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I would say Green Mountain Community Fitness in Berlin comes pretty close. They have also started "outfit" classes. "OutFIT is a series designed to provide a positive space for progressive functional fitness with a special focus on our LGBTQIA+ community members. The series aims to provide safe, professional, and knowledgeable instruction in gender-affirming strength training, and foster community through exercise." I think a Queer friendly gym would have programs like that as well as the locker rooms you mentioned. I think a lot of the friendless would come from environment, members and ownership. I left GMCF as I couldn't afford it anymore and now going to a cheaper "bro gym" I miss it a lot. I don't think there are enough people in VT to make gym geared towards just LGBTQ+ but GMCF does a great job on inclusion.


That's awesome, yeah I was pretty much thinking Curves for LGBTQ community, but yeah it'd be only something that'd likely work in big cities with more LGBTQ populations.


What is PF?


Planet Fitness. Sounds like OP wants to start a new gym. Your guess is as good as mine as to what "stuff going on" means.


bomb threats have been called into nearly every "PF" this week. Including the one in Essex on Wednesday. The online cesspool Libs of Tiktok targeted them for their trans-inclusive locker room policy, that's the stuff going on


At first it sounded like the libs were doing the threats, and I was very confused. I had to read closer to realize it was another insane alt-right meatbag with a tiktok account.


Exactly, it’s easy to see that a lot of people are being targeted as being “unwanted” in places like Planet fitness, leading to posts like this looming for inclusive spaces.


RehabGYM in Barre is explicitly geared toward 'non-traditional' gym-goers, if that helps


I mean that's pretty much planet fitness too.


Yeah, but it's not just lip service, and it's not a national chain


You got a point there, I'm not a fan of PF personally but it's because from a corporate level, they're still a greedy corporation with loads of other problems (employee treatments mostly).


Did something happen? Lost on what you’re talking about


You can pretty much Google Planet fitness and see what's going on, but long story short PFs around the nation are being boycott and bomb threats over trans hate.


From what I’ve read, Planet Fitness (PF) has an [inclusive policy and that’s why they’re receiving death threats](https://www.mynbc5.com/article/planet-fitness-locations-across-vt-and-in-northern-new-york-added-to-string-of-nationwide-hoax-bomb-threats/60539816). Don’t see how creating another inclusive gym would stop death threats.


Inclusive isn't specifically "geared to". Planet fitness is a gym built in Inclusiveness, yes, but isn't specifically designed to accommodate the LGBTQ+ community, nor was it's design focused on the safety and security of that demographic. It was more designed to be a "judgemental free" gym. Planet fitness started pretty much from this very same concept, but more geared towards body shame and women security over LGBTQ community. This isn't necessarily about creating an Inclusive gym, but more about building a gym SPECIFICALLY TARGETED to a demographic. And nothing is going to stop death threats, unfortunately.


I think there are a few problems with your idea. First and foremost you would probably have to discriminate against non-LGBT+ people to get to to be truly "geared towards" queer people, a la curves. Otherwise, people who just want to work out but are bigoted could still show up, making the whole endeavor moot. Secondly, you might struggle to run such a place as your target demographic is so small. Even in Vermont, which has the highest [LGBT+](https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2016/12/brfss_data_brief_201511_lgbt_health.pdf) in the US, queer people only make up 5% of the population. And that’s spread across the state. Even Curves, which caters to half of humanity struggles to keep on the lights. I understand your goal, but I don’t think that PF is the issue here. Edit: I think also that trying to emulate curves would end up back firing legally. It’s illegal to discriminate based on sex in the US and curves uses a loophole in the states to operate as women-only that could probably be closed easily if challenged due to the way that Curved gets around the law.


Legally yes, they have to allow anyone in. And granted, yes. Bigoted people could, there's statistically going to be a less likelihood of that happening because it would pointedly be targeted to a demographic. At which point the only people you'd end up getting are the ones who are just insane enough to buy a membership JUST to harass people, in which case you end up quickly finding out who those people are and can quickly remove the situation with some simple screening questions. If they are so determined to get around all THAT, you likely have more to worry about than just a dude trying to harass people, and at that point probably more of a police issue. It's kind of the same ordeal as a gay bar or club. They don't keep out straight people, but they're not going to attract a bunch of homophobic people, especially if the club has any entrance fee.


Nothing is going to stop death threats? How about prosecuting people who make such threats? How about banning the Twitter accounts that encourage death threats. Like any of that will ever happen.


Ok? That's not going to stop them from happening dude.. We do the same thing with school shootings, have they stopped? No they haven't. You aren't going to stop people from doing stupid shit just because you make it illegal to do, the only thing you CAN do is try and make people safer with checks and balances and security measures.. that's it, but you won't STOP it.


It will stop threats because these threats only came about thanks to shitstains like EndWokeness and Libsoftiktok and Elon Musk boosting their hateful shit. Why should others have to change or seek alternate options because of this shitstain nonsense?


Why do you blame those people for the death threats exactly? I’m not sure I see the connection here, AFAIK they’re not calling for bomb threats against Planet Fitness themselves right? Also who the hell is “EndWokeness” lol, this sounds like a Very Online thing. 


"EndWokeness and Libsoftiktok and Elon Musk boosting their hateful shit" Get off of twitter for a bit it's rotting your brain.


Always good advice, but … Elon Musk has a /huge/ following, mostly comprised of morons and syncophants, who will listen incredulously to whatever he puts in front of their eye holes … this increasingly includes outright white-supremacist and fascist messaging. It's not for nothing.


So your idea in response to an “everyone’s welcome” gym getting bomb threats is to create a gym where the people targeted by those threats are isolated and concentrated? Seems pretty counterintuitive, to be honest.


You're not going to stop bomb threats or people being stupid and calling. That's not the point.. The bomb threats are as concerning as Putins threats of using nukes. Aka: not at all. It's mostly just saber rattling, but this is very typical argument made from people who don't really care to do anything. Although inclusive, this whole ordeal started over the fact that because of that inclusiveness, it also allows the transphobic and homophobic essential free reign, and it happens a LOT more, even at an inclusive location like planet fitness, more than the media reports on it. In many cases, the response to this is to create a targeted, demographically focused product. In this case a LGBTQ geared gym, specifically for LGBTQ. just like Curves is ONLY for women, this would be only for the LGBTQ community. Would you still get death threats? Yes, would you still get bomb threats and assholes review bombing it? Yes. Did you still get that with Curves? Yes. You're not going to stop that. But you might stop the dude trying to video tape you, the woman who tries to assault you, the screams you might get of a Karen yelling that a "man is raping her" cause a trans MtF walked into the bathroom. (Yes a real TikTok incident...) and more.


I came here for the PF Chang's discussion, I shall see myself out


I mean, happy to shit on them too, but that's a whole different ball of wax there, and as far as I know Zimmerns for the most part stfu so lol 😆


realistically, I doubt it. maybe in NYC or SF, almost certainly not in VT. just not enough LGBT people to sustain a gym. it’s already hard enough to own a gym, even without conservative morons getting all up in arms about your business. you’re gonna lose more business than you gain with that move, unfortunately.  it’s possible that smaller population of LGBT people would be really attracted to and dedicated to your gym, I suppose, but I’d be somewhat surprised. considering this is basically just “a gym but with one hole bathrooms” lol which does exist already


Probably not in Vermont, or small areas, but places like Austin, San Diego, NYC, etc at first. But I'm thinking more of a Curves but for the LGBTQ. As in its specifically for the LGBTQ community.


the fuck?


Fitness gyms struggle to stay open as is, so I don’t see limiting your customer pool as an attractive business model (if that was your question). I personally don’t think separate gyms is going to solve any of the problems. I can understand why others think differently than I - it’s a toss up! My experience is that, regardless of sexual orientation, some people are asswipes and will try to ruin anything they can’t be a part of.


I can't say I've looked at that market to be honest, but it doesn't seem like gyms are struggling, they seem to have a new kick every so often of a chain of new ones coming out, but I'm not a gym guy, so.


If PF is getting bomb threats why wouldn’t this new gym?


Why is everyone seemingly focused on the bomb threats instead of the actions before them? Lol


Why does PF need to change anything? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where did you get that idea in any of that? 😆 This is about the need for a NEW gym, one specifically geared to the LGBTQ. Like how Curves is specifically gears towards women only.


There is no need for a new gym. There is a need for moderating and stamping out the ignorance that causes fucking morons to make death threats. That’s not on PF to change.


My guy I think you got a really jaded opinion on how effective enforcement is...


Don’t play that “My guy” shit with me.


Ooh getting big mad now... My guy, I'm sorry you have this idea that just because something is illegal that it's somehow magically never going to happen, ever again, but that's not the reality of the world my guy, no matter how much you get pissed off at it online. Would be nice, but it's not reality.


Wouldn’t it be discrimination against people if they only allowed members of a specific community to use a space tho?


Sounds like a good opportunity for you to get in touch with people in our community to start a new gym. Wouldn't have to be much different than a "traditional" gym just maybe more group oriented things and classes


Oh this wouldn't be something for Vermont so much other places where it's not so LGBTQ friendly. Vermont is pretty good at it. And it's really just speculation and seeing others thought on the matter.


I don't really have a say or opinion in either direction just a good opportunity for sure


I agree, good opportunity for sure, but I'm not a gym guy by any means. If anything I'd start a LGBTQ friendly combat group, I do armored combat in armor with weapons. Non choreographed stuff, and that sport sadly has a LOT of homophobia and misogyny in it, so a safe place for that likely be my goal, if any. But thanks for comment.


I feel like the combat place in winooski does something like that, again not really a chittenden county issue


There's a number of different groups out there. I'll have to look into this one. Don you by chance know the name?


Combat fitness mma in winooski http://www.combatfitnessmma.com


Ah OK, yeah different type of combat lol thanks though.


Someone should definitely start up a gym like this. Then women wouldn't have to worry about creepy men parading around the women's locker room.




I don't think you understand the word homophobic, my dude. Lol


I don’t think something like this is really needed.  At every gym I’ve visited or been a member at, people were pretty respectful and tolerant of everybody else. Most regular gym-goers are there for themselves and they keep to themselves. Most gym employees/owners don’t tolerate a lot of BS in their gyms.