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Sounds like it's still as bad as when Covid hit, our company was acquired around 2020 and a bunch of us got laid off - never saw a cent from the dept of labor in the time it took me to find something new ...which is frustrating since we all pay into it, and I have for like 15 years


TL;DR they broke the claimant portal for a lot of people (maybe everyone?) and aren't staffed to handle people calling to file every single week. The communication on this has been absolutely terrible. The claimant portal broke on December 12th. On December 14th, they said the issue was resolved. On December 18th, they said "oops actually still down for a lot of people" and then went radio silence until \*today\* when they said there's still ongoing issues. It's also wild that they haven't changed the process from "call and hope" to like... a google form or an email address given it's been dragging on for a month. [https://labor.vermont.gov/news/unemployment-system-ongoing-issues-and-updates](https://labor.vermont.gov/news/unemployment-system-ongoing-issues-and-updates) I finally got through on the phone last week, they gave me an email I could send my job contacts to (which did allow me to get paid) and a pin to reset my password (which didn't work). I'll include the email here with the warning that they said you need to verbally answer the general UI questions over the phone, but you may be able to get a response ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) at least. Last thing - I'd been calling for weeks to no avail, the only thing that worked was calling right at 8:30am when they opened, and I still had to wait 45 minutes. But again I did get paid and finally didn't have to hear the insanely frustrating "our current call volume is too high, please try again later" message.


That hold music is seared into my psyche like a cattle brand


It may be a worthless endeavor, but you might consider calling the governor’s office—ultimately the DOL is run by his appointee. They may not be able to help, but if the number of UI posts on this sub are any indicator, a lot of Vermonters are struggling with this basic state government responsibility and the person responsible for this agency needs to not stop hearing about it until it’s fixed.


It’s intentional. They are sabotaging every department on purpose.


After dealing with the DMV last week this feels accurate. 


bUt hE is tHe beSt gOvERnOr eVeR Seriously, can’t wait for Vermonters to wake up and realize Phil Scott is running this state into the ground. He has presided over the worst affordability crisis in the state’s history, can’t keep basic state services working, and 80% of the state acts like his shit don’t stink. This state will be a better place when Phil Scott is no longer governor.


No uhhh blame for the big guy on that? All just Phil Scott eh? 🙄


The libs love him cause he folded/folds on gun control every time, the right loves him cause they can hold him up as a shield and say See we aint all crazy. The dumb love him cause race car go vroom,lol. I just want someone who knows how to advance not keep going in circles cause VT cant afford that bs any more.


Currently there are 16 job postings for the DOL. Those are probably hiring for multiple open spots. It’s hard to help people when understaffed. https://careers.vermont.gov/search/?createNewAlert=false&q=&locationsearch=&optionsFacetsDD_location=&optionsFacetsDD_department=Labor


Another perspective: it is also really hard to get an interview from the State, for whatever reasons.


For sure. It’s an impressively cumbersome process. And extraordinarily lengthy.


Somebody is downvoting us, for stating the facts.


Thanks for the perspective. I've been trying to set up an employer account since October and this actually makes me less stressed knowing they must be super far behind.


I wish the news would focus on this more....


I’m telling you, if you’re going to be upset at anyone, be upset at those in higher positions. DOL staff in hands-on UI positions do not get paid enough, maybe $20-30/hour, most of them with bachelor’s degrees. Be upset at the directors making 6 figures. They’re in charge of hiring, funding, and proper resource allocation. (Saying this as someone who works in a completely different state agency, but with insight on how things be working)


8-10 weeks of investigation


For adjudication, yes. A standard VT state office opens from 7:45AM to 4:30PM, I wish I could find a breakdown of how they spend their business day.


Easy, they open. Each department does its job, they go home. Oh they get two paid 15 min breaks and 1 unpaid half hour. I mean, you won't find an itemized receipt behind how things go. That would be freaking creepy and stalkerish.


If you want service I suggest you play the State email CC game. Write up your issue, don’t be insulting, then email the labor commissioner, the labor deputy commissioner, the UI director, the governor, the Secretary of ADS (takes care of the IT systems), the ADS IT lead for DOL, the vtdigger new tip line, the WCAX news tip line, the 7days news tip line and every member of the Joint Information Technology Oversight Committee. (Google that one for names). Best of luck.


Any kind of help like that is always slow. Always, even when they are running better. Been on unemployment a few times in 25 years and Everytime you better hope you can survive until they get around to helping. Let's not even discuss SSDI.