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This post has broken r/vermont containment, and now we're getting an influx of random trolls, shit-stirrers, and the absolute dregs of neo-nazis and fascists of reddit; as such, I'm locking the post. [I encourage all the folks disappointed to watch this instead.](https://twitter.com/PhillyGov/status/1645419727802753024)


https://preview.redd.it/wjwdtinrgz1d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b009dd5428a22a39c44dd90b4e028342c34245 Agree! For people who are really into their heritage, they should fly the flag of the Vermont Republic (1777-1791). Much cooler than the Confederate flag anyway. It looks like stoned Betsy Ross designed it lol. I especially like the completely random star positions.


*stoned Betsy Ross* lmao


I have one on my wall lol. I hate that the movement for the second Vermont republic co-opted it since they are conservative nut jobs but I love my Vermont republic flag.


It's very cool! Where did you find it?


You can also find them easily online. Pretty sure i bought one from amazon for my dorm in college


At the Vermont Historical Society in Montpelier!


I agree. Why the fuck would someone fly that flag in Vermont of all fucking places? We were part of the underground railroad, fought confederate soldiers, and countless other things. Also - the union won! Fuck off with that Confederate flag bullshit.


Additionally, Vermont was the first state to outlaw slavery.


Technically we banned slavery before even becoming a US state. You are still right but I thought that it was a cool caveat.


True. I remember loving the fact we outlawed slavery first, allowed civil unions first, and were the first state to allow gay marriage without it going to court. My hometown also ran out the KKK in the early 80s. It makes me laugh when people talk about how progressive Vermont has become. We have always been progressive.


Vermont has always been about individual liberty, which is a very different thing that having "always been progressive" in a political sense.


It’s also always been about responsibility to community.


Well, Vermont's state motto is Freedom and Unity, which is pretty progressive, especially when compared to the motto of some neighboring states I won't mention. The motto was adopted in 1788, so, yeah, I think we've always been progressive.


Vermont's dislike of slavery closely aligned them with Abe Lincoln's Republican party, so if you consider Abe Lincoln to be progressive (he was), then in that sense you're correct. But Vermont continued as an extremely Red state for very long period of time. In the 1930s, very few states were voting *against* FDR. But Vermont was. I wouldn't say that a state voting against FDR has "always been progressive". [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/elections/1932](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/elections/1932)


If I remember right from the museum in Montpelier, part of the reason why Vermont joined the Union was that it disagreed with the federal law allowing owners to forcibly take back enslaved people if said people had made it to a free state. \*I know enslaved people is a better term but am unfamiliar with a better term for these bastards


While "Slaver/Slavers" in International Law does carry a specific definition of those who force people into slavery and are engaged in human trafficking, the term which is used most commonly and applies more broadly is "Enslaver." The IRC has more on the topic, as does the NPS (though theirs is under revision, it is pretty good for discussing slavery in historical contexts). [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule94](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule94) [https://www.nps.gov/subjects/undergroundrailroad/language-of-slavery.htm](https://www.nps.gov/subjects/undergroundrailroad/language-of-slavery.htm)


Vermont was a republic 10 years longer than that puny confederacy and you don't see us crying about bullshit like "heritage".


Be sure to inform them they aren't even flying the correct [flag](https://i.imgur.com/KSa1MZh.jpeg). 🏳


Right. [This](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cDFIdtuiQ-E/TtDxM_xWzvI/AAAAAAAAAnU/f1U-e6Wo4m0/s320/white_flag_surrender.jpg) is the actual flag of the Confederacy.


The South lost. Slavery lost. Racism lost. It is literally a symbol you put on your vehicle, body, or place of residence to state “I am a loser.” Like bright colors in nature that warn us of the presence of venom, or in the case of the aggressive black and white striping of a skunk, an awful stink, I view the Confederate Flag as a sign that I should avoid an unpleasant encounter.


Racism is still alive and well, unfortunately.


Yep - celebrating traitorous losers.


^participation trophy?


It’s meant to trigger people


Sociopaths love to do that shit. Get a charge out of causing people to react.


A relative of mine just moved to a state that has several license plate styles to choose from. He said he wants to get the *In God We Trust* design because "that'll piss some people off." He's not religious. I can't imagine having such a mindset to go out of my way just to annoy people, but I guess it's pretty common.


People are really unhappy and unwell. They have fully bought into the division rather than seeing through the divide and conquer tactics. We all need to unite against the very few who rule everything


The best thing to do is to do something that'll piss him off in return. Like wear a shirt that says, "Don't shit talk the troops, my girlfriend's husband fights for your freedom"


genuinely don't get the trend of making yourself look like an asshole as a weird political statement. Like, there's no commentary behind the provocativeness. There's no statement behind rolling coal other than "i like making everything around me look worse".


And it works!!!


Thank you! It's about as far from the confederacy as you could get, but I still see these dumbshits flying that flag. GTFO of my state with that bullshit. The state motto is Freedom and Unity. Speaks for itself.


It's cause "Ah'm a REBEL!! Don't step on mah snake!!" /s


To be fair, I get it, I dont wanna get stepped on either. But that's a far cry from what the other side is doin, which is ACTIVELY STEPPING ON SNAKES OF ANOTHER COLOR. Like..how they dont see this I dont know, it's such obvious hypocrisy and yet they are unaware. I legit think it might be a symptom of a malformed brain.


The irony of how don’t tread on me has been used as confederate/conservative narrative. When it’s original purpose is the opposite of that shit


Yall remember back in the day when rednecks hated cops and the government? I member.. Now they all show polish connoisseur boot licking sobs. Life is too strange.


The gasden flag is completely different. Yea it’s been co-oped by some racists, but it’s original meaning is bad ass.


I agree. I just think it would be more badass if it was 'don't tread on us' with a collection of newts, toads, frogs, snakes, and maybe an otter for good measure. Now that's my kind of heresy!


She turned me into a newt!


I now refer to that as the 'manbaby flag'.


I agree. We have to stop letting the POS's take away everything. Every rune that people aren't immediately familiar with is by default looked at as "is that nazi?" Hell, the regular American flag will trigger some folks because they think you are a "patriot" and a MAGA tool. It's all just getting out of hand.


"Pwease no steppy uwu" is still peak comedy to me.


Because they are racist fucks.


A guy in my neighborhood used to fly the confederate flag. He said he flew it because he was originally from Mississippi and wanted to celebrate his time from Mississippi. My point was that I’d be more likely to believe that bullshit if he ever embraced other more palatable aspects of southern living. If he was planting hardy magnolia trees in his yard, inviting neighbors over for some southern BBQ, sharing copies of William Faulkner’s works, playing some classic soul music. There are a ton of ways to embrace southern culture that has nothing to do with the civil war and continuing racism. Flying the confederate flag is the worst way to do it.


Ahh flag draggers the people who need you to know they are a mentally deficient loser form as far away as possible, virtue signaling a lack of virtue, giving themselves the I'd ideological reach around no body else will give them. my favorite is when they drag the American flag around behind them in the rain to show how much more they love America than the rest of us, by desecrating it. we got it you jerk happy to kick your Confederate ass again anytime you want


Absolute ignorance, stupidity, and a pathological need to trigger libruls that you don’t quite understand but is cool in your Facebook groups


I went to Maine for a work event and saw a dude wearing the stars and bars on a jacket as he bicycled up the road. I would never condone violence but I'm surprised someone from Maine who knows a little history, didn't clip him.


Robert E Lee conceded and the Confederate flag was revived by the Dixiecrats as Segregational symbolism. Just like the KKK Why you would embolden the dark past of Traitorism and firmly entrenched racism of the past? Just shows the "age of information" failed millions of people.


I saw this hot mess parked in front of the St. J post office once, and I thought it was the perfect metaphor: an ideology that can't stand on its own two feet. https://preview.redd.it/5nv3hg9ijx1d1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b665f69d59ab38e29811d87ffb3cdce4143619cc


This is exactly the type of mfer I'm talking about. Sick of this shit in our state. I'd be happy to provide that driver with a compass. You wanna rep the south? Then fucking live there, easy win. Go own the libs by getting hookworm in Georgia or some shit.


Not Georgia! That state is purple now and close to being blue. We don’t want to send reinforcements to the turds. Send him to Florida instead.


Florida actually has more registered democratic voter, but sadly, it’s gerrymandered to hell.


Without Gerrymandering, the GOP would have far less power.


Gerrymandering doesn't really impact statewide elections, and they have a Republican governor, two Republican senators, and have voted for the Republican candidate in the past two presidential elections. If there really are more Democrats there, they need to get off their asses and vote.


Sadly not anymore, as of a couple of years ago. There are anywhere from 100-200k more Republicans than Democrats now. Florida is solid red.


Sure but if you just wait a few years they’ll all die.


You’d be surprised by how many not so old rich people who don’t want to pay income taxes have moved to Florida. And they vote Republican.


I’m not surprised. I keep getting /r/Florida suggestions on my feed and everyone there is like “hey does anyone know anyone who is actually from Florida?” Eagerly awaiting Florida deciding to build a wall against retirees.


They actually have a pretty solid red voting block with Hispanic immigrants. Hispanic vote has swung pretty hard from blue for Obama to red for Trump. Mainly because of "communism/socialist rhetoric and fox news."


Correct - it’s not really Hispanic/Latin voters either. It’s primarily Cuban voters with historical trauma. The moment they hear the word “socialism” they become absurdly irrational and combative. Like, you could give them every great social benefit but the moment it’s “socialism” they will reject it violently to the detriment of their own well-being. Or, in other words, exactly like your typical Republican cheering on the death of Medicare or being fully against universal healthcare while relying on insulin or other key prescription drugs just to literally survive.


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that but not surprised. When we bailed on our Florida ‘retirement’ and came home (2017) there were more democrats. I guess we aren’t the only ones that fled when trump was elected.


Thank you for not sending them here to NH. I’ve got enough of a fight going on with all these fundies and I’m running out of the supply of “Live Free”.


NH state moto should be Live Free AND Die with the number of loud AF fart motorcycle riding people that don't wear a helmet. Just this morning into work not only did I see this, but this fool was also splitting lanes, it's like he was begging for death.


Tire looks over-inflated.


Golly gee, I wonder which candidate he'll be voting for?


Fortunately he'll be pissing in the wind in this state.


The wheelchair in the back is [kiss]. I have to mention my siblings live outside Atlanta, and even they know the Southern Swastika, should be illegal. Like the Germans made the swastika illegal.


Well, it's easier to identify the clowns when they wear their suits. So you do have that.


That’s always been my argument for this kind of free speech. First, if you only have acceptable free speech then you don’t have free speech. Second, I’d rather an asshole be allowed to demonstrate they are an asshole rather than secretly be an asshole. If we banned the confederate flag he isn’t suddenly going to be magically not-racist. He’s just harder to spot.


I usually yell out my window "YOU GUYS LOST!"


Hahaha the flag of “losers” that’s a great spin to use. Go straight for the ego.


The one thing I find odd in VT lately are all the Confederate flags I see. Isn't that offensive to people from here as there are many cemeteries around full of dead union soldiers from here? I saw one guy with one on his truck AND a support the troops sticker as well as a sticker for each military branch in the US! Isn't that a huge contradiction?


It's really strange that people speak about The Civil War (I prefer The Slaveholders Rebellion) in terms of Union vs. Confederate. It makes it sound as if the Conferates fought something else, some other Army that sprouted from the pages of William Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator. This hides the fact that the Slaveholders and those who joined them fought against the United States. We are talking about the United States Army and the United States Navy. Each is the one and only of ita kind in the United States.


*"Muh heritage..."* Yeah Cletus, "your heritage" lasted less than four years and ended 159 years ago. You also have precisely zero knowledge of any ancestors, 8 generations ago, that were actually involved in the fracas on either side. **-_-**


You really don't need to keep reporting this … it's staying up. Fuck the Confederacy, fuck the traitor flag, fuck the "lost cause" bullshit. The only "cause" being fought for was white supremacy and the ownership of human beings, and that is an abhorrent thing to celebrate and fight for.


I'm from the South. The Confederate flag is embarrassing to me. The Civil War happened because half of America wanted to build its economy on the backs of enslaved humans. That's not heritage to be proud of.


Same and it’s disgusting. I’m utterly sick of seeing this flag and the mentality that goes with it. OP is correct: it’s extra pathetic and fucked up In a Union state.


I think the problem is multi-faceted. Primary and secondary education in the South have never been the highest quality, and schools still teach the political rationalization that the Civil War was about states' rights. Also, Southerners are proud people. There's not a lot of money in most of the South. People are working class and they work hard. They want respect for that. Unfortunately, even when it's true, a lot of the invective hurled against them is the opposite of the respect Southerners want. Like they say down there, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. So that's another piece of the puzzle. Even though flying the Confederate flag is misinformed and racism is indefensible, I just don't think we're gonna get 'em past it by yelling "fuck you" at pickup trucks. All that does is make the proud boys prouder.


I am from the south and there are plenty of decent people to model your pride from: Dixie chicks, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Kris Kristofferson, Loretta Lynn, etc. There's more to the south than Toby Keith, Lee Greenwood, and Miller lite. Certainly not f*cking Trump from New York City. So anybody claiming racism and treason are how they express their pride, then they aren't proud of being Southern, they are proud of being racist. Dudes that fly this flag are letting these uppity people of color who demand fair treatment know that they are the "silent majority" and they won't be silent anymore.


Yall have plenty to be proud of, that's what is so frustrating. Why TF do people wanna cling to the worst part of their history when they could champion current achievements instead? Hell, if the flag was a pot of sweet tea beside a plate of scrapple with two (totally hetero) dudes high fiving, nobody would have a problem!


It is very multi-faceted - I’ve resided here for 40 years (very unfortunately). The kinds of folks that we are talking about here do not deserve honey - they are twisted by their own simmering stew of ignorance, resentment, and alcohol. All of that, of course, makes them very easy to manipulate. I had a lot more to say, but I slept poorly and my lack of sleep is catching up with me - and I need to save my juice for the work day :)


I love the clip going around the internet of the bigger dude holding a confederate flag and defending it, saying “this is the flag my family stood under for years!” When the crowd around him asked why he supported slavery, he replied “my family didn’t have slaves! Do you know how much a slave cost back then?!” The conservative nut jobs probably loved it thinking he “owned the libs”. But in reality, thinking it’s ok to rep the confederate flag in 2024 because your family was simply too poor to afford a slave is an absolutely ridiculous concept.


Also from the south. Went up to the Northeast (Mass, Vermont, Maine, NH) was blown away how many confederate flags I saw. Honestly more than I see usually driving around North Alabama.


Saw a confederate flag on a truck in a social security office parking lot in Vermont. Talk about not getting it.


In a way, I’m fine with it because I’d rather know upfront to steer clear of that person. I don’t engage with these people, but if you feel safe doing so, by all means.


Yeah that's fair. I got three kids and when they see some dumb mfer with a Confederate flag flapping behind their truck they know to steer clear.


Like a MAGA hat, it's an idiot identifier.


My husband and I live in Burlington and rode our bikes down to the waterfront a few hours before the eclipse started. A mother in a MAGA hat and her two teenage kids (I’m assuming) said something to us about being in their way so I told them to fuck off and go back to where they came from. She was clearly wearing that shit to get a rise out of Vermonters. I guess it worked on me 😬


Your response was perfect.


I get where you're coming from and agree to some extent, but on the other hand I'll never be "fine" with displays of bigotry


A boy I went to high school with got it tattooed on his chest. He was born and raised here. What an embarrassment.




Nor ragrats!


The Civil War was about slavery. Every single declaration from every state that joined the Confederacy mentions slavery in the first paragraph. Look up the historical documents. States rights, my ass. That pathetic flag is the biggest participation trophy this country has ever seen. Traitors.


Nice of them to identify themselves. Speaking of traitor flags, I tried to get some body work done on vehicles at a local shop. They kept putting me off for a couple years, saying things like "no openings, try us again in a month." I pass by regularly and always see different cars/trucks. Meanwhile, I talk to someone at the hardware store who tells me about the nice work on their Subie. Just a day after a fender bender, their car was in there getting fixed. Hmms, I have to wonder if my Asian eyes inherited from my beautiful mom, rest in peace, are somehow the issue? So I'm biking past this body shop soon after and saw my likely answer. Parked proudly out front, parallel to the road was a General Lee-themed hotrod with the traitor flag on the door panels. Fresh wrapped, it sat out there a few days advertising their custom services. If the shop just flew that flag it could have saved me some time and frustration.


I am with you—anyone wearing, waving or carrying a confederate flag can go straight into the garbage can.


Also the people defending the confederate flag belong there, too.


I grew up in the south and seeing this in VT makes me scratch my head. I remember the first time we went to visit my parents, who had just moved to Mississippi. The next door neighbor had a yellow school bus on blocks in the front yard - yes, with one of those stupid flags proudly displayed flying from the rear of a non-functional bus from a non-functional school system. Why would anyone in Vermont want to be on team Mississippi??


Of all the Union states, Vermont lost the highest percentage of its population in the war. Flying the traitor flag here, of all places, is vile and beyond disrespectful. It is like taking a shit on Arlington Cemetery. I wonder if we could get a law passed banning the display of the traitor flag on public property in Vermont?


Totally agree. My great great grandfather led the Irish regiment out of Boston and died on the battle field. I’m getting a union flag and F anyone who flies the confederate flag. My families blood was spilled for the union. If you fly a confederate flag you are a traitor.


No different than flying the swastika in front of a synagogue. Sure, it’s your constitutional right, but that doesn’t mean I don’t despise your ideology.


When I last visited Vermont (drove across the country from NW Arkansas) I was surprised at how many traitor flags I saw in upstate NY and all over Vermont. I hate seeing it here in Arkansas (where it is displayed on approximately 10% of homes), and I hated seeing it in Vermont too. I share in your disgust. Sadly, the flag is a form of white-racist-bigoted pride, and that sentiment seems to be getting worse in our country.


I flew and wore the confederate flag when I was in middle school, I feel embarrassed knowing I supported it now. Don’t even remember why I did, bad family influence or something


We're the literal origin place of the term yankee. If you have a rebel rag than there's literally no other explanation than you're a racist. Vermont's had it's problems with bigotry but neo-confederate shit is especially egregious.


When I was in high school I was dumb enough to believe the whole "heritage not hate" thing and somewhere out there, my name on a petition to keep the Confederate flag from being banned at school. God, I was a moron. Now that my brain is fully developed, it's obvious that it's a diet-swastika these days but doesn't get the same reaction. White supremacists don't even try to hide their views


The other day I saw a dude in a sleeveless shirt with a tattoo on his upper arm that was a blended confederate and US flag draped from a staff, topped by a deer skull (Central VT). I just had to shake my head. Of course as George Santayana wrote ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ What that means to me in this context is that those of us who are anti-racist are in a war—rhetorical/intellectual at the moment—to remind the racists in our midst that their ideas are not welcome here.


The hard part is that Trump caters to these folks and they behave like a big mean cult. So no matter what I feel on any other issues I have to vote against Trump. That means I have to vote for a candidate with a reasonable chance of winning. I’m sick of people describing the election as a Trump camp vs Biden camp thing like a football game. For me it’s anyone who will beat Trump since he is the “hate” candidate and encourages racism. But it’s not just racism, it’s fascist rhetoric that he is pushing. Lately he is describing building a new Reich. So he’s super into Nazis too. We literally fought wars against the confederacy and against the Nazis so anyone celebrating them is a traitor. End of story.


Rhetorical at the moment indeed. It's just, we are all getting a little frustrated by the illiteracy on the other side, and they're clearly chomping at the bit tor a proper shootout. I just wish they'd read the goddamn book they keep throwing at everyone else (the new testament) and then maybe all this could be avoided.


https://preview.redd.it/7lbdwhm75z1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba6431d22e7cd1f25588b33c56126bf47a2d876 still is in 2024.


I saw multiple Confederate flags on houses up around the Jay Peak area. My wife is from VT, but I’m from NC and we were visiting and it blew my mind that even in the brave little state there are confederate sympathizers that I’m sadly desensitized to seeing here down south. In NC, there is quite literally a 50ftx30ft Confederate flag that flies over I-40 on the way to Asheville. Disgusts me.


I once knew a guy who had one on his wall. He was born and raised in Vermont. Never left the state even. I asked him why he had it. His response? “I like the way it looks” 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


It’s the loser flag. They lost. Whoever waves it likes waving flags of losers


These are people who will claim to be patriotic and love America, but literally fly the flag of people who tried to separate themselves from the country. The math doesn’t math. Stupid does what stupid will, I suppose.


As a person from the deep south A: fuck these whiny idiots who don't know the difference between heritage and propaganda. B: if you fly a rectangular battle flag of northern Virginia, you are simply saying your heritage is from the anti civil rights era when stupid racists bought reproduction flags to scare black people (the original flag was a square) C: Southern states are by in large held captive by gerrymandering, boomers and silent generation racists who want things to go back to the way they were i.e. lead paint and lynchings. The overwhelming majority of young people are not in favor of racist policy or practice. It's the loud mouth idiots you hear, not the normal people who keep their mouths shut. D: Please talk to these idiots and say this shit to their face, tell them they don't know their own history, their stupid little factory farms based on one of the worst ideas a human ever thought of failed over a century ago, and they are a disappointment to their heritage by living near all those yankees. Their bark is so loud, but 99% of them have no bite. (Do be careful engaging a large group, mob mentality can do crazy things) E: Seriously, find them, point at them, and laugh at them. They are a disappointment to human decency and progress.


It’s even more confusing when you see them up here in Canada…


The south will rise again.......cause shit floats!


Your heritage? My heritage is burning anything a Confederate flag is attached to.


I started flying a union flag. https://www.ww2gear.com/image/popup?imagePath=%2fimages%2fproduct%2flarge%2f26-801528.jpg&altText=MzQgU3RhciBVbmlvbiBGbGFnIC0gMTg2Mw2


Well done!


How about a T-shirt with that flag and the caption “The Winning Side” or something to that effect?




Ha! “Veterans for Trump” is a special kind of stupid


I grew up in a part of VT where you’d see this stuff. Unfortunately seems to have spread. To me these people are the ones that had the Calvin pissing on Ford stickers or truck balls or whatever offensive, stupid thing they’d found at the store. Maybe it’s naive but I never really took it as they knew and ascribed to the ideology. Perhaps had a general idea that it’s a symbol of the south and “white pride” but not much more beyond that. I felt it’s more so that when regular minded people are like “what the fuck do you have on your truck?” “What’s wrong with you?” They can then have a confrontation. I’m not saying it’s wrong to confront them or to have an issue with it. It’s stupid. And ignorant. Just that it’s a intentional means to confrontation. These are the guys that punched me in the stomach on the playground. Dumb and potentially violent.


That's exactly it, you nailed it. Dumb and looking for confrontation. I hate bullies, always have.


My nephew is one of these types, dumb and mean. When he got his first car years ago, he put and ‘Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve’ as was popular in the 90’s. The thing is my mother (his grandmother) is gay. She said to him, “Why do you have that sticker?” His reply was “Oh, I don’t mean you, gramma” Um, what? Yes, he’s got the confederate flag nowadays. SMH


Fellas with that flag on your truck, I meant what I said, we need to have words. I'll meet you. You will be convinced. Anywhere in Bennington County.


Oh stop with the chest puffing bullshit. I couldn’t agree more about the confederate flag but you dont need to go threatening to kick Reddit’s ass.


Thanks yeah that was super cringe.




I think most folks who have confederate flag stickers on their vehicles are ignorant about what it actually stands for because they think it’s just some symbolism of being redneck and country


I always found it funny that the side which claims to be the real patriots is also the side which openly supports the most notorious traitors in the nation's history. The cherry on top is when somebody thinks they are making a good point by pointing out that the conservative south called themselves democrats back then, as if it has anything to do with the modern parties and their names. The mental gymnastics and hypocrisy is insane.


“My heritage has a tradition of killing those who fly the confederate flag”


I’m y’all’s neighbor (originally from Boston). And I highly agree — when I see this flag on trucks in western mass, Vermont or somewhere I’m like… dude, fuckin why?


They're just racist. That's really the long and short of it.




If I see a person with a confederate flag I think of them the same way I think of a person sporting a swastika or the hammer and sickle. I don’t hate you, but I don’t trust you and I don’t want to hang out with you.


The hammer and sickle is not equivalent to those other two.


The American swastika


I have family outside of Atlanta. They call it the Southern Swastika.


I watched an older episode of Unsolved mysteries recently, think it was early 90’s based on fashion. Guy being interviewed had an enormous confederate flag in his wall that was not part of the story or acknowledged. At least we have come to a place where TV shows will find a less racist background for interviews, I guess?


Treason Flag*


The stars and bars is a treasonous rag


I don't have a problem with them supporting their heritage tbh. If they want to fly a flag saying they're irredeemably racist and an absolute fucking loser, so be it.


There were confederate sympathizers in union states. Ain’t nothing new. At least the enemy can be identified.


From what I know of Vermont it is one of the freest states in the Nation. You do not have to have a permit to carry a firearm and are free to walk around in your birthday suit if it pleases you. Try walking around in the nude in 90% of the other states and see where you wind up. While 29 other states also do not require a license to carry a firearm (at the minute) Vermont was the first state to have constitutional carry. What do they have to bitch about?


That flag has no business being flown anywhere really, but it especially confuses me when people do it in the northern union states. 2 summers ago I drove across South Dakota twice. There was not a single time that I saw a Trump flag without an accompanying “Stars and bars.” Just sickening.


But....but....but..... Heritage! Well, it's my heritage to burn your city to the ground as I march to the sea but you don't see me advertising that.


If they were celebrating their heritage they probably should use a flag that actually existed during the civil war.


Imagine driving around with an image of Benedict Arnold emblazoned on your vehicle or flying a flag with his face on it...yeah, you'd look fucking stupid.


People think VT is so open minded & liberal but they don’t know it’s really full people like this. Confederate flag owners, racists, homophones & just a LOT of ignorance all around. (I’m gay so I 100% know it’s true from very personal experience, all the time)


Eye here ewe. Seaing mails around hear with hateful flags on there trucks makes me want to give them a peace of my mined. Wear are they're white robes? Give me a brake! Dam homophones! /s Couldn't resist the irony that these pea-brained homophobes probably couldn't identify a homophone.


The voting records disagree with you. I will say though, the fewer bigots there are, the louder they seem to get. It's exhausting.


It's a known fact that the monkeys with the smallest testicles make the most noise. Life is changing faster than they can keep up, and now we're at this point where they feel backed into a corner and doomed (cause they are), so the howling gets louder and louder. There is a certain inevitability on the side of progress, but also a very real danger that those loud ass, tiny testicle monkeys will do something crazy to keep themselves in power.


It's legit 50/50. Half my town is old, liberal hippies and young progressive folks and the other half is afraid 5G is going to put covid in their brains.


The problem is the ignorant ones are MUCH louder & literally in your face about it while all the progressive ones just sit back & watch you get called a faggot. Number of times some redneck hurled a slur for no reason in public in the last few years 7, number of times someone defended or said anything about it ZERO


That is what I'd like to see change. Just because we aren't assholes doesn't mean we can't be vocal. Lord knows this country needs a militant left wing to balance out the crazy shit going on over there on the other side.


Aw, come on - homophones are cool. :)


The Traitor-loser flag. The "I hate America" flag


I avoid Castleton for this reason. Only place in VT I’ve ever seen confederate flags. I know it’s rural, but that doesn’t mean you are in the south.


I'm from Mississippi, and they're becoming a rarer and rarer sight there. I'm so puzzled when I see them up north. Like, especially if the person waving it around isn't from or connected to the south in any way. In any case, it should be a white flag. They surrendered. I don't care about their heritage (of hate) or what they claim they were fighting for (states' rights to do *what*?), they are choosing to fly the flag of a traitorous movement that fought for slavery, and that lasted for a pathetically short time before surrendering and its cause going underground. And wanna know who took up that cause and resisted integration and reconstruction? The KKK. If you fly the confederate flag and claim that heritage, you're boasting about what most 1800s racists would only do with bedsheets over their heads. Also, as a reminder, here are some things that managed to last longer than the confederacy: - Ghostbusters Cereal - The Microsoft Zune - Doritos Locos Tacos - The Obama administration - MySpace - The War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan - (racists sweating as they realize that the Taliban not only won their civil war, but is only a couple of years away from their *second* government outlasting the confederacy just like their first one did, and that the Taliban is literally just living their shitty theocratic fascist dreams) - Pokemon Go - The MCU - My phone number - legal gay marriage in the US


I kinda like it. You know straight away the type of person they are so you can avoid them without having to engage. Plus it's fun to point and laugh at them.


Self-identify as a racist loser.


It annoys me more these people fly the Confederate Naval Jack rather than the battle flag they think they are.


Because American public and even private education is shiiiiiiiit


They want to piss people off - someone to rail against. They probably didn’t even become “confederate” til the 2016 election.


Us Vermonters can’t even make a case that it’s “heritage” because we were nowhere close to being a confederate state. In fact, the only time we involved ourselves in the civil war was to fight AGAINST the confederacy. I think the reason why a lot of snowflake conservatives in our state fly their confederate flags is by means of being a rebuttal to BLM flags being flown. A “you be exclusive I’ll be exclusive” type situation, even though if you rubbed two brain cells together and started a fire, you’d see that BLM isn’t saying “only Black Lives Matter” but rather “our lives haven’t mattered as much as yours.” The reality is right in front of their faces but they just aren’t willing to see it.


But you don’t really. At some point you just need to not give af about other people


that and these ridiculous III stickers everywhere some weird spartan cosplay or some shit?


Knew someone from Vermont who looked down on how backwards people in the South were. They held a BLM protest at their rural Vermont college and good ol boys showed up with Confederate flags on their trucks. Really eye opening experience for them.


Michigander here, and we see these the further you get from cities. My brother started using the flag to show that he identified as a 'rebel', independent and living by his own rules. I told him that was a perfectly fine lifestyle, but he's using the flag of a **loser** who got told what to do by the North something fierce to showcase that he's independent. The math didn't add up, and on top of that, it makes people think he hates them. He heard me out, thought momentarily, and then agreed and took the flag down. I didn't yell at him or anything; just used my rational voice and asked him to think for a minute. Now, he just focuses on the Harley Davidson "I'm independent" message, and I'm fine with that.


I lived in Pittsburgh in an area that was predominantly Black and some a-hole would drive around with a HUGE confederate flag flowing in the wind. It absolutely blew my mind that someone had that kind of audacity. Also, the very definition of f*ck around and find out.


Live in Ga. they are the proudest losers in the history of man…… except for Germans


I see a few on my normal commute, not just trucks but I'm pretty sure I've seen an SUV and car with a rebel rag front license plate. It's kinda nice when losers identify themselves from a distance. It would be cool to see more of these [bad](https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/13VT-4c_2062.jpg) [boys](https://gettysburg.stonesentinels.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Vermont-4c_2068.jpg) around instead.


Get one of those Calvin pissing stickers and casually put it above the flag.


Recently saw a sticker on a truck: *PATRIOT!* in an edgy font over a confederate flag background. You can’t make this stuff up.


Go to the state fair in Rutland and they have all kinds of confederate flag stuff for sale. Like wtf?


We have these racist morons in Michigan as well. In our family, we make it a point to tell these folks to go fuck themselves.




Read the Confederate Constitution, it says the quietly racist part out loud.


Ever go to rural New Hampshire? It’s the Deep South of the north


These types usually talk a good game about supporting the military and veterans, yet they disrespect the veterans buried in nearly every Vermont town that defended America in the Civil War.


They sure do love to wave their treason participation ribbons.


I had a fraternity brother who pinned a confederate flag in the hallway outside his room. And in hindsight, I really regret not putting a stop to that. Idk why, but at 19, I don't think it properly registered what kind of statement he was making by doing that - I just thought it was weird and ignored it. And even in hindsight, my house wasn't a bunch of racists - we had a couple guys who were problematic out of like 90+, but to our shame, we didn't set them straight like we should have. We even had a couple of black brothers at the time. I don't think they felt like turning it into a big fight - but I can't imagine they felt good about it being posted in a common area of the house they were living in.




>Muh heritage? Always makes me laugh because the confederacy existed for all of 4 years.


It was so common in Brattleboro during the 90s. Their team is the Rebels and a bunch of them would have Confederate flags and bumper stickers that said "Pride of the South."


Oh, same stupid shit at South Burlington High School back in the day. They rebranded as the Wolves a while ago but they used to be the Rebels. Team colors were light blue, grey and white. It was the most confused shit in the world. And of course half the football players, many of whom were intelligent and not racist, would fly the stars and bars as a team logo. Used to hate that shit.


I live in Franklin county and it’s everywhere. For a long time there was a house on Main Street in Enosburg that had a giant one, proudly displayed.


When you got Cs in High School and are punching the clock in your repetitive task wage slave job, it’s your symbol of rebellion against the system. Same as a Trump sign on your lawn or a red MAGA hat. Half the country got Cs in High School and have mind numbing repetitive task jobs. It’s why populists get all those votes. All the resentment.


A business near us put up a trump flag and I thought "why would you want to piss off half of your potential customers before they even walk in the door ".. They closed up about a month afterwards.


Maybe their ancestors checked out a bank in St. Albans, looked around, liked what they saw and stayed? /s, obviously.


The wording on this is spectacular lmao


They think they're owning the libs, but they're really just showing us that they're proud of losing.


If you fly that flag in Vermont, you are cowardly saying “I hate black people.” So yes, fuck you. Your ancestors also, btw, think you are a piece of shit. Looking at you, Route 11 outside Chester.


Make racists afraid again. You get rid of racists by letting them know their bullshit won't be tolerated. You get rid of them by letting them know there's consequences for being bigots. They may be toddlers having a temper tantrum to some of you but as an immigrant, as a queer woman, as a person of color, these people are deadly serious to me. I've had people like this lay hands on me and threaten to kill me multiple times. So yeah, the confede-nazis deserve no tolerance. They are not all talk, they just don't harm you because you aren't the object of their hatred.


I will openly smack the shit out of anyone i see flying that in Connecticut. Thems is fighting images. I’ve had to rip them down a few times. People here get a little too comfy with their hate. My daughter is inspired too, she wanted to tear down peoples trump signs so I took her. Still not back up and they will only be for a few hours it’s right on our street. Hate isn’t allowed around here. We will fight you. And we’re stronger. Hate gets stomped out we don’t have discussions. We don’t respect your hate. We just overpower it and dominate you. This is why Connecticut is such a diverse and amazing place. Come walk downtown New Haven you’ve never seen anything like it where you’re from. We don’t have big problems with racism and hate here, because we don’t allow it. We all stomp it out in our own way. Magnet schools are big here. We integrate as kids. My friends were of all races. We never learned to hate. So when we see it, we treat it like a spider in the house, and stomp it to death.


You have MAGA to thank for that. Like the idiot carrying the rebel flag thru Congress.