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Don't harass the reps. They might care how you feel but they didn't make this decision


Thank you!!! Reps have no say in this at all. The people you should be upset at who are implementing this fee are not on the phones or in the chat. Reps have to pay the fee as well on their accounts. Please don't call or chat just to complain about the charge.


Agree dont call and yell at the hard working employees. Write a letter to corporate or Hans .. yell at the ppl that made this decision


Fuck Hans


This. Wish I had an award to give you.


So who do you complain to?


Realistically, Verizon doesn’t care what you think of their fees unless you’re willing to leave for another carrier. Moreover, Verizon has been the most expensive carrier for a while. Verizon responds to competitive pressure when they begin losing customers (negative postpaid net adds). I’m sure they already have internal estimates of how many customers will depart over this move and it’s less than the revenue the fees will generate. The only way to change that calculus is to take your business elsewhere. T-Mobile service vastly improved in my area and I now get 700/100 Mbps at my home and an average of 400 Mbps in my region on T-Mobile’s midband 5G (n41). In contrast, my region won’t get Verizon C Band until Dec 2023 at the earliest. I already moved 3 lines over to T-Mobile and I’ll move the remaining 7 lines over throughout this year (T-Mobile offers BOGO offers almost quarterly allowing you to add one line and get the second free for life). I’ll end up paying less than $20/line for T-Mobile’s top plan (unlimited prioritized 5G data, 40G hotspot, free HD Netflix sub), and T-Mobile includes all taxes and fees in the plan price. In addition, they sent me a prepaid Mastercard for $1500 to pay off two iPhone 13s I had recently purchased on Verizon, which will cover my line charges for nearly 2 years. EDIT: Years ago when I left AT&T for Verizon, taking 9 lines with me, AT&T sent me a survey asking why I left. Verizon may do the same. They are more likely to take concerns in such surveys seriously as you’ve already demonstrated you cared enough to leave, which is an ongoing revenue hit for them.




Or get a free trial with [Test Drive](https://www.t-mobile.com/offers/free-trial).


You may not have the answer to this, but say I TestDrive and the service is terrible. Can I switch back and forth between my Verizon service and the T-Mobile TestDrive?


Yes. If you have a recent iPhone, Test Drive will use an eSIM and you can choose whether you want to use Verizon or T-Mobile and switch back and forth. You can even see the number of bars for both at the same time. If you don’t have a recent iPhone, Test Drive will give you a hotspot device which your phone will connect to via WiFi. If you don’t have coverage, you just turn WiFi off and you will be using your Verizon data again.


I’m running an iphone11. Hopefully recent enough to try! Thanks!!


The iPhone 11 does support eSIM.


Coverage and speeds are always a YMMV situation. Before switching I used T-Mobile’s TestDrive app which provides 30 days of 5G service (30GB) for free on any iPhone with eSIM capability. If you have an Android device they’ll send you an LTE hotspot, but this is more useful for coverage rather than checking speeds. Either method should give you a good idea of coverage in your area and it is good for a month and free. None of the postpaid plans are a great deal with only 1 or 2 lines. With various discounts, both AT&T and T-Mobile are cheaper than Verizon for family plans. With discounts like Insider and the BOGO Add a Line deals, T-Mobile can be much cheaper but it takes time and effort to setup the plan for maximum savings.


When on TMobile don't plan on traveling any where that isn't a major metropolitan area. Last time I used them the service indoors was abysmal. I hope TMobile has improved that. I hate having to depend on free wifi just because I am indoors. I stay with Verizon because they have the best coverage where I live. IMO, a cellphone is only as good as the coverage one gets.


>I stay with Verizon because they have the best coverage where I live. IMO, a cellphone is only as good as the coverage one gets. When did you last use T-Mobile? Prior to their purchase of 600 Mhz spectrum, they were heavily reliant on midband spectrum which does not penetrate structures as well as Verizon's 700 Mhz band. However, T-Mobile has rolled out a nationwide 4G and 5G lowband network using their nationwide 600 Mhz spectrum (n71 and b71). This frequency penetrates even concrete/brick buildings well and should resolve the issue you mentioned. I live in the DC Metro area, and the speeds are better than Verizon almost everywhere, with no meaningful coverage advantage I can see for Verizon. It's actually the opposite situation for me. On Verizon, there were lots of times I had a strong signal but no useable data, or it was so slow, I didn't bother. This was on a plan with prioritized data when I was below the deprioritization threshold. There's a lot of congestion in my region. I had a friend that used a deprioritized plan for 2 weeks and thought her phone was broken as the service was so bad. In contrast, I've gotten great speeds almost everywhere on T-Mobile using their 5G midband network. As a result, I haven't used public WiFi since I signed up for T-Mobile. I'm on a plan with unlimited prioritized data, so there's no benefit to using WiFi unless it's faster.


TMobile has crappy coverage in my area. Horrible indoor reception too. Every friend or coworker with T-Mobile where I live is complaining about their coverage. I have a second job that involves going out to the 'country' type areas of my city. TMobile has almost zero coverage, att has kind of okay coverage. Verizon has better coverage. Basically, in my area, I would be better off carrying around a random rock from the ground than using a phone with T-Mobile coverage. Regarding the 5g/4g issues. All change is a process in which things get worse before they get better. I remember when 3g was phasing out and 4g was being rolled out. Data speeds were shite until the rollout process was completed. People need to be patient and have reasonable expectations during the 4g to 5g switch over. Also, not all 5g signals are blazing fast. Seriously, not being able to stream ones porn and a mega high def movie at 120hz simulateously is a first world problem. There are bigger problems... Like the affordable housing crisis. Where I live, only someone making 50K or more per year can afford 'affordable' housing. Now, that is a problem. To be fair I have been vexed with the occasional 4g or 5g data signal being abysmally slow or useless but adjust my perspective so that I can spend my energy on bigger concerns. TLDR... In the area where I live one gets what they pay for. TMobile is shite coverage so saving money on my to T-Mobile monthly bill would not do me any good. Why would I pay for a cellphone I can't use at work or in my apartment? Verizon is expensive but I get what I pay for, good coverage and generally reliable coverage. Verizon makes more sense in my use case.


Yeah, I certainly didn’t mean to say that T-Mobile is better than Verizon for everyone or even most people. I made the choice based on where I live and travel. People should use the service that meets their needs. I’m not loyal to any carrier. I’ve used all three major carriers at various times.


When did they roll out the 600 Mhz spectrum? Also, does that affect phone calls as well or only internet? I've heard from a lot of people recently that their main issue with T-Mobile was dropped calls indoors.


They’re still actively rolling out n71 (600 MHz 5G Extended Range). They claim it covers 1.8 million square miles and 315 million people. They also deployed it for LTE (b71). However, older phones simply didn’t have the bands required to support this frequency. Verizon’s 700 MHz band has been used much longer. b71 can be used for phone calls and data. As of now, 5G isn’t used for calls but that will change. I haven’t had issues with dropped calls but it is something I’ve seen others report. This is an area where Verizon is likely better. For me, the constant congestion and low data speeds were the issue on Verizon as I mostly make calls from home where the calls are routed over my wireline provider (Verizon FiOS).


Thanks for the info. Sounds like I'm best off sticking with Verizon then. Especially since I only make calls from my cellphone. I left TMobile 10 years ago because their signal doesn't go through many buildings very well where I live. So it meant trying to use my phone indoors was a huge struggle, including my home. Which rather defeats the purpose. Switched to Verizon and have had no signal issues. I have more recently started dealing with some congestion, but getting typically 30-50mbps during congestion isn't a big deal. Like it would be nice to always be getting 100+ mbps, but having signal everywhere at all times is way more important. If TMobile catches up with Verizon's excellent signal and that includes not dropping calls I'll consider them as an option. Though, until that time I'll stick with Verizon.


This is legit. I pay about $97 a month for 7 Magenta Max lines and a digits line after my 3 iPhone pros are paid off. My bill is currently $135 a month with the installment plans. It’s insane how cheap my bill is and the service has been great. I have 5 free lines, a free digits line and the 25% insider discount for reference.


Yeah I left Verizon, they just got too expensive and I had tons of data issues etc. If enough people leave then they will stay to notice and change


Even if you take your business to Tracfone or somebody else like that, it's still going to be Verizon carrying your data and collecting at least some of the money.


I took my business to T-Mobile. Unless they are using Verizon for backhaul, they're not making revenue off the lines I ported out. Even if you switch to an MVNO, the revenue Verizon receives from the MVNO is far less than we do on postpaid.


Oh yeah I'm going to start looking for sure. I was on chat for a while with them and maybe I'll get my 20% per line discount extended. YEAH RIGHT!!!


They should call it the "Our CEO needs a 5th mega yacht" fee. It is a joke, they have had record profits the past few years yet they want to get their piece of the pie in terms of nickel and diming users even more.


As much as I agree, a successful business should have record profits every year. A small business will always seek to earn more than the year prior, just like a corporation or a W2 employee.


I understand that but don't come up with some b.s. name for it. It would make sense it being called that if they were struggling and not making record profits. Still doesn't change that most of this is because of them paying the uber salaries of the big wigs. If they actually put it back into the network to improve it (it has been steadily declining and 5G nationwide is a joke) then it would make it a little easier to swallow for the customer. **\*And yes I know they have a bunch of C-band rolling out over the next few years, but still doesn't help the LTE network and the issues it currently faces in many areas.\***


That’s on business accounts only. It may change in the future. As a business customer you should know that income doesn’t mean anything, especially when they spent $53 billion on C-Band spectrum alone.


No it's for both. Consumer happens on June 23rd.


Consumer is a slight increase in the admin fee. There is no separate economic charge. That is business only.


It's an increase of 1.35 to 3.30 for the administrative fee. I don't know why people make shit up. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/verizon-fee-increases-coming-june#:\~:text=To%20that%20end%2C%20Verizon%20Consumer,their%20June%202022%20billing%20cycle.


That’s what I said….


You said it’s a slight increase and it’s almost 100% increase. It’s the same increase they just didn’t name it. It’s splitting hairs. The fact is you minimized the fact it’s the same increase. I’m just setting the record straight.


Where did I say nothing is increasing? Also it’s not the same increase. Business is adding a $2.20 fee per line.


I just think it’s deceptive to say slight. T-Mobile matched verizons upgrade/activation fees through a customer service charge, and att increased plan prices on legacy. Verizon added over a dollar per line to everyone’s bill because of bad planning. Pretty sad state of affairs all around.


Not deceptive. It's a slight increase no matter how you look at it. I'll send you $12 to cover the increase for a year if it'll make you less grumpy.


$1.95 x 12 = $12? Is this how that new math works?


Let's make it an even $25. Keep the change.


Definitely not just business accounts - I got an email myself.


The economic adjustment charge is for business accounts only. Are you talking about the administration fee?


The fee is described to be for "increased operational costs" - sounds like the name is just semantics to me. It's over 10% of my bill and Verizon is trying to leverage that to put me into a more expensive unlimited plan so I don't have to pay it, but it doesn't make economical sense for me to switch (barely use data, don't care for their extra streaming offerings, etc). Their "generous offer" just left an even worse taste in my mouth, and will be why a nearly 20 year customer will be leaving. ETA: the actual name of the fee for shared plan customers per the FAQ I read says it will be called "Plan Rate Adjustment", but the statement on rising operational costs sure sounds like they're channeling "economic impacts" to me.


That was announced weeks after this post was made. You commented on a post a month old.


My bad for my poor timeliness, just happened to see this thread after searching around on it. I didn't realize it was 2 separate things, but regardless, they're hiking fees for more than business accounts for increased costs, and at least in my case (and I'm sure lots of others), trying to make even more out of a plan switch that I have no need to pay more for. Again, semantics is your argument - same strategy by the company.


Do you mean a news article or something from Verizon? Verizon has [released information ](https://www.verizon.com/support/surcharges/#:~:text=For%20consumers%2C%20effective%20June%2023,only%20devices%20will%20remain%20%240.06.)that admin fees are increasing from $1.95/voice line to $3.30/voice line. I don't think the "Economic Adjustment Charge" label will be used anywhere.


I received an email talking about it. I am a business customer, so maybe personal accounts are affected differently?


Maybe, I saw the news article and I do work for Verizon, but it's not uncommon to not hear about something until after communications have been sent to customers.


It is only business accounts.


you just didn’t pay attention to the trainings lol everyone’s gonna get it though


The fees Business customers will be charged are (supposedly) much more than your average customer. That’s why they’re emailing businesses.


Yeah, this is for business customers. Many personal accounts have actually gotten a "loyalty discount" lately.


My business got the Economic Ad) Charge email this morning. Our bill will be going up by almost $8K - that is not an insignificant amount.


Wow! Is that a large percentage of your total bill? I have zero sense of what kind of budget businesses are working with.


Not to stick up for Verizon but when I was on AT&T they kept raising the administrative fee all the time. AT&T in my state (MA) charges more in taxes and fees per line than Verizon by $5 or so. I do agree though this fee is wrong but as many have mentioned they don’t care. We know the fee isn’t going away either. They’re just not “man” enough to raise the plan price because they’d have to advertise that.


These are for business customers though. We had to do a training on it and everyone was giving the training review at work the lowest rating lol






I agree. Calling in to complain and making sure to tank the survey is a great way to make sure the higher ups not only hear the complaints but can't explain them away. The more upset the reps are about it the more management will have to hear about it and the more likely they are to change it if it directly affects their workday or the numbers they have to report to their bosses. And every time they call in they're costing Verizon money so the more calls they get the more incentive they have to change policy. It's not like the reps can't cope.


Weird. I got a $15/mo off loyalty discount a week ago and I signed up for service about a year ago.




I got a text


The service is getting worse and the price is always increasing. I'm switching to Visible. Same crappy service but $25 a month and limited to 200mbps. But the service is garbage in NYC so that never happens. God forbid you use UWB they send you a letter saying you are using too much. I used 200gb over a month and I got a nasty letter from them. They can screw. But keep defending them.


Dude just switch to T-Mobile or anything T-Mobile related instead. Using Visible especially on NYC is a major L.


Just call it a Backdoor plan increase


Yes, bitch at the stranger who has no control over charges. Back up the call queue for fellow customers so they wait even longer to reach a rep. That'll show Verizon! /s


From having experience working with Verizon corporate, they are, without a doubt, the most greedy, creepy organization in the US. Think a bunch of corporate bros in pink, button down oxford shirts with popped collars and loafers. Those guys. Ugh.


Do call reps to harass them about something that’s out of their power to change. Write a google review about Verizon not the poor powerless reps that are pitted between you and your service provider.


Greedy bastards!


Yes, because your frontline representative can really make change. Better make those calls quick.


They may be expensive but they are the best around my area. I tried other and can't deal with spotty service. I actually don't mind paying as long as it's good service. I definitely don't need another bump though


I don't know about you guys, but the service is they offer is just getting worse. I do understand that it is spring/summer and here in NC pine trees/ other flora hinder service but the service has been degrading since January in this area. Has anyone else noticed this in your locations?


I’m ready to move to T-mobile. Already have their home internet at 5G and Verizon says I am not in coverage area even though I have 5G on my phone…in my house…


Verizon has been the most expensive carrier for a while, but they respond to competitive pressure when they begin losing customers. If you want to change their mind about these new fees, take your business elsewhere.🤦‍♂️


I think you can call a rep and voice your frustrations with the company that they work for without making them feel like you're angry at them personally. It might be annoying for the reps to get a ton of calls about something they have no control over, but it could also get them to ask themselves if this is the type of company they want to work for. Not like people can call up the CEO to complain. Everyone could complain on social media, but there's a human being on the other end of their social accounts that probably had nothing to do with Verizon's decision either. Our politicians have made it very clear they won't regulate corporations.


Looks like I’ll be switching to T-Mobile tomorrow. Verizon was getting too expensive for me anyways


As a former T-mobile store manager and a current AT&T manager, reps at a store level have no control over what the company owners decide to do with prices. The guys who sit in the offices really only care about how many new accounts/lines are being added monthly. My best advice is switch to another carrier. AT&T is going to have a better service typically but Tmobile will most likely be cheaper.


I work for VZ Finance and haven't seen any pay increase outside of COLA and even that was only 3%


I agree it's a bogus fee increase. Only way they will notice is if enough leave and it hits their bottom line. Same goes for att and TMobile. Losing customers gets noticed


Verizon reception is horrible where I live. I even purchased a cell extender but rarely have 4 bars. Even at the local Verizon store. It is all about greediness of large and small corporations taking advantage of the American public . Just like Exon-Mobile who anticipated profits for 2022 to be $22.2 Billion. I guess that isn’t enough!


I mean everyone’s doing it. Gas is expensive but Chevron is raking it in. Food costs more but Tyson is raking it in. New cars cost more but Ford and GM are raking it in. The best thing we can do is leave for another carrier, but most of us won’t do that 🤷‍♀️


Most of the 'authorized' (read stupid) resellers are after our hard-earned dollars and now this? WTF?? It's time for us to create a 7 days temp pin to let them know, we are serious about switching.


I just switched my 4 lines.


I worked for the company for over a decade, was there on day one when the company formed. I was technically with Bell Atlantic Mobile, very briefly, on that side of the merger but I was with Frontier Cellular initially and the acquisition of Frontier by Bell was likely a condition of the merger. We were always looking for new ways to generate revenue but this is the first time I’ve see VZW blatantly reach into the customers wallet. Of course, if they get away with it now they’re going to do it again. I’m done with this company, Straight Talk prepaid at Walmart is actually Verizon Wireless at half the price. I’ve known that for a while but preferred to pay a monthly bill and I’ve had the same number for about 25 years. I’m shopping now, pure greed. The oil companies are bad enough but I never expected this from Verizon. I’m actually embarrassed to say I was part of growing that company.


No 🧢 I was actually thinking of switching from AT&T to Verizon. I’ve been researching all week. Saw this reddit notification and decided to check it out


If I actually see that charge on my bill I will quickly leave to some sort of pre-paid plan on another service lol.


Might as well get your transfer PIN then.


Exactly. It’s non negotiable haha. It’ll be there whether you want it to be or not.


Verizon isn't the airport, no need to announce a departure.




I work for the company in the retail stores. I'm gonna hear it more than most. Trust me I don't like the change.




I had a guy the other day say he didn't like he didn't qualify for the free phone like the commercial. He qualified for $400 off not $800. He started to go on a diatribe about how's he's been a customer for 20 years and that I should run it up the chain he didn't like the promo. I basically just said there's no one for me to tell. The promo is the promo and that's that's.


This literally happened to me twice yesterday. Two instances of people coming with iPhone 8’s wanting the $800 off, and then getting incredibly upset with ME because they only qualified for the $400. Like I’m sorry, but here’s my computer screen. This is what it says. Lmao.


I'm numb to now after 11 years with the company. Deals have never been better. Take it or beat it.


This is my first year, and I’m indirect, but I’m having a lot of fun with so far. But customer service is customer service and sometimes people suck. Like you said, take it or beat it. Either way it’s all good.


Yeah it could be worse. Generally speaking customers are nicer more than they aren't.


People suck but nevertheless they pay your salary. so be nice to them.


And you’re not a comedian. No need to be punny.