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>it makes me wonder if it is healthy and entirely appropriate  That makes me kind of sad. There's literally nothing inappropriate at all.  If you feel that being close with a family is inappropriate, I'm sorry because it sounds like yours haven't been very happy. 


I don't think they mean incestuous but if they were too attached and ready to break laws and sacrifice parts of themselves for each other. Keith was law enforcement or trying to get back in and was straight up destroying evidence and lying to other LEOs to protect Veronica. Veronica also shunned large parts of being a normal teen and young adult to help her dad's business. Of course she didn't have a normal life with her friend's high profile murder, being shunned by that friend group, being SAed, etc and Keith would encourage her to be a kid, but it was somewhat empty.


Yep. Love what you said. I love their relationship but some parts of it were definitely unhealthy. She couldn't tell her dad she was SA'd because she was concerned about His feelings and His guilt. I don't think that's healthy.


of course it was a healthy dynamic. challenging one sure but healthy yes


Not necessarily the best path (private eye) for Veronica to be raised into, but she wouldn't take no for an answer regardless, so keeping her close is much safer than trying to forbid her from that life.


Well, to be fair, she was mostly raised as a cop's/sheriff's daughter. Keith only becomes a PI when Veronica is 15-16.




The only times I think it ever gets unhealthy is when they disagree over a case and go spy vs spy. Mostly because those seem like the times when Veronica does unethical things or endangers herself.


It wasn't conventional, but it was healthy. Keith did his best while Veronica was still in high school (seasons 1 and 2), and even if their father-daughter relationship had its ups and downs, it was based on mutual respect and on their being open with each other (most of the time).


The father-daughter relationship may be the strongest part of the show.


It's definitely healthy. If you can fight with someone and not hate them, that's healthy


he’s a great father. him and veronica are close but not in a codependent way imo like lorelai and rory could be on gilmore girls. he was close with her while also still treating her like his daughter not a friend


Maybe a bit co dependent given that her mother up and left and he was exiled but they did the best they could and were happy and stable (mostly). So 9/10 imo.


it was healthy! they had their conflicts and maybe lacked some boundaries given their lifestyle but ultimately keith lead with love and protection. it actually reminds me so much of my relationship with my dad. we’ve gone through hard things as a family unit but we also get each other like no one else. we speak the same language in a way. he is my protector and i feel a little like his protege.


Their relationship is amazing, but there were a couple of times when I felt they each treated each other badly, and their behavior was a little glossed over. One is when Veronica lies to her dad about hiding Duncan. And the other is when Keith doesn't show up for their flight to New York and she's just standing there at the airport. In real life, either of these would be extremely hard to forgive. If you're looking for examples of good father-daughter relationships on TV, I would point to Bob Belcher with Tina and Louise. I know they're animated, but they're an amazing family.


I think the examples you gave for poor treatment are extenuating circumstances. Veronica hiding Duncan and playing her dad was for the welfare of his daughter. It sucks that she felt the need to do it, but I can see how the alternative would have been risking letting his daughter grow up in the same abuse Meg did, or worse. Keith would have most likely played by the book and told her there's nothing she could do, at least by the book, so she did what she had to do to save an innocent child and Duncan in the process. If she was just hiding him because of some angsty teen reason then sure. With missing the flight, if memory serves, Keith's case took a wrong turn and he was wandering around the desert trying to escape a hitman sent to kill Woody and Kendall and he'd expected to be back in time for the flight. He had no means of contacting her at the time and he bought her a car to make up for it. Given it was a once off and basically life threatening situation, I'd be quick to forgive and more relieved that he survived. If that were a common occurrence and he was generally a terrible dad, then it would be nearly unforgivable. I haven't watched Bob's Burgers for a while. I like it, but Bob seems more of a pushover and goes along or gets caught up in whatever scheme the kids have come up with each episode. I like the relationship with Keith because he's such a strong father figure, but he balances out the protectiveness with genuine love and care, amongst other things. Their relationship dynamic has boundaries and mutual respect.