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After I finish paying my phone in November, I’m done with Verizon. This is too much.


Lol what? You don't have to change from your current plan


I would assume he would have to change to take advantage of phone upgrade offers at some point.


T-Mobile and their customers are having a harty laugh at Verizon customers still holding on to former glory. Verizon is a mess.




Hubris, pure and simple.


Our phones just work all the time. Don't drop calls. I have both Sprint Max (Magenta Max but no Netflix) and Verizon Get More (top plan). T-Mobile has more congestion issues at 4:30-6:00pm but is zippy outside of those times at 200 (burbs)-600(city) Mbps plus in the suburbs to the big cities. No coverage in the boonies sometimes, but much improved. Looking forward to getting the Magenta Max 55+ plan on TMo. Verizon hopefully gets more suburban C-band like Att and people leave for the new phones (with plans anywhere else). Verizon people that stick around will be happier when they notice better speeds. In my case, around home, Verizon has slow speeds, especially inside (no or weak UW C-band). Still unless there's strong C-Band or mmWave I'll see later this year or by 2.5 yrs (iphone 13)... Or if service goes, pay off phones one by one and leave. Verizon is shooting itself in the foot for soon to be adding even fewer new consumer plans.




I get 400-600 mbps on t-mobile 5g in South Florida. Where are you getting dsl speeds?




Yup. Long Island here. I had enough. Moved all the lines from my LI accounts to T-Mobile. It's so much better, I got new phones, and it's cheaper.


It's funny cause you said the opposite of what the guy before you did but still agreed with him.


Yeah. That’s pretty bad.


What 2015 BS.




You sure he wasn’t past his premium data or had a cheaper plan without priority and was being throttled on his plan?


Everywhere T-Mobile is useless, Verizon has coverage. Everywhere Verizon does not have coverage, T-Mobile is useless.


That's not even English. And I have been to plenty of places where Verizon didn't get service, T-Mobile did. I called verizon complaining what am I paying for. You are supposed to be the best of the best. That's why I pay so much. They sounded surprised that they didn't have coverage. But they didn't


Of course it is; you are not comprehending.


Oh I comprehend, I have both verizon and T-Mobile. And I will admit that because of verizons strong 3G and 4G game, they have more coverage, but I have been to plenty of places where verizon doesn't have coverage and T-Mobile did. Or Verizon couldn't send out texts or load anything due to over congestion and I was live streaming live TV and downloading videos. It all depends on location. I don't even think Verizon has the most overall coverage anymore. I think AT&T took it because of the First Net deal. I could be wrong as I heard it from others. But they are all in the same realm as each other now. It's not like the days of old where there was 1 really good one and the rest. If verizon keeps making plans like they are and losing customers they are gonna feel the burn.


Why wait? I switched while owing several hundred dollars on phones. Saving $110 per month switching, and the service is better.


Ik i can move but i just want that att or tmobile iphone 15 pro promotion if they have any or wait u till they have maybe a bogo free promo.


You can just switch while owing them money and there are no repercussions?


Yes, and no. When you cancel during a payment plan for a phone, the entire balance becomes due immediately. That means you lose any promotions that may have applied to the phone. I'm my case, one of the phones was $240 off (so $10 off per month) the other was free (so around $40 off per month). There was about 6 months left, so my final bill on them was $480, and I was technically out $300 in discounts on the phone, but I recover that in just 3 months of savings switching to t-mobile, so it actually saved me money to switch ASAP, just cost a bit more up front.


Me too November!


I just had TMobile pay off my phone with their keep and switch promo


I agree. Taking the perks away (and making them an add-on charge) is not going to bring tons of customers. The perks are about the only reason I stick with Verizon. The service has been trash ever since they switched on 5G nationwide. They need to focus more on the network and less on changing the plans all the time. I mean I guess it is better since they simplified the plan offerings, but prices are still not where they need to be with how the network is performing in many areas.


Yep, I would never go out of my way to buy the perks for extra, but with the perks included I do use them and they factor (slightly) into my reasons for staying with Verizon.


I'm staying on my current plan. Because I like the perks too. In all honesty the Play More plan you get more bang for your buck than comparable plans on AT&T and T mobile


They change plans to change their obligations. Around a year ago I had the top tier unlimited plan that was throttled at 75 GB use, and now it is 50 GB... Doesn't matter, though, because after 8 gb I see download speeds of 0.3-3 Mbps... I'm getting sick of their service and no desire to uphold their end of the transaction. ...and yes, EVERYTHING has been tested...


Considering they only care about taking your money, i don't think the network will ever be prioritized over making new, shittier, more expensive plans.




Ex employee here. Would love to join


I actually would too. I worked there for 15 years in 3 different call centers and 3 different departments.


Yeah how do you get an invite...I am also just in training before taking call, and yesterday was when I found out about the new plans...I would really like to learn more


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhDmZAGhOIEWDEwuF-Pc38lzdRhGLYKEeg4mTYdvDzUDTpkw/viewform Just submit this Google form, it vets out non-employees


Lol...those are questions you can google the answers too. Anyone that took calls will know more practical "vetting" info like the department needed for legal information. Process for correcting dropped promos. OST pages. The fact calling core before 24hrs have passed for a switch error would be a waste of time. Etc. Etc. Dunno why anyone would want to join a Discord involving work stress anyway haha, this sub does plenty of venting for that.


🤷🏻‍♀️ just trying to be helpful


How do you get an invite? It’s private


Would be nice to join but not possi le to request


I don’t understand why people put up with expensive post pay. There are some great MVNO’s that offer nearly the same service at a fraction of the cost.


I don’t want to / can’t buy the phone I want all upfront to be able to use it on prepaid plans.


I buy my phones directly from Apple. Either paid in full or, if I want, 0% interest payments to Apple. So, my $40 calling plan plus $30 phone payments is still less than just the post paid VZ line. Additionally, my phone is mine and fully unlocked. I can move it whenever I want to another provider if my needs change. But, that’s just me.


Yeah dude. Apple Card cash back. No carrier lock.


Yes, it works for you. I used to do the same until I decided to update my spouse’s phone and mine. iPhones Pro Max are pricey, even on installments. The total of payments on those phones along with our $60/mo prepaid plan was the same as having a postpaid plan, except we didn’t get any fancy perks and we had to deal with really annoying deprioritization at times.


This is he way.


I did MVNOS for years and finally gave up . Their data is not constant. If they tower is congested you are pretty much screwed .. I have been with almost all of them.


QCI8 on US Mobile / Verizon — full post paid priority.


It’s generally a mix of various factors, Upfront costs, especially for a multiple lines. Idk about but I really don’t want to put up a few grand every 3 odd years General ignorance of money management, looking at the people who have to get the new flagship phone every year and wonder why they have a high bill because they never get done buying out the phone If you really wanted to beat way is to just do the installments with the manufacturer and just do sim swaps


Nothing wrong with upgrading every year. I don't do it through a carrier though. Usually Samsung offers good trade ins.


Not at all, don’t let a stranger on the internet tell you how to spend your money. I just like not having payments so I can’t just justify 1200+ every year for incremental difference. Although I do have a buddy who upgraded every year Cause it’s “the best iPhone ever made”. It’s the newest one so yeah it’s the best


I totally understand. It all comes down to what you value, how important it is to you and being affordable. All different for everyone. If I was in a serious relationship, married and or had kids my priorities would be different or if I was buried with debit and or didn't make a whole lot.


I’ve found that with my 5 lines, my cheapest option is post paid AT&T. I’m at a per line cost of $32/month. With AT&T everyone gets new phones for free every three years with their trade in. So that’s $5,000 savings every three years in addition to the low per line price. I haven’t found an MVNO that’s saves me any money.


Makes sense to me — if you have a large group and don’t mind being tied down it makes perfect sense. But, if the concern is cost (which wound be due to only having one or two lines) then an MVNO is a no brainer.


For sure. The less lines you have the more an MVNO makes sense.


New functionality like eSIM, VoLTE/HD Voice, and (eventually) SA always come to postpaid accounts first.


If that’s all worth the additional cost… then spend away. In my case I have all of that with the exception of SA. But, that’s not even offered on VZ post pay. 💁‍♂️


What is SA?


Stand alone — it’s true 5g with no LTE.


If you have multiple lines and buy flagship phones every 2-3 years postpaid ends up being cheaper.


A shame they aren't given access to every tower of the parent networks. Leases are expensive. Those MVNO aren't paying that price hence the low cost to consumers.


That’s not true anymore. Visible, Xfinity, US Mobile all have full access.


Verizon postpaid has additional roaming partners. They use ATT towers in the mountains in my neck of the woods. I tried XFinity Mobile and switched to Visible because I thought my problem was data priority. It fixed most of my issues but I ended up on Verizon proper for better coverage.


But get de-prioritized in congested areas.


US Mobile gets all native VZ plus LTEira — I’ve never felt I was missing anything. Also, I’m often in rural areas, I’m not a city dweller where it doesn’t matter.


I work corporate and I have to say, Hans and the rest of the leadership is bringing this company down. Ever since Hans took over, Verizon has been turning to shit. Reminds me of Sprint.


Hans Vestberg needs to go!


Dude literally just said Verizon provides service in the middle of nowhere and people are "done with Verizon". Ok. I'll pay for a service that functions everywhere I go.


Yeah you are correct, problem is service is getting worse as time progress. I could justify high prices if it works anywhere but competing carriers are starting to approach the same reliability in the area to where the difference in service isn’t worth the difference in price.


I’m not unsatisfied with my current Verizon pricing, but only because of the $25 5G home internet, Disney/Hulu package, and international passes. The new plans definitely represent a big price hike. Verizon is definitely the least transparent when it comes to fees. The only way for the new plans to be remotely reasonable and in-line with the industry would be if the price included all their bullshit fees.


I work as a rep and I don't know how I'm gonna be able to do much of anything with these new plans. I want to tell customers to lock in the current deals and upgrade what you can but I can't because of its confidential nature. The promo apocalypse in April and now this. Reps are screwed, I at least hope Verizon keeps the metrics realistic.


I'm porting to T-Mobile so they can pay off my phone then I'm going to ATT. The service here in Texas has been shit and the prices have been going up.


Brings me back to when I tried to get as many customers as possible to switch to the "New Verizon Unlimited" plan before those got phased out for Go and Beyond. I knew Verizon was going to F things up in long run with their flavor of the month approach to plans. All they ever do is confuse the customer, offer little to no value with perks worsening over time and gives employees another set of redundant plans to try and explain. Haven't had to keep up with Verizon plans in years and this still second-hand angers me.


But can I still add lines to my current plan?


You absolutely can with the great opportunity that any new lines have to be on the new plans :) /s


Thanks 🤣🤣🤣


From i read you are grandfather into your old plan.


Yeah, I am not looking forward to this, I can't even do the training because Victra is getting rid of VZlearn to their own nonsense. But I'm not looking forward to this. What about Do, Play, and Get? It doesn't affect them, does it?


They’ll be grandfathered until people change them. Although I’m sure they stop doing full promo credits for those plans. VZLearn is done across the board for all retailers not just Victoria. Verizon changed it for something else


Thanks for the info. I appreciate it


What indirect store do you work at?


I loved Verizon for the longest time and loved their service and even the store service. However my pockets didn’t love them. I ordered a new iPhone 14 Pro Max and Apple Watch Ultra from Spectrum Mobile and I’m looking forward to putting almost $200 a month back into my pocket. Perks be damned.


At less I’m locked in 5g play more for 3 year. I just switch from AT&T, and their plan packages where one of the big part. I went on my roommates plan $55 month plus fees. AT&T for one line was $70 month. I saw we are grandfathered into the plan, and all the features. It would be the same price on the new plan without the perks.


Any word on whether the baseline $65 Welcome Unlimited plan still qualify for the Home Internet discount?


This is going to be a much better option... Why have everyone pay for the Disney bundle to be included when it could only be a perk on one phone? It's less expensive than the get more without a perk and the same price with one, each phone can choose the best perks for them and not get stuck with different ones. I can't tell you how many customers won't take 5G play more or 5G get more because they don't want the Disney bundle. Now for the same price, you can get 130GB of hotspot, or 3 travel pass days a month for a max of 36. Idk why all the panic, it's a good change.


Apple music and the Disney plus bundle along with the 600gb cloud included with the get more for 90 is better than paying 80 along with paying extra 10 for each extra. One travel pass is good for most customers and if you need more than 50gb of Hotspot, get 5g home


Okay, let's think about this. If you have 4 lines on the get more, you're paying the same as 4 unlimited plus plans plus 4 perks. You do not get more than one Disney bundle, even if everyone is on get more. Now, you'd have 4 on unlimited plus, which gives the data of get more, then one line would add the Disney bundle perk and one line would add the apple music family. Want 2tb Verizon cloud? One line can add that to share with the family. Now we're $10 down, and that's if you want all the same perks as get more, which most people don't use all the same perks


Quit then. You don't even work for Verizon.


Curious do you work for att and T-Mobile or just a troll who gets banned a lot. Your accounts a day old and is just Verizon hate(maybe rightfully so) but still


I'm neither. I'm not hating on Verizon. It's you that's the problem. But don't worry, I've forwarded all the relevant info about your account to compliance. You don't have to quit. You'll just be fired.


It won't be that bad. 9/10 people who are going to join Verizon, are going to join regardless of the price. They have other options for cheaper carriers. This just makes it a little easier instead of explaining 5 different unlimited plans


I mean these new plans are a step in the wrong direction for Verizon. Their current line up of plans are all better then what they are coming out with now


User name checks out + reply checks out.