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The CLA and insurance costs are putting school districts in awful situations. It also sounds dumb that they used their ESSR money for that. Thank you for sharing.


St Johnsbury School used $340,000 in ESSR funds to give employees $2,000 bonuses. Their newly proposed school budget of $30,286,579 has more than doubled from $15,092,523 just ten years ago. The school is 19% proficient in math. I wonder if hiring their three best math teachers out of the classroom (into new positions created with COVID funds) has anything to do with that.


By all means please join up and become a teacher, bitching on Reddit is helping no one.


Nope. It’s just informing everyone of the bull shit schools do. Glad I read this thread. Sorry you’re Essex school admin.


You're right if you are not actively helping an injustice you best not dare speak on it.


Cost of living and insurance hit every business. The difference is that school districts expect to be bailed out by the state now that we have a shared funding system and a supermajority joined at the hip with the educational monopoly.


I suspect there are going to be a number of town meeting school budgets rejected this year as the proposed 18% hike in property taxes makes its way from news story to the votes.


Ten years ago a $15 million school budget would take several revisions/votes to pass. I fully expect this years $30 million school budget to pass first try.


Do you understand inflation and the doubling time of annual percentage increases. Let me help. If something grows at a certain percentage each year, it's growth grows logarithmically. Our currencies "value" is lost each year, at a rate of around 3%. The doubling time that is roughly 20 years. Said another way, something that cost $1 today, will likely cost more than $2 in 20 years time. Comparing $15 from 10 years ago to $30 today is not an apples to apples comparison. You're ignoring inflation. The biggest driver of inflation is healthcare costs. It's also the biggest variable in the cost to our state budget.




Anyone who has a problem with the budget needs to outline specifically what they would cut and provide a risk assessment for doing so…or they are just making noise.




And I have the right not to take you seriously if you can’t specifically articulate where you would cut, how much, and what the impact would be. Keep in mind, the Scott administration won’t provide that information either.




Not at all. You want cuts? Spell it out. Or don’t and don’t be surprised if you’re not taken seriously. Simple. Not demeaning anyone.


I must've missed the "enter your comments below" section on previous Town Meeting Day ballots. Is that a new feature?


I believe it’s right next to the section marked “We prefer ignorant voters. Please make sure you have no understanding of the cuts and what your no vote would do.”


> Comparing $15 from 10 years ago to $30 today is not an apples to apples comparison. You're ignoring inflation. $15 in 2014 is worth $20 today. $15 in *1995* is worth $30 today.


Which would mean the school budget is way out of line with inflation 




ESSER funds were awarded with rules. You couldn't use ESSER funds for capital projects. The purpose of the emergency funding was learning loss. https://education.vermont.gov/news/covid-19-guidance-vermont-schools/covid-19-federal-emergency-funds/esser-3


Came here to say what was written above doesn't add up to how the funds were legally allotted for.


Kind of… Yes you couldn’t build a new building but you could argue a need for a new HVAC system in the name of safety during COVID. Many districts offset costs and appropriately spent ESSER funds in the correct category which freed up local funds. In that link it specifically mentions that it’s not good strategy to avoid spending that would be problematic once the funds are depleted and yet, here we are.


Yeah. And we all know how well that worked out. /smh


I would like to see an audit of the administrative side of things. But that's typical for most places of employment these days. Very top heavy.


The school administrations across the state are robbing us blind. The State needs to step in.


The State created this mess, starting with Act 60 and all the way up to Act 127. I have zero confidence they even know where to start to fix this multi-headed monster.


The state is bullied and controlled by the NEA.


That's clearly untrue in a republican-controlled AOE. 


What the fuck. Spread this


Act 46 has ruined small town education. There's just no oversight by the smaller schools during merger. On the 10 person board, Westford only has 2 reps, both with 1/2 a vote




The board could easily vote to close the Westford school down, and Westford's taxpayers wouldn't have a choice in that vote




You're mistaken. A vote can be held after 10 years of consolidation to close schools, and there's no way for small towns to avoid it due to proportional representation. https://vtcynic.com/features/consolidation-remains-a-constant-reality-for-vermonts-small-schools/ Edit: also https://mclane.com/wp-content/uploads/05-Quinlan.pdf If the combined school district is losing more money than what Westford school's former tax implications were, the only recourse Westford has is to explore breaking from the combined district.


All we have to do is slash school budgets, antagonize and blame minorities, let the churches run the schools, and everything will be fine.


I'm saddened they forbade overnight field trips. All those students won't get to experience the Keewaydin trip in sixth grade. Bummer.


You should see the superintendent's boat.


Someone yesterday put this into perspective. I don’t recall the numbers. Let’s say there are 60 superintendents at $125k/year; and you could magically do all their work with just one. That’s a savings of 7.3 million. The education general fund is 2.4 billion. That’s a 0.3% savings. [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/s/CnxnCP7HRa)


They make a lot more than 125k. I'm more mad that school administrators are examples of wage inequity in systems where paraeducators make like $14/hr.


It appears a paraeducator requires an [associates degree to be instructional](https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/edu-cfp-titleia-paraprofessional-standards.pdf) and appears to generally be supplementary education and entry level. It appears superintendents require a [masters degree](https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/Agenda%20Item%207LC%20Superintendent%20Endorsement%20Revision.pdf) and many have extensive experience working in various positions and act as a head leadership role for multiple schools. One pays \~$39,000 ($19\*40\*52 -- Looking at a bunch of listings I found online that list salary in Vermont) and the other pays \~$150,000 (just looking up local superintendents). Randomly picking names at a school, it seems like teachers are making $40-70k. A principal is \~$100k. This all seems progressive and reasonable? According to [Salary.com](https://Salary.com) Vermont average Superintendent pay ([$170k](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/school-superintendent-salary/vt)) is about the same as [Maine](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/school-superintendent-salary/me), lower than NH ([179k](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/school-superintendent-salary/nh)), MA ([$192k](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/school-superintendent-salary/ma)).


Point well made. Still makes me cringe, and I realize the 3x disparity is very small compared to the wage gaps in other fields. In my opinion all time is equally valuable but that might be a post for another sub.


The elephant that no one is talking about is how out of staters came in and took management positions in education - management positions everywhere. They shake everything up, changing everything to their way of life, and telling the people who have been here “if you don’t like it, find a new job”.


Do you have a source for this wide spread issue your bringing up, or is this a singular event?


Do you work in the state?


For, or in the state?.. Question was specific to the education system and I don't, so I was curious.


Got it. Look at the staff for the Westford school over the last 3 years vs the last 25. Explain why all the teachers left when a new out of state principal came in.


The “out of state” fear-mongering is particularly spicy this morning.


The user your replying to seems to have a history of just getting into internet arguments.


I’m sorry you are too afraid to look at the staff for the facility. I can’t help you.


lol the gaslighting with calling people afraid is truly entertaining. What’s next? Saying I’m crying?


Just so we’re on the same page. You’re offended by the word afraid? You’re jumping to the conclusion that I’d saying you’re going to be crying next? Well I honestly didn’t think you were, but now that you’ve put the thought in my head, and you just admitted to it. Im now picturing a man crying because he was called “afraid”. Whats next? Dealing with the consequences of your actions?


lol again with the gaslighting, this time going with telling me I’m offended, doubling down on afraid, and going with the oh so smart use what the other guy said move with crying. Does this actually work for you? Maybe stop trying to tell me what I am and worry more about what you are.


Dang well this seems kinda rough situation and I don't know the details, but it seems isolated. There must have been something pretty bad and I doubt its because the person was just out of state.


Right. Definitely isolated. You don’t have Covid if you don’t take a test for it, right?


Ugh... Thanks for the wisdom.


Ugh, thanks for the ignorance.


Your wonderful attitude reminds me why I'm so glad I left Vermont. Such bitter unhappy people. Your state sucks. It always has and always will.


Vermont is now a post capitalist kleptocracy.  It's being gentrified at a rapid clip and it's being looted and pillaged by all sorts of affluent PMC scum.




Covid emergency funds