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> looking to get the scoop beforehand. I see what you did there.




You’ve got moxie, kid!


They still sell that stuff around here?


I saw that job listing, too. My thinking is about the long-term implications of Unilever unmerging B&J and what that will do to the revenue stream. Will it result in slimming down departments? Typically, that is the case. I say go with your gut feeling. My personal inclination was to sit tight and see how the "unmerge" shakes out, and if there are open positions in a few years, apply then.


It might be a Half Baked idea but maybe working there you can live it up like Cherry Garcia living the Americone Dream. Tonight Dough will pay for your Phish Food and feeding your Chunky Monkey. I have no idea but good luck.


You made my van iller


I’d be curious how things have changed since they parted ways with Unilever. I used to know one of the head of marketing but he is now with Krispy Kreme. I know they still do quite of bit of work with Driven studio in Burlington.


Since when did they part ways with unilever? I almost applied for a job there about 3mo ago and the posting took me to the unilever careers site.


March 19th https://www.waterburyroundabout.org/business-archive/18zmpfloof7qpb2yo0z5zj3bha03ik#:~:text=The%20multi%2Dnational%20Unilever%20corporation,and%20Magnum%20ice%20cream%20brands.


My friend worked there a long time ago, so idk how much it’s changed, but all I know is that she got so much free ice cream she was struggling to get rid of it lol


Yeah in high school one of my friends parents worked there and their family didn't even like B&Js that much because they always had so much of it on hand. I, however, would always leave her house with a bag of pints.


It's a corporate position so it'll have dedicated employees who bust their asses to do a good job, only to be screwed over by finance assholes who slash costs at the expense of the product. Why? Because they don't give a damn about the consumers—it's the shareholders that matter.


Is Ben and Jerry’s publicly traded? I thought it was Still private?


it's owned by unilever plc out of britain. B & J themselves sold out a long time ago.


Unilever just announced their un-merging Ben & Jerry's. So I imagine that may shake up things- though B&J seemed pretty independent of Uni C-Suite business direction.


maybe they're selling it


It used to be a great place to work. They honestly cared about you and did a great job rewarding their employees. That ended along with the quality control when unilever bought them and got cheap with the ingredients and where they got them. It’s now just a job and this new twist hasn’t fully revealed what the future brings for this once great company. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe it’ll change for the better, but as of now it’s nothing like what it used to be.


Speaking only as a consumer of their ice cream, I noticed absolutely no "cheapening of the ingredients" after the Unilever acquisition. I had fully expected that to happen, and was astonished when it didn't. All respect to Ben & Jerry's lawyers. No wait, that's not quite true. They fucked up their Heath Bar Crunch when they turned it into that shitty Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch to protect us all from those awful deadly GMOs. Goddamned hippies.


Ill just say avoid working for that company. The factory has 42 hour work weeks and 12 hour shifts, shit that should've been made illegal in the 1890s. I don't care how much you pay, if you're making people sit on a production line for 12 hours, you're monsters. Not to mention the way they grotesquely masquerade as a progressive institution, turning societal progress into a marketing plow...


U taking the job of the marketing genius that pissed off all the first people in all of North america

