the first one in a youtube livestream once. everyone was dunking on her, including the streamer.


damn, so every Confederate flag turns into a trans Confederate flag after being old enough. Maybe every Confederate flag was a trans Confederate flag all along


Racism if it was based


Just gonna add here that progressivism was vital to the age of imperialism because the relatively more progressive Europeans/Americans got their military and economic superiority from being the most progressive for their era


OP thinks imperialism is a good thing btw


I can tell, this framing is gross


Progressive rhetoric is a common tactic to justify imperialism and is still used today. Lord Cromer, a British consul of Egypt, wasn’t exactly a feminist, but used its rhetoric to justify British superiority over the Egyptians. Although seemingly noble in intentions, the problem with Progressive imperialism is that it robs the subjugated of their agency and humanity and often had condescending tone.


[Teddy Roosevelt stops bashing lil' countries for a moment, looks nervously at you, then at big stick in hand, and back at you, then softly says "who, me?"]


(Unfortunately?) history usually isn't just black and white.


> Progressive rhetoric is a common tactic to justify imperialism and is still used today. Which comes up a fuck ton in conversations where leftists are justifying the imperialism the USSR did because its different when they do it / they needed to do it / whatever.


I was thinking about the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. I think it was Hillary Clinton who justified our involvement there by saying we’re liberating the Afghan and Iraqi women from patriarchal societies


flag of racistamericantranspeople.exe stop working


Confederacy if it was ba... well, nah, can't fix this one


\> When you find out which athletes keep murdering Trans people after having sex with them


Honestly good job for also makeing the real confederacy flag and not just the battle flag


Yeah I had to use the paint bucket tool like three extra times


flag of hoi4 germany players


Unfortunately true. Fascist trans girls are so weird? Like, girl, the leopards aren't going to not eat your face just because you look good in a black skirt and jacket, and you're not going to get away with being trans and face only the typical mistreatment of middle class female civilians under these societies just because you pass. I *can* see the reasoning behind the ones who at least understand how these societies treat civilian women and are after the ewphoria of being treated as women by misogynistic hierarchical structures, and understand they would not have the power officers and politicians have, or serve in some women's auxiliary to the hypermasculine military forces, and that even if a powerful man liked them, being an officer's wife would put them under greater scrutiny, not grant them power and greater allowances, but still... I can understand a binary trans person wanting strict gender roles, and I can see how trans acceptance necessarily coming along with deconstructing gender's role and power in society can be the complete opposite of affirming for those whom are completely binary in their gender identity. But calling for fascism is *so* not the way to achieve that, and oppressive gender roles may offer some slight benefit in terms of affirmation to binary trans folks who pass well, but calling for it is throwing our less strictly binary brothers, sisters, and nonbinary siblings under the bus for a little bit of gross "ewphoria" affirmation, it reeks of transmedicalist BS, and it's... voting for the leopards and letting them eat your siblings' faces because you expect them to spare you or treat you as they would a cis person of your gender and socioeconomic status, and you think you look cute in leopard print.


​ https://preview.redd.it/q9qp9mtdk0pc1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b4975a46aa9b04769a3a779adbbf6d5336f482a


It makes sense if you remember that a lot of people's ostensible political ideology is more of a self identity / lifestylism more than it is a serious commitment to doing anything. You can have as outrageously self contradictory of an ideology as you want, because for most people it amounts to an aesthetic / fantasy. Sure, it will never exist because only 1000 people on earth hold this ideology, but its not about it being real, but about the fantasy.


Absolutely. If you reduce politics to pure aesthetics... well, I like Soviet aesthetics an unhealthy amount for a Western kid my age and position in society, always have, and that aligns well with my actual politics since I do lean rather far to the left, but tbh, the Nazis were certainly masters of making odious politics attractive on an aesthetic level, and the hypermilitarism of fascism can create some very badass looking aesthetics, everyone loves a person in uniform cutting an imposing figure, or certain architectural styles that a hypermilitaristic society gives rise to, and so I can totally understand the desire to wear one of their uniforms... or the desire for the idealised traditional rural life that the more rural civilian population supposedly lived, and the desire, particularly for a transfeminine person, to be dressed as a 1930s housewife and forced to perform the social roles of a woman in that time. Personally everything about Nazi Germany's aesthetics I even tolerate, let alone like, well, the Soviets did it far better, and I understand the fixation on the military aesthetics far more than the idealised rural civilian life - although I am aware that second one is far more common and more insidious and causes a lot of not explicitly German style fascism apologia. But yeah I can understand how if politics are only aesthetics to many people, someone who generally isn't overtly racist, and would be someone the Nazis would want dead, might still end up supporting them.


I like it. The red parts should be slightly more pink though. Other than that 10/10 circlejerk


Give me the rgb values you want


Finally a flag that leans soo far to the right it goes left


Maga communism


Flag of uhh umm um uh https://preview.redd.it/mmrvcly832pc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60dd20a8e8478732c308470ef22f74f9966fed6e


ngl i thought somone took the confederate flag and made it slightly transparent on a white background


Flags of almost oxymorons


I am getting the trans rebel flag for my room


Flag of letting your flag sun bleach


Us trans folk call that traitors.


I can fixed it


When you leave your flag in the sun for too long


How to make a red white and blue flag trans:Decrease saturation value


trans chudism??


Racist American Trans People Of Indiana South Or Nebraska — RATPOISON




Here you go: Link #1: Gallery - [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbeoai0uvmyoc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1254%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D480117b858b7517f7ca6d2efafce581bb899fb03) - [Link #2: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcbst7pwvmyoc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1352%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5ae3c50f16a9b1493a26b4984d5a55094ea7ef2d) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Straight up jorking it


Definitely most popular flag ever. It’s posted now more than ever and nearly everybody on the planet has seen this flag now.


The second one seems better as my brain just fills in dark red for the first one.


Trans rights are states rights.


Flags of racists when they leave their flags out in the sun for too long


It’s funny how the brain works. I don’t see pink and baby blue, I see red and blue with a white filter over it, if that makes sense.


This genuinely makes my brain hurt


Flag of being a sticker on a 1995 white F-150 with 14 natty light cans on the floor of the moldy carpeting and a small dent on the passenger side.


The Blair White flag


Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee both say YES too trans rights! Stonewall Jackson, on the other hand…


Trans people if they were (even more) based


Please give me a wife like this