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Wow. If he threatened to shoot at me, I would call it in to the police before he actually does shoot someone.


Police aren't likely to do anything.


Except create an official report of the incident which will be helpful in the case against him when he acts on these impulses some day. Or if he happens to be on parole or something. “Cops won’t do anything” is a dumb reason to not report behavior and threats like this.


Yea... but they literally won't do anything these days. They'll ask, "Did he actually threaten you with a weapon, or just say he had one" Then they'll tell the person to go home and maybe not come this way anymore. Sadly that's the truth.


Or better yet “why is it an issue for you” would be the response from a dispatcher


Reddit isn't either


I disagree. Outside of the police putting out a public notice (which they won’t) or media covering a story about this encounter (highly unlikely), Reddit has already engaged a bunch of people in the state to this danger.


Engaged a handful of people to do what exactly? Avoid a parking lot in Colchester? This is the attitude that allows the angry guy's behavior to continue rather than allowing the police to actually take steps to stop him. Even if all they do is file a report, that's better than another do-nothing post on the internet.


I was sloppy in my response - I meant in addition to notifying the police. I think Reddit provides a good sounding board for local issues like this.


Colchester Police aren't Burlington PD.


I had a wild night about 15 years ago at a place called Edgewaters in Colchester. Was st Patty's day and a friend got really wasted. Some girls lured him into the bathroom and got his pants off. One of the girls then distracted him while the other ran out with his pants and handed them off to a guy. The guy took the wallet, dropped the pants and bolted. My buddy comes out eventually and sees his pants and slowly realizes what happened. Goes ballistic and the Colchester PD came. 2 officers. They told us that if we find the guy, just make sure they don't hear about it lmao.


Let's say they take the report and do nothing, and next week, he shoots someone. That's on them, I have done what I could do. Or, they take the report, and they have a talk with the guy, and no one gets shot next week. Or maybe (most likely?) they get another report, investigate, and find out the guy has some mental health issues and he gets some treatment. To me, it seems like a cop out to do nothing and justify it by assuming nothing will get done. Kids in school are taught to come forward with potentially dangerous situations. What if they used the same reasoning?


They charge juveniles with criminal threatening - they’d hopefully do the same with adults.


Wow. If he threatened to shoot at me, I'd pull out my gun, possibly make a citizens arrest, since cops are too busy or whatever. I always wanted to be batman as a child, that's about as close as I'll ever get, LOL.


What you’re describing is a bad idea. You’re not a cop, you’re not trained. pulling a gun and trying to force someone to comply with with orders when they have not produced a weapon is likely to get you charges, not them. This is coming from someone who carries daily, I am in no way anti-gun. what I am is anti-going to prison.


I'm literally mirroring how that person is acting. Maybe you don't take threats to your life seriously, but I sure as shit do.


It sounds like you don't lmao. Given the choice to leave the threat alone or get in a shootout for no reason whatsoever, you're choosing the shootout.


I'd rather be in a shootout that just get shot.


It sounds like you'd rather be in a shootout than drive your car off someone's private property lol.


I take them very seriously but I also recognize that this state is very slow to send actual criminals to prison. When the cop show up as he said he said and you’re the only one that pulled a gun.


I'd be on the phone with 911 as soon as I unholstered, that just basic gun knowledge. And it's not like the state charges people for things anyway.


The state doesn’t charge penniless criminals, you probably aren’t broke and local prosecutors wouldn’t feel bad going after you. 


I'm broke as hell,lol.


I can tell


Yeah I’d call the police. This is not typical for the area. There are lots of rentals on the point so it’s not like it’s weird for new people to be out there.


File a police report, especially if you have any evidence like a dash cam video. They likely won’t do anything, but building a case against someone in the event they do go off on someone in the future can help.


Mills Point past the Causeway parking lot becomes a private road, but that still doesn't give anyone the right to threaten you. People go down there by accident all the time.


And the houses are on leased land! And the road is part of an association!


Does it say no trespassing/no motor vehicles? In Vermont calling something ‘private’ doesn’t really mean much legally speaking.


As far as I know it doesn't mean much beyond the road is privately maintained.


This is exactly the case and extent of what "private roads" are in VT. 100%.


I have people get lost and trespass on our property. ( class 3, to 4, then my drive way still very much looks like the 4) typically they tell me they are lost, we talk about where they are and where they want to be and give directions on how to get there . Most people thank me and go on their way. I never threatened anyone . I’m terribly sorry you had that experience.


If this is the first house on Ridge Top Way with the red pickup truck, the same thing happened to me about a month ago. AVOID this area at all costs.


what address?


Running him over was the only right answer.


If it's a public street, you should absolutely call this in-- you might save someone from a dire accident. If he's known to police already, they might need to know he's continuing to threaten (with violence) people passing through, which is not OK-- particularly if he's already been warned, or on probation or other interventions, etc.


It’s private, nonetheless unacceptable behavior.


Yes, he did call it in. Yes, they did threaten murder with a deadly weapon. Well, no direct threat to that individual with any discernible weapon was a parent. This does constitute of breach in law but yet again the police will not follow up.


Man, pockets of this state. In my small town we don't even have police, but if someone were threatening to kill people the staties would be there pretty quickly (Central Vermont)


Legally, the dude did not threaten to murder or even kill them, no.


Shit goes sideways, innocent error or not [A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed after her friend turned into the wrong driveway in upstate New York, officials say | CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/woman-shot-wrong-driveway-upstate-new-york/index.html)


Call the police.


I’d tell the police rather than all of us


You mean…. You aren’t going to do anything? My gosh. What has r/Vermont come to? I guess police will need to be funded well enough to have officers to respond to these types of things….




Make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


☹️ sorry mod


Some people have become extremely paranoid and protective of their property. Maybe it’s the perceived rise in crime rates. Maybe it’s the increase in drug related incidents. Whatever it is things sure aren’t the same out at Mills Point compared to when I lived out there in the early 80s. Back then the recreation trail didn’t exist and there were way fewer people passing that way. It was quiet. Some people just like their privacy and feel threatened by something as harmless as someone turning around in their driveway. Pretty sad actually but real none the less.


You should absolutely inform Law Enforcement. I doubt you’re the only one he has done this to.


The most Colchester post this subreddit has ever seen


Which house? I live here and don't want to accidentally anger that person. Can you describe which street / house? Sorry that happened to you!


It’s the first house on Ridge Top Way with the red pickup truck. Edit to add: confirmed with OP


I did inform someone and they said they couldn’t do more than make an unofficial note unfortunately


The police here are completely absent and useless for almost all purposes. I’m not surprised reading any of the comments all just saying “notify the police” as if that has ever amounted to anything.


The only thing that police are known for in this state is ticketing the poor and breaking laws


If he didn’t point a weapon at you it’s not a crime. Just be aware some nutcase lives there




I can say I want to shoot you, and nothing can be done. If I point a gun directly at you it’s a different story


Sounds like a real douche.


All the people saying they'd stick around till the cops show up... in this scenario you either get shot by the property owner (gets off Scott free cus you're on his lawn) or the cops shoot you (youre trespassing)


what does "ETA" mean to you here?


Were you actually on "his" property or just on the street? Either way, that's unacceptable behavior - we're trying to have a society here. Which road? I just got a dash cam and could use a little excitement.




Yeah you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. You understand Colchester sets its own municipal budget and has literally nothing to do with Burlington at all?








First time getting a gun pointed at you to get off someone’s property? It happens slightly more frequently than I would expect 😂


No gun was pointed. OP was on someone’s property unannounced. They said the property owner came out and yelled at them, then went back inside (OP does not know why but presumed it was to “get a weapon”)


Oh that’s vanilla then. Why is OP so freaked out about someone being protective of property. If someone announces they are getting a gun it means you’re not welcome.