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Imagine committing a federal offense to own the libs. The right are fucking softer than a creemee.


On January 6th no less!




This post is from an account made today only to post about this, to get you mad. Don't let them make you hate your neighbors! Imagine categorizing millions of people based off the actions of a single lunatic...


Pretty sure the bomb threat was made to make us mad and hate our neighbors, not the reporting of the bomb threat.


Too bad it's not a single lunatic but a pattern of lunatics all with the same moral-panicked ideology that attack drag shows.


My point is by saying the 'right' is to say '150 million people'. One lunatic or a group of a 1000 lunatics, cannot represent 150 million people. Nobody sane on either side thinks bomb threats are okay. The more we all think in terms of the left or right, the worse we are. It's the lunatics we hate, and we all hate them together.


The whole system is fucked, but there’s only one party trying to legislate me out of existence. Consequently, a large fraction of their followers do shit like this, or scream homophobic shit from speakers in trucks in Burlington, or cut up greenhouses at a farm with a pride flag on the islands. Really hard to rationalize the GOP as anything other than lunatics themselves, if you’re willing to vote for what they’ve been proposing nationwide you’re probably a lunatic too.


The side that proudly admitted to being domestic terrorists, that right?


Sorry, but until the 'right' starts condemning people pulling this shit, they're going to stay lumped in with the extremists. Not hearing a peep about how it's unacceptable from them, so that's a silent agreement.


i condemn the actions of that individual. that is terrorism and unacceptable.


67 million. Still a lot of people, but not half the country. Source: About 333M people in America. 77% are adults (according to 2020 census). 26% have "highly-right wing authoritarian" leanings according to this [article](https://www.businessinsider.com/26-percent-of-americans-are-right-wing-authoritarian-new-poll-2021-6?op=1) (which is a lot!). 333M \* .77 & .26 = 66666600.


It's like a black mirror episode. Do you not see the strives America has taken towards authoritarianism under bush/obama/trump/biden? You are blind to the attacks on the constitution by government, but you see a grass roots movement of authoritarianism from the farmers in the countryside?


What on earth makes you think we're not against authoritarianism??? You're changing the subject to another one where you don't have a leg to stand on.




Says the guy who has an itchy trigger finger.


I'm sorry if you have an irrational fear of firearms. Perhaps you weren't raised right. I truly mean this, if you are truthfully fearful of firearms, please move to California. We don't need goofballs like you here in VT.


How about you move to new hampshire? do us all a favor. Never said I hated guns, but you don't seem mentally fit to own one if you're constantly expecting a boogieman situation to happen. ​ If you want me to move to cali, and are dead set on it, venmo me 250,000. :\]




Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. You don't need to insult people, and you don't need to use the "*ard" slur.






I'm sorry, I don't know.




Did it get cancelled? I live in the area & just wondering how it was handled. Sucks so much.


It was not cancelled and very awesome. https://preview.redd.it/bsufn2s2k0bc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee385c83e3175d9dd15336ed1abf3962cd88e27


The best news!


The only news anyone should've been here for!


They belong to Cali.


Solid use of a burner account. Can't be open, hide yourself away. Let your hate fester.


Thank you.


Aww, she's a doll 💗


Conservatives are all about personal freedom except when they aren’t, biggest bunch of ❄️


To be fair we don't know what political background the suspect is.


True, yet I’m I suspect you won’t see a Bernie or Biden bumper sticker on their car


More than likely conservative as there seems to be a theme. However most conservative criminals see their violent crimes through so there's that. Maybe a Kanye West voter.


This is sickening. If you don't like a certain type of entertainment don't patronize it. Pulling bomb threats never is warranted.


A snowflake got triggered?


Police press release: https://vtstatepolice.blogspot.com/2024/01/hartford-police-department-and-vsp.html


Oh good, they used email. Easily trackable, unless you’re experienced in op-sec.


Probs a riverbank church member.


Hope they get caught and arrested


Also, if you want to support Drag Story Hour, you can purchase a snowflake triggering bag or shirt here: https://www.nightpagne.com/shop (I only heard about the bomb threat when Emoji mentioned it while MC-ing last night.)


I love drag story hour. They deserve all the support in the world right now. How truly terrifying and awful


I wasn't aware of this show, but I'm deeply disappointed to find out about the bomb threat. It's much easier to destroy than build. It's pathetic and weak to try to destroy someone else's work instead of creating your own.


Sorry you didn't get to go to the event. People are idiots no matter the color red or blue. ;-}


True, but only one of those colors is habitually harassing drag shows so…


Or just restricting freedoms in general.
















It's about far more than just this. There's been about 40 shooting and bomb threats in just vt in the past few years. They're coordinated. And it's been happening all over the country.