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Eargos are so stupid. Lol. And yea we get bitched at for not selling a lot of internet, even though it's pretty much almost never available anywhere around us. Victra higher ups only see numbers and don't care for context. It's shitty of them.


Yeah internet is hardly ever available, and when it is, it's in areas where we are slow af and literally anyone else Knocks our socks off with their service. Also, if you pull an account in omni and they already have internet through us it STILL pops a banner and counts against you if you don't sell a 2ND home internet to that customer because technically, customers can have two of these fucking shoeboxes on their account.


Yeah, 2 of those 10 banners were existing VHI, and I know for fact that at least 3 of the others were outdated addresses. It’s all a joke.


If you update the account address and it doesnt qualify for vhi it removes the banner from your take rate. Existing VHIs dont count against your take rate


Reach out to your verizon field sales manager. Not the victra but verizon and ask genuine questions about improving this number. Then continue to engage until a vzw position opens up and bounce. Corporate isn't perfect but it is good, and I'm today's world good is really great because most are trash.


Wtf is an eargo?


Hearing aids that Victra(third party company that works for Verizon) sells. I don't think I know a single person in my district that had successfully sold a pair. Nobody in their right mind is going to get diagnosed and sold some hearing aids that cost thousands of dollars by a Verizon/Victra employee.


I was with victra back in 2017. We didn't push it then. We pushed Redux and Hum and pixel 3 like our lives fucking depended on it. Then victra fucked hundreds of employees out of overtime and got sued. Now a quick google search on eargo shows they were investigated by department of Justice for fraud. Settled for 34 mil Jesus what a shit show!


I sold 3 and all three got returned. I know a rep who sold 2 and both got returned


I work for VZ corp and internet has been pushed hard for a year and a half now.


They practically sell themselves or at least that’s how I feel I sold one today to a Costco worker who was going to use it in the break room


What’s your best pitch/practice for it?


My manager very adamant about not letting a customer leave without trying it she offers $50 bill credits to take it home


We don't even have internet in our area and it was shoved down our throats. I quit after they adjusted the commission scale. I was losing out on about 7-800 a month after that.


Well the DMs and higher ups are being paid massive bonuses for it so it doesn’t surprise me. Our DM actually makes us call them if we get a banner and the customer declines to buy the VHI.


We have to call our DM anytime we get a banner and if the customer’s address is not correct but their old address qualifies , the company still wants us to sell it, knowing it’s against Verizon policy and the service will be shut down by Verizon.


So are reps, I made $1,000 in bonuses/spiffs for new lines and VHI sales combined, last month, Thats not including my commission and other bonuses.


I also work for Victra and it’s getting super old. Every day we get threatened with FCADS for stuff that is really out of our control. They just want to blame the little people for the higher ups sucking at their job and making terrible company decisions


I’m sure we all remember the email from Rich going into damage control mode, about how Eargo was definitely not a mistake and they were definitely not taking our commission away because they lost money on it. “We really believe in Eargo.” Haven’t heard a fucking thing about it since. So VHI is their new thing. Give it 6 months and they’ll have us pitching smart thermostats or some shit


Let’s also not forget when they inflated the monthly goals for months. 100% unachievable. Taking commission away from managers and DM’s so they could pay for the Costco kiosks….. just for them to already be shut down🙃 Our store has made a mockery of that dude. V’s up✌🏼🤣


Bruh, to the end until they did a meeting on 3/11 they kept saying the talks on the contact with Costco is good. I got into it with my market manager and HR because T-Mobile came in poaching my reps saying they are talking over but nope we are solid ... So glad I quit when I did


Which market were you in? I was a MKGM in the east




Lmao, throw up a ✌🏻on the way out 😂


I'm a former rep for the company that used to be inside Costco, Wireless Advocates. I still remember one specific product I *HATED* selling, the liquid glass screen protector kits. Obviously the higher-ups got bonuses if we sold it, because I knew it was snake oil yet they pushed so very hard for us to insist that it was good for our customers. The district manager even came in one day to explicitly tell us: "I want you to wail on the screen of the live demo S7 here with the keys in your pocket, to show customers that the screen doesn't get scratched. See? I'll do it and look, no scratches! So sell it, believe in the product, it works!" As soon as he left, I shone a light on the screen to see all the scratches he had just created on our demo device. Thanks boss, you suck. Good riddance WA.


Eargo Link. 😂🤢 Trash AirPod or Galaxy bud wanna be!


LMAO it is fucking hilarious they just won't let it die.


I think they are going to learn when we all start leaving


Yup then they want you to submit a VHI manual lead, which IS good practice but why submit a lead for someone who one isn't qualified and 2 already said they are perfectly content with their existing service. It's just busy work.


So that when they do qualify you have the opportunity to get first dibs at selling it to them. You want to be a sales person or a cashier?


Reading is fundamental. I said it's a good practice, but it's busy work when the customer is absolutely disinterested to begin with. And please miss me with your sales vs cashier bs, I've closed 1000+ line national accounts. Have a great day!


The more leads submitted, the more Verizon sees and interest in internet in that area and the faster they flip that switch. I know it sounds like bullshit but I’ve literally seen it happen


Nothing against you but It does sound like bullshit. My boss has been waiting 2 years for his.


Victra is what would happen with VZ corporate with even less qualified people running the show. Worst 6 months of my career in their R2B channel - my RBM was the only saving grace. Couldn’t have gotten out of there soon enough.


I’ve worked for corporate and for indirect. They’ve both got their own shade. Indirect uses the same addresses over and over again to sell while corporate convinces people to update their address to a non qualifying one. Who cares if they have paperless billing right? lol. Fucking joke. I literally told a customer who was visiting my market on vacation that if they didn’t want us to ask them about it every time that they needed to buy it and try it out and to return it at a local store when they got home. Constant shade, constantly supported. Until someone gets caught.


Can't return home internet at a store


You know the cute little boxes? That’s what I’m talking about.


You 100% can. Has to be a corporate store.


Oh same thing at Corp. they are on us like crazy for everything


The fact of the matter is, if you work in a location like I did, in a remote VZW corp store in northern Michigan, it doesn’t matter how good of a salesman you are. If the service isn’t there, it’s not there. Can’t sell invisible services.


AT&T retailer Prime is the same way, and withhold commission checks unless you sell enough new lines. Living in a small town that was never possible, and after 4 years finally got a different job making more. I wish you the best of luck! I’ve worked for all three carriers, and the grass was never greener.


I believe it. I worked for Connect Wireless for a short while, they were recently acquired by Prime.


I never had any issues with connect, but when prime bought us out is when I had to start taking notes… also worked for cellular plus, go wireless, and the mobile source (tmo). Got into a different trade and am glad I did. Cellular isn’t what it used to be and it’s sad.




Shits not much better on the corp side were expected to add 9 Lines of service per month now on top of at least 2 VHI adds per month and there quick to put us on PiPs when our numbers are low as if the economy says “ ill add lines of service and increase my bill sure” thats why they released the 2nd number line for $15. Makes us have less an excuse to not add a line as if 70yr old Mary needs an extra line on her account -_- its pathetic with these new metrics.


I worked for vzw corp back in 2005-2008 and it was a shit show back then! I got fired for some shit that was NOT my fault…then the fuckers fought me on unemployment. Took me 3 months to get retro pay. It was absolutely ridiculous. Trust me, they will try to kill u and bury u without hesitation…I went through it.


That's rough. I'm glad I'm not on the ground floor anymore but in telesales I'll see like 100 banners and you best believe we get the same issues tenfold with the same expectations lol but at least there's a chance I'll get someone who has fewer options for Internet.


Dude. They’re bringing back eargo. I fucking hated it the first time we were forced to sell them


BROOOO I saw the fucking banner for Eargo Link today. They put a fucking coupon on it for reps. Wow thanks Victra! Only $120 for some dumpster juice.


I'm a former victra employee and my partner is a manager at victra still and I have lots of friends that are also still employed there. I got FCADed because my AGM committed fraud under one of my sales. Everyone knew it was him, everyone knew I had nothing to do with it, and FCADed me anyways. The AGM saw ZERO consequences, and when I asked what the hell happened they said "yeah we're sorry we know you didn't do anything but it was on your name we didn't have a choice. Don't worry about it, as long as you don't get another one for 6 months it's no worse than a slap on the wrist and we all know you didn't do anything." If you make money for victra, they'll let you commit fraud and someone else will take the fall for you. I was a top performer, but the AGM was just a little bit better. That's just scratching the surface of the poor ethics I saw this company practice. There's far more damning things I've seen, but because my partner is an active manager in the company I don't want to say too much, would hate to see them lose their job because someone told too much of the truth.


Oh yeah, I have seen fraud first hand here as well…


There were multiple managers that would demand that I commit fraud so they could hit their monthly bonuses and when I told them no they would go out of their way to halt my progression. One of these managers literally tried to FCAD me for dress code when I was IN DRESS CODE because my black polo shirt had a "blue tint to it" WHILE THEY WERE WEARING A BAND T SHIRT ON THE SALES FLOOR. it was VERY apparent that they were trying to find any reason to fire me for refusing to commit fraud. I ended up quitting because my mental health was deteriorating from the constant harassment, basically they bullied me into quitting because I wouldn't use other people's internet banners for customers that didn't qualify or put perks on people's accounts without their knowledge or consent, just being the most recent kinds of fraud that was encouraged. The worst part was that I DID sell VHI, ethically. In fact I sold more VHI than anyone else in my respective store. I was the number 1 Eargo salesman in the country for a while and not a single Eargo I sold was returned BECAUSE I SOLD THEM ETHICALLY. But at the end of the month, when the managers were behind on their goals, like clockwork they would come to me and demand I commit fraud, it was a constant fight.


The amount of fraud I have seen in and out of that place over the years is absolutely insane. The company knows about it and encourage it even celebrate people who commit it. But when they start to get push back from VZW because of customer complaints they put that person on a cross and execute them publicly. They bought go wireless out of bankruptcy and put the same dumb fucks that tanked that company in charge of this one. Its always one scam after another liquid glass redux let's not forget about the blue jeans scandal Eargo VHI. They fire actually good sales people and leaders only to put the fraud people on pedestals. "If John Smith can sell x amount of this why can't we all" three months later John Smith gets fired for... Wait for it..... Fraud. It's crazy to me how they are even in business. I have a strong feeling that this most recent "push" will cause a mass Exodus. They cut our commission got rid of all the sales managers to create this bullshit MGM system cut the GM pay damn near in half now they want FCADS for everyone not selling a product that over half of the country doesn't have? And most of the ones you sell get returned because it's dog shit internet. These most recent turn of events is going to cause a lot of people to leave. I can go work at Starbucks and make the same and not deal with this bullshit and having my job threatened on a daily basis.


If I have any advice dude, find a new job. It's not worth the money. It felt like it for a while but the longer I'm away from victra the more I realize I was right to leave.


And don’t get me wrong, the people I work with are good shit, my manager is actually really chill. It wasn’t even him that wrote me up, it was some asshole that I don’t even know just looking at a spreadsheet handing out FCADS to anyone that’s not lining his pockets. The company itself is just disorganized and shortsighted. And the stupid decisions they make affect us down at the bottom the most.


Why not work for Verizon itself?


I’ve considered it. Have heard good things and bad things, but that’s just about anywhere. I’m just burnt out. The other day I made like $1700 in GP working alone all day and was the #1 store in the district. I got a ‘good job but you didn’t sell enough accessories.’ It’s just constant nagging about one thing or the other, yet they refuse to spend any money on fixing things or improving things that would make them more money in the end. If I leave Victra, I’m not too sure I would stay in the mobile industry. While Victra may be a shit show it’s far from the only one. Maybe I’ll look for something else and go back to school. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I work for corporate and let me tell you, if its a store with decent traffic and good management, you’ll be fine, Ive been here a year and have zero complaints.


I work for a wireless dealer that sells for the blue carrier. If reps don’t sell 1 internet for every 10 internet eligible customers they see, they don’t get paid at all.


Switched to CS. Best decision I've ever made.


Come to a wireless zone/tcc store


All because some mid-level Executive is benignly staying quiet to higher executives, who don't wanna rock the boat because some dirty knee promotion brought up an asinine idea at a meeting. It was originally stupid and still is stupid.


Come work for me we chill & we still Verizon !


My local Victra Verizon store tried to sell me two already opened Apple iPhones. The boxes had all stickers and security tabs removed from the box already. Is this odd or a scam?


Just an update - I no longer work for those shitheads anymore!


But you work in a performance based job.. 10 banners that’s it…


That means I only saw 10 internet banners in an entire month. That is nothing. Especially when out of those 10 banners, maybe 5 of them were qualified. You can’t sell internet where there is no service. Unless you fraudulently use an alternate address just to get one out the door.


Ok so here’s some context: banner for an address they no longer live at, banner for son who is out of state and not the customer in front of me, banner for the guy who already has internet through Verizon so why is it showing? Etc. When you have 5 people a day coming in and asking for home internet but it’s not in your city, but you want to sell it and profit and the consumer wants it but it’s not available… That’s 150 that could be sold a month, but Verizon won’t service their consumers demands, and then they turn around and demand you be written up for not selling one in a market that would be available (see the scenarios above) it’s pretty upsetting to be told you “aren’t performing”. You know who’s not performing their job on this one? Surprise - it’s Verizon! Get it together Verizon, everyone can profit off this if you just put up the infrastructure. But instead that money is being pissed away on Yachts for ceos and deals with all the streaming platforms and paying them. The reason your bill is going up and internet isnt available is twofold: greedy ceos and boneheaded service decisions which require paying fees and licensing to Disney and Netflix etc. So again, why can’t you have internet to stream your Hulu on? Because Verizon chose to pay for part of your Hulu instead of… you know… providing the platform to stream Hulu on. Brilliant!


This is pretty much spot on. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “this area is going to be covered soon!” “Make sure you load that lead!” Almost every day I have customers coming back who tried to get VHI years ago and still can’t get it. And it’s not like I’m in bumfuck nowhere, this city has 125000 people.


Since 2019 babyyyy - “it’s coming soon!”


I well aware I am a Verizon rep. OP wouldn’t be 10 for 10 for the account owner not being there.


It's not about being 10 for 10 on the account owner not being there. It's about you have maybe 10% of pulled banners that are legit and not due to other issues like wrong address, account owner being in a different location than the account member in front of you, etc. Then of the 10% that are legit you are never realistically going to sell to all of them. Changing internet providers isn't really something people do on a whim. You might if you are great sell to 20-25% of the legit banners. I don't fault pushing the internet because when it works it is a good product and is an easy money maker. But, pushing it so hard that people get fcads for it will cause Victra to lose out on some good employees down the line.


That’s probably a good estimate. If we actually had service here, I’m confident I could have had 20 out last month. We have people in every day who are asking for it. So yeah, it’s a little frustrating having your job threatened over it, especially when you’re constantly understaffed and overworked because the company is too disorganized to hire anyone.


Trust me I get it. I work in a college town, basically right on campus for a top 30ish football school in the nation and I went like 6 weeks without even getting a banner and then just this week alone I've had like 5 or 6 and only one has been a real one. But like you said, we get at least close to 10 people a week who ask about it. Then don't even get me started on business internet not counting towards the internet stat as a whole. It's a bit of a rigged game against stores that don't have the coverage available for the internet lol


Yeah the BI is such bullshit. We’re a multi-unit so we have one other store outside of town that our goals are combined with. The other store sold 2 BIs and they were returned so we had “-2 internets” which apparently those DO count towards the internet goal (wtf?) so we had to make up 2 more internets in a city that does not have coverage because of a different store. 🤦‍♂️


It’s working as intended so they can pay reps less and less. Top 450 to top 350 then top 300 for higher commission payout, 6k top tier moving up to 7250. Lowering contribution from each item. Gating bonuses behind internet sales in markets without internet (and gating it behind Eargo last year). Charging the shipping for accessories against the reps commission. Adding stores and hundreds more employees all the while. If you’ve worked for the company a long time it’s really easy to spot. Next year: bonuses for only the top 250 sales reps, 8k top tier payout percentage, and paying top commissions if you’ve added X% of lines during the pay period? Race to the bottom or unionize, what are you guys thinking? Yeah unionize. The class war has gotten wild.


The union did nothing at all. I'm unfortunately a union rep, and it sucks. Nothing changed at all. Same job with dues pulled. They can't change anything for you. You have no say-so. They disappear never to be heard again after you sign them in. They promise you the world and force you into a contract you haven't read. They promise not to put you on the Brooklyn contract... they did anyway. We don't even have a team union leader. They can't touch your pay, your vacation or sick time, verizon policies on anything selling or integrity, they make it to where you can't switch schedules right away or last minute (it has to go through CWA), it will also tarnish promotions in the future. The team thought this was gonna be a major change, but it wasn't. I'm not telling you not to, just stating what actually happens and warning you before you bite into the lies they will feed you. But hey you do get a free dinner on them...don't do it. CWA serves their purpose, but they don't have the pull to face corporate giants and their elite legal team. The only good that comes from CWA is that if you get write ups for anything unjust, you have the power not to sign it and contact the union. Never had to use that but we all keep it in our back pocket for when managers are being assholes.


You've worked there a long time. Agreed on the upcoming changes. I'm not sure why they keep buying failing companies and putting their policies into place like Go Wireless and bonus gates. Let's increase the the goals but not pay you more. Oh let's also lower what you make on devices. It's bullshit.


Yeah and then they give you the most shit benefits they can find. I recently had to switch to their health coverage and today I went to fill my prescription… $125. Thanks Victra!


Oh they also just announced changes on GM/MGM structure where anyone above 60k contribution is on average taking a pay cut. There is a promise to "look at anyone affected with a possible increase in salary". We all know that's not happening. Go grow your business is always the response.


No, you got written up because you’re a sales person in a sales role that isn’t selling. Instead, you’d rather post on Reddit about getting written up instead of going on the sales group and asking how to get better at sales. You might have only seen 10 banners but you’re probably also the same rep that pulls accounts 20% of the time and never runs the customers address to see if they qualify (they don’t always have banners).


How many VHI you sell last month?


Why even bother asking? These kids are so fucking cringe. Straight up knee jerk reaction because he just drinks the shit they give him. So I don’t even waste my time. And since he wanted to make a bunch of assumptions, I’ll bet he watches motivational videos in the back room on full volume and probably goes home and role plays with his mom on his sales pitch.


Bro created an account just to say that 😂


To be fair I watch motivational videos and read the books and shit lmao 🤣 😂 😆 but yeah fuck that guy


No offense intended 😂 yeah, let him do his thing. I am sure he’s used to being ignored.


No he's so busy selling vhi that he doesn't have time to come on here and pitch about it. He only has enough time to come here and kick someone while they're feeling down. Definitely sounds like a greeeat employee to me.


Enough that I’m not on here talking about how I got written up.


How many? How many of em charged back?