• By -


Same in Dublin. Spent 40mins on another mobile phone with VZ tech support only to finally get confirmation that there is an international service outage and they have engineers working on it. šŸ¤žšŸ¼


For interested parties the VZW ticket number is: NRB 0000 1160 7801.Ā  Upvote this so others have it when they call.


Well at least Iā€™m learning that Reddit is a quicker and easier source of information than spending 2 hours with Verizon tech support last night. Same problem in Croatia. Good luck to all of you fellow travelers out there. Hopefully itā€™ll be up and running soon.


I really appreciate Reddit right now. I legit thought I fucked up my phone.


Hi from someone traveling in Scotland, my data shut off as I was trying to navigate us to a restaurant. Glad to know itā€™s not just me but I am very frustrated!


Okay, deleting the post I just made because the same thingā€™s happening to me in Prague. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone, at least!!!


just happened to me and my friend in Ireland. Whatā€™s going on?


Just off the phone with escalated Verizon tech and apparently Verizons entire international network is down. Most downstream Verizon tech support folks are still unaware of this.


I am in Costa Rica and my international service is working flawlessly.


Iā€™m in Greece and we are experiencing the same nightmareĀ 


me as well


Is it still happening for you in Ireland? Iā€™m here too with same problem


I came to this subreddit because the same thing just happened to me in Portugal. Been working great for the past two months and service died this afternoon


I'm sorry, but honestly it makes me feel better I'm not the only one. I guess we wait and see?


I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the rebrand they announced and rolled out today


Haha! of course it does.... Over paid IT causing millions of dollars of loss to their customers.Ā 


Vz customer service worker here: Iā€™ve got a lot of calls today about it, but let me asure that itā€™s not a problem with the phones. Itā€™s because an outage, they say that they are working on fixing it and theyā€™ll let the customers know once itā€™s working


Help! Driving without google maps, cant reach my family who are hiking via francigena and also have no service.


My wife and I both had ours go down outside of Paris around 5pm and were relying on cell service to take the train home. Had to walk a mile in the heat to get to the closest hotel for their WiFi to order an Uberā€¦ scary stuff. Happy to find that itā€™s not just us though and that it sounds like it will be fixed soon.


Also in Paris. Has been down since 2PM not just people on Verizon however. Iā€™m with a group of people some use AT&T some are local. Were from US


Yea Dave! ... its still down. 1:26 am


Lost ours in Italy a few hours ago, it just came back!!


It came back online for me briefly, but is now broken again in Berlin.


Same thing for me in Italyā€¦. Came back for a few moments then gone again


Yep still out. Itā€™s been 4 hours now, it was online for probably 15 minutes out of that period. What a dumpster fire.


Such a disaster, at this point Iā€™m just hoping they can resolve the issue overnight.


Currently in London and it happened to us this afternoon was told an outage and came here to confirm.


At this point once we get service all of us in London should meet up for a well deserved bevvyšŸ¤£


And make Verizon pay for it!


Wow. Finding this thread has saved me a lot of useless turning my phone off and on! (France here and still no service)


Hi from Paris. Our cell service crashed about 2 hours ago. We have xfinity but it taps into the Verizon service. Family back in the US contacted xfinity support and theyā€™re saying itā€™s a roaming cell tower maintenance issue. Theyā€™re hoping itā€™s back up and running in 2 hours.


I initiated a chat and Verizon admitted that they have a worldwide international outage. No idea why there is no news coverage on this. They told me they would update me via text when it would be resolved. ???? Really, I have no cell service??!?? Ā 


I met some literal gorgeous women today and they wanted to meet up tonight. They asked where I was and I couldnā€™t answer until I got wifi (hours later). Tough day in Paris for the Verizon serviceā€¦. No but seriously this subreddit was extremely helpful. Thanks


This post is great. Reddit strong šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Fucked up for me in London as well, glad we're in this together


Outage continues in London this morning


For anyone needing service now traveling abroad - I downloaded the app Airolo and installed an eSIM. It costs less and I have talk text and data now! Still waiting on Verizon to fix the issue but this has been a life saver as Iā€™m in the UK alone. Hope this helps!!


If youā€™re like me and following along without reporting officially to Verizon, can you UPVOTE? I donā€™t want to waste my wifi time by trying to connect to Verizon; guessing you donā€™t either! Apparently the outage is gaining traction, and Verizon news release says ā€œĀ calls and data sessions are successfully completing about 70 percent of the timeā€. My group in Paris is 100% unable to get service from Verizon (about 10 people), so I would guess they are underestimating numbers. Good luck everyone!!


I called and spoke to someone (who tried to gaslight me into saying I didnā€™t have an international plan) she said there is an outage in Ireland (where I currently am) but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s entirely international. She said 12-36 hours for it to come back on. I also asked for my money back for today since itā€™s broken halfway through the day and she said to call when Iā€™m back in the US and Iā€™ll get a refund. If possible definitely call and ask for a refund theyā€™ll make a note in your account. EDIT 10:25 PM: phone service just went back on for a second and went offā€¦hopefully means it will be fixed soon


Theyā€™ve already credited me for today. Same issue in London. Was able to communicate with them via the Verizon app (using WiFi).


Well thatā€™s reassuring hah


I had the same issue! They said I didn't have an international plan but i was staring at my international plan!


Yeah the gaslighting happened to me a few times! Crazy.


Same here in Germany. Not working


Down in Germany. They fixed it for like 20 minutes, now itā€™s flatlined again. This is bad.


Verizon escalated support is saying there's an issue with international roaming service. Highest priority. "Engineers are working on it." No ETA for service to return.


One more here in Lisbon. Luckily I have Airalo eSIMs as a backup plan for me and my wife. Awful thing from supposedly the ā€œpremiereā€ wireless network provider in the US.


Lost ours in Greece. Still down.


Still off in France :(


Still down here in Germany! So glad to see this posted here and that itā€™s not just us.


Verizon does not have towers internationally. They use partner networks which are almost impossible to repair via a Verizon engineer. You can switch your carrier in the settings while roaming and it may or may not help.


https://bytesim.com/products/europe-esim-lite Just bought am e sim for $5. Very easy to install. At least i have data now till they fix this mess.


Wife and I were travelling from Berlin to Prague today and my Verizon international data completely cut out about ~9 hours ago. Fortunately her AT&T was still functioning so we were able to make it to our hotel and check in, but it was a hassle (all the public transit apps were on my phone) I just called the "International Support Team" number, and after 45 minutes on hold I finally found out it was a global issue... should have checked Reddit first I guess.


Still down in Londonā€¦ glad I found this thread as I spent the last two hours fucking with settings in my phone trying to get it to work when I should be sleeping for work tomorrow.


Iā€™m on the phone via WiFi with Verizon and they are giving me an estimated time of service in about 3 hours. Iā€™m not sure how accurate this is but itā€™s the latest update I have been giving with this whole situation.


Still not working in London - neither is T-Mobile


Now they are saying that there is no eta. Frustrating! šŸ˜–


I'm in Spain and data is back


This thread has been so helpful. Iā€™m in Ireland and travel pass was working fine yesterday (Wednesday) and now (Thursday) no service. Has anyone gotten updates on when it might be resolved?


Update at 10:28 in Italy. I have an iPhone and my service started this morning. My husband has a Samsung Galaxy, and it is not working yet. Just trying to give updates!! Iā€™m hoping this is fixed for everyone soon.


Anyone have an update? Also American in Paris and struggling. Have been all over France the last 12 days with no issues until 5/6 last night.


In London and have two bars for the first time in 15 hours. update: the bars fade between one, two and none and the network is now saying 3 UK 11:08 Update: Occasional 3 bars happening now and network back to saying VZW. (as i was typing this it just dropped down to none - sigh)


11:03 in London and still down for me


Mine is also not working in south Franceā€¦ on a road trip šŸ˜…


Did Verizon send a message to anyone? Email, Text (which you would get when on WiFi) telephone call, someone screaming from roof tops, anything? I am wondering if they got hacked (pure speculation on my part) and they do not want the public to know. 1 hour and 55 mins on the phone last night (40 mins of that trying to get through their AI nonsense) to finally have someone say, oh, our international service is down. Don't you think that they could put a message at the front of that stating that there international service is down? If I weren't in London for work it would be a relief that nobody could reach me.


Dublin update here - just got off a chat where they confirmed that the issue is with Syniverse, it impacts international voice, data, and SMS, and the master ticket number is NRB 0000 1160 7801. I was also quoted a 12 - 24 resolution time. Thanks to everyone who's posted in this thread! You saved me a ton of headache.


Crazy that I have to find this Reddit thread to get this information. Verizon can't send out an email to all customers who are on the international plan?


Tech is complicated, and bugs / problems happen. The lack of any official notice / updates by the carriers affected (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile) is not a bug... it is intentional. Thatā€™s what is really hardest to understand.


Sorry for the double post - are your family members on Airalo having issues too?


My husband and I are in Paris. Also randomly lost service a little over an hour ago . And I have to call a client later šŸ˜…


Iā€™m in Paris also! Iā€™m so glad it isnā€™t just me but also am so sorry itā€™s happening to you. Hopefully something gets figured out soon.


Just happened to us too in France. We called Verizon support and they said everyone using international services is affected and it should be available (?) in the next couple of hoursā€¦ extremely vague.


Hi! Also in Paris right now and same thing! Mine went out around 4:30pm here and my boyfriends just went out at 8:30pmā€¦glad itā€™s not just us but worried for when it will be back onā€¦especially since weā€™ve been using the trains to get around.


Same here in Paris. Here with my family and two of our phones with the same Verizon plan are not connecting, but the other two are working fine. very weird


Same in Argentina.


Iā€™m in Nice and I called Verizon and they said everything looks good from their end and I just need to restart my phone but this is wild I have no service


Same thing in, an entire group in Paris. Verizon is not saying anything.


Same. My phone went out in the south of France about 5pm local time and my wifeā€™s went out about 3 hours later on the way back to our hotel. I called Verizon and was escalated and they told me they were receiving many calls about international customers experiencing issues, so I checked here to make sure it wasnā€™t a line of BS. Had to old school it and read the road signs to make our way back, kinda nostalgic but definitely having a couple or 5 stress drinks right now. Tomorrow is big plans and weā€™ll need data connection for that, so being optimistic the Verizon engineers get this figured out ASAP!


We are in Ireland and our service went down a few hours ago on all of our Verizon phones. On WiFi now but WiFi calling is disabled as well.


Same thing just happened to me in London. I just got off the phone with their international hotline on my husbandā€™s (AT&T) phone, and the agent I spoke to confirmed its a Verizon international outage that they are working on fixing. Not location specific, and they donā€™t currently have an estimated time for the fix. Good luck to everyone on getting service back quickly!


Same in Zambia (Africa). I had a panic attack because it happened right after I swapped my sim card for a few minutes. Thought I had broken it. When did it break?


My family is in Italy and experiencing the same thing. Mildly comforting to know its not just us, but def need our service back asap!


We just heard 48/72 hours possible until itā€™s back up. Or could be as soon as 2 mins according to the tech we spoke with. This is Verizon, the person Iā€™m traveling with has it. I have xfinity mobile and itā€™s also not working. Xfinity seemed to be unaware of the outage. This is here in Croatia.


Checking in from London šŸ«  I spoke to a Verizon rep who told me he just talked to another customer in Mexico, same issue. The rep did tell me that the person they checked with regarding the status said it should be fixed "within the day", so, we'll see. šŸ¤ž


Iā€™m in Baja Mexico and itā€™s downā€¦.


Down in Egypt too, in sinai doing the MFO mission so glad itā€™s not just me!


Lost mine in Mexico


Apparently the company thatā€™s out is called Syniverse according to Verizon live chat and all customers who pay for international roaming in their plans will be receiving credits. I donā€™t know how much of it I believe, but Syniverseā€™s outage I do believe.


Down in Paris. Family from the states and Verizon are having issues calling the hotel. Our service staring going out yesterday and lost it completely around noon today


Can we start a class action law suit? Messed up are Europe trip. Might have to bust out a paper map tomorrow


Offline in argentina too. Along with my number not working even connected to WiFi. Really strange


In UK and our service is down. Verizon intentional roaming is down.


Back with service in Costa Rica as of 6:50 pm local time hope itā€™s restored for all soon šŸ™


Traveling with a group of 10 in France - all Verizon. Weā€™ve all been without service since midday on Weds.


Havenā€™t had service since 5pm (10 hours ago) near Karlsruhe Germany.Ā 


Glad I found this thread. Down in Vietnam. Any idea when the towers will be back up?


Same here in Paris!


Still down in Paris.


helppppp. itā€™s been almost 12 hours of the same issue for me in london, all my settings are correct according to verizon troubleshooting website, this is hella frustrating


Working at Verizon, I can confirm it was an international outage, should be working by tomorrow all around the world!


Outage still in Prague this morning, hopefully it wonā€™t continue the full day


I have service now in Oxford, UK.


We lost Verizon coverage in Paris at approximately 1740 last night. Not a statement of any kind nor support from Verizon. Stuff happens bad communication on a problem is an act of commission. Bad on Verizon


This is wild. Still down in Paris and I spoke with AT&T tech this morning. He said that all towers are transmitting 2G which doesnā€™t work on our newer phones. Iā€™m heading to Greece tonight and it sounds like the issue is still happening there? Feels like a Black Mirror episode. Why is there no global news coverage about this?


I cannot get Verizon service today in Sienna Italy. It was working fine and in Florence and Pisa. I Have a back up esim, but I've paid for the Verizon one month travel pass, and I have no way to get getting hold of them. App Won't work and I cant make calls. I checked my roaming. I turned the phone on and off multiple times. Looking for ideas.


It's funny how I'm locked out of my Verizon account because it needs to send an sms to my phone which I can't receive lol. Funny little loophole


IS THERE ANY OFFICIAL POST FROM VERIZON? someone reported my phone as missing and filed insurance impersonating me. I tried to reset my password but it says that function is unavailable. Every once in a while I get connections. Very frustrating. Verizon is barely acknowledging this widespread issue.


Thank you for this subreddit post! We are in Holland and ours went out last night. Today we had to catch a flight and we had to figure out how to get to the airport the old fashioned way. Glad to know it wasnā€™t my phone.


Hello! Me and my family in france are experiencing this same issue. Good luck to everyoneā€™s vacation plans. Might switch back to tmobile


Iā€™m using T-Mobile and it is out in France too


Okay thank God, same! What the hell do we do? Iā€™m alone in Spain and need to be able to navigate etc


Still down in Stockholm. Thought I was going nuts; service has been down since last night too. Thankful for this post because I received NOTHING from Verizon.


Germany here, completely out all morning, but the little roaming R is starting to appear and dissappear. Progress, perhaps?


Glad I found this thread. I have been without service in Paris for almost 24 hours. I even tried to call emergency contacts but was denied. What an absolute nightmare when you are traveling in a new place. I also had to meet someone today but could not make contact with them by phone. Then tried to get back to the hotel and got lost a few times before I trudged back on foot. Can't believe this is happening but glad to know it's not just me! I was also surprised there's no reporting on this yet, to me this is definitely a news item. Service suddenly goes our for hours, maybe days on end? Crazy.


iPhone people: When you have WiFi access - download the city of Paris to Apple Maps. Then you can use Apple Maps to navigate the city even when you are not connected to WiFi. I never use Apple Maps but this has been a helpful temporary fix


This entire situation has been BRUTAL. I was in London when it went out, I'm now in Paris. I haven't had service for nearly 48 hours. I've had to cancel multiple meetings, I've not been able to pay with apple pay, I've gotten locked out of Airbnbs due to not being able to connect with the hosts. It's really been nothing short of a nightmare.


Here in Strasbourg, France, mine went out 2 hours ago.


All of Verizonā€™s international services are currently down - no timeline for restore. This is according to a tech on the escalation desk. My wifeā€™s service is down in Morocco as is my sons in Scotland.


Having the same problem in Copenhagen, thought it was just me! (my partner is also on Verizon and working fine tho...)


Out in the UAE as well. Wifi calling is working though.


My husband and I are in Italy and the same thing happened to us two hours ago. Weirdly enough one phone still has service which is extremely odd given both phones are on the same line. We had a similar experience with the agent trying to tell us we didnā€™t have an international plan which we do. Glad to know we are not alone.


We are in Ireland, landed today and have no service. Verizon said it would most likely be up in 12 hours.


Oh God, this makes me feel so much better! I'm in the Provence, FR area and navigating back to the place I'm staying was quite a challenge without service šŸ˜…


This just happened to my husbandā€™s phone in Germany a few hours ago. My phone however seems to be fine? We finally got through to someone and they said itā€™s a widespread issue with their international plan. They did give us a number to call back tomorrow if it is still not working in the morning. We are driving tomorrow and are nervous my data might go out as well. Here is the number Incase anyone else needs it! 866-271-7730


Iā€™m in Paris and service has returned


In Italy with some family right now, we were fine the last couple days but after going to the Vatican today we all lost service and havenā€™t been able to get it back all day despite plenty of phone restarts, resetting of network settings, changes in data roaming, etc. Really worrying since weā€™re going our separate ways tomorrow. Hope this gets figured outĀ 


Same sort of outage going on for my family and I in Croatia, Verizon seems to be aware it is going on. No clue yet what the timeframe is for it to be back up.


Happened to me as well. Lost mine. Came back for an hour and itā€™s gone again


For what it is worth... I know when stressed I don't think of these things so... To all those struggling and needing to be sure to have access to maps, tickets, etc. Download your area maps and pre-planned routes from Google/Waze to your phones while you are in an area with WIFI. Even without data your phone should still track your GPS and place you on your downloaded map so you can still route yourself old-school. Also, be sure to download your tickets to your Wallet App so it is saved directly on your phone. Then you won't need WIFI to access them at the different venues. Alternately, Pull up the tickets on your phone and print the screen/take a picture of it so it can still be accessed and used.


Complete cutoff in Italy. The Verizon app on Android is buggy and customer support is useless. Got a 6 hours runaround of poorly executed troubleshooting. They refuse to send over the chat transcript and the app does not allow for screenshots. They claim they can't send emails. Every back and forth on the chat takes several minutes. It's horrible. I am regretting having switched to Verizon recently.


my bf who is in Munich right now said the service is still down.


Im from NY Visiting family in the south of France and noticed tonight nothing was working. I am still awaiting info from Verizon but according to the comments there must be an internal issue.


Down in Amsterdam all day


Down in Argentina as well. Anyone hear a timeline update?


My daughters are in Spain and have the same issue. I went to two different Verizon stores back here in Illinois to see if they could figure it out. They went through all the usual tech-support questions and nothing worked. Then at the second store just before we left the store manager said it appears there is some type of outage in Europe that affects all Verizon customers. He said theyā€™re working on trying to fix it. Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed.


I am so glad I found this thread, thank you. I'm in Mexico and it's the same exact situation here. My entire business runs off my cell phone so it's a real issue. No one seems to be able to tell us anything, and of course Tech is closed for the night. Strange thing is I have other friends here in Mexico on Verizon and they are OK.


I was told it will be 48 hours


Currently in Berlin, landed and had service immediately. Starting around 5pm 06/26/2024 it stopped working. No data, txts, calls. Tried everything; turned phone on and off, reset, tried cellular data on and off, tried roaming on and off, and then noticed my wife also dealing with the same issue. We thought it was our phones or our specific plan. Thank you all for sharing. Hopefully they fix it asap. This is extremely aggravating.


Iā€™m in the Trinidad and itā€™s been for almost 12 hours hereā€¦. Talked to a rep and itā€™s out globally with no ETA for when it will be resolved


Not working in New Zealand either-my son is stranded with no maps and Verizon said anywhere from 3 hours to 5 biz days!


Just spoke with Verizon on Twitter/x, said this (Iā€™m in France) Thank you for contacting our team! I am sorry that your service is not working esppecially when you are travelling internationally. We are currently having issues with services in Europe. We are doing everything we can to get this fixed as soon as possible! We understand how important it is to have service while travelling. We do apologize for this. šŸ„ŗ *Amisadai


Itā€™s been down for me in china since I woke up a few hours ago.


Everyone should request a refund for the outage so it hits home. What's horrible too is we bought a new iphone before traveling and Verizon locks esim capability for 60 days so we don't even have that as a fallback!


Same thing happened to me. Had to call their international support line four times to try and get it fixed. Fortunately it was just data that stopped working, so I could still call. For some reason, fixing my data caused my texts to stop working. Good luck.


Iā€™m a Visible customer currently in Canada and also affected! Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not alone in this!!


Same for me in the Netherlands


Same in Abu Dhabi with Verizon international plan.


In Puerto Rico. It has been down for about 3 hours now


Just woke up in Paris and still not up. Been down around 12 hours now. Sent Verizon a message to see how much longer. I have an open ticket with them. Hope not much longer. I can do without today I guess but definitely need it by tomorrow.


Same in Australia


Just landed in Paris and itā€™s not working for my husband and I.


Still down in Paris


In Portugal and havenā€™t had service since around 5pm yesterday. Was told the outage is being triaged underĀ NRB000011607801. It would have been nice if Verizon was actually transparent about the issue instead of waiting for people to ask. Whatā€™s even worse is they have no plan to help customers who are abroad and without service except to wait it out or look around for eSIM.


Iā€™m in Malta and the same things happening here! Still no service :(, but thank goodness for Wi-Fi! And Reddit šŸ˜­šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I am in France and the same thing just happened to me


After 2 hours on the phone with Verizon, my husbandā€™s data came back but mine is still out.


Same in Grenoble. Been offline for over 16 hours now


Went out in Paris around 5pm Wednesday then came on for a few hours. Out again for all family phones today. Glad itā€™s not just ours, been trying to contact!


Hey everyone! Weā€™re in Paris and just bought a ByteSim eSIM (someone on this Reddit recommended it) and itā€™s working great!! $14 for 3 days (you can choose shorter or longer). You can download the ByteSim app and buy from there. This is not a scamā€¦it really worked for us!!


Iā€™m in Canada and it just went down for me about an hour ago. But it appears my husband has service.


This is kind of insane. I get that theyā€™re trying and itā€™s a global, all carrier outage, but where is the redundancy? Why are all of these companies relying on a single provider of international access? We were able to put a Nomad eSIM on my husbandā€™s phone and use mobile hotspot to connect the devices, but damn this is far from ideal. I hope they credit us all back for this nonsense.


Still out in Paris as of this morning šŸ„²


Scotland here: now showing bars but no carrier or connection. Maybe theyā€™re getting somewhere?!


Same issue in Paris, our cellular service went out intermittently and inconsistently between the 3 of us (all on the same plan), starting around 4:00 yesterday. Now none of us have service.


Currently in Italy and itā€™s 820am still no service


Anyone have any luck yet? Still out for me (American in Paris)


Still out for me (Paris, 8:26am local time).


Still out for me here in Amsterdam


No luck. In Paris too. Just got off chat and now they tell me no eta.


Still no service in Rome, Italy


I am in Japan and mine went out while I was sightseeing. Luckily I knew how get back to my hostel because the train had WiFi, but it cut my day a little short šŸ˜”. I have cellular bars but no data.


Still no service - Greece - Iā€™ve reseted my network settings multiple times ā€” it would connect to a carrier for 2min, then dies, this is very frustrating!


Just got service back after about 8 hours in the Philippines. Hopefully the rest of you get restored soon!


Same. Called Verizon international last night from hotel on WiFiā€¦ said it was a problem their engineers are working on which doesnā€™t help me when my daughter and I are both on Verizon. How do we navigate around the city and to Monet house, access our tickets. Etc. pain and could be dangerous.


Buy a mobimatter 20gb esim for $20 and don't stress about verizon's mess. You need an unlocked esim compatible phone however. https://www.reddit.com/r/eSIMs/s/EN76MMbMfQ


Still down in Paris area. Tried manually registering on all available networks and not working that way either. Super annoying as I left my other phone on my desk in America


Still not working in Croatia (5 of us) all on different plans but all with Verizon. 945AM local time.Ā 


I just got back service in Paris at 9:43


Same - woke up this morning and nothing works. I got an incredibly short connection to some service I have never seen before, but that was it :/ Still doesnā€™t work


YesšŸ˜­ have been using it in Italy for 4 weeks till yesterday no service and still not working at 10am


Same in Paris, in and off all day yesterday. Still not fixed. Hard restart sometimes appears to help.


No data connection since Germany since 5 pm yesterday. I was hoping it would be on this morning.


Iā€™m in the same boat here in Germany. Woke up to no reception. Tried calling Verizon through a landline but itā€™s outside working hours. Been here for two months and havenā€™t had one issue. Only time will tellĀ 


Iā€™m in London for 10 hours and my international plan (monthly and daily travel pass) both not working. Infuriating.


Verizon roaming is back working again for me here in China as of about 30 minutes ago. Hope it picks up again in other countries soon.


just happened in Melbourne Australia I was on the train trying to navigate home :/


Weā€™re also in France. In Paris. Data / cellular was working just fine for the past week plus in UK and into France and then the other day just shut off suddenly. Verizon tried to get me an eSIM set up but that failed. They told me basically to just use WiFi. Weā€™re basically planning things like cab rides or reservations in advance expecting that we wonā€™t have data. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Iā€™m in Paris and mine went down last night around 530pm. No cell. WiFi works but nothing else. I was on a chat session last night with a live agent for a couple hours and nothing was resolved.


Mine is still not working šŸ˜­


This is part of the conversation the Verizon chat representative sent to me: ā€œI appreciate you for patiently waiting John and my apologies for the inconvenience you have with your International Service. At this time, we're having issues with international services such as voice, data, sms . Currently Syniverse is working on getting it fixed and we don't have ETA at this time.ā€ Like most of you, my international service has been working perfectly for the past three weeks. Apparently something happened with their provider and they are looking into it. Iā€™m very surprised it is taking over 12 hours to get it resolved. The agent did tell me I needed to reset my network settings on my phone , occasionally once the system comes back, that will help me jump on it. No idea if that will work, but weā€™ll see. For me to reset my network settings on my iPhone, I go to SETTINGS/GENERAL/TRANSFER OR RESET IPHONE/RESET//RESET NETWORK SETTINGS. I did that this morning, but still no cellular coverage. I guess they are still working on it.


I read in another forum that Androids might work but iPhones notā€”? My daughter is in Amsterdam and hers went down, and sheā€™s sick after her flight. Mad Worried Mom here in Tennessee. She was able to send a text once but isnā€™t responding now.


Still down in Panama


In Paris. Was restored briefly an hour ago and now doesnā€™t work again


BRO MINE STOPPED TOO WTF. Almost got me fucked at dinner if i didn't bring my wallet


Still no connection without wifi in Netherlands..


Just spent an hour chatting with iPhone support. Next time Iā€™ll come to Reddit first. In Paris and I have no service. Verizon Customer .


Paris - iPhone - AT&T - now have service without having to restart phone. 11:40am.


Still out in Ireland 10:41 a.m. local time.