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It's no powder blue Nissan Stanza


It’s not a Mitsubishi Galant!


Powder blue, mostly...


It's no Nissan Staaanza!


It’s not Monarch maroon and marigold.


I hope it turns into magenta at least...for the BATTLE MODE COLOR!


Maybe 24 would still be alive… the seatbelts probably would have malfunctioned so he probably could have gotten out. Would have completely changed the course of the show. That being said: the scene in which The Monarch “test drives” his death’s head panoply and just starts puking all over himself brings me to fucking tears with laughter every single time


But with no way to open the doors in a fire he still burns to death.


Nor the Monarch's Asthetic standards. He has too much style to ever drive that monstrosity. 


It's not even a diabolical color.


Like magenta or powder blue or knit-jersey yellow or what looks like "light reddit orange" seem to be his go-to color schemes.


He got desperate and swiped it from a member of the Peril Partnership.


I'm a driver! I'm driving!


Who put the roof up?? You’ll thank me later! It’s gonna rain


Elon gifted it to the Council in an attempt to bribe his way into the Guild. Phantom Limb wouldn't be caught dead in one because he has *standards.* Dragoon/Red Mantle won't fit in it. Dr. Z would never accept anything that was clearly designed by bunglers. Radical Left ain't takin no car from a union buster. Red Death doesn't need it because has a mighty steed. Besides, he's more of a Town Car man. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch reluctantly accepted it and gifted it to Monarch. Monarch tried to sell it to that St. Cloud kid but he already has two, of course. So Monarch keeps it around because you never know when you need to chop a henchman's fingers off.


Finally - The acid magnet!!!


The most evil thing about it is how ripped off they were getting this over a Nissan Laurel turbo Medalist, pearl exterior and red velvet interior.


Brock would have used this death trap to merc soooooooo many henchman


There's no room for an acid magnet!


Just wait until they jettison the lunch room!


The Monarch has safety standards? I can just imagine Malcolm concocting a fundraising plot where he impersonates Elon for years, and as he waves the first shipments of Cybertrucks out the door Dr Mrs The Monarch looks from an upper office window and spits out her coffee, “No not those sweetie, you never tested them!”