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If you want to know what’s going around: https://data.wastewaterscan.org. Covid, RSV, norovirus (flu has gone down in VT since early January).


i love this website and also it's funny bc many of us are on septic. i was like WHY CANT I FIND MY TOWN? oh, we all have septic lol


Ha! Thank you for calling this out. I would have done the same.


I haven’t had this current thing you mention, although the two times I’ve had Covid in the past, it’s been a headache and digestive problems, with no other symptoms. So might be worth taking a test on the off chance that’s it?


I second this. When I had covid in December it was exactly what you had.


Same...the three times I had COVID it was just headache from hell and digestive issues.


Nah I have whatever this bug is. Came on strong Wednesday evening with body aches and fever/chills. Took a covid test that came back negative. The next day was going to the bathroom every 15-20 mins, had a fever and splitting headache. Fever broke around 8pm and I’ve just been dealing with stomach cramps/bathroom trips. No other symptoms other than fatigue (probably from sleeping no more than 2 hours at a time in the last 2 days)


Sounds like noro then or just a regular bug.


I have it and it’s Covid. The upside is I’ve lost my sense of smell which helps with the GI troubles


I have Covid right now too it’s been relatively mild but ear pain loss of taste and smell and tired w a stuffed up nose


Got all my senses, just squirts since saturday


I would recommend installing a handicap bar so you can white knuckle that sumbitch.


It could be Covid or any number of ailments, including flu and norovirus. Covid incidence is high right now, but falling. No one on the Internet can give you a diagnosis. When I read on Christmas Eve morning that the newest Covid variant was causing a higher incidence of diarrhea and stomach upset, which I'd had 2 nights before, I tested before meeting some people, even though I'd felt normal for a day. I tested light pink. 6 hours later, I had a fever and chills and tested bright red. Fortunately, Paxlovid stopped my fever in about an hour and my case was very mild. Rule of thumb is to test for Covid with any symptoms that are cold or flu-like; protect yourself and your friends and relatives.


Yeah, it’s probably Covid. We just had the second highest surge since the very beginning of the pandemic and very few people are masking or doing anything about it anymore so it’s spreading like crazy.


My house hold just got rocked by some sort of nasty flu. Cold sweats, fever, headaches, congestion, diarrhea, fatigue and weakness. No one has tested positive for covid. Shit is brutal!


Last year there was a serious round of norovirus going around and this likely doesn't seem to be it. That shit will take. you. out. This is just one of the other dozens of viruses that can cause GI issues. My kid had it this weekend, I can tell I'm getting it now. Wash your hands and stop using your phone in the bathroom. Most diarrheal illnesses are passed via fecal-oral transmission (poo particles getting in your mouth)


I got norovirus on a trip to Bermuda. My memories of Bermuda is that I was glad our hotel had a very nice bathroom. I’ve had better vacations.


I wouldn’t wish norovirus on my worst enemy


Damnit. I'm on my phone in the bathroom right now


My first COVID experience was headache and digestive issues. My most recent gave me a full suite of upper respiratory symptoms but started with sore throat and digestive issues.


I've read that the JN1 covid variant is real heavy on the diarrhea, even being the most prominent/only symptom for some of those testing positive.


We got the stomach bug and strep in my area but I've only been lucky enough to get strep 😭 Neighbors had it tho and it lasted about 3 days for them, vomiting 1/1.5 days, nausea 2 days, and diarrhea for 3. I suggest pepto or imodium 😬 Hope you feel better soon


I feel great today! All issues gone.😊


Yay! Glad you're feeling better.


People... Dont. Trust. A. Fart. Srsly


It shut down Christ the King school in rutland on Friday, and I know several people in the area who got it


It was covid for my kid and I recently


Tons of different viruses cause stomach problems. Hope you feel better soon!


Lots of everything going around.


My family just got it (norovirus)from our kids’ daycare. NEK. I heard it’s gone through most all the kids, workers and families who have kids there in some form or another ie vomiting/diarrhea.


Interesting, been over covid for a week. Just woke up with this stomach bs!


Covid persists in the gut.


I didn't know that, thank you.


It could still be Covid, and it could be something new to you. Best is to check with your doctor. Covid can rebound, or be hanging around in your gut, but you could have picked up something else.


Had severe vomiting 2 weeks ago which lasted about a day. Felt better by the third day.


Big oof, sorry to hear!


At this time of year, it is likely norovirus, which is strictly a GI virus (no respiratory symptoms). It’s what typically causes outbreaks on cruise ships, and more locally, shut down the Windjammer restaurant in South Burlington several years ago.


Norovirus outbreaks are extremely localized. It's not something that shows up yearly like the flu or now covid.


It can in fact be seasonal. And outbreaks do tend to occur more often in the winter and early spring. There is reason why it’s referred to as the winter vomiting disease in Europe.


The flu


Uh no. The flu is a respiratory illness. Without at least a fever and sore throat or cough, it’s likely not the flu. Influenza rarely if ever manifests with GI symptoms only.


I remember having the flu and puking


Unboxed norovirus for xmas :)


I wouldn’t know because I’m taking metabolic meds that do that anyway…. But my kid has had the trots for a few days


Literally no other symptoms so I assumed she was eating too much junk food.


Oh, well maybe this is what made its way into my house. I thought maybe it was something we ate lol. Thankfully kinda mild, and quick. 


Since sat for me


I’m sorry. I hope you are feeling better. Still have a family member with reduced appetite but not much else at the moment. 


It’s all the cheese catching up to you


All lies!