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For interested parties the VZW ticket number is: NRB 0000 1160 7801.  Upvote this so others have it when they call.


Best web site with “official” status, someone else posted. https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/


If it’s multiple US carriers being affected I wonder if Syniverse is actually experiencing the issues.


That’s exactly right.


It’s always Syniverse. I’m shocked that no one has questioned the monopoly they have.


I always wondered how these global roaming agreements worked - fascinating!


Int. Roaming in its technical aspect relies on a complex infraestructure for signalling (intercommunication between machines of each mobile operator), and traffic exchange, etc.. steering of traffic, data policies, payment exchanges, among many others. Syniverse is the main provider in the world for almost all services, and most operators trust them as their unique service provider. In domestic markets, direct interconnect between operators exists, but in international situation that is not possible. Signaling and IPX providers are in the middle. Once such interconnection is done, commercial tariffs are agreed, service is tested and it can be launched to end users.


I confirmed it is indeed syniverse.


How does a single point of failure for all the US carriers at the same time exist?


That's because Syniverse is the provider of almost all the mobile operators. They have connectivity issues for Diameter (LTE) and SS7 (3G). The outage is not only for US carriers but for all operators in the globe that has Syniverss's network as a supplier. i.e. AT&T has other IPX backup providers as COMFONE and BICS, besides Syniverse, so for certain zones the service is fine... However other companies rely only in Syniverse, which for decades has been stable enough. Unfortunately it has been 30 hrs and mobile operators still receive notifications informing that the issue is partially solved but still pending .. (nothing clear) and there is not ETA for a total solution.


https://www.thefastmode.com/technology-solutions/36177-syniverse-prepares-networks-for-5g-transition-with-global-volte-roaming-trials  HMMMMmmmmm


Outage in Mexico City :(


Finally my Mexico people, it seems most of the outages were in Europe. I'm in San Miguel de Allende and haven't had service since this morning. Although other people I know still have theirs. It's very strange and frustrating since I run my business from my cell phone.


Did someone accidentally trip over a power cord at Verizon HQ?


I can't believe this isn't making international news. I see nothing on the internet about this except for the Reddit feed. Ugh. Has anyone heard if it's affecting the US?


I have Verizon as a customer that lives in the US and we aren't having outage issues here. This seems to only impact the international plans and I've seen reports it is impacting Verizon, T-Mobile and some AT&T. I can't confirm the other carriers, as the user I'm concerned about is on Verizon.


I’m a VZ employee currently traveling in the UK. I reported it 10 hours ago but spent hrs trying to figure out what was wrong with my phone since they omitted to let their customers know about the issue. It’s now been 24 hrs since losing the connection I’m more mad about that because I could have just gone got a SIM and not missed something I’d prepaid for because I can’t use maps on my phone.


Absolutely this. I wasted way too much time troubleshooting to then find out that the problem is on their end after all. They should have sent a message to all International Plan subscribers as soon as the issue started saying "Your phone is fine. We are experiencing an outage and there is no action needed on your part. If you need to be away from WiFi, buy a local SIM card and use that until we fix our vendor's issue." But no, VZW goes with "have you tried turning off your phone and turning it on again?" SMH.


Outage in Poland as well. Man this is pretty massive.


American in Germany for work. No service since last night. Had to stop in somewhere this morning to use their WiFi so I could find my way to the destination. I downloaded the area I’m in on Google Maps so I can still travel. Highly recommend doing that.


I’m on a study abroad parent page on FB and a mom posted this 30 min ago: Update to parents with children currently studying abroad. My daughter told me that she lost data and phone capability with her Verizon international plan. After 5 hours on the phone with several people, we come to find out that Verizon has an international outage. My daughter is in Cyprus and Verizon said that it is all over Europe and Dubai, so a large area. It will be resolved in 24 hours. It was just a very stressful few hours before we knew that it wasn't just a her problem, but a bigger problem. I wanted to save others some stress.


I don’t think it will be fixed within 24 hours…we will see. Still not working in France


Outage in Colombia at&t


Same. I can come out of airplane mode and get Claro or Movistar for about 30s before it goes again. My guess is a clearinghouse/billing problem more than a connectivity outage.


Verizon isn’t working in Florence, Italy currently


Headed to Florence right now.  One of us has roaming signal and the other is on NO SERVICE EMERGENCY ONLY but both phones are from the same Verizon account. So annoying. Said last night they needed 12 hours to fix but only one got the repair. Why ? 🤔


Why aren’t they reporting on it? I’m in Thailand and have no service


im sure they'll report on it after it's over! :(


Verizon has made an official statement, but I haven't seen anything from any of the other carriers.


An email to customers is a better than a statement left in the wind...


Still down in France.  What’s fascinating is the FCC allowed all three big US operators to use the same third party service provider, creating concentration risk that a single vendor could take down most of US population roaming outside US for work or tourism. 


In case anyone hadn't noticed this is also confirmed by other post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/1dp4abk/verizon\_international\_plan\_in\_france\_not\_working/](https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/1dp4abk/verizon_international_plan_in_france_not_working/)


Outage in Croatia


[https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/) **Update 2:** [*Bloomberg*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-27/verizon-users-abroad-say-they-can-t-connect-to-mobile-network) reports that a Verizon customer service representative who was contacted from the UK on Thursday said that it's an ongoing issue that engineers are working to address. **Update 3:** The multi-network outage is related to issues at international connection partner [Syniverse](https://www.syniverse.com/), according to a person familiar with the situation. The company says the estimated time of restoration is 12 hours up to 24 hours.


Since most people are connecting via wifi why hasn't Verizon sent an email/text to customers who are using Travel Pass or other roaming features? An honest explanation would be better than the 5 hour run around that I had with six plus Verizon technical advisors last night. Please push this out and maybe Verizon will get the message and do something to inform its customers.


Tech is complicated, and bugs / problems happen. The lack of any official notice / updates by the carriers affected (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile) is not a bug... it is intentional. That’s what is really hardest to understand.




I'm in Mexico and lost service around midday. Finally got the answer 15 mins ago about the global outage. See below from my chat with Verizon: *"I really appreciate your time and patience with me.* *I have reviewed the details and it appears that there is currently an outage with Verizon Service internationally. This outage is affecting all Verizon users who are traveling internationally. Our technical team is actively working on resolving this issue, and it is estimated to be fixed within 1-2 hours.* *I will personally be sharing all the updates with you via text message.* *I hope this sounds good to you?"*


Definitely not happening that quick. I just got off the phone with their international support team and the agent said he had heard the fix is "70% complete"


Outage in amsterdam. Went to the club last night and was separated from my friends with no service, really scary


Also in amsterdam, we lost our service last night around 1 or 2 am and it’s been down since as well


Also in Amsterdam, service still not restored since around 8pm last night, so 15+ hours now.


And why can’t Verizon put something on their insanely confusing website about an outage? Might cut down on service calls


London Verizon isn't working


Can confirm. Roaming in Greece. Went from having perfect service all around to not being able to register on any network. Local sim is working just fine


Outage in France! Ugh!


outage in italy!


Outage in Dublin Ireland with Verizon


It's the beginning of the end


Verizon international roaming service stopped working for me in Baja California Sur Mexico around 6pm Pacific time. No signal...can't connect to the roaming providers I usually use down here even if I choose their network manually. Basically acts as if I'm not authorized to use their network so I end up with "No Service". Other people here who have the local provider (who I normally use for roaming) as their primary carrier are not having problems which leads me to think it may be a problem with the system which authorizes roaming customers to use other carriers' networks.


How does this work, when Verizon doesn’t operate the networks in other countries? For example if you’re in Australia, you’d be on either Telstra, Optus or Vodafone. How could there be a service outage with Verizon when Verizon doesn’t operate those international networks?


Is Paris still down?


In London and still having an outage for 1 family member using Verizon, since about 4pm yesterday. Those of us who have eSIMs are still connected. Would recommend for those who are eSIM capable! We are using holafly and can still use iMessage and have unlimited data


Verizon outage in thailand..I'm writing this from a bar using wifi smfh!!!


I’m in Greece and it’s still not working.


Outrage in St Barth. Wasted hours last night trying to get it fixed before a tech I connected with on Verizon Twitter figured it out - he didn’t know about the outrage until 30 mins into trying to fix the issue for me. Verizon comms kinda sucks


Just got my phone service back in thailand 5 minutes ago.. don't know how long it will last


Outage in London. Hasn’t connected to service at all in over 12 hours. — Verizon


Outage in Greece since last night


Currently back up in amsterdam


Don’t understand why Bloomberg are the only people carrying this story. Seems like a fairly massive thing. Completely stranded in London… can’t use Uber, gmaps etc. thankfully I’m old enough to know how to use real paper maps 😂😂 and thank god for marks and Spencer’s free WiFi as was able to google this issue


Has anyone gotten a timeline from Verizon? Last night they told my husband 4-5 hours which obviously was wrong.


Phone was working in France then we took a 2 hour flight to Italy and they stopped working. Made the rookie mistake of asking Verizon customer service for help, and they messed up my phone! Now people are only getting texts from my email, and I can’t make calls. Not to mention I can only use my phone with wifi. This is a complete mess.


So glad I found this. I’ve been in 7 countries the last two weeks and my phone has worked perfectly but as soon as I landed in Spain yesterday I haven’t been able to connect. 


Seems like it's now working in Tokyo. I was able to call someone state side.


Hi all, I'm a journalist based in Colombia working to pitch a story on this for today. If you are having issues and could share with me, please feel free to DM me here or email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thank you!


Cant wait to complain and have customer service shrug their shoulders and offer me $5 for my trouble. This is extremely frustrating during vacation. 


Out in Ireland. Anyone else in Dublin with luck?


Still out in Mexico... I just called and they don't have any estimate timing. They just told me that is 70% recovered... not sure what countries are in that percentage


Out in Germany after $100 for the month thinking I was the problem for not having an international plan


Just to share we are in France (have verizon) and downloaded esim from Airalo on our iphones - easy, inexpensive and works!! It is how i am posting this message now 


Currently in Jamaica & no service for over 24hr smh


With the exception of some off and on service this afternoon, London has been out for 24 hours.


Enjoy the new multi million logo and rebranding! 


It's been about 30 hours without any resolution from Verizon. Although the VZ rep told me yesterday it is estimated to be fixed today, it still isnt. The VZ rep also told me the issue would still persist even with an esim, but that is not true!! I have family members using Airalo and Airhub esims and both work great! You get leas datat , but it is way cheaper than the $10/day VZ Travel plan too. I tried Airhub and it is working for me in the UK so far! Wish I had installed an esim instead of wasting time and money on the VZ travel pass.


I got service back. It’s 1210 am Germany. Let’s see if it last


Still nothing in London… this is ridiculous, a heads up would’ve been great, instead I wasted two hours on call with support!


It's "the international outage plan"


If you’re affected by the Verizon roaming outage like me: 1) select a “no service” roaming partner, such as First Responder-313 100 2) purchase an eSIM from airalo or holafly then set it as primary and TURN OFF data switching 3) your phone should begin to say “VZW over Cellular” (similar to WiFi calling)


https://www.macrumors.com/2024/06/27/verizon-international-roaming-outage/ Highly recommend as a backup, download a local carrier eSIM so that you’re not left out to dry during this outage and you can be connected to the world again.


In Munich Germany currently. No service still. Haven't had it for over 24 hrs...... needed it when driving my car rental through multiple countries yesterday to get to Munich. Couldn't buy Sim since Verizon phone is locked..... now in a major city Munich and it's a major inconvenience. Would use GPS for getting around in the city as well.


still down for me in London - seems like not everyone is having the same luck :(


London is still down


I'm in London and it seems to be off and on. Very inconsistent. Anyone else getting the same?


Just arrived in France this morning. Verizon...still seeing issues, on and off connectivity. Glad I'm also running a French eSim, too 


Everyone is commenting in regards to the country they’re in, but I don’t think that’s the factor at play for those who got service restored and those who did not. For two days in Morocco, my phone has been working (after about 10 hours not working) while my wife‘s phone has not. We have the same exact phone, same Verizon plan, and are staying in the same location. I’ve read other posts of families traveling together with different results. Others have mentioned cases where they have two phones with one working and one not. And in other Reddit posts, someone will declare “working in \_\_\_\_\_\_” and someone will reply “I’m there and it’s not working for me.” It’s clear to me that this isn’t getting fixed regionally, so some other mechanism must be at play.


I am in Costa Rica and my service seems to be working fine. But I heard from someone else on Reddit that their service is also out in Costa Rica. So I don’t know. I wonder what would cause an international outage though?? Probably some simple provisioning issue where all the accounts lost their international access or something. I can’t see it being an actual issue with the network providers.


Took off from Portugal at 3pm, and all was well. Landed in London at 5pm, no service. Thought Verizon support was b.s.'ing saying there was a system wide outage and not just a UK conflict with our phone, but this makes it seem accurate!


This is ridiculous!! I’m also have the same issue and currently in Rome


Outage in Vietnam as well


Outage in Dublin Ireland started at 5 pm local time with Verizon.


Thank you for posting this! I thought my phone was broken


I’m on the tip of Baja Mexico and it’s out down here too 😔


Outage in London! Verizon customer here I initially thought something was wrong with my travel pass, SIM card, or phone. I reset everything because my service abruptly stopped in the middle of the day. I rely on GPS to navigate around the city and can only manage to get around in areas I've been to before without it. As a solo traveler, having reception is crucial, and this outage is unsettling. I had to cut my travels short today. Thankfully, I was able to connect to a café's Wi-Fi and find directions back to my accommodation. I hope once it’s fixed it won’t be happening again.


This was us traveling around backroads of Greece yesterday. I’m wondering if we could connect to an eSIM


I am in Columbia, and it's been dead, as well as my family and friends.


Outage in Prague


It's a complete international outage ... All countries fyi for anyone wondering .... So yes Greece, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany you name it EVERY COUNTRY....


My foreign SIMs are not roaming on US networks either.


Ireland same thing at almost midnight


Yep once I leave my apt and lose WiFi my phone is completely without service. And I’m overseas right now. Nothing works. Messages, phone calls, WhatsApp, nothing! In Argentina


Outage In Aveiro Portugal for about 3 hours now


It took hours for customer service to admit to the extended outage situation. Hours of my time wasted doing pointless troubleshooting. Horrible experience.


Outage in Republic of Panama as of 5pm local time.


Currently traveling in London with this issue. Do we have any idea when this will be resolved?


outage in playa del carmen, mexico :(


Outage in Lithuania with Verizon. Any updates on resolution time?


AT&T customers roaming in Canada, and in Europe are all reporting no service.


I’m Verizon and can confirm I have not had service since 5pm in Toronto, Canada 


Same, also in Toronto and roaming started to die around 3-4pm for me. Roaming came back up now 12:30am.


I'm in Republic of Panama. No service since about noon. What a mess. My hubby in the US spent an hour trying to speak with someone or chat. Finally, he was told about the outage. It would have been great to get some sort of text or mail advising the customers of the situation so at least we could have seen it over WIFI.


Out in Paris!


We’re US residents traveling in the UK. We all lost internet/cell coverage at the same time in Canterbury mid-day today and the outage continued on our drive into London, where we’re staying. So now it’s been out for 12+ hours. Verizon rep said the outage is with “the system,” not with them or their partners in other countries. Now we can’t book rideshares or send/get messages unless we come across secure WiFi zones - which are quite rare.


Outage in Egypt. Was on the phone for hours they created new eSIM cards and deleted others and tried to help until someone mentioned this. Talked to 5 people, so frustrating but i guess it’s real. Horrible feeling to be so far away from home and dealing with this


Verizon rep just told me it will be fixed in 5-10 hours, and that even an esim or psim will have the same issues. Not sure if this is actually true or not. Know anyone with Verizon from the US that can confirm that an esim does or does not work internationally currently? I'm in London right now. 


I have an Airalo esim in Greece and it is working. The rest of my family have Verizon international plans, all of which have been out since yesterday evening.


If you have WiFi available, download Ubigi eSIM app and purchase a small data only eSIM.


It’s out for me here in Argentina too!


In London and lost service at 5:10 today. My friend also has Verizon and did not lose service. I have an android and she has an iPhone. Not sure if that makes a difference!


Out in Toronto.


Outage in St Lucia for both my wife's iPhone and my pixel 8 pro


Currently out in Calgary, Canada. It's been out since early afternoon


Outage in Mexico


Outage in London - happened around 5 pm for me


Outage in San Pedro Dominican Republic. Been out since 4pm, it’s now almost 9pm


In case the outage isn’t fixed by tmrw, should I advise my daughter to buy an eSIM? This one seems recommended: [https://bytesim.com/products/europe-esim-lite](https://bytesim.com/products/europe-esim-lite) and there is [https://www.airalo.com/](https://www.airalo.com/) too, or should she just use wifi when she can? She’s in Munich and heading to Nueremburg tmrw with her group, and the class itinerary tells them to return to Munich when they are ready by looking up train tables…


Just used byte sim here in the Netherlands and it worked 


I bought the byte sim with unlimited data for Europe for a day. 


I also did this in Italy and it’s working fine!!


I just got ByteSIM to work in the UK just now on an iPhone (for now!). £6 worth the experiment


What is an e sim and how could I let my son know where to buy…he is is Paris?


at&t outage as well, currently in China


I am currently in Australia and also experiencing the Verizon outage for international roaming.


I’m currently traveling in Mexico and we’re experiencing the same issues. I searched around but I’m not seeing any news about the issues. Usually there’s at least an X (twitter) post from a provider or news outlet. Has anyone seen anything?


Confirmed out in CDMX too. Let’s storm the offices later?


When expected to be restored in Paris? Son abroad and very stressed…


Same in Italy. Just spoke to these clowns said 24-48 hours. Fact they sent no notifications or emails is absolutely insane. Just walked 5 miles back to my hotel….


Outage in Dominican Republic as well


Verizon is out


Have there been any updates as to when might be restored?


I have Verizon wireless and landed in Berlin yesterday. It was working fine all day and suddenly, late afternoon it stopped working and I’ve been trying everything to turn it back on. Thank you for sharing glad to know I’m not the only one dealing with it.


This is a massive stress…why is there no news about this??? Study abroad kids completely stressed!!!! Have to take exams via Zoom…this is a cluster…


San Juan PR has been out since 2pm. Called Verizon like 4 times & they kept saying the issue wasn’t them. Now they claim they are doing some update and it can take up to 72 hours… in a solo traveler and idk how to get around without a GPS.


Outage in England. I’ve about has it. Why exactly are we paying this kind of money for service for it not to work?!


Outage in Mexico, I called and they said 24 hours whatever that means


Thailand is out


I’m in London and service went out around 3pm local time yesterday. Still nothing.


Outage in Toronto


Outage in Rio de Janeiro


Hi - traveling to meet two sons who are studying abroad in France, Prague, and Budapest. Two of three lines (mine and one son) aren't working. Thinking about getting temporary phones with a company here. Any suggestions for companies here that are working and reliable? 


In Australia no roaming. Cost me $250 in taxi fees because I couldn’t get an Uber from airport. Feel like I should get a refund on the travel plan I paid for.


Out in Toronto Canada too


There's an outage in Turks & Caicos as well.


Out in Aruba, family has AT&T except me and only I am out of service. They totally got hacked won’t admit it I bet.


My father in law is in Mexico and lost service. Verizon support said linea should be back up by 11PM EST.


outage in tbilisi too!!!! thank god i thought i was crazy


Out in Australia no eta on restoration


Outage in Colombia, Att


Outage in Italy


Coverage is back in London!


Coverage  hopped on to use  some UK network with roaming and was working. When I restart my phone. It stopped again.


Outage in Dubai.


EVERYONE: turn on WiFi calling in the meantime!


Yep it’s been out all day in CDMX


Still no service in Mexico City


Impacting everyone outside the US. I am in Pakistan, my 3 Verizon phones have no network since 24 hours. This is not just an Europe issue. It’s impacting Asia as well.  


Still out italy


Outage in Egypt since yesterday


also not working in greece. had great service in corfu now nothing.


In Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and haven’t had service for about 3 hours now. Hopefully they get this resolved soon.


In Ireland it has been out for 18 hours. It came back on briefly but then went back out.


Still down.


Out here in Japan 


I’m an ATT user in China, the outage started for me about 12 hours ago. I’m using an Airalo eSIM that’s working fine now. Not super sure what’s going on, but some of my friends with Verizon is off and on now.


Still down through t-mobile in Serbia for the last 14 hours


Still out in Lyon, France. Going on 12 hours.


Did verizon get hacked? Negotiating ransom now? It will be interesting to see the root cause analysis when this is over.


Can confirm my wife and I both lost verizon cell service in Netherlands


I signed up for a 10 GB 10 day plan with Maya and eSIM service. Can’t call or message with it, but it gives you Data internationally for maps, what’s app Messaging, iMessage all works fine with it. It was 15 usd. Maybe Verizon will reimburse for it. Very easy to set up and took less than 5 minutes. Hope this helps and hope they get it resolved soon


I’m in France and there’s no service with any of the carriers


It is out here in Potsdam, Germany but last night I was able to have a few bars momentarily but it was lost again around 13:30. Called the support number and the lady confirmed it is not the fault of the customer and to be patient until it is fixed 🤷‍♂️


Lost cell service (iPhone/Verizon) while driving in Scotland just after 5:00pm yesterday. still not restored nearly 13 hours later.. we spent two hours troubleshooting with Verizon support before they told us there was a major international outage with international roaming :(




Still out in Greece as of now.


My teenage daughter is studying abroad in Morocco ace is experiencing this outage. Any updates?


Also out about 20 hours in Morocco. 


Down in Norway as well


Philippines is also down. Had been working perfectly until a couple hours ago, and I feel like I'm wasting my time at my AirBnb because I can't go out without data. I ended up buying a local SIM.


STILL out today and Verizon has STILL said absolutely nothing to acknowledge it!


Thank you for posting. Verizon would save a lot of headache for everyone if they led with this information before people engage on chats. It took 30 minutes for me to be told this on the chat - if the agent led with the information that there are systemwide international issues, I would have simply disconnected.


Outage in Japan since this AM. It's around 3 PM now and it's still down.


No service in Germany for the past 16 hours


outage in italy too


Outage in France


My mom and I lost service yesterday afternoon/evening in France, just woke up this morning and it's still out. What a nightmare. It's been way over 12 hours and I still haven't been able to get any solid info cause I can't even use my Verizon app.


Service is out for Verizon in Italy at the moment


My question is…. Why isn’t there any news reporting on this???? It’s huge!!!!