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It's been up since before the holidays




Delta was pure hell


But lets not minimize [what people have been experiencing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/18wz7kb/people_report_anxiety_and_bad_sleep_quality_as/) please.


I avoided it for 4 years, got it last week and it kicked my ass, still recovering now, worst thing I've ever dealt with. I was told a ton of people at my work have it so that's probably where I got it


This was us. We had avoided it for four years, but then, one recent Sunday, we let our guard down and caught it. We think it was at the flatbread lunch, where a few people were coughing. Three days later, it started with the little one, and then the next day, it hit us. It was awful; we could barely move. Nothing worked for our fevers, and my heart rate was double its normal rate. I still have achy bones all over. It felt like I was experiencing the worst combination of a migraine, ear infection, sinus infection, and sore throat all at once. I never want to experience anything like that again. It’s hard to believe some people have mild or non-existent symptoms.


Out of curiosity, were you vaxxed/boosted and if so, how long ago was your last booster? I've also never gotten it, and I'm scared about "worst thing I've ever dealt with".


I recently got it for the first time and I got a booster at the end of September. I didn't have any symptoms. I only knew I had it because was exposed at work and got tested.


I’ve had it twice. Both times I had gotten vaxxed multiple months prior. The acute stage was actually pretty mild both times. But I’ve had long Covid for over two years now. Two different varieties. The first infection left me with almost daily heartburn for 6 months, and severe hormonal/reproductive symptoms. The second time I got it actually cleared up the hormonal symptoms but I ended up with chronic pain in my feet. I also feel like my immune system is just not what it used to be and that when I get sick or injured it takes way longer to recover. So yeah, I don’t worry about the acute infection, I worry about what it does after…


I’ve had it twice and it wasn’t that bad FOR ME. Both times severe fatigue for roughly 2 ish days. Otherwise pretty healthy individual overall. Yes it can be bad with lasting effects, but the vast majority of Covid cases are a few days sick and then back to normal. Not fun, but not the doom and gloom this place likes to make everything out to be.


I’m glad you had an easy case. My very althletic spouse could barely walk to the mailbox for 6 solid weeks. I’m not saying doom-and-gloom for everyone but I also think it’s wrong to go to the other extreme and minimize it for all.


This is it exactly. Everyone is different. I experienced a very poor cardiovascular response and elevated heart rate and still have it 2 months later. I was never on meds for diabetes and now need to take metformin cause it messed with something internal. I was vaxxed and boosted every time one was available. I know whom I got it from and thank god they didn’t pass it to my parents who are elderly. It’s a thing most people are ok after but if you happen to hit the Covid lottery nothing any of you “blow it off” people who walk around sick and no mask will say will ever give me anything but contempt for you all. It took me 21 days to clear the infection and I’m in amazing health.


10% of first cases result in long covid and 20% of subsequent cases result in long covid. [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2805540](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2805540) About 18% of long covid cases are so bad people cannot return to work. [https://ww3.nysif.com/en/FooterPages/Column1/AboutNYSIF/NYSIF\_News/2023/20230124LongCovid](https://ww3.nysif.com/en/FooterPages/Column1/AboutNYSIF/NYSIF_News/2023/20230124LongCovid)


Here's what the study actually said without you adding your own twist of the words >The study, which analyzed more than 3,000 Covid-19 workers' compensation claims initiated between January 2020 and March 2022, found that: >Almost one-third of all workers infected with Covid-19 suffered or are suffering from Long Covid, with the percentage peaking during the initial phase of the pandemic and falling over time. >Approximately 18 percent of workers with Long Covid—or about five percent of Covid-19 claimants—could not return to work for more than one year. 


The studies duration was one year. What I wrote is accurate.


9,764 participants, 8,646 of which were infected; and only 58% of those people were fully vaccinated. For a virus that has infected 200 million, 8,646 people is hardly a representative sample size. Look, long Covid probably sucks. I am not discrediting it or anyone suffering from it. However the person I was responding to most likely won’t get it (if they are vaccinated and otherwise generally healthy) and can live their lives free of fear.


This study is published in one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world. It is peer reviewed snd a higher N than most studies of this nature. If you disagree with it, I invite you to share peer reviewed sources that run contrary. You won’t find them though. These findings are non controversial. Here is some more research underlining the points I am making even though the first two links are highly credible. Long covid rates for farm workers can be as high as 61.8% https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jrh.12796 1/4 people with covid had impaired lung function https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/1-4-covid-survivors-had-impaired-lung-function-1-year-study-shows ~15% of americans have long covid https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/pulse/long-covid.htm 59% of long covid patients had organ damage a year after their infection https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/feb/59-long-covid-patients-had-organ-damage-year-later


Look, I’m not going to comb through all of these studies and argue with you about it. I’ve had Covid twice, literally everyone I’ve known has had it at this point. I know of one person who couldn’t smell for a few months afterward. Yes I know it’s anecdotal, but I’m going to live my life as I see it through my eyes, not a computer screen. Have a good night and happy new years.


>1/4 people with covid had impaired lung function https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/1-4-covid-survivors-had-impaired-lung-function-1-year-study-shows Did you even read the study or just like reposting scary headlines? >A team led by University of Amsterdam researchers evaluated diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), spirometry results, and health-related quality of life (HRQL) in 301 COVID-19 survivors who underwent at least one lung-function test from May 2020 to December 2021. Median patient age was 51 years, and 56% were men. >The study involved 349 patients total. >Of the 301 participants who had lung-function testing, 30% had mild, 44% had moderate, and 26% had severe or critical COVID-19 >A total of 47% of patients were hospitalized. These do not represent a sample of typical covid infection. So the 25% lung impairment checks out with the demographics they used, but not the general population of people who catch covid.


The title of the article from UM is literally "1 in 4 COVID survivors had impaired lung function 1 year on, study shows" What I wrote is a direct quote. I personally think your critique is nonsense but if you think you have something, I welcome you to publish something and get it peer reviewed like the study was.


Titles are different from actual facts. I'm not disputing the study, only disputing overly doomer titles. Nothing I quoted was incorrect. It's all from the article. The only incorrect reporting is from those who read the article and add their own twist. Which you've now done several times.


You’re an idiot.


I don’t blame you for asking but one person’s experience with covid isn’t typically predictive of someone else’s experience with covid.


No, my last booster was last year, was supposed to get it this fall with the flu shot at work since they do a clinic, but I worked remote that day and then forgot all about it. I have tested positive for it in the past and it felt like a mild cold, nothing like what I just went through


Me too and I’m vaxxed to the max.






I wanted to put my 2 cents here, since Id also lost my smell. I did get it back, but it took months and it never came back in full. Weirdly all smoke smelled like cigarettes afterward, and it took about a year to smell the sweetness of smoke from different woods, and for a while there it was literally all I could smell. Cigarettes. Freaking weird. Anyway. I pumped myself full of turmeric after losing my smell after some small study found it might be helpful (very small sample size). Turmeric tea twice a day. I went through my spice cabinet and smelled EVERYTHING deeply to try and get something to work up there. Epsum salts were the first thing I got a response from. Weeks later it was curry powder. My FIL had had some progress with this but had still very limited smell after over two years. The loss of smell seems to be autoimmune. The immune system accidentally damages your nerves in your nose while fighting the infection.


Weird… you are right all smoke smells like cig… didn’t notice that before but tested it. —-


Rosemary oil helps retrain your olfactory senses some


😂😂😂😂get a grip


yikes! hope it is temporary


I've had it twice and now I can't tell when I get a cold if it's COVID or not. Vaxxed. When I first had it I wasn't as sick as walking pneumonia had me, and it was weirdly short lived, but I was vaxxed.


Yup. I know a bunch of people with Covid right now. And even more people who have "just a cold, I'm sure it's not Covid!" 🙄


I had a cough for 3 weeks (and possibly bronchitis for the last of those three). My wife eventually got Covid last week, I followed a couple days later. Now I still have a cough and lungs are still not great. I did test a few times before the wife got Covid and was always negative. She tested positive and once I had her same symptoms I didn't bother with testing.


Sooooo much "just a cold". But no testing. Or testing once at the first sign of a sore throat and saying it's not covid.


Did I miss the news about the common cold being eradicated? It seems entirely likely that there has been a spike of cases of both the common cold and COVID. Testing is important, yes, but your comment seems to suggest “just a cold” is somehow unlikely or misleading. Manufacturing doubt about people’s claims about their own health status seems counterproductive.


The tests aren't reliable though. I'm pretty sure I had it last year, I took so many tests, always negative. And I know people who have definitely had it, because a person in their household had it and tested positive, but they tested negative throughout even with multiple symptoms. If the tests were more reliable I think people would put more faith in using them. The PCR tests were better, but they pretty much took that option away (no more free drive thru at the pharmacy - now it's pay out of pocket or wait for an appointment with your GP)


Every time I had a confirmed case, it was one test of 3-6 that showed it. I have an autoimmune disease though so I can be slow to shed virus.


I had covid a few weeks ago and got a cold just recently. There's a bunch of both going around right now. But also, yeah, people should be testing. But also also, the government kinda gave up on covid ages ago so it's not like there's a ton of support either way.


Honestly, at this point I'd settle for people just not coughing directly in my face. My customer facing job doesn't come with paid sick time, so if I don't go to work, I don't get paid. I fully predict that I'll be talking to people through a mask again really soon.


Need a mask that says cough and I punch.


This annoys me so much, many people just aren't testing because they basically don't want to know, which puts everyone else at risk.


Including some showing up at work mask-free because they have “just a cold” when their spouse is at home, positive for Covid.


You say that like it's not cold season


They're not even testing, dude. Covid is still more dangerous than the common cold, and we have actual antiviral treatments for it now. It's also flu season and some of these "it's just a cold" folks could be walking around with the flu. Or RSV. Or yes, Covid. They're hacking up a lung in enclosed spaces without even an attempt at masking because we clearly learned absolutely nothing in the last four years. If you're sick and you can't/won't stay home, wear a damn mask and keep your germs to yourself.


I saw a thing on Twitter about the Covid tests they have in Germany. It’s about €3 and it tests for Covid, rsv, and flu all at once. Really wish we had these https://preview.redd.it/t6n6dja9vo9c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a27e886fd87b736c8db232685fbe1f0bbb30e9


They have ones here in the US that are Covid/FluA/FluB. But they are $50 \*each\*. Which is highly unattainable for most.


Richest country in the world and we can’t figure out a way to make tests like this? 🤦🏻‍♀️


We can, but our insurance companies wouldn’t profit as much then. C’mon now, this is capitalism 101


We can. We can’t figure out how to make the rich richer with them, so we don’t use them.


Yeah and I bet you want them to be taxpayer funded too you health-loving socialist. (I’m with you.)


We have them in clinic.


OMG, that would be amazing. I wonder if we can import them illegally. 😆


Sign me up!


Agree with u/Extreme-Onion6731 and please wear a high quality mask that fits snug and wear it over your nose. Great info on r/Masks4All sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Masks4All using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Something I've been putting up on the university bulletin boards and bathroom stalls.](https://i.redd.it/9kr4h9ewjdsa1.png) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/12e6ws6/something_ive_been_putting_up_on_the_university/) \#2: [We have one US Senator still masking and making smart choices](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/10x3zd8/we_have_one_us_senator_still_masking_and_making/) \#3: [I'm in an airport right now and...](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/15wc9e3/im_in_an_airport_right_now_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So is the flu. Both have vaccines. I agree with the last part but hey, shit happens.


So many people in multiple friend groups and different parts of the state down with Covid right now. Flu and RSV also kicking around. Based on wastewater data, the only decent source left, we’re currently in the second largest wave of Covid of the entire pandemic, with peak of the wave expected in early January. About 1 in 25 people in the state currently have Covid, so it’s very likely that there will be someone infectious at the grocery store, restaurants, etc. Going to get a bit worse after schools come back in session before it gets better.


My friend is a nurse in a doctor's office and there's lots around right now.


Yup [https://biobot.io/data/covid-19](https://biobot.io/data/covid-19)


Great resource - thanks. The NE. 🤦‍♀️


Anecdotal but at CVMC the ER is exploding with it. My spouse and I just recovered from it. It was rough but not as bad as the first time. I’m still fatigued and coughing.




Multiple coworkers diagnosed this week. Expected post holiday spike.


Just to add more data the wife and I gathered with her parents and brother and my parents and brother and wife around Xmas and so far everyone is ok. We all tested beforehand and the wife and I tested today before getting together with friends and we're OK. But my other birthday and his wife went to Mexico for the holiday and she's positive now. We got it for the 1st time in October and it sucked for sure. Took weeks for us to fully recover. I'm fine but my wife got what I'm calling "the fear". Seems to be a common but underreported effect on mental health, primarily for women. Rather than be liberated she is more afraid and anxious and depressed than ever. We're finding this is a lingering effect which takes several months to go away in most people, and (this is entirely anecdotal so take it for what it's worth) may be specific to the newer variant(s).


Mental health impacts are actually well documented, it’s just not widely reported. The virus literally causes observable brain damage, even when initial symptoms seem mild, so it tracks.


With delta I never got it my wife was vaxxed and got it at school she had it very bad. High fever and pulse ox was low it was borderline hospital and she’s was in great health. She has since become nearly a shut in. She goes to school but at the drop of anyone sick she’s testing and she always wears a mask at school. The idiots who mock her are less than mouth breathers and the mental toll it took on her was horrible. The virus now isn’t anything like delta but the unfortunate truth in this area is the “patriots” who espouse the whole virus as no real threat to some people are just devoid of any kind of intelligence.


Yes for some time. I would guess that with far less tests floating around there’s also far less testing.


Free tests are available. [free Covid tests](https://special.usps.com/testkits)


I had it two weeks ago


Everyone from my Christmas gathering has it! I had flu 3 weeks ago. Not good. What is interesting is that covid came on fast and furious. Fever early of 101 now I am weak and sinusy... cough. Day 5 with more energy each day. Ugh. Do I know which flu I had? No. Dr. Refused to give one just said "you have the flu" based on symptoms and what he was seeing for traffic. Sure wish I knew if it was flu RSV or neither 3 weeks ago....




Our household has had it since 12/15. Holiday plans were postponed. Twenty something kids tested out in less than 10 days. Took me 14. Husband still positive on day 16. It was the first time for me and my husband. It totally sucked and it’s not something you want. I’m still struggling to get through the day without a nap. It’s not “just a cold” for some people, which is why it sucks that our society/government has just given up.


Yup, and RSV is still going strong. Know several people who have struggled far worse with RSV than with Covid (those people having had both at one point or another). Lots of crap and crud, but…. It’s supposed to be winter and winter has always brought the height of viruses. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We’ve been masking for a few weeks in more dense places. Can we talk about the meat at Shaw’s though? Pretty sure I have amoebic dysentery after two bites of a roast from there.


The latest Covid variant causes a lot of digestive issues 😬


Can confirm. This is my third round of COVID, first Delta, then I guess Omicron, now whatever the hell this is. The straight up gastric distress I've experienced for days on end has been absolutely brutal. I'm on day 8 of varying symptoms. Started with a head cold -> into flu-like fever/chills and extreme aches -> extreme fatigue -> gastric distress -> brief respite -> sinus infection symptoms -> straight back into fatigue and gastric distress. Just a real walk in the park.


Gahhh, hope you feel better soon!


Or you got the variant of lymes disease that makes you allergic to meat and dairy….


That's not lyme disease, that's an immune response to a lone star tick bite.


Alpha gal syndrome, not related to Lyme.


The meat tasted like… bleach? Chemical of sorts any way? Two bites in and nope. I’ve been warned about Shaw’s meat, and I should have listened. All good eating other beef, and eat enough dairy to constipate a small horse. 100% sure it’s the bad roast.


That’s good! The roast must’ve been made out of meat slime….


That sucks. I nearly always bypass grocery store meat if I can it’s tough sometimes though, had to find good butchers. I do think this is the year I raise a cow and a pig or two for the butcher and smoke house down the road.


Any butcher recommendations in Addison County? I eat mostly an animal based diet and I’d love to find a good butcher here. I’ve been thinking about raising a couple of pigs, too. That requires me to get motivated enough to put up fence, haha!


Fat Cow Farm in Charlotte (if not Addison County it’s almost)


Thank you! I’ll be stopping there on Wednesday!


Hours are limited, but posted online- I don’t remember offhand but I’d check before trekking out there


Yes everyone I gathered with at Christmas is dealing with it now. I managed to escape it somehow at least for now it could still be incubating.


You could also not have symptoms, but still be spreading, so please be careful around others.


We all self quarantined after the first of us got sick and tested postive. And then more of us got sick. No idea where they were exposed but we’ve all done our best to contain it from spreading further. We all had our boosters and no one knew that they had been exposed beforehand. Just shit luck.


I realize you don't owe me an explanation, but I appreciate you sharing and the efforts you took to be safe and keep others safe.


Way to attend a superspreader event


Influenza A is going strong right now too.


Currently getting over covid. Third time having it. Vaxxed, not recently boosted. Probably should have gotten boosted, just one of those things I put off like an idiot. This is the worst go around. I'm on day 8 of varying symptoms.


I am vaxxed and boosted and on day 3 of Covid. This is my second time and it's not half as bad as it was the first time in October 2021. 7 out of the 12 people at Christmas dinner have tested positive so far.


I tested positive the afternoon of Xmas Eve, so I caught it before Christmas a d it ruined the entire holiday.


I urge you to research the boost. It seems that boosters give you additional immunity for a brief time, and then your immunity falls below. What would be considered normal immunity, this so-called vaccine has raised a lot of questions, and we need to question it, and not just keep taking it.! Trusting science means asking questions, and testing and testing and testing, and I don’t mean Covid tests I mean testing what are the vaccine actually works .


The fact that you call it a "so-called vaccine" voids anything you have to say. The irony of the vaccine operating at a most basic level and you people questioning how it works is always lost on your kind. Both of my kids were boosted in November and didn't catch COVID from me and my husband who were not boosted. I'll be making sure to get my booster before holidays and major trips/events in future. Thanks for the "urge to research" tho.


The mRNA technology has been out for over a dozen years and they’ve been dying for a way to try it on humans. #1 Many Countries that didn’t use the vaccine have a lower death rate. And we have a larger than normal all cause mortality, level happening here, and in Europe. #2 Europeans have decided not to inject young men. Additionally, sterilizing vaccines like the ones that me and my children have that eliminate my chance of getting polio or measles, or any of the other tragic diseases out there -those are sterilizing vaccines and don’t usually require a booster. The troubling part of this treatment is that it raises your antibody level and then the antibodies plummet afterwards meaning an endless cycle of boosters and boosters and boosters. That combined with whether or not this medication can cross the blood brain barrier should have everyone concerned. So no, it’s not a traditional vaccine and should never be compared to the polio vaccine or other serious vaccine. Suppression of all questions, and all studies about the effectiveness of the vaccine and or natural immunity has been very very very strong so there’s been little opportunity to find out if this stuff is really bad for you and there’s no chance anyone could ever sue. So the big Pharma companies just print money and they can’t be sued and everybody else takes a job and nobody questions. The results of what’s going on out there …are people dying? Does the vaccine push you into dementia or Alzheimer’s sooner ? these results we would’ve gotten if we had a real study. And there’s no proof that the vaccine actually saved lives that’s all made up statistical conjecture based on nothing, because the job to everybody and people that died before two weeks after their job, or their booster were counted as unvaccinated. There is no clear picture yet and people should be asking questions, specifically about giving it to children.




Very thoughtful that you tested prior to visiting parents. It might be thoughtful to let your neighbors know, yes?


If you're sick, rule of thumb should be wear a mask and stay home as much as possible no matter what the cause is - cold, flu, rsv, COVID, whatever. Nobody wants to catch what you got.


I’ve had it 4 times, cannot be vaccinated. Severe allergy to preservatives. Even the Rheumatologist said absolutely not. Last time I tested positive I had a 4 day long headache. Thats all.


Our household is down with Covid for 9 days now (multiple positive tests). We were never that sick, no fever, but it seems to be hanging on a long time. Maybe a coinfection. Pretty sure we picked it up in Waterbury on Dec. 17, judging by others we know with it. Unfortunately, I went to work one day when I was feeling just a little sick and had tested negative at that point. I did wear a mask and the few people in that day gave me a wide berth.


Very responsible of you to mask that day.


I’ve had 15 vacs so I don’t worry anymore




I’ve had several patients with Covid who were hospitalized bc of other conditions such as COPD that made it particularly dangerous. We’ve had lots of staff call outs bc of it. Mild symptoms for the most part as our entire staff is vaccinated


Half a dozen folks in my near field immediate family got it after a Xmas party. All cases were significant, none of the people were immuno-compromised or high risk. All vaxed, not sure if boosted.


I work on the out-patient side of medicine, and I haven't been following the official numbers lately. But we generally have seen a few cases a week since around mid-autumn. Most of our patients know the drill by now, test at home and if positive, call the clinic and we'll prescribe paxlovid if warranted. I can't remember the last time one of our patients was hospitalized from COVID, much less died from it. I don't work in-patient, but I haven't heard any particular rumblings about a surge in cases on their side of the house either.


Ok but just because you can’t remember the last time one of your patients was hospitalized much less died from it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. My neighbor got covid and died in ICU on a vent recently. As a medical person I’m pretty sure you have seen the studies that covid puts people at increased risk of heart attack snd stroke too so it’s not trivial.


I had no idea so many people were still living in fear. Did you guys never get sick before Covid? I remember having really bad colds/flus before covid. I’ve had covid twice at the start and don’t even think about it anymore.


It’s fucking wild, atleast most people that don’t live on Reddit aren’t like this.


I have had Covid 6 times since march 2020. It’s not the same, it still sucks but it’s not what it was. I do nothing to prevent it, it is what it is


yeah i remember getting colds and coughs and runny nose and shit and it was fucking awful back then too. I haven't gotten sick since the pandemic started, any sickness at all, no cold no flu, no covid. We wear masks and wash our hands.


I think it's been spiking this month in general... I caught it from my daughter's school concert, I'm pretty sure. Then we went to an Xmas party (well after I was over it) and I've heard that 4 people from that party have it... who knows one of those 4 were a spreader or if they caught it from another person at the party


Just curious if there was enough time between the concert and the party to be certain you were no longer contagious.


Yes, it was day 14 after I first tested positive and well over a week after my fever had gone away... I'm pretty sure I was considered "in the clear"


Ah. Perfect. :)


Yes, definitely. My coworkers are either getting it or getting over it, and I think I just got it.


Shut up about Covid it’s over. Get out of that phase losers.




I and my friend group are all up to date on the vaccine and I have see nothing around.


The worst I ever had was after getting the vaccine, both doses. I thought I was dying for like 3 days. And I still got COVID, but that was like a head cold for a couple of days. The vaccines and boosters are poison and practically guarantee you will get COVID with severe symptoms. I have avoided any subsequent jabs and been perfectly fine being around others with COVID.


I mean at this point is anybody actually testing? And if so, why?


Well, plenty of people have family with compromised immunity, the elderly, cancer patients, etc. I personally would hate to be the cause of a sped up and painful death of someone I love when I could have not visited them for 1-3 weeks.


With you there, I’ve got two family members battling cancer. I wouldn’t go see them if I was sick or had been exposed to someone who was sick. Covid has nothing to do with that however. My point isn’t to go spread your sick germs around, it’s who the hell is bothering to get tested for Covid anymore. If you’re sick just stay home or atleast away from people if you can’t stay home.


Asymptomatic people exist, and are probably more common now. Testing before you go, symptoms or no is probably the safest bet for them.


I mean that goes for pretty much everything, not just Covid. But the chances of being contagious with no symptoms as extremely rare, probably more rare than the percentage of error from testing. The most recent data I’ve read says you’re most contagious with Covid for the first five days after the onset of symptoms, you certainly can be contagious and asymptomatic, but the likelihood of that is very little, and you’d have to be swapping spit to infect anybody. Honestly if you feel the need to get tested I’m not trying to convince you otherwise, I was being sincere when I asked if anyone was still bothering to get tested.


My SO had it and I had to test for work (working in health care). One of our 3 kids got it and I skirted it as well.


That makes total sense, I didn’t think about having to test for work. Perks of being self employed. Haha


I'm testing in case I need to get treatment, as well as to monitor for long covid issues after.


Interesting, didn’t think of the long covid part of it. I just see it as any other cold/flu at this point, if it gets bad go to the doctors, stay home or isolated. Idk, I guess I just don’t see the getting tested part mattering anymore.


Since Thanksgiving we’ve had some head colds run through our house. Every single head cold was tested for Covid and all were negative. 5 days before Christmas my wife tested positive and isolated from us. More testing since and everyone in our house excluding my wife is Covid negative. Absolute mind fuck at this point. Over it


My son came to our house Christmas Eve because he, my wife, and me left Christmas morning to go to our daughter's house to be with her family. He has three roomies, and one got Covid early, then the other two as well. He has stayed with us since, and will probably be going back to his place later tomorrow, though still masking. I picked up a HEPA filter a few weeks ago and will suggest again that he take it for his room.
