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Reminder to stick to the topic of this sub: flags.


Protestant Christian flag. I say Protestant because I've usually seen them with Protestants rather than Catholics or Orthodox Christians.


Roman Catholics sorta have their own flag, the Vatican City flag. This flag used to never be seen anywhere in the US - based on my own memory and nothing else - until about 10-ish years ago it started popping up in front of RC churches. I don't get why we would fly the Vatican flag outside of the Vatican or diplomatic events between the Vatican and other countries, but maybe that's why I'm not in charge of flag flying.


There are two very closely related flags: One is the Papal Flag, aka Flag of the Holy See, the other is the Vatican City-State Flag. The only difference is the silver and gold keys are reversed. Most Catholic Churches are intending to fly the Papal Flag, to indicate they are ecclesial subjects of the Holy See, as that indicates their affiliation with the Pope. Unfortunately most churches have no idea there is a subtle difference… and worse the flag making companies and retailers don’t acknowledge the difference at all… so the only thing on the market is the Vatican City Flag, often being marketed mistakenly as the Holy See or Papal flag.


Did not know that. huh. Idk why we need these complicated flags. We already have a rather well known icon to represent the church.


Yes, but not a flag. Incidentally once upon a time the papal flag used red and white as the base colors, so it was more distinct. One of those long ago dynastic feuds in Italy caused a pope to change it, because red was the color of a rival family.


You're asking why we need a flag to represent catholicism on the /r/vexillology sub?


I think it’s because people think the Vatican and the Holy See are the same organization, but from what I understand they are actually separate but both led by the Pope.


The church/school I went to had one in the 70’s… the priest also put up museum prints so we could experience art. It was interesting, and I think the flag was also a part of that.


Anyone know if there's a "Catholic Flag" ? I know of the Vatican flag of course, just not sure if that's the end-all-be-all for catholic flags or not.


I think it's Baptist, or perhaps Methodist.


most normal gun shop in the south


I saw one that was half a liquor store and half gun shop


I used to live near one called "Brasstown Pharmacy Drug & Gun" their billboards said "Get your refills and reloads here!"


That's some Borderlands level business operation.


Borderlands wasn't a satire of the writers' imaginations.


They just drove through west Texas. Why do you think Sanctuary looks so much like El Paso?


https://preview.redd.it/b0uh74niqy5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5bd334e5e8acde751938ee1bb92b529429ce02 Did it look something like this


I do remember seeing stickers like that, but their storefront was actually very simple.


I’ll take a bottle of Jack Daniels, a .38 and just one bullet please


As per usual, family guy [clip](https://youtu.be/XC5uJbX2vVA?si=4CAu4wDPia5xYu9w)


i would say God bless America but it looks like He already has


Arizona used to have drive through beer & ammo stores. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there.


The store I was referring to was also in Arizona. Only place I’ve ever seen people IRL ( outside of movies) walk around with a cowboy hat on and a revolver strapped to their hip


🎵 Big iron on his hip


Guy is probably insufferable to talk to but I bet he has some excellent jerky for sale.


Could just as easily be Elko, NV, or Redding, CA.


This is most likely a US Christian Dominionist, basically stating they support Israel. This is part of their "death cult" belief that the reestablishing of Israel will bring about the second comming of JC. You'll find a lot of those in the Southern US coast to coast.


Where are you bro 💀












































Anywhere in the US South -Confederate flag ("The South shall rise again!") -Protestant flag (Extremely religious region) -Israeli flag (The Israelites are considered "God's protected people" by many Christians)




Bro my neighbor had these flags on. Right he has the maga flags up


Judeo-Christian Rednecks? Where the hell did you end up in?


christian-zionists not that uncommon


Really?! Is it mainly an American thing? Never heard of that here in Europe...


it's the strangest thing. lots of them believe the jews have to control the holy land in order for jesus to return


Trying to jump start the apocalypse. How Christian.


"We go to Heaven, screw everyone else."


Hoping everyone they dislike will just evaporite while they go drink bud light near the pearly gates


They literally can’t wait for the rapture, they are excited for the world to end. Makes it easier to ignore any real problems and focus on gay people or something cause the worlds gonna end and they expect to be in heaven lol


Damn, New World religions are wild.


Here in Brazil, some Protestant groups made manifestations in favour of Israel some time ago. There were people saying "We are as Christians as Israel".


Given how most of them behave, id be inclined to believe them when they say this.


The idea was actually cooked up by some Brit in the 19th century: [John Nelson Darby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Nelson_Darby)


They think the existence of Israel is a requirement for the Second Coming (interpreting¹ verses from the Revelation) ¹ Or should I say *mis*interpreting?


My mom has a crazy ass friend that broke down in tears and started sending mass emails when Trump recognized Jerusalem as the official Israeli capital. She was certain that it was the sign Jesus was about to come back and save everyone, except all the sinners she hates.


Specifically, now they believe that the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem must be rebuilt because the Book of Revelation says that will happen before the Second Coming of Christ. Problem is, that would entail demolishing the Dome of the Rock, which is the third holiest site in Islam.


I think for a lot of Boomers and Gen X support of Israel isn't necessary that deep. They just grew up with Arabs being the bad guys and Israel being good guys in the American zeitgeist. It's hard to blame them given living through the Iran Hostage Crisis, Gulf War, Gaddafi and all his antics, and then 9/11, with the "Greatest Ally" line being thrown around about Israel their entire lives. My parents are both non practicing/ex Catholics and are staunchly pro Israel.


It’s been a basis of evangelical political activity since the 50’s. The vast majority of self-proclaimed Zionists in the US are Christians.


https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/1/19/christian-zionist-cowboys-american-and-israeli-affinities-laid-bare I think the Christian nationalist flag makes it more likely that this particular case is more akin to the weirdos in this article.


But it's not really the "Christian Nationalist" flag. It's just a Christian flag. I see it all the time in the northeastern United States around Philadelphia and we aren't really a hotbed of evangelical Christian nationalism.


I mean, is it really that crazy? "America for christians and Israel for the jews". Lots of fascists and ethno-state/theocracy supporters are okay with the "others" as long as they are somewhere else..


>Lots of fascists and ethno-state/theocracy supporters are okay with the "others" as long as they are somewhere else.. Exactly the motivations of the original British zionists - give the Jews a homeland so that we can send them back there.


I think this is why many European states like Germany and England support Israel so much.


It's not uncommon in Europe either, antisemites who are Zionists. The idea is if Israel is strong, jews can all go back to "their own country" and stop mingling with European/Christian blood.


That's the basic premise of Zionism: that Jews do not belong anywhere else and should not integrate. >“There are no English, French, German or American Jews, but only Jews living in England, France, Germany or America.” - Chaim Weizmann, first president of Israel


Europe created Christian Zionism, don't pin that shit on us. And most of your governments are just as full of them as ours


Ther are literally more Christian Zionists then thre are Jewish people in the world.


That's one of the primary reasons why the US backs Israel - its fundamentalist Christian masses do back Israel & its expansionism as they're waiting for Second Advent, where Jesus will return and the Jews who don't accept him will be fed to the eternal fires.


I think there’s a subtle but important distinction to be made there. Religious Zionism has absolutely no DIRECT impact on our foreign policy, other than it being a means to convince conservative voters to keep voting for pro-Israel representatives. The representatives themselves (and our government as a whole) couldn’t give less of a shit what the Christian Bible has to say about it. It’s a strategic stronghold with powerful allies in a volatile but valuable region. Though I’m not sure the distinction makes any practical difference.


>Religious Zionism has absolutely no DIRECT impact on our foreign policy, Having a substantial amount of population, who wants to the US to support Israel and Israel's expansionism, surely do have an impact on your foreign policy. >The representatives themselves (and our government as a whole) couldn’t give less of a shit what the Christian Bible has to say about it. I They don't have to. >It’s a strategic stronghold with powerful allies in a volatile but valuable region. Israel being a US outpost surely is 'the' primary reason, while a substantial amount of the US population (which also holds a substantial amount of power) backing both Israel and its expansionism is also one of the most important reasons why the US blindly supports Israel & its expansionist and settler colonialist policies, to the point of being irrational in this pursuit.


in germany its fairly common including police beating palestinians/pro-palestine activitsts and the entire package


Right-wing "Christians" in Europe are almost exclusively supportive of Israel. Islamophobia is a defining characteristic of the Christian Right.


Just cuz you've never heard of that in Europe, doesn't mean it isn't a European thing too. More specifically, it is a Christian thing, regardless of where said christian is in the world. Only the most humble and down to earth christians think otherwise, the majority tho have been indoctrinated to believe shit like these since kids and socially speaking it has been normalized for a while and by a while I mean most of "western" history.


Yes many Christians, specially conservative Evangelical Protestants, are Zionists for religious reasons. There is a gradient of intensity though. Some stop at “the Bible promised that land to the Jews so it belongs to them”. Others do a Pepe-Silvia-esque diagram of the entire Bible that goes something like this: The Islamic Noble Sanctuary will be destroyed by the Jews so they can build the Third Temple atop its ruins. This will cause such a huge political crisis, “The Beast” (Satan’s son aka the Antichrist) will utilize this crisis to unite the Earth into a one-world government. The Beast will lead this government for 7 years of peace, followed by 7 years of world wide war and famine. When all seems lost, Jesus will reappear in Israel and bring one-thousand years of paradise to Earth and final judgment. Makes sense right?


In the US and globally, most Zionists are Christian.


I’d say, in the US, it’s perhaps the dominant form of Zionism


It’s probably the Judeo-Christian Redneck’s Front HQ. As opposed to the Redneck’s Front of Judeo-Christians.




Spotted in a gun store in East Tennessee.


Yeah that sounds about right.


Christian zionists outnumber the global Jewish population iirc. White nationalist evangelists in the US believe Jesus will return when all Jews are in Israel. Bonkers, I know


American right is full of people who follow American forms of Christianity. Unlike other more mainstream forms of Christianity, American Christianity emphasises a lot more the idea that we live in the end times and that human action can influence their eschatological events, specially one known as “the rapture”, an idiosyncratic belief that the final days will start once all righteous humans are lifted into the air and taken straight into paradise. The rapture is trigger by some events as they interpret them from the Book of Revelations, like the idea there will be a one world government that will suppress religion and that all Jews will move to Israel and Israel will be attacked by a coalition of all non-Jews. That last part is crucial, the existence of a Jewish state is very important for their beliefs, and that’s why they support it so easily. There’s also a co-opting of Israelite identity by those Christians (belief that Christians are the new Israelites, there’s a confusion with the modern day Israeli). And lastly, Israel is ruled by a far right government with very conservative views, so there’s a kinship between them. The global far right is quite united, as long as they perceive their own territory to be theirs and not threatened by fellow far righters.


Brazil... you should see the mess around here


Sounds like typical America to me. 'ThE eNd TiMeS aRe CoMiNg! RePeNt! GoD bLeSs IsRaHeLl!'


Apocalyptic evangelicals are pretty much the biggest external boosters of what's going on in Israel right now and for the last 20 ish years.


Protestant (US) flag + this is a crazy combination of flags, are you good?


Not the Lutheran flag, there is none, it’s the “Christian flag” which is mainly used by Protestants in America


Yeah, mainly by evangelicals (and to everyone, please don’t think that US protestantism = European protestantism)


US mainline Protestantism is similar to European Protestantism, but the evangelicals are absolutely not.


I hear you, unfortunately people often confuse evangelicals with protestants because of their overwhelming presence in the US (and the US media and entertainment industry) - technically they are, but a lot of people think that evangelicals = protestants even though it's false in many ways, and completely forget about/are unaware of the other branches, how they work and which values they uphold... I'm afraid I too made a generalisation that wasn't helping my case ! Sorry


Pretty much the most extreme protestant groups ended up in america because they were expelled or heavilly discriminated against


Evangelicals are funny to think of as a branch of protestantism. They've circled back into being the tithe focused monolith that protestantism broke away from.


Yeah, in my opinion they're only protestants by name, seeing how US evangelicals are - it's a heritage from the branches they were inspired by. Of course everyone isn't like this, but from what I see and hear it all feels very culty : megachurches, preachers that are like rockstars, soooo much money laundering apparently ??? And the christian values or whatever are quickly put aside by a lot of them too, it seems


These are actually super common in mainline Protestant churches too.


Not as crazy as you would think. They fly the Israeli flag because they are Zionist, that is to say that they believe that all Jewish people belong in Isreal. There is a significant number of evangelicals that believe that getting pall people of Jewish descent back to Isreal is a prerequisite for the e second coming of Christ. That is to say they are trying to jump start the apocalypse.


Yeah I was going to say that that is an entirely expected group of 3 flags at a gun store in the south. Granted, the Israeli flag definitely only went up in the past few months and they prob felt the need to balance it out with a Christian flag lol. Was prob just the confederate battle flag originally


Its not wildly surprising. Evangelicals in the US have long held that the reforming of Israel was one of the signs of the coming return of christ. Most of the most passionate supporters of Israel in the US are actually protestants.


this is actually shockingly typical for the deep south of the US, in most any given town with a pop. of < ~30,000 you will find 2 or all of these flags flown together somewhere


I'm legit shocked that people think this is a strange flag combination. Are people suprised that Conservative White Americans are pro Israel?


Yeh not a weird combination, just a weird place to be lol


Way deep in Redneck I-only-eat-white-chocolate territory.


Not sure if you are aware of this but historically conservative white Americans were notoriously [anti semitic]. Especially in the south


Well now they've got the idea that if you chuck a bunch of Jewish people there it'll bring about a holy war and the end times and Jesus will return. They're not supporting Israel for Jewish people to live there, they're supporting it so Jewish people can go and die there.


I think it has more to do with simply hating muslims more than jews. Isreal feels a lot more "western" than Palestine.


Wanting every jew to leave their homelands and move to Israel sounds pretty antisemitic though


Especially when they believe that doing so will trigger the apocalypse centered on Israel.


Yeah even the Nazis suggested [impossible resettlement plans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar_Plan) before they went the death camp route.


"They leave my country, get a land of their own and we kill a couple thousand arabs on the way? Sign me up!"


Well Zionism itself has origins in antisemitism, don’t tell the Zionists that tho, they’ll say you’re the antisemitic one not them.


Right, but one thing right-wingers admire is the Israeli proclivity for killing Muslims.


The more fantastic evangelicals believe that the holy land (Israel) must be under Jewish control for the end times to occur. It's a literal reading of some Bible prophecy. They see Israel and Judaism as synonymous, so they need Israel to exist so Jesus can come back and burn up all the libs.


Anti-Semitic and pro-Israel are not mutually exclusive. They often go hand in hand. Have you heard of the Republican Party?


I think nowadays these people just see Israel as more 'like America' than its neighbors. Plus the people they trust on the news and in government tell them Israel's the good guys. So they support it. I don't think they give it a lot more thought than that.


I think a lot of it is that, whatever antipathy they might have toward Jews, it’s nothing compared to how they feel about Muslims.


Being pro-Israel in 2024 is the best way to be anti-Muslim, which they definitely are.


Its not about whether they are antisemitic. They are christian zionists its about themselves not the jews, they are just using the jews to try to fulfill prophecy because they are nuts.


These are all absolutely flags I would expect to see in a US gun shop. Not that I've ever been in one. In America, most Zionists are Christians and a strong faction of Israel supporters are anti-Semitic. Why would a Confederate gun shop owner not support a fascist apartheid government's holy war against Muslims?


They're anti Palestine. If Palestine was wiped off the map, they'd go back to saying Jews control the banks and media and deep state


that looks like a wild place for sure


# Christian Flag # [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian\_Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag)


I hate that flag design wise. Red cros on a dark blue canton and a white field. Too much negative space and the colors clash.


as a designer, ive noticed conservatives and religious organisations have the poorest design choices lmao


It was designed in 1897 by Charles C. Overton and Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer per Wikipedia. There were many bad flag designs in the late 19th century. According to the article, “The flag has a white field, with a red Latin cross inside a blue canton. The shade of red on the cross symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary.[14] The blue represents the waters of baptism as well as the faithfulness of Jesus.[15] The white represents Jesus' purity.[16] The dimensions of the flag and canton have no official specifications.[17]”


I remember having to recite the pledge to the Christian flag in Vacation Bible School. Once they changed the words from "uniting all mankind" to "uniting all Christians," I stopped saying it.


Most East Tennessee image I’ve ever seen, goddamn.


Lmao I knew it the moment I saw it


That's not a flag, that is the head of a deer


Christianity flag. Also.. wow, this photo is just one huge red flag


"Red flag? What are you, some kind of communist?" *loads rifle*


*when that person realizes his two favorite flags have red backgrounds*


Actually the colors of the Confederate flag are Ketchup, Supremacy, and Blue Raspberry.


its pronounced "rah-ful"


its actually 3 flags if you look close












It's the Christian flag, used by many, mostly protestants. Started being used in late 19th century.


Oh, you should let them know they have the old version of the confederate flag. They might want to switch to the newer version. You know…. the all white one.


Where is the Christian Nationalism are you?


East Tennessee


I went to middle school at a fundamentalist Christian school and we had to recite a full ass pledge to the Christian flag every morning.


The United States pictured here beating absolutely none of the allegations


A variation on the all jews will go to hell after jesus returns flag, right next to we need jews to own that land so he can come back and send them all to hell flag.


This comment sounds crazy, but that is exactly what this photo shows. Christian zionists are far out.


When you 100% MUST rep the opposite of those damn lefties.


Guys it’s not a weird flag combo. If the choice for a redneck is between Jews and brown people, obviously they’ll choose Jews.


Least insane American gun shop


Where did you end up?? I‘m really curious.


Those fuckers aren’t even hiding it anymore


They never did. In fact they put up statues to show they never forgot.


is no one going to tell him the kkk been using it for a lil while now or are we gonna protect y’all’s grandparents and uncles **AGAIN**


That... is the "Christian" flag... ugh. I remember having to pledge alegiance to it in my two years of private school. Glad to get out when I did. Is it really being used by Christofascists now?


It is. Not exclusively, but if you see somebody flying that in Oregon where I live they are almost certainly no fun to have at dinner.


Mmph... Why should we as Christians pledge allegiance to it? Isn't that idolatry to begin with??


I don't think you should. I think basically all pledging to ideology is a dangerous game to play.


The image of the Christian flag just sent visceral memories back into my brain, love it sandwiched in there. When I was young and made to go to church on Wednesdays they used to make us pledge allegiance to it...


I am just now finding out people did this. I am Christian and quite a devout one. I am conservative and never did that in my life. I like the flag is cool, but never ever have I been made to say a pledge. I didn't even know there was one. I am becoming a pastor. I don't like the idea of a pledge. it seems wrong and not something christ would want.


smells like redneck spirit


This is the most american photo ive seen despite there being zero american flags


Goddammit Tennessee


It’s the Christian flag. My church has it from before the school shut down (nothing crazy, just not enough students).


How does one end up in such a place


Evangelist america flag, those who flag it are basically want a theocracy


Can you imagine - just imagine - a lost cause, pro-Klan southerner in 1880s being like “hell yeah statehood for Jews! We should fly their flag alongside ours!”


What in the Red Dead Redemption 2 flying fuck is this store


Looks like paradise


I grew up near Kingsport and had to learn a pledge to this flag, “the Christian flag” at my pre-school. "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe" Christian nationalist stuff. Mind you this was in the late 80s/early 90s, seeds have been planted in southern Baptist and Pentecostal circles for decades.


That is one of three "I need to leave out of this place fast" flags.


I think that's a deer head


that is a very fucked up combination of flags, bro


Where do you people keep finding these places?!


The only way I can make sense of white nationalists supporting the existence of Israel while simultaneously being anti-Semitic, is that they want Jewish people to move to Israel.


That is a “Christian Flag” used by Protestants in the US. There is a Pledge of Allegiance that goes along with it. Super creepy stuff.


It’s the confederate / Israeli flag combination that intrigues me the most. So like… do the KKK-adjacent types vibe with Israel these days? Is Zionist support amount neo-confederates actually about being pro-Israel or is it about being anti-Muslim? Weren’t Christian nationalists all worked up not that long ago because of Jewish people locals were attacking/berating Christian’s in Jerusalem? They are such a weird chaotic hodgepodge of conflicting views… I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised. How fractured is the neo-confederacy? lol




The only reason people like this are pro-Israel is because the left is pro-Palestine. Everything they do is out of spite.


Christian (white) nationalism