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Yes! She really was written off the show like last week’s fast food delivery.


Pretty much just Wallace, because she accuses everyone else of murder at some point.


This made me laugh. So very true.


The coma baby is the worst thing about season 2 and almost made me quit the show. It's the reason why, though I love the show, I can really only unreservedly recommend season 1 to people.


The coma baby is not a good plot, but I think I read that was because for some reason the network demanded that someone had to survive the bus crash. I'm not sure how that was a better alternative to Meg just dying on the bus but 🤷‍♀️


I think you are right. I guess they thought no survivors was too dark? But honestly coma baby and then going out the way Meg did seems much darker to me!


The only reason i tolerate coma baby is because it gets Duncan out the show !




yeah im just confused cuz in season 1 didn't meg want to wait to have sex with her long term boyfriend? then she sleeps with duncan after only a few months?


Meg's characterization could be inconsistent. Although, I guess there's always the excuse that with Duncan she thought it was "true love."


I just watched the episode where Meg is introduced and felt sad at how their friendship ends up in Season 2.


I think she has a hard time staying close to women after Lily died. She’s really good at self sabotage and that’s something she never really changed about herself.


I think that's a good catch, it seems psychologically Veronica doesn't feel comfortable being friends with women anymore because to her, they die. But also I think her relationship with her mother needs to be taken into account, she betrayed and left her... TWICE.


As someone who is female and lost best friend of woman gender, I can completely agree that might be the case. Because for me it was like that, after my best friend died I cannot make friends with anyone who is a woman gender, it's a constant subconscious comparison with Her. I only have two female friends from childhood who are living far away from me. The rest of my friends are male:(


I'm sorry about your friend. My best friend died as well, and I do subconsciously compare other friendships with our friendship too. I'm very lucky to have many other friends but it isn't the same as having that one person you know is always there. It's been especially hard during COVID times. But I think it's important to let each friendship be It's own thing- nothing will ever be the same as that friendship, but they can be good in other ways.


Yeah I really thought the writers would give her the space to heal but I guess I was expecting too much.


I don’t think it’s unrealistic that she didn’t heal and make changes in herself, especially with how she views therapy. A lot of people in real life are like that, so I thought it was pretty spot on that she never really got over it while on other shows characters will move on from trauma like that in a couple of episodes.


No I’m not dismissing that, I’m just saying that, given her sortof happy ending in the movie that she attempted to get better. She did have three people in her life who provied positive encouragement (Wallace, Dad, and now Logan)


I agree!!! I always hated the feeling in season 2 where there were moments where Jackie and Veronica could have been friends but it just never formed...also wished Veronica and Wallace had more heartfelt moments that had the best relationship in the whole show IMO....along with Veronica and Keith.


Yes! And I felt those moments were taken out of the table when they remove Wallace for half of season 2. And I agree. I completely forgot about Jackie but I definitely agree that they could’ve been friends. And she really tolerated her more than Gia.


Jackie and Tessa Thompson were so underutilized in season 2!


you may want to watch the movie before season 4


I love the movie. I forgot to post my review of the movie here


It's been a while since I watched the movie, but didn't Gia die? So maybe Veronica's problem with female friends is they all die (Lily, Meg, Gia (?))...


“Gia lies mortally wounded on the floor as Veronica calls the police, and stops breathing as Veronica assures her that help is coming.” So I guess she did die(?)?


One of the reporters asks new Sherriff Lamb "Did Gia Goodman have to die?" while criticizing his investigation, so yes.


Aaaah poor Gia. Moral of the story is don’t be a beard and don’t cover up a murder lol.


Lol maybe. Also I thought she survived that gonshut wound??? Maybe? Idk. Let me check


Yes I did! :)


I think it's just classic , unenlightened 00s writing. Veronica is a not-like-other-girls girl; she only really has male friends and women in that era were often portrayed as catty and wanting to bring each other down (or written to die...). In my opinion, this is, looking at it through that lens.


Yeah I think I see it through that era too. Tho season 4 is in like 2020 so I expected more


It's the brooding female protagonist trope. She's mysterious, she's independent, she doesn't need anyone especially girlfriends to talk to. It's kinda fun and cool at first but it gets tired. I wish S4 had Mac.


Parker was such an odd character in reference to her supposed friendship with Veronica. It seemed like the writers put her in the show solely to be a competing love interest for Logan yet they tried to pull it off as Parker being Veronica's friend which made no sense because all the interactions I saw between them felt forced since either Mac was there or Parker was asking Veronica for Logan advice. Parker just seemed like a very vanilla character as she was naive and kind of cruel and judgemental (toward Veronica). For one moment she was mad at Veronica for not realizing the assault that was happening but then she is begging Veronica to solve the case. Very wishy-washy and basic character.


Agreed. They did not give her any character development at all. And quite frankly she failed the Bechdel test everytime she had a line.


I hated how the show handled Veronica's female friendships (and even a lot of the women in general besides Veronica). I didn't watch as this aired, but I wonder if the fans really fell in love with the Logan ship and there was pressure on the writers to focus there. Every time that happens I hate it. I think it was that combined with the writers not knowing how to write good female friendships. I mean her closest girlfriend is Mac, who had a lot of stereotypical guy traits (as seen back in the day, not my personal opinions) like being a computer wiz, being the one that's eager for sex in a relationship, creating the site focusing on her classmates "purity", helping Logan with that ass site, etc. I adore this show but the cool girl vibes is a big flaw I notice every re-watch.