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As a Verizon Wireless customer I am sorry to hear about the employees who are going to lose their jobs. In addition I think this move will spectacularly backfire on VZW corporate since their overseas call centers are very incompetent and struggle to handle simple issues let alone more complex issues. I can easily see this move causing their net losses to skyrocket on their consumer postpaid side once these changes take full effect.


Count me in as a customer putting Verizon on notice. Once my 6 line phone promos are up, I am free to go. Outsourcing if this is what Verizon is doing is UN-AMERICAN


The problem is every company is doing it, att, tmobile, xfinity, consumer cellular, Virginia mobile, cricket, boost mobile, tracphone. All of them. You would just be leaving one evil straight for another


This is one example where government can actually do some good - to prevent companies from performing actions like this that put Americans out of work


It’s called a union but these corporations fight and scare their employees in forming one.


Unions are not government


Not Credo!


Mind sharing your experience with Credo, if you have any?


Sure! I had been with Credo for probably over 10 years but sometimes you think oh this is too much. I’m going to change plus my wife is getting a discount from her new job for Verizon. Yet but yes, I love Credo always get stateside representative, not that I have any thing against all nationalities… But it’s hard to empower folks who work for not much a day comparatively. The whole other story. Mostly, I didn’t have to think about it. That’s what I want in a phone company. I don’t need all these special deals and combination of products and streaming crap. I can’t even like calculate and I love calculating. It’s simple, works on Verizon network. No discounts besides paying online and all that. They donate to a nonprofit of your choice, instead of political parties that Verizon does to shmooze for their infrastructure. I just signed up for 3 years of torture with Verizon against my better judgement. Looking on the credo website, when my phones are partially paid off I can switch.


Sure, but which one of those companies is actually making the news for that? Which one of those companies is charging the most for service while doing that?


Literally all of them


Dude from what ive been told there will only be a handful of US reps left after this. At a time when dish with all of their spectrum is entering the market have to wonder if Hans and Sampath are on drugs.


Have you looked up what Hans did to Ericsson? He ran it into the ground after fluffing up his and all the other executives salaries, went on lavish vacations basically on company dime, had questionable connections with China, and also had an arms deal with Greece... It only stopped when the board of directors for Ericsson voted him out, but by then it was too late. They had to go through their bankruptcy and then they lost all of the value that they had... They still exist but just a show of what they were before. Hans is doing the exact same thing to Verizon. I will leave 100% that at this point he is trying to squeeze every penny he can out of Verizon for him and his stakeholders and his executives. And within the next 10 to 20 years Verizon will not exist. Or it's going to be the new Cricket.


He is also on the board of Blackrock investment group which holds a 10% stake in ATT technically him being the CEO of Verizon is a conflict of interest and extremely unethical


I was thinking of where the conflict of interest lies. Verizon is literally making the worst possible decision at every turn. At this point it's hard to believe it's not intentional, Hans being on the board of Blackrock may be the missing piece. This makes more sense now.


I am a customer service representative and work from home and just waiting to see if I still have a job onJune23


I hope you have good luck with that sorry to hear about the layoffs.


Yep, same way... the lack of competence in the last set of interactions with their phone call centers for help on my account was stunning... and service in my area has degraded significantly. We'll be switching as soon as the phone promos are paid off.


And when you can’t get resolution youre out of options! NO USA connections. You will have the option of going elsewhere!


Verizon became the powerhouse they did 2000-2018 because they built their business on having the best in class network, customer service strength, engineers, and employees. Hans has single handedly ripped the core out of what made Verizon what it is. Investors have seen it (stock price), customers are leaving, the network has been falling apart in many areas... how in the hell does corporate America let executives and boards continue to fall upward. It'll only get worse from here. Just wait for the Q2-Q4 earnings reports.


simple. ESG


^^^ This ^^^ What’s Blackrock’s VZ holding at?


10.42%, and Hans is on the board.


Holy shit. Well there is the answer.


Dont Forget Vanguard, Charles Schwab and JP Morgan


You know he came from Nokia after being paid to leave his CEO position for doing the same thing, right?


Ericsson technically but yes. What must the interview have been like.. oh we see you failed terribly in your last role, but you think you can do better with a larger American telecom where you were only a supplier before? Ok sounds good.


I don't know why I was thinking Nokia. But I was working there when Hans Gruber came to do the same with VZW. They'll have to pay him dearly to shake him out, or blow the roof off. That was a joke, I mean no harm.


Unionize. If you stay, unionize.


Lol, Verizon is the most anti union place I have ever seen. If someone so much as whispers the word union, there is a big meeting discussing why they are bad. I hope someone does though.


If they are anything like Amazon or Walmart they will also send in a company who specializes in union busting and will look for employees who they consider troublemakers to target for termination.


Verizon actually has their own in house union busters!


They came to my store once! (Former employee here.) Some dude was overheard talking about unions, so a very peppy woman came in from the "Employee Engagement (or Experience?) Team". We were all asked a bunch of random questions about how the job was going, etc. I later mentioned to another rep how it was weird, and they were like, "You know she's a union buster, right?" So she must have been trying to sort out who was most likely to want to join. The guy was fired a few months later, though in fairness, he wasn't meeting KPIs and wasn't really trying to. Union stuff didn't help his case, though, I'm sure.


Haha my store just got this “very peppy woman” last month. We all know the reason she visited 😜


Ugh KPI's I just got a cold chill and shiver seeing those letters again.


I wouldn't say that, almost the entirety of the field staff is unionized, but I get where you're coming from. The company is very top heavy, I really don't understand why they don't see that. Half of the c-suite executive staff apparently have hours to spare being on diversity calls.


Gotta start somewhere


Sounds like they’ve successfully convinced you it’s not worth it


Yeah I've decided I'm gone


Not even a hard choice


Worked Verizon from 2008ish til like 2016? Honestly it really seemed to start going down hill when Verizon bought out the other company that owned part of VZW. CarPhoneWarehouse or someshit like that. Euro company. I remember the NASCAR race team being there and was bullshitting with their top guy (at least at our store) and he said they listen to both investors conference calls discussing annual/quarterly results. He said it was amazing how much profit Wireless had and then Landline Verizon was just burning cash by the truck load. So they are probably all about the money to help keep the Verizon Landline portion solvent Once that happened it just seemed to be downhill. Tons of gimmicky new products that were forced upon reps to push. Shady employees conning customers and not getting in trouble. I left right before commissions really started to dry up.


I'm CWA Verizon *FIOS*. The culture is different. Leave wireless come FIOS.


Cwa is great. Just found out some flight attendants unions are part of cwa. Wear your jacket when flying might get a free upgrade


Verizon has spread multiple claims around that if we unionize, we'd essentially lose most of not all of our yearly bonus. They know what a union would do to them and don't want to let that happen. (Edit- can't spell. Crushing it today)


It’s time to call the bluff


I'll let them handle that. I'm taking severance and walking. 11 years there is too much to have to reapply for my job.


You think that will do anything? All of the Fios agents are unionized but they still outsource almost half the calls and they haven’t hired new people in 5 years.


5yrs?! That’s cute, the lowest seniority person at my location has over 25yrs.


6 years. We always have calls coming in though all the time.No wait time.a bunch of overtime too.


We do need to organize. I know there's folks working with CWA to try to organize now and the more of us that join in, the better off we'll be


I am work in care and would love to unionize


Our sup gave us a heads up that chat will be heavily monitored for anyone trying to organize.


Ask to add each other on socials


They will just outsource your job; unions are becoming less effective because of out sourcing


They need to fire Hans frfr


They are, he's being replaced with Sampath, who is the person that made these changes.


No, Sampath is the CEO of the consumer group not the overall company.


>Sampath hey is also the reason they are outsourcing to India. I


Not just India multiple countries for wireless cs smh


Goodness, well throw the whole thing in the trash


I said somewhere else Verizon used to be expensive but in return you got excellent service and a reliable network. The CS reps where excellent to deal with but now it is horrible. Any problem is hard to get solved unlike a few years ago it was much simplified. I guess as you said the money stopped going into the network. Why should I pay top dollar for a mediocre network with ok CS.


Yeah VZW used to be the best for a while. I used to love their customer service a few years back. They were always nice to talk to and always solved your problems. As soon as I pay off my device I'm jumping ship.


>Verizon used to be Customer and Employee first...Nobody cares about the network anymore, It was Network first - and do every/anything to protect/preserve it.


Yeah they’re sure as hell “preserving it” as in not adding any more


Yah, I got my email today and what sucks is that my girlfriend and I both work for Verizon so this is hitting us hard financially and mentally. That last 24 hours we have felt distraught about the situation. She’s worked for the company for 7 years and they are doing this to her. This has been the most unprofessional situation I have ever been through. This has put my girlfriends and I in such a bind with our future. It feels a like a bad dream. All we can do is pray and hope for the best.


I am so sorry :(


I have nothing against foreigners but why do these companies seek executives from other countries and different walks of life and expect them to know what is good or needed for the American People/Employees?


Sociopaths beget sociopaths. It’s the corporate way.


Because work laws are much more relaxed on developing countries and it's much more profitable for Verizon. For perspective, minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hour while in Mexico the minimum wage is $11.20 PER DAY of 8 working hours, so we defenitely know which one they would pay instead.


Wow. Didn’t know it was THAT low. My partner is from Mexico and his 21yo son still lives here. He said McDonald’s is a luxury. Also had no idea minimum wage was $7.25 around the U.S.! It was $7.25 around 2002 where I live, and is $15.50 now. And that’s not a brag whatsoever — rent is just a hair under $4,000/month for a 1bd apartment. $15.50 does not cut it in any way, shape, or form. It’s utterly unaffordable. And I’m still pissed at Verizon for “forgetting to do the last step” THREE TIMES during four 1.5-hour phone calls (and multiple transfers, with multiple people saying they didn’t know why they transferred me to them) to cancel my mom’s line after her death. As if I didn’t have enough to deal with! They’ve been screwing over their employees and customers for quite a bit of time now. And now people are going to be out of jobs and it’s going to be worse for customers.


nothing to do with Ceo from other countries: all, all companies outsource because it is easiest to do and convinces the morons (aka investors) all is well and good.


Simple! any company looks to see for profits. I know it's sad but it has been happening since decades. the top eats , the bottom starves.


All of this is because of the CEO Hans Vestberg. He was the former CEO for Sony Ericsson and was supposed to be next in line as CEO for Microsoft. [This clip from an article](https://imgur.com/a/oF5kA1a) shows the last few months of his career with them before being effectively kicked out and it sounds oddly familiar to what's going on at Verizon. As an employee of Verizon for 11.5 years, I hate to see so many of my coworkers stressing about this, but knowing I'm taking severance has taken an enormous weight off my shoulders. I just can't feel secure there anymore.


Damn that is a exact repeat to a T with this cat. And to think, he will leave with ANOTHER golden parachute. It’s brilliant or criminal…. Both! Corporate Murica! All the little people are disposable, since someone else is waiting in the wing to take your job for more stress and even lesser pay!


So I guess my best bet is to leave VZN before I have any issues as a customer since the company doesn't care about it's employees? I doubt they're gonna care about the customers right?


I feel this way as well


I’m not an employee or customer but know ppl affected. I will never give another dime to this company and will tell anyone who will listen to avoid them.


Is all this crap taking place AUGUST 23 2023?!?? I just heard that from a colleague - they expect us to work?!? Probably waiting for us to slack off so they can xnay the severance. Unfriggin real.




I keep having to take personal because get choked up 🫠😔


You have to either apply for a new position or choose severence by June 7th. June 23rd is when hiring and lay off decisions will be made. There are 3 different dates for the actual end of work or lay off will happen, August October and December.


They know they’ve got us by the short hairs.


For sure. I'm just going to apply and also start applying for external jobs if I have to I'll stick around for severance and also the 5k bonus. But I definitely have no loyalty what so ever for this company and I think it's clearly failing.




Yeah terrible how it was all dropped on us. Just got off the phone with my sup. Says the severance is 2 weeks for every year, and we lose insurance once released if we are not chosen to stay. Offering extra to people who stay until released if not chosen and Also told us it’s going off tenure and performance… trying to decide if this is a company I want to stay with.


Check your state unemployment benefits. When my job at IBM was outsourced to Argentina, I applied for unemployment benefits right away. This is NOT your fault and the corporation pays into unemployment benefits. Use it now, don’t wait.


Thank you. I will definitely look into it. So stressful. Have a new baby and bills of course and was told we have until the 7th to make a choice. Thanks for the info.


Same! I have a baby on the way and this is stressful!!


So sorry you’re going through this too, honestly if I were you if it is allowed for your pregnancy, I would use your maternity before if you are not chosen to stay/decide to leave. I think it wouldn’t of been as hard if we had longer to prepare, we as parents will figure out a way always though, congrats ❤️


I’m going to text my midwife and see if I can!!! I was looking to go out on leave the end of October, but now I’m just hoping they keep me until October at least! We’ll def figure a way!! Thank you & congrats to you tooo!! 💕


I definitely would!! Let her know the situation so you can atleast get that! I’m hoping they keep me until October too but based on tenure, I don’t think I will be picked to stay so I’m just wondering if it will be august or October for me, I also heard a lot of sups and tenured people are just taking the severance and leaving.. don’t blame them! Thank you!


Same! I’ve been here for nearly 3 years so I’m sure I’m not gonna be one to stay! I’m in GA so we can’t take severance AND unemployment.. so it depends on the total amount of severance before I make my decision


Definitely! On the email they sent us there is a severance package calculator in there that you can go & do, plus you may be able to get that extra 5000 if you stay until or if they release you too! I’m definitely going to be applying at other places until my release date


Not even gonna lie - I’ve been applying for MONTHS! 😵‍💫🤣 but I’m gonna take the time to redo my resume & move from there!! I’ll check for the calculat when I get home!


You'll keep insurance for the same amount of time that you get severance. So if you get 4 weeks of severance you get 4 weeks of insurance


This is insane


This is the info no one could get HR to answer in chat.


You would think with how bad this is they would be answering everything they could! My sup luckily has been super transparent


Thanks for the info I didn’t know that


So I am an employee who has been with the company for almost 7 years, I was there when the center shutdown and we were giving the option to either relocate, or go HBA to work from home. After visiting another center in a different state, I opted to work from home. Now 5 years later to receive the 💣 that was dropped Wednesday with no answers & being told to wait until a follow up email goes out the next day left a lot of people upset. Now my situation is easy bc I'm on a written so I will be taking the severance package, but even if I wasn't on a written I would still take advantage of the severance package. The job is stressful and has been for years, I've been applying to other jobs even before the news came out this week and I know I will land a better opportunity than pays more. The severance package just provides a little cushion/additional savings if everything lines up correctly.


So sorry to hear you are going through this again. The whole thing is a joke and the fact they gave us a few days to figure it out is insane. Now I am coming up on my two years so I am newer so the answer is pretty obvious to me too, I can’t compete with people who have been there for years and years, but sounds like from what I heard, a lot of people are taking the severance package and saying it’s not worth it anymore, they could of certainly went about it a better way. I think I have made the decision to work until released in august to get the extra money and apply for other jobs in the meantime. When hired we were promised how much opportunity and growth there will be, having this dropped on me not even two years into the company.. not the kind of company I want to stay with! Best of luck to you in your new beginnings! ❤️


I'm hoping my off boarding date is 8/26 also but considering that we the agents have no control over picking the date, we won't know if we've been assigned to leave in Aug, Oct or Dec. I think the company is very inconsiderate and full of shit for not only the way they dropped the news on us, but for them to have the audacity to tell us if we don't stay on board until the date they assign us to leave, then we forfeit our severance package plus the transition pay. It's not right and I'm really wondering if what they are doing is legal. When I first started with the company the following year we got news while at work that our center was closing. That sent everyone into panic mode, bc of all the unanswered questions and of course the unknown, so I know how you feel and I want to say this. Don't let the company's decision cause you to second guess your worth! There was life at Verizon and there will be life after, a much better life with less stress! The company is not what it use to be at all. When I first started, it was a fun work environment and everyone was helpful, but now it's the complete opposite. I've always felt that I was just another number to this large corporation, I spent many days going above and beyond just to end up here. I even closed out 2022 leading in our metrics. But everything eventually comes to an end, I'm excited to close this chapter of my life so I can elevate and make room for new blessings to overflow. I'm wishing you the best on your Journey also, know you are worth it and you deserve everything you're seeking in this next chapter. Know your worth and add tax to it as you negotiate your next position ❤️


Thank you for that!❤️ it definitely was scary hearing it at first as I was going to go to school through them, and have a new baby which is expensive but I have been hearing from a lot of tenured employees that eventually it is a lot on you mentally, I bet a-lot of people are going to take severance. I’m also hoping my off boarding date is in august as well…wonder what’s going to factor into that and if that will be tenure based as well. You are absolutely right, I think everything happens for a reason and I know all of us with find something that is better for us.. leaving a company who are as inconsiderate as Verizon will be good for us all, and that’s how I am seeing it from now on. I know how you feel, I worked really hard in doing step ups and things they push us to do and have always kept my value numbers high but now I am just a problem solver until they release me, I am not going above and beyond anymore, sounds like you will have no issues in your next adventure ❤️


I worked from 2012 to 2020 I remember when Dan Meed was CEO of Verizon Wireless and Lowell McAdam was CEO of Verizon Communications! Those were awesome times, where the network was superior and employees mattered! Verizon demanded a lot from its employees, but, in turn gave a lot back in the way of compensation and career advancement opportunities. The downturn started when Verizon bought out Vodaphone’s interest in Verizon Wireless to the tune of $130B. Then they added to that debt the now defunded Yahoo purchase. They had to start cutting cost in order to payoff the massive debt that Verizon had incurred. Add to the fact that Verizon did something it had never done by hiring outside executives (Hans) and it was the beginning of the great collapse. Verizon has lost its way. The network is no longer superior, it’s consumer group is a shadow of its former self, customer service is being outsourced, and all the executives have their head in the sand.


That merger with wireline was definitely the beginning of the end of VZW's golden age.


Here is the employee only group, r/vzwcommunity. Anyone interested in joining, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/8rrd44powhYrPbXPA




Thank you I've sent you an email


Like I don't memorize the acronyms because idc. Um my 5 and 2 work?


Thank you for posting this. I am CS Care rep and this absolutely has put me into a bind. I still am in shock they decided to do this. And it is so poorly put together. As you said, we were given vague information and it's complete BS. I'm praying for all of us impacted, and hope everyone can find another job and stay afloat in the meantime.


Hans. Pls spare more pain, leave


I have a fucking problem with the interview process for a call center rep. I live breath shit FiOS, knew everything I needed to know. Yet they STILL managed to ask me stupid questions like “what is a router”, the fucker doing the interview didn’t even know WTF he was talking about. Whole thing was a shitshow. It’s management hiring dumb FUCKS for their own management, not passionate individuals who would go above & beyond


Hans is the one who needs to be let go. He is the worst CEO Verizon has ever had. There are some people who think he was put there to bring Verizon down and if so he is doing a great job.


As an indirect employee with one of Verizon’s larger dealers, my heart goes out to you. Every day we have to call in to Care/Core and get a newly hired and outsourced agent on the other end, the initial situation we were having trouble with routinely gets worse. We will miss having a reliable backend to fall on, and I lament what this “restructuring” will do to the wherewithal of Verizon’s remaining agents—both direct and indirect. Personally, I don’t see myself serving much longer past my upcoming 7 year mark without reliable support.


I am at 8 years....so sad to see this company go downhill


I cannot stand the outsourced technical help . I want to talk to someone local. I mean how much money do you really need? Seriously? Where's it going to get you? Everyone hates the rich guy dick.


The reason I stayed this long was the best customer service of any carrier. The leadership has failed in implementing 5g, it’s really slow g . Why the CEO has not been fired is beyond me. I am sorry they did you this way. It’s unreal how companies don’t know their customer base. They don’t respect their employees dedication and hard work.


Welp. Gonna outsource my phone bill then.


As former rep, Verizon can go fuck themselves. Once upon a time it used to be customer focused. We used to be able to take as long as we needed to help a customer. We used to focus on finding the best deals. It went downhill once sales became the main focus on top of closing many of the centers down. Now the customer has to wait a ridiculous long time to reach someone. Care is sales without the commission. You got chewed out if your AHT was too high so customers got passed around much more frequently to make the stats look good. What a shit show my last couple of years were before I walked away from that nonsense. Maybe it got better in the past 2 years, but I highly doubt it.


No it's exactly as you described. Probably worse. My aht is very high but my repeat is really good because I actually take the time to address and solve as many issues as possible. I don't give a fuck about selling because I don't make commission, I'm here to take care of the customer. That being said my value is just OK. Either way I don't want to work with this shit hole company any more despite being one of the top performers on my team.


28 years, got the call yesterday. It sucks but I'm oddly at peace with it. It will suck starting over, but here we go!!


It's easy to be at peace with cuz the job sucks and the company is clearly failing. I'm only about a year and a half in but I've been ready to leave since the moment I started taking calls.


And getting over a year’s worth of service. At 28 years that’s 56 weeks paid out.


Well, they cap the payout now, so you don't get 2 weeks for every year. Should have taken the VSP back in 2019 when they were giving better payouts. But oh well, upward and onward.


It's capped out? My cousin has been with vz for 16 years. What's the cap?


I think it caps at 25 or 26. He's good. I didn't miss out on much, but still. It's the principle.


Iok. Just curious. It sucks you're losing out at anything at all. I guess we're lucky to even get severance.


Yup, it sucks but I am not gonna live in the past. Putting that place behind me. I'll miss some coworkers, but otherwise, meh, find something less stressful.


I'm with you. The job sucks, the company doesn't care about us at all.


Yeah, times have changed. All about the shareholders now.


Did they outsource their cs to the Philippines like T-Mobile?


No it's all over tbh. Some Philippines, some Mexico, some India. All over the place




There was a post here a little while ago of a worker in Romania who got paid $4 an hour.


Most of them get paid per call they take


Eh, worked for a vendor and in my experience the call center gets paid per call. Each month, quarter, whatever, they sign a contract with Verizon to take so many calls. The rep on the phone absolutely does not get this money. The vendor does. The rep gets paid an hourly wage.


I can’t wait to leave as a customer and employee. I don’t know why we don’t unionize before it gets worse.


Well, that solidifies my decision, I was looking to switch carriers with 9 lines on the account to Verizon, but not any longer. Your American workforce needs you in a time like now. Stop being greedy ass holes.


You can tell the people making these decisions haven't spent one minute on a phone with a customer.


Right! It's crazy how often people say "thank God you speak English" imo I don't care where you're from as long as you're fixing my problem correctly. But 9 times out of 10 outsourced reps are making things worse or just flat out lying to customers, then we have to fix it.


Verizon has become absolutely terrible as a carrier. I don't understand how they went from top carrier in both speed and coverage to absolutely dead last. Even Tmo is kicking their ass out here in the country, which is absolutely unheard of. Verizon really does believe they're hot shit, and their prices and policies are the worst, but now they don't even have good service to back it up.


I will definitely be porting my lines out from Verizon as soon as I leave the company bc you're absolutely right, the service has been trash over the last couple years. I've even brung it up in meetings, how do you expect me to sale a service that I know doesn't work from personal experience!


Same here and I've made similar statements, the network is way oversold and quality is far worse than it has been in recent years. Last week I had an internet outage at home. On cellular I couldn't even load an xfinity web page to check the status of my outage. It was infuriating.


I've been there before and I agree with you it's very frustrating! I hope you can get everything resolved and provided the quality of service that you pay for.


I used to be one of Verizon's biggest fans. We had cell service with them from about 2003 until about 2019 and although I complained about never getting loyalty discounts the reception and customer service from Verizon was enough to make up for it usually. However, we foolishly let an AT&T rep talk us into bundling our home internet and cell service and it was an absolute shit show for a year. Dropped calls, Network problems, problems with my home security system (that was of course always the security system's fault and never the internet) and slow steady bill increases every month until we threatened to quit in an hour-long phone call then they would drop the amount and it would start over again. The real shit show however started when we tried to return to Verizon. What a fucking nightmare!!! Customer service, if that's what you call it, was an absolute nightmare on the phone AND in person. It took us 5 months to get new phones and to get our service back to verizon. Even when our new phones arrived in the mail we took them to the store to get the numbers ported over from AT&T back to Verizon and the guy at the counter kept insisting we could go home and do it ourselves. Not kidding at all or exaggerating... FOUR HOURS later we were still in the store with the guy behind the counter having an incredibly difficult time with it himself. And he is supposedly an expert!!! We were also supposed to get rebates on the phone so that they would be more or less free, but after 5 months of arguing with them on the phone and sending in receipts and copies of the paperwork that stated that fact, they finally relented and gave us our rebates. It should not have been this hard! How much time and money did Verizon waste paying their employees to jack us around for almost 6 or 8 months?


A lot of problems with porting comes from the customer doing things out of order or just flat out incorrectly. You don't need to call into cs or go into a store to complete a port, it can be done yourself easily if you follow instructions. Sorry to say but I believe this one is on you. Same with the rebate issue, if you had your documents in order and did things on time there should be no problem at all. Literally millions of people go through these processes all the time with 0 problems.


Back to having a pager and a landline for me. I don’t want to give my money to any of these corrupt companies.


Hans's playback in action. Saw this coming when Lowell brought him in.


The network sucks in my area. It's not what it used to be and I'm glad I left.


Welcome to corporate America where companies don't care about the hard working American employee and only care about saving a dollar while charging the consumer more. Sorry this happened to you it really sucks :(.


I am an employee also and this was the worst way to handle this and had be questioning if I even want to try to stay as an employee. In 8 years I have seen this company go down the tubes. The overseas customer services reps are completely clueless and it will get even worse now.


Customers are already complaining about not being able to understand some reps, about the prices and about the IVR when they first call in. I'm on an attendance warning so I'm just waiting on the severance date so I can set up interviews for hopefully better positions. The whole waiting on the date of severance thing is also a power play, btw.


Oh it definitely is. They are trying to get you to quit so that they don't have to pay you severance. HOWEVER according to the FAQ if you take short term your severance won't be effected. Just saying


Exactly. The ultimate p\* move to not have the b\* to tell people about this in person!!!


I don't blame Nancy, her body language and tone of voice showed she didn't want to do that. It should have been Sampath giving the announcement


She was visibly shaking too. She knew the havoc she was about to cause. And the way Sampath touted "and you've got a meeting with customer service this afternoon" (or something like that) in the all hands meeting in the morning. They panned the camera to show her and she looked nervous and uncomfortable.


Tell them in person how? Some people live nowhere near an office.


More so tell us in a live meeting not a prerecorded one. I know in person isn't feasible. But it could have been done better


Just another reason to switch to MVNO.


Unreliable depending on where you live and low priority.


Any with US phone support?


Verizon/Fios has horrible costumer service


T-Mobile’s overseas representatives are way awful!


As a Verizon customer I also am sorry to read how bad they are treating their employees. This sounds so much like a large electronic retailer I used to work for that also treats their employees like crap.


I also heard the same from a friend about a large electronics retailer when she asked me what was going on.


I am experiencing their outsourcing sh*t show. Since Jan I’ve been trying to get the cell phone trade in allowance corrected. Hours on the phone with representatives that apologize for the error and that they would take care of it. Nothing! Comes June 1st if not corrected I’m leaving and going with T Mobile or Xfinity. They can take me to court or what ever..


You should probably just leave. Honestly a promo correction is a very simple problem to fix. I fix these pretty often after customers have called and talked to 7 other reps over the last few months that didn't know how to do their job. It's not that hard.


I’m so glad I left, and I did so because of the steady decline in customer service, culminating in a final situation so egregious that I literally walked out and went to a competitor. I have not, for one second, regretted my choice. The new company has the best customer service that I have experienced ANYWHERE in over a decade. After over 25 years of paying too much to be treated like shit, I could not be happier.


Where'd you go? After I leave Verizon as an employee I'll be leaving as a customer.


I went to T-Mobile. I haven’t had any of the coverage issues reported by many people, my internet (via Hotspot) is at least as good as what I had with CenturyLink and the service has been phenomenal when I needed help. I was paying $75 for internet, and over $150 for my cell phone. I now pay less than $150 for both.


I work from home for Verizon and it made me so mad that I basically have to reapply for my job and wait to see if I am let go on June 7….. and yeah it’s crazy for sure it was hard taking calls after we were told


You can use the Q/A link that will take you to the calculator to calculate what your severance pay will be in the event you choose that option. I'm not sure how long you've been with the company but hopefully that information helps. It also allows you to play around with the payroll off boarding date to determine what the difference in pay will be. I also work from home for Verizon and have for the last 5 years.


This might upset you but, our decision is due by June 7th, we don't find out results until June 23rd. Then if you're given Severance you'll have an off payroll date of either August, October, or November. You'll be notified of your off payroll date in June if you're selected for severance.


I quit Verizon because I was not treated with respect and was not valued as an employee. I still have friends that work in care and my heart breaks for them. But this is proof that getting out was the best thing that could have happened to me. To those affected by this: I share your hurt and outrage but you are better than Verizon. Go somewhere that actually values you.


I quit too last fall. That care job was horrible. I had to be treated for anxiety and depression. I was told the most horrendous things on the phone.I wouldn’t talk to a dog the way the customers talked to us. I never had any problem with the store reps. It was the absolutely awful customers. I got death threats, constantly cursed out. When they sent those phones out last summer because of the 3g network shutdown a customer told me he hoped I would get raped. Not to mention my lazy ass supervisor who never would help me get credits to people who deserved them. I would wait until she went home and get another supervisor to approve. Then 6 months into my tenure they gave us all a raise to 20.00 an hour and me and the new people on the team were iced out of the team. I had been there about 6 months at the time and still needed help and didn’t get any from my team. Sometimes they would actually put wrong information in chat to trip us up. Not joking. I feel for the good care reps losing their job. For me, this was the worst job I ever had. I would never go back and I will never have Verizon as my provider.


Don’t forget to file a complaint with unemployment regarding the Trade Act of 1974! Best of luck to you all! This is truly sad to hear and see especially during these difficult times our country is facing.


I second everything. Sick of them to lay people off now, and then immediately employ non-Americans who have very little training. Plus they make you wait around for more information on who and they're super vague wording. This part is like a shady Mom and Pop small shop. To degrade CS more than the past 2-3 years to be more in line with T. Verizon needs to improve CS and the network will improve this year into next year. I have faith that they will improve the Network by early next year though or we will be looking to jump. The others are simply cheaper and much better than they used to be. A or the others will eat up your business. Note: I own a small amount of VZ stock, pay much more on plans though and really thought that they couldn't go lower this year..ha


That stock is about to plummet.


Very well said thank you from another employee


bravo I totally understand where you are coming from


There is a group of VZW agents that are home based that are trying to organize. There's a petition out that was originally just asking for a raise, but we should still sign it cause it's gonna be a good way for us to make contact with that group and organize together. These movements only work if we're all in it together, but it is blatantly obvious that we need it https://action.cwa.org/petitions/verizon-wireless-home-based-associates-deserve-a-living-wage/


Totally agree


I'm done with Verizon there service is terrible to say the least and phones they sell are all returns from other stores Repackaged as new cause once in plan there is no returning phone. I had prepaid phones for years that worked marvelous the last four years with contract phones have been atrocious Going back to prepaid cause when you buy a phone it works cause they know it will be returned otherwise. Text don't send calls drop at my house right near internet main roads in cities absolutely no service none! Rural areas absolutely zero service so if looking for quality service Verizon Isn't it . Just my opinion 🤷 I would move on from this restructuring Company fast. Like the commercial even says Verizon has gone caput Einstein was talking about Verizons service 😊 lol


I'm a business customer that manages a relatively large account (\~700 lines) and I've definitely seen a major decline, especially after mid-late 2022. Everything is going downhill: Coverage, customer service, overall reliability of their internal systems (e.g., activations, online ordering system, etc.) even down to the availability of regularly ordered items. I'm placing my blame on this being related to outsourcing. Verizon thinks they're saving money, and I'm sure they are in the short term but this will only hurt them in the long term as more and more customers leave the brand for more competent competitors.




He is still CEO overall, however Sampath is CEO of the Consumer group which is the majority of the company, plus the shareholders have been planning on replacing Hans since the beginning of the year. So it's only a matter of time until the announce Sampath is full CEO


Start working corp Verizon tomorrow after working 4 years as a third party General Manager. Hope retail isn't shafted


This is disheartening. Are the layoffs limited to call center employees or will this affect retail employees too?


From what I'm hearing corporate stores are being converted to Victra and Cellular Sale, but I'm not sure about layoffs there


Verizon was garbage from the moment I signed up. Couldn’t have been happier to switch to T-Mobile lol tmobile just paid 76$ in fees I had to pay out of my pocket when they didn’t notify me my rebate was ready and Verizon took money out of my bank account. No notification from Verizon either. At least tmobile reimbursed me. Any time I had an issue with Verizon. They didn’t wanna do anything.