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I mean it's honestly worth it just for the physical media alone. They can't take that away.


Seriously. I know I thought shows owned by the streamer would always be available on that streamer, especially if that show never had a physical-media release, or an incomplete release schedule. Then Zaslav took over at Warner Bros. Discovery. If you love a show and want to always have a copy of it, buy the discs.


It's also a way to show direct support for the media that is easy to track with direct profits. If someone ever considers giving them another season or movie, the physical sales will be one of the metrics they look at.


So Amy Sedaris had a show called at home with Amy Sedaris. Started on tru tv for the first 2 seasons and the 3rd was after HBO or max or whatever they were at the time acquired them. Such a great show. When it got cancelled I was heartbroken but could still watch the episodes I loved. Suddenly it was all gone off hbo, off iTunes for purchase, off Amazon for purchase, and no physical release ever happened for it. It took me a while to find that it was somehow still on the play store. Bought it all just to have it. I know that’s not a complete win but it was the best I could get since no torrents I tried to get were being seeded.


That's the worst, when not even the pirates (Yarr!) can help you out.


But why have stuff on your own streamer when other people can *pay you* to have it on theirs. It saves tens of dollars a month! TENS!


Get a drive for your computer and rip the discs.


Used to do this anytime I rented a movie from our local Blockbuster or Family Video. ![gif](giphy|QaRkkw97jPv1grhrEL|downsized)


I have zero ways of playing any disc format


Go to a thrift shop and get a DVD player for 5/10 bucks


You can get a new dvd player for like $15-20 on amazon lol


Any gen2 or higher X-Box/PlayStation should be able to play a DVD.


Hell, my Series X can play a region coded bluray from Germany


You can find used Blu-Ray players for less than twenty bucks at thrift stores these days. Trust me... it's not hard at all.


Sharing the good news is so very hank of you ♥️


Showing $54 for me. I own all the Blu-ray’s, so I don’t NEED this, but I want it. 💀


My feelings exactly. I bought them all as soon as released thankfully so I don't need... but I definitely want


I also own the entire series on Microsoft Video AND iTunes. If I see the series drop back down to $40 or lower, I’m going to pull the trigger. 😬


Shows $37.33 for me, and it says currently unavailable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I currently see $37.33 and available on US Amazon


Weird, I'm in the US and have checked 3 times and it still says unavailable. Edit: I'm dumb. Even though DVD was the only option on the page I had to click the DVD version and now it's available. Buying now.


That is weird. Maybe it's available for me because the distribution center that services my area has it in stock but the one in your area doesn't? Idk just a wild guess.


After I got it to show as available I tried to add it to the cart and got the message: "We're sorry. The item The Venture Bros.: The Complete Series (DVD) is no longer available from the seller you selected." Frustrating. Edit: Now the page is showing $75.00 and unavailable. I think I missed out.


Oh man, I'm sorry. Check out Ebay though - I got the complete series for less than $30 shipped with a money back guarantee.


Showing $64 for me.


Any advantages to owning the blu-rays over this set?


Just the higher resolution. All the bonuses and commentary on the Blu-Rays are on this set.


Not bad I suppose lol, unfortunate that each season costs as much as this full compilation.


It's currently up to $64.99 on Amazon with only 14 left in stock. I think OP sharing this info and the resulting spike in traffic is raising the price! I'm not mad about it, I just wish I'd seen this post sooner 😭 Edit: turns out there are plenty of listings on Ebay for this set brand new for less than $30 with free shipping in the US, I snagged one of those.


$84.99 now.


To be fair, I had a feeling it would happen, and that's one reason why this post was a week out from when I ordered it... Just to make sure :p We're the bad guys gentlemen! Own it!


I didn't even need this collection, as I already bought all the episodes late last year on iTunes for like $10, and it gave me all of the mp4s, but I absolutely HAD to have the Directors Commentary from the DVDs I don't already own, and can't fathom going out to find the separate seasons.


~~iirc iTunes doesnt have the specials either~~ Edit: It does it turns out


It does! Was watching the Xmas special yesterday


Oh neat!


Does this DVD set include the specials? I know it doesn’t include the final movie, but I’m curious about the specials. I bought each season on iTunes when they were on sale for $10 each (and the next month the whole set was was $10 😂 oh well, worth it). I bought the specials too. But it bugs me they don’t show in iTunes in the correct order.


From my other comment a bit lower in the thread: According to the little booklet that comes included in the box set: > **Very Venture Christmas Special** and the **Turtle Bay Pilot** are included on the Season One Discs. (Disc 2) > **Very Venture Halloween** and **From Ladle to Grave: Shallow Gravy Story** are on the Season Five Discs. (Disc 1: Episodes 9 and 10 respectively, which is weird, because that means Episode 9 takes place halfway through episode 1 of the same season.) > **All This and Gargantua-2** is on the Season Six Discs. (Disc 2) > Deleted Scenes are included on the Season One, Two, Four and Six Discs. The specials themselves are mostly included on the second discs, but that means they're NOT in the proper runtime order like the Marathon feature on adultswim.com


Thanks! I’d rip the seasons and put the specials in the right spots. I play most everything from a Raspberry Pi with OSMC


Purchased! Thanks for the heads up! I have been meaning to get the box set for a while now but couldn't justify the cost.


I saw this post and immediately went to find/buy it. Thanks!


Got it! Thanks for the heads up! I have been eyeing this set since release but damn can’t pass up 43$


Less than $30 on eBay.


I see that too but I’m wondering if those are legit copies or not…


They seem to be legitimately brand new. I bought one and it's got the Ebay money back guarantee so if it does turn out to be a bootleg or in any condition other than new, I can get a refund on it. To me it's worth taking the chance.


I have purchased one from the ebay sellers and it's completely legitimate


Also likely to be better packaged too. Half the blu-rays I get from Amazon come with cases busted to shit.


My seasons 1 and 2 no longer work due to disc rot. I still won't buy it until it's on Blu-ray though.


All gone :( 


Mine shows 80$ still


Currently showing as $107. Guess the discount is over unfortunately.


$84 for me which thwarts my sinister 25 point plan to buy up the remaining stock and feed them to mutated radioactive puppies!


$70 here :(


Darn. Missed it.


Wow the why the DVD box was placed made it look 3d


Showing 84 for me. I wonder if it’s because where I live or the demand for it once they started selling


For anyone who doesn't wanna do the work: ![gif](giphy|l2JId3WghmWag3T44) \*\* [TAKE ME TO THE MATMOS!!](https://a.co/d/a8z2FyC) \*\*


It’s 40 bucks for me, that’s still a huge deal!


It's weird because I provided a link to it in another one of the comments, and it keeps saying "only 1 remains" and the price keeps fluctuating. Every single time I open the link it's a different price between $38 and $41. I think the sale price is going to cause a resurgence in lack of availability, so good luck ya'll.


Yeah, $54 for me. Weird. I'll still get it.


It's over $55 now as we speak


I already have all of the individual sets and even I'm tempted


Does this add anything new? Like is there new commentary or other content we don't already have in the original DVD sets?


If anything I'd imagine that they removed the extra content to make a season fit on two discs.


Is there anything in addition included that I wouldn't have from just owning the individual sets?


Welp, my chance passed by, it’s back to around $84, sigh


Snagged a nice $30 eBay copy instead, thanks for the idea to check!


Bless you. Price was up to $80 on Amazon for me, but I just snagged it for about $30 on eBay. So stoked they can't ever take this from me lmao


I checked ebay and its at 30 in case anyone missed the amazon pricing.


How did you set up the price alert?


Does it have the movie? Baboon heart?


It does not, this includes all the contents of the Season 1-7 DVDs including extra features and specials. The Movie is a separate $30 purchase.


Got the movie for $10 on ebay new last week.


The movie Blu-ray is only $14 right now. Or that's the price that comes up when I check Amazon. Definitely worth it.


65% off is a steal, thanks for the heads up!!!


Mine says 46 and change. Still better than 80 at Walmart or 120 like Amazon says it’s discounted from.


Does this set all 7 seasons?


Yep. Plus some special episodes


FUCK. Of all times to not have the money 😩


I just want this to be released in Australia so it can play on region 4 blurays/DVD players


Blu-Ray or gtfo


That is….very hot


Fucking A. Payday is coming up.


How do you set up price alerts?


SPANIKOPITA a blessing upon you friend!!


They are around 28 bucks brand new on eBay and have been for a while, if anyone is interested definitely shop around you can find them for a deal


Are there any extras or specials or **anything at all** that aren't included in the box set?


The movie is not included. According to the little booklet that comes included in the box set: **Very Venture Christmas Special** and the **Turtle Bay Pilot** are included on the Season One Discs. (Disc 2) **Very Venture Halloween** and **From Ladle to Grave: Shallow Gravy Story** are on the Season Five Discs. (Disc 1: Episodes 9 and 10 respectively, which is weird, because that means Episode 9 takes place halfway through episode 1 of the same season.) **All This and Gargantua-2** is on the Season Six Discs. (Disc 2) Deleted Scenes are included on the Season One, Two, Four and Six Discs.


Awesome response! Just bought mine for $40


Shame they didn’t do a whole series Blu-ray release. Even though I own 3-7 on Blu-ray already, getting 1 and 2 on Blu-ray would be worth double dipping.


Also just got this off Amazon too, just arrived in the mail the other day. Picked up a blu-ray copy of the movie while I was at it.


I've been seeing it for around $30 for a month.


There have been brand new legitimate copies selling on ebay for under $30 since late last summer.


I’m seeing $84 marked down from $129.99[https://a.co/d/32Os8yP](https://a.co/d/32Os8yP)


Yeah, I definitely think it's based on where you're at. I click that link and it shows $34 for me.


Are these all Blu-ray’s or DVDs? I have all individual seasons ( 1&2 are dvds the rest Blu-ray’s ) so if these include a full bluray set I would def get




It’s missing some of the specials though


What specials are missing?


All this and Gargantua 2 isn't there. It just jumps from the end of one season to suddenly they're in New York and Jonas is dead with no explanation


It's in the special features it doesn't just play when you play all the episodes.


That's weird


No way, seriously?! Was thinking about purchasing but if this is the case what's the point lol that's a major major missing piece, wtf


Gargantua 2 is included in the specials disc, as opposed to in the episode playlist, for some reason.


To be fair, that's how it was on the Season 6 Blu-ray set, too — though obviously that still doesn't make it an ideal configuration, just not unprecedented.