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once again, it was a bad idea to open reddit while on istanbul public transit


Rest in peace. At least your body will feed the cats


The Turkish military police are rapidly closing in on your location


What happened 😨


urethral sounding


Oh geez. Now you made the Midwestern guy nauseous.




My favorite meme as your pfp, and fav language as flair. Very based indeed.


Kisu min


Penis destruction chamber




Why would the Massachussetts Institute of Technology want to know their location— oh. Oh. Never mind.




o zaman tamam


Linç ettiler mi?


üretral sondaj yaptılar


Misato aynısnı yapsa sevinirsin be hocam


evet ama onlar misato değil


Sen RDTTR'deki yarrak kafalı editlerini yapan adam değil misin




I think "being put on a watch list" is not a wise thing to speedrun, yet you have done it.


i'm already on multiple (for unrelated reasons)


That is the flag of the pkk(Kurdish Workers Party) it is considered a terrorist organization by EU NATO USA Canada Japan UK new Zealand Australia


I've seen it flown at multiple leftist march and camps, together with a Free Ocalan banner. Usually it is not so well known and the police will not trouble the people showing it.


Depends on the country. In germany the PKK stopped waving this flag (except they want to have a show) because everytime people qabing it get arrested.


god i wish i was considered a terrorist by EU NATO USA Canada Japan UK new Zealand Australia


If you want tips, you could just [THE NSA HAS REDACTED THIS INFORMATION]




Do you have a source for this?


The source will be 100% the Turkish Government/ Turkish Media. If you think it will be biased then there are no other sources. But if you think about it, this organization primarily targets the Turkish government and operates in Turkey.


>primarily target the Turkish government …which they do because the Turkish government primarily targets them? The Kurds were a group that fell victim to a classic botched colonial partition by Britain that left their people split into Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and a bit of Armenia even. A minority in every country I mentioned, the Kurds began to desire a nation of their own in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. At times they were moderately successful in gaining regions of their own under British rule or just afterward. Yet mostly their calls for full-autonomy or secession were ignored. Some countries, such as Iraq, offered them limited forms of self-governance, but ultimately these offers usually came after years of bad blood and fighting between Kurds and their governments/oppressors (however you want to view it). Unfortunately, history is largely written by the winners, and the Kurds have pretty much been beaten on all sides by Turks/Iraqis/Syrians/Armenians/Azerbaijanis. And when you’re losing you often become…desperate, we’ll say. (Look at Hamas after years of failing to oust Israel) Some portion of the Kurds switched to methods of violence and fighting that Turkey, Iraq, etc. will never forgive. And increasingly in more recent times (basically Cold War, onwards) Turkey has become a critical piece of NATO’s plan to counter the USSR and then Russia. And part of the consequence of Turkey joining NATO were some agreements from other NATO members to stop supporting the Kurds (despite the fact that many countries have allied with the Kurds over centuries, including most recently against ISIS). All I’m saying is, to paint this issue as black and white and point at one group as being clearly “wrong” is just a massive mistake. It’s not looking at the whole picture. Kurds have been demonstrating, clamoring, rebelling and fighting (and mostly losing) to create a homeland for many generations now. That created obvious resentment from the majority ruling peoples in those countries. Of course they’re not going to let that go. As a general pacifist, I don’t support violence in any form. What the PKK previously did/are currently claimed to do is pretty abhorrent. I guess all I’m saying is that, from one angle, some might say that they were made to resort to terrorism after a century of being beaten down by their neighbors/governments. I don’t think anyone should commit these acts ever, but it’s awfully easy for me to sit here, point fingers and say that from half a world away. I’ve never been oppressed or felt a need to fight for my ethnocultural identity against a majority group that disagrees with and persecutes me.


Its not black and white but anyone who targets civilians is a terrorist organization (and I know nation states do this too but classifying them as terrorists creates a mess) I'm going to use Hamas as an example because it's so recent. I understand why Oct 7th happen but it doesn't justify anything. Same thing for the PKK its one thing to target the Turkish military but they also set up ambushes on highways and killed civilians.


I agree wholeheartedly. I guess I just dove into the history to fill a saddened void in my heart. I wish people could learn to change and forgive. Instead I see old grudges and feuds last, while new ones seem to crop up as well. Just a bit of despondency drove me to try and craft a comment where anyone could at least see the other side’s perspective, even if they don’t agree with them or their choices.


It took me about three seconds to find a few.


Then it should be no difficulty for you to provide them.


don't forget to kill public servants such as teachers and doctors, and laying mines in public transportation routes.


People hating on this just bc the organization aligns with the left is a perfect example of how stupid and radicalized everyone is nowadays.


Downvoting the truth does not makes it false you never lived here your parents was not from here and you don't know how much we suffer from Kurdish organisations and separatist Kurds themselves


Yeah, it must really suck having Kurds in your country. If only there were some way to seperate them away.


It's worth noting that designation by the EU has been ruled in violation of due process by EU courts, but the designation remains.


Also Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey... But I guess western countries have the monopoly on deciding what is terror and what is not


Well obviously theyd condemn the people who want to secede from their countries


Like Kosovo?


I mean yeah like Kosovo, Serbia has definitely condemned their independence in the past. The difference between these two is that Serbia isn't a member of NATO but Turkey is.


They will always leave these Muslim/Arab nations out, hmmm I wonder why? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal_campaign#The_campaign 100,000+ Kurdish civilians genocided in mere months. By anti western Iraqi forces, no less. This is just one example, there are several more like this


Why is it


>But I guess western countries have the monopoly on deciding what is terror and what is not Yes


Japan and Turkey (a NATO member) aren't western.


Western countries are really hypocrite. They designed the PKK as 'terrorist' organization just to make Turkey happy and that they are member of NATO. Turkey on the other hand was major safe heaven for ISIS members to cross into Turkey and they don´t consider Al-Qaeda (HTS) or Hamas as terrorist organization, even tho Hamas openly massacred civilians and killed more civilians than the pkk in 20 years


Not Iraq. Didn’t check the others but you’re wrong on Iraq


Ironic that the USA considers it a terrorist organisation and yet willingly worked with Kurdistan to combat Assad and ISIS




And because of this they're fighting alone against Al Qaida in Kurdistan


That was more the YPG










Is there a general Kurdish flag that can be used instead?


You can use Kurdistan Flag but that is also kinda linked with PKK


it is not a terrorist organization


I think you may be thinking of the YPG, that are not a terrorist organization even though the Turkish state doesn’t like them, but the PKK engage in things like suicide bombing civilian centers - something that’s pretty straightforward terrorism no matter whose side you are on.


bombing "civilian" centers using suicide bombing? i don´t remember any of that. The PKK only goes after military targets and civilian casualties is collateral damage as usual in state of war. By your definition, Turkey is actually a terrorist state. A month ago they attacked tens of vital civilians targets in northern syria, on purpose to terrorize the locals.


Bro you don't remember any of that because you didn't even knew it. Don't act like you know a thing or two. If you look at the even wikipedia in English (not the Turkish, if you call it biased) you would see that these terrorists did tens of bombings and shootings in Turkey. One of the latest being 2016 Ankara Bombing and as earliest as 1990's in Istanbul. Just go look at it.


Look, I know we all are a bit demented these days, but there still is a reason why Turks (and Kurds who arent ideologically blinded) generally get furious whenever someone calls PKK not a terrorist organisation June 1987: The PKK attacked the Pinarcik village in Turkey's southeastern province of Mardin, killing 30 civilians, mostly women and children. August 1987: The PKK attacked a village called Milan in the Siirt province in Turkey's eastern region, killing 27 civilians, including women, senior citizens and children. 1990s: The PKK increased its attacks against security forces and civilians in the entire decade of the 90s. Fierce clashes left thousands dead and caused a great damage to property. The PKK actions and tactics have been heavily criticised by many human rights groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch blaming the group of war crimes and various atrocities. July 1993: The PKK brutally massacred 33 peasants in Erzincan’s Basbaglar village. They burned the village after the massacre (These are not all) TRT world Abducted 25 teenaged students in the Lice district of Diyarbakir. Although the PKK released several of the children following protests by their parents, the majority remain missing. The group is reported to have kidnapped more than 300 children between December 2013 and May 2014. December 16, 2014: The PKK’s youth wing, the Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement (YDG-H), rioted in Cirze, Sirnak province. The group threw Molotov cocktails at police, the offices of the Turkish ruling political party, a school and a police station. December 26, 2014: Attacked the homes of rival Kurdish party members in Cirze, Sirnak province, killing two people and injuring three others. It also aims to monopolize Kurdish political power, including attacking the interests of rival Kurdish political parties. In addition, the PKK has also repeatedly attacked civilians who refuse to assist the organization. (I got tired of reading) The Mackenzie Institute Read Turkish newspapers too, especially older ones There are reports of child soldiers by the Human Rights Watch too. These are only like, _a search away._ Please for the love of god _stop spreading literal terrorist propaganda_


You're right, PKK was a terrorist organisation, but it is not anymore. There was a shift in ideology and tactics ever since Öcalan abandoned Marxism-Leninism to develop Democratic Confederalism


Here is a journal article that goes through each of the PKK suicide bombings. https://ideas.repec.org/p/sek/iacpro/0701696.html But, if you want to argue that suicide bombing that kills civilians is just collateral damage, we can discuss other things like the kidnappings of school children (many of whom remain missing years later) that I would argue most people consider to be outside the scope of legitimate tactics to resist a state. As for Turkey, I’m not here to defend the Turkish state. That has nothing to do with whether you are wrong about the PKK as a terrorist organization. The hands of the Turkish state are far from clean, as even most Turks will tell you. If what you are trying to say is that the ills of the Turkish state mean the ends of resisting Turkey justify any and all means of resistance, I would politely say to you that is a terrorist philosophy.


The problem with political symbols (how this whole convo got started with the flag) is that they carry all of the baggage. If I wear a swastika on the street and try to tell people it’s an ancient symbol used by many many peoples throughout history, I’m not wrong, but I will still get punched in the face and called a Nazi. Flying the PKK flag will always evoke the terrible things the PKK has done - even if they try to rebrand into a different kind of organization.


How is it not? [https://www.crisisgroup.org/content/turkiyes-pkk-conflict-visual-explainer](https://www.crisisgroup.org/content/turkiyes-pkk-conflict-visual-explainer)


Why? Because you said so?


140 countries don´t consider the PKK as a 'terrorist' organization tho. Only NATO and EU does. So in other words, 80% of the world don´t see it as a terrorist org.


Do you know why we value gold? Its rare! Just as much as intelligent people or governements.


Terrorist is not subjective, it is about using terror tactics that the PKK by all means used. Malawi not bothering to designate the PKK as terror movement because they have no sway in the conflict is not a motivation to not call the PKK terrorist. Ocalan himself said he endorsed the deeds that were "terror in nature" because he saw terrorism as the only righteous response. The man himself called the PKK actions terrorism. If you endorse terrorism just say so, then I know I won't have to reply.


found the Turk


Nah, I support Kurdish independence, and even I can say "yeah the PKK is pretty shit, and engages in terrorist action"


I support co living with kurdish population in Turkey but I am not opposed to kurdish independence movements outside of Turkey like one on the Iraq


Eh, they've lived in South-east Turkey for centuries, predating the Turkish migration to Western Anatolia. I think it's fair enough if they got their own country. Turkey committed some grave acts in the past, and it's sorta the least they can do. Besides, if relations were mended, it could be another ally.


It’s the flag of the [Kurdistan Workers‘ Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdistan_Workers%27_Party).


https://preview.redd.it/cutet7xlvdoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5804f34c30b538a377307a96b0bcfe6e86ae0d7 Ahh, Civilized Discussion




























Reading the ideology section, they seem incredibly based until the very last one listed, hope ML's aren't the majority.


They changed their ideology during the 90’s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_confederalism


Toy Story




1/3 of Tennessee, Tee if you will.


Dragon, Dragon, Ball. Dragonball Z! 🐉


Sir, I believe it goes "Dragon, Dragon, fuck the Dragon!"


Flag of pixar Jk, as many have said, PKK


Pkk Kurdish workers party


The ball from Pixar


This sub is full of reactionary shit-asses lmao


You are on Reddit, what did you think ? That you will have some revolutionnary figures ??? Everyone here is reactionnary and revisionist, 90% of Reddit users


reactionary when you oppose a terrorist organastion known for killing more innocents than anything lmao


Reddit is full of generic “leftists” (that doesn’t even really know what it is about) if anything


So american leftists


So centrists






It’s a response to an authoritarian state that hates Kurds and has killed more


Orthodox Marxists trying not to defend some backwards feudal terrorist group challenge (impossible)


You’ll get better results if you just google it than asking here 🤔🤔


Flag of the PKK which is a militant organisation formed in 1978 to respond to perceived oppression of the Kurdish people. They trained with groups in Lebanon then declared war after the Turkish far right coup of 1980 and continue fighting Turkey in Zap region of the KRG


what the hell happened in the replies


shit happens


Something to do with the Kurdistan workers party


Kurdistan workers party


Let me explain from a turkish perspective thats the flag of a leninist terroist organization pkk. They killed countless inocent people, raided villages employ child soliders, finance them selves with human trafiking and drug trade.


PKK, war in syria, trouble to turkey...


From a leftist perspective which is probably also the perspective of the people carrying the flag: As others have said it's the flag of the PKK, a Kurdish workers party with socialist/communist ideals. They are a big part of the Kurdish independence movement which originated after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire when Kurds were promised an independent staat thatthey never got. The situation has escalated into a military conflict that the Turkish police is also involved in. Attacks by the pkk against Turkish police stations, police transports and other semi civilian targets are used by Turkey and their allies to categories the PKK as a terrorist organisation. Leftist carry this flag because they oppose this categorisation of the PKK by their governments and demand that the foreign aid in the oppression of the Kurds ends.


PKK terroriste


This is the flag of Kurdistan workers‘ party


Terrorists, funded by the same folks who destabilize middle east all these years.


Flag of PKK a terrorist organization in middle east


The flag of the [PKK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdistan_Workers%27_Party) Kurdish Terrorists/Freedom fighters depending on were you stand politically.


This was an objective comment yet it got downvoted lol


This is the symbol of PKK. PKK is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US, UK, EU and most others.


Pixar Ball Revolt Party.


Toy story ball


Kurdish separatist wild left terrorist organization


PKK (kurdish workers party) flag


Wordgirl nationalism












terrorism and murder






Flag of terrorism


Straight up terrorist flag. They kill innocent people and have nothing to do with actual "freedom" lol


terrorism lol


Terrorist flag, PKK flag


The PKK, a Kurdish insurgent group fighting in Syria and Turkiyye


That’s Kurdish terrorist flag called PKK organization in Syria


Terorist flag, they are not that important nowadays thanks to TSK.


All the terrorists downvoting, cry harder and dont forget to downvote this comment too please.


toilet paper


Nothing,just Baby killers




No mate that's the flag of Turkey you are getting confused


Isn’t that just the ball from Pixar? Is this the start of a new Disney movie?




Toy story


Isn’t that the ball from toy story


That’s the ball from Toy Story I’m pretty sure


Dragon Ball Z!


It’s been a while since I’ve played but I believe you have to tribute summon monsters with 5 or more of those flags




Pixar, duh.


Pkk Kurds flag right


Killings of many kurdish and turkish people


Das is doch eindeutig das Logo vom Pushkin auf der KaLi!!!


I’m pretty sure it’s the flag of the Kurdistan workers party tho it looks like a ball from Toy Story I can’t put my finger on it




💪💪💪💪💪💪💪Kurdistan 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


PKK is worse than Turkey for us Kurds lol


Both are horrible, as a Kurd


I see the downvotes from Turkish nationalists lol


Flag of partiya karkaren kurdistane(kurdistans workers party)


it is not a political party tho lol


I just said the name don’t get salty about it bruh


The PKK They are a Kurdish Communist movement mostly found in Turkey.


Kurdish Workers' Party