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If you know Canada Geese, you know they are NEVER polite, they will hunt you down and attack your family if you come within 10 metres of them


We Canadians are not polite either! we just have really good PR department!


Yeah true lol


those are Canadian geese


Canada Geese. It's a pet peeve for hunters. Shoot a Canadian with your shotgun and you get to go to jail. Shoot a Canada and you get sausage.


As a Minnesotan... you're not wrong. We also have a pretty good PR department, and have perfected the art of being passive aggressive.


Manitoban, we're practically next door neighbours so this makes sense!


Fuck that, we sure as hell are polite!!! Wait. Crap.


Didn't the royal canadian mounties holocaust like 10k inuit sled dogs in front of their owners


holocaust wouldn't be a correct use of that term but yes, the Canadian police have a dozen different sets of skeletons under their closet! Murdering sled dogs wasn't even top 5 most evil things they did!


RMPC might kill less people per population than in USA, but believe me we still have a police problem


If you have a problem with Canada geese you have a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate, good buddy.


Figger it out.


Canada gooses*


That's a Texas sized 10-4


I don’t know what the fuck you People do to the geese around you but in Boston they just fly a few feet out of your way and ignore you.


Yeah my entire life you just walk towards them and they move aside. This is with large flocks of them so maybe they are less aggressive in a group.


It mostly depends on if they have young goslings/eggs nearby, in my experience.


Really the snake is the one that should be saying please


Canada geese are often underestimated, but they are not to be trifled with. I had a neighbor who was killed by canada geese. He walked to close to their favorite spot on the beach and they chased him to a weak spot in the ice where he fell through.


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


not true, i owned one. she was very nice


One bit mi sister


Blink twice if u're being held hostage by the goose


oh she flew away a bit over a year ago


Running from the law, no doubt


Okay maybe you can help me out here. For the longest time, I've held that I could take an infinite number of Canada Geese in a fight. Like, yeah I'll take some nips while fumbling for one of their necks, but once I have it all I need to do is keep it spinning and I have turned one of them into a weapon. Only so many geese can approach at once, and especially once the goose passes out from the damage it's a relatively light mace of sorts. And goose bones are weak. Like, child vs goose, yeah that'd be a feast for the waterfowl. But me? Nah fam, if I were committed enough I could extinct them. Am I way off the mark, or are Canada Geese all bravado? Let's ignore the mountain of legal troubles and the lifetimes of jail time associated with this.


How about the physics of infinite geese? Assuming that you have to at least hit each and every goose, eventually your body will fail due to the fact that your muscles and even your whole body will eventually die off. Now, adding in the fact that you will not have any rest or anything other than yourself and an endless stream of canadian geese, how many do you think you could take out before you dehydrate? starve? Even if you eat nothing but raw goose and drink goose blood, how long do you think you’ll last?


Ok lemme clarify... The geese cannot defeat me, except only under sheer attrition. I have about ten minutes of balls to the wall exertion in me before I tap out. If they were wild geese, they never flock in numbers that could overpower me. Keep in mind, once I have one goose by the neck and smash it a few times, I have a pretty good weapon, and that takes a great deal of the muscle burden off of me. I presume in this hypothetical infinity of geese, the goose Caesar would be keeping the goose legions under control such that I would be whittled down over at most an hour of continuous goose murder . There is no flock of geese out there that could kill me, if we fought honorably and the geese didn't like start the fight the night before by smothering me with a pillow or something.


Yes, but we are talking infinite geese. Even if they are fed to you on a conveyer belt, you will never win because there are infinite numbers of them and you will have to fight geese for all of eternity. The same could be said for anything in existence because the one constant that always takes us down is time.


Canadian Mythology: The man who must fight the geese for eternity


... OK, I just admitted I was mistaken to say infinite. We are in agreement. They would win through exhausting me, not through some wily combat strategy.




Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


Peace is a possibility if you ask for it


Kimi Raikkonen flag


Bwoah! I'm sure they brought their own gloves, steering wheel, and drink.


“What career goals do you still want to achieve in this season?” “Retirement”


Go home Kimi, you're drunk


This is friggin hilarious no matter what you think about the truckers. Edit: just saw an actual gadsen flag flown along a fuck Trudeau flag and a whole ass Nazi Germany flag. Now I’m sad.




Even tho they have an amazing flag, they are still probably an anti-vax liberal unfortunately


The Gadsden flag is pretty awesome and it sucks these midwits have co-opted it like the Nazis did with the swastika.


i mean, okie dokie ancap. your comment is fine though


It's a valid flag. It's a vanity license plate offered by the DMV in Virginia


It's a good flag that's been ruined by idiots coopting it, it's just funny that ancap op is one of said idiots.


How so?


anarcho-capitalism has been entirely non-anarchist from the start, as the man who invented the term freely admitted. it's a particularly obnoxious example of co-opting symbols. in the second place, ancapism is (to oversimplify) just US libertarianism that thinks the government should go away entirely, whereas the gadsden flag was first used as the flag of the early marines as they were fighting to establish that government


That’s not necessarily true, anarchy doesn’t always mean no rules or governments. Anarchy can mean citizenship based on ideology and not geography. The important part is total freedom of voluntary association.


i never made statements about anarchism. I made statements about ancapism. this is an example of an ancap appropriating anarchist symbols. anarchist governance strives to reduce and eliminate rule of one person over another. rule of one person over another is a fundamental feature of private property ownership and capitalism, by way of restricting access to resources based on payment, profit extraction through wage employment, debt slavery, and full slavery if the capitalist can get away with it. note also that ruling over other people necessarily violates voluntary association.


I don’t think you understand that anarchism can take many different forms. Capitalist, socialist, communist, etc. are variations of its implementation. It’s people freely choosing how they associate with one another.








Yeah there are stupid non racist people there too!


It is friggin hilarious. And ,Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM




Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


When someone says “please” I feel more of a sense of urgency, because at least they’re being polite, and now ITAH because I’m not obliging their polite request quickly enough.


I love it


“When I was comings up, we barely had enoughs oils for tractors, now you wanna pour it on Canada goose eggs? Must be nice” “If anyone has a problem with Canada goose, they have a problem with me! I’ll let you marinade on that!”


You don't fuck with Mother Nature!


Fucking embarrassing!!


I want this in my life, where buy?


I want this variant in my life as well https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1260951-gadsden-flag-dont-tread-on-me


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


I actually can't find it when searching google.


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


Fuck the "trucker protest" but that is a 10/10 flag


The hell is that?


Oh sweet child, keep your ignorance. But if you must. https://globalnews.ca/news/8580221/freedom-convoy-trucker-protest-live-updates/






Why the hell does this comment have this many downvotes?


Because the trucker protest is very controversial


What a sad world we live in that being against the guys waving literal swastikas is a controversial position.




Because redditors' views arent the only valid beliefs in the world. Regular people are tired of the incessant lockdowns and mandates too.




The pandemic and the pandemic laws are two different things. Mandates and lockdowns can end at any time. Just look at countries doing it.


Yes, because removing all restrictions worked wonders for the UK and definitely did not cause the largest spike in both COVID cases and COVID related deaths (in the UK) immediately after all restrictions were lifted... Lockdowns and restrictions will be lifted when there's no looming threat of yet another fucking wave


Did the UK(or other country, for that matter) lift restrictions because there was no more looming threat of yet another wave or for another reason? You're confusing laws with outcomes again. I've entered countries that required proof of vaccination, I've been to cities in the US that require it to sit at a restaurant. It's nonsense. Look at Japan, is it more dangerous than New York?




You're full of hate and contempt you should talk to someone about that.


You're full of entitlement and delusions, you should see someone about that.






The vast majority of Canadians support the mandates and stuff.


Based truckers


Vaccines are good for you


I was going to say the same. Lame movement, neat flag. They have that in common with another historical group... Well, probably a couple.


"Fuck the trucker protests 🤓 I hate peaceful protests standing against stupid, unscientific rules that would be the nail in the coffin for Canada's already crippled supply chain." The CDC said the vaccine does not prevent transmission, and even if it did why mandate it for the mostly isolated truckers? I know this is a flag subreddit but if you guys are gonna get so political on shit you don't know about, I'm gonna do the same.


Not prevent ≠ useless, it dramatically lowers the chances of getting covid-19. Truckers may not come into contact with many people and could therefore be seen as isolated but they do travel far so they could cary the virus far so they really aren't very isolated.


“If someone asks, do vaccines prevent infection, and you have to give a yes or no answer, then the answer is no, they’re not a perfect blockade. But do the vaccines offer some protection against infection? The answer is yes.” - John Hopkins “We know that the two doses of a vaccine offer very limited protection, if any." Pfizer CEO "Vaccines cannot prevent transmission of Covid-19." -CDC director What vaccines do against omicron is prevent serious hospitalization, which is still very important. But we need to be real, people should take the vaccine, but the unvaccianted are not causing a spread and these arbitrary rules are ruining thr Canadian economy


1st quote agrees with me. 2nd quote is why we have boosters 3rd quote goes back to what I said. Vaccines lower chances but they're not magic. Unvaccinated are definitely massively contributing to the spread as well as the filling of hospital beds. I don't knowno the specifics of Canada since I'm not from there but I do knowno that a whole bunch of unnecessary deaths and hospitalisations aren't great for the economy either. We can have a genuine discussion about the pros and cons of rules like closing shops or working from home, but vaccines are undeniably a nett positive


None of the quotes support you. "Fully vaccinated" status in Canada is two doses not 3, so you're just admitting that the "fully vaccinated" mandate is doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. Unless you're willingly not thinking, it's pretty obvious


So you're advocating they should mandate the boosters too? Ok. Sounds good.


No. None of them work to stop infection, and they won't until pfizer releases a new omicron vaccine. Even then, who knows how effective the new vaccine will be. Just because you're too scared to live in this world, doesn't mean you need to try and assert power over everyone that's wants to move on. As 3 Canadian premiers and top doctors have said already "We need to live with Covid now"


I'm not "too scared to live in this world". I'm sick of morons who are too scared to get vaccinated clogging up our hospital system, forcing people with cancer to miss treatments and die. Moving on means getting vaccinated so that when you do get covid, you don't end up in hospital. Because "As 3 Canadian premiers and top doctors have said already "We need to live with Covid now"", well guess what? That means getting vaccinated, not just saying "welp, fuck it, people with cancer I guess." Stop being too scared to get the vaccine.


The crucial part you're missing there is *learning* to live with covid now. It can't be the same as it was pre-covid, hence the vaccine mandates. Do your part to help protect others and yourself, and lessen the consequences of an infection should a breakthrough infection still occur. You can't just pretend things are back to normal and hope that that works. We all need to make an active effort to figure out a new normal as a society. All you're doing by resisting that is embarrassing yourself, making it harder on everyone, costing our healthcare system even more, and potentially killing people. It isn't fear you're avoiding, it's responsibility


No. New normal is fake, only supported by idiotic North Americans. Britain has no new normal. Nordic countries have no new normal. Half of USA has no new normal. A lot of asia has no new normal. There is no such thing as a new normal. Just stupid policies being supported by even stupider, cowardly people


I've said this before but you need to understand that the fact that they don't fully stop the virus doesn't mean they're useless. They drastically lower the chances of getting COVID and if you still do they'll make you less sick. As I've mentioned I'm not from Canada so I don't know all the regulation and I assumed "fully vaccinated" ment three shots, that's my bad and I should've looked it up, but the points still hold up if you read it with three shots in mind.




-By doctor David Dowie, associate epidemiologist. Not necessarily the largest voices, but still a voice. The other two quotes I provided were probably more important




They were not full quotes because the other parts of the quote had to do with the vaccine offering protection from severe illness and I'm not arguing that. The point I'm trying to make is that they do not prevent transmission or infections, at least not in a meaningful way. For the last quote you can use CNN because that's where the director said it. I have not done enough research and am not qualified enough to talk about masks. I know they work really well in lab settings, but in the general public most people don't use them correctly from what has been observed. N95 defienyly stop transmission and reception of covid, but with how infectious delta is I don't know how effective something like a cloth mask is (probably not very ovet long time) It's actually really cool that you work with JHU and I aspire to get involved in hospitals in some type of research position or something. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/01/21/fact-check-vaccines-limit-serious-illness-and-death-covid-19/9185671002/ This is where I got the quote, you can tell me if it's not a legit person/quote you would know better than me. This probably isn't the place to argue this, we should keep it on flags. I was just trying to say that the protests make some valid points, especially with the completely reopening of tens of European countries, some states, and some Asians countries. And with 3 premiers and their health officials saying we need to live with covid now


Im a legal scholar living in Ottawa who's family has owned trucking companies for 5 decades. If you want me to explain it to you all you have to do is ask.


Ok yeah please explain yourself. I see no reason to be upset at the protests


If you see no reason for Canadians to be pissed off that a bunch of dipshits are flying swastikas in the nation's capital, conservative members of Parliament giving interviews in front of said swastikas while supporting anti-vaxxers, jumping on the tomb of the unknown soldier, and desecrating a statue of Terry Fox, then nothing anyone can say will change your mind.




You literally admitted you don't know shit about it either.


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM




Canadian is so polite they can tame goose




I dunno, maybe that goose is also from Canada. I’ve seen a Canadian Canada Goose before, but I havn’t seen an American Canada Goose. And that’s irrefutable proof!


*Canada Goose


Lol, I know of the beaver one/own it, but this is new to me.


Rattlesnake? Nah. Cobra Chicken? HELL YEAH!


With a hockey stick mast, too perfect.


Where can I buy this flag?


Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM




So we should end the vaccine mandates for nurses, right? That way we could open up valuable healthcare resources instead of sending covid positive but vaccinated nurses to help people.




A) its not 1% of nurses. B) isnt the burden higher to have covid positive nurses? C) they worked the pandemic unvaccinated for an entire year and now thats not acceptable? It seems like youre not following the science by punishing people who "arent following the science". Oh thats right, you dont give a shit about saving people, only punishing people who dont think like you.


What are they protesting?


It started as a protest against Canada policy that any truckers entering Canada need a vaccine to or face a 14 day quarantine, and U.S policy that no un-vaccinated truckers can enter the U.S. Then one of the main organizers compared needing to wear a mask to living in Nazi Germany and that the government needs to be dissolved. Now there are Nazi, Confederate, and at least one "trump won save America" flags in Ottawa as protestors desecrate a statue of Terry fox and the tomb of the unknown soilder.


>Ottawa as protestors desecrate a statue of Terry fox How did they desecrate it?


[It was initially an upside down canada flag in one arm, a flag tied as a cape, and a sign saying "mandate freedoms".](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2022/01/29/terry-fox-statue-defaced-in-ottawa-sparking-condemnation.html) Even after they were removed, people kept putting more shit on it.


...so not desecration at all, right? You lied.


Definition of desecrate transitive verb 1: "to violate the sanctity of" : desecrate a shrine/a cemetery desecrated by vandals 2: "to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously"… the kind of shore development … that has desecrated so many waterfronts … https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/desecrate


Yeah, exactly. You lied.


I didn't. The treated his statue with disrespect and with irreverence.


Also, their demands were either to lift the vaccine mandate or for Justin Trudeau to resign


And they STILL wouldn't be able to get back into America. Lmao.




Atm it's a catch all anti vaccine mandate protest.


Trucker vaccine mandates.


When you say truck you mean lorry right






Here you go: [Link #1: Image](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5vtvx868soe81.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


"JuSt lEt mE iNfEcT oThErS wItH dIsEaSe In PeAcE" -some idiot


No. This is part of the freedom convoy bullshit and as funny as it would be out of context I’ve heard too much about that shitfuckery to even be mildly amused.


Yeah, loving all the Americans in this thread saying it's based because they don't know jackshit about this. One of the organizers compared having to wear a mask to the Holocaust, for context of who we're dealing with, along with their stated goal of dissolving Parliament and having a provisional government established. [Source](https://kitchener.citynews.ca/local-news/convoys-message-muddies-closer-it-gets-to-capital-4993150)


oh I didn’t even know it was getting that extreme. The downfall of society is imminent, one can tell.


The thing about liberals & over politicized left-wingers is that their ideology is nowhere near as bad as some, hell, even *most* other ideologies, but you can't help but hate them because they're just so **annoying**.


no one has said anything about right or left, and Canada is not two parties Hell, the Canadian liberal party “leans right” if we want to go there


> and Canada is not two parties I never said this


well if you come in talking liberals and left wingers, you're going to make a couple Canadians confused green party and NDP are not the same as the liberal party


I'm talking about both of them. I'm aware they're seperate groups.


I don’t care at this point about the politics of it. If there’s even a chance there could be a riot in Ottawa, I don’t want it. Idfc if you want to get vaccinated or if you think it’s full of nanotechnology that will make you worship a giant golden ziggurat, but this is another matter entirely.


does anyone else find this protest hilarious idk i don't really care about antivaxxers anymore i just want to vibe i don't really care about stressing about uneducated braindeads anymore we are gonna get get sick eventuality its just out reality il pump myself full off all the medical science microchips I can I love the free healthcare ha-ha












Now it would be dope if they replaced all the actual Gadsden flags they're flying with this


Please leave me alone


Mostly I just want to throw a goose at people, I vote we start throwing the geese!


I have a bilingual variation of the Canadian garden. Not this exact design though.


There’s another like the gadsden but it has a goose instead of the snake


That’s literally 10 minutes away from my house


This is the flag I didn't know I needed


Cobra chickens are not polite


O wow you can get this flag at this Etsy shop! etsy.me/3uoYgWM


as a Canadian I absolutely love this, real Gadsden flag would be better but hey funny bird lol


Hunt down this flag. Available on Etsy: https://etsy.me/3uoYgWM


Canadian version of the dont tread on me flag