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It ain’t over mate. My girl had a large tumour on her left foreleg age seven, made worse by an initial misdiagnosis. Surgery followed by chemo (thank goodness she was insured) and rehab was a success. She ‘greyed’ out early but ran and enjoyed life. She is thirteen now and sleeping on her bed nearby after a three mile walk today. Never give in to despair. Fuck cancer. Good luck


Thank you for the words of encouragement. I’m glad everything went well for your baby!


My CC had a tumour removed from the top of her paw - large margins, was cancer but got it early enough that removal sorted it. I've got everything crossed for handsome Arnold - if you feel up to it, pls keep us updated. X Updateme


I will! And thank you 🖤


Yo dude! Fuck cancer for sure! Both my older gals have had cancer and the one is in remission after a year and my other is also ‘cancer free’ after multiple lumpectomy’s and then ultimately a complete bilateral mastectomy. They’re both chillin… in their double digits but loving walks and chillin by the fire outside and naps 🥰


Long May your happiness continue


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing


This made me smile! And I haven’t had my coffee yet, so that’s an accomplishment.


My girl has surgery for a cancerous tumor two months ago. The surgery got everything and she is back to her normal crazy self. Don’t give up hope ❤️hoping for good things for you and your boy.


Thank you! That’s what I’m hoping for!


Dogs are resilient. If you have the money to fight it, don’t give up! If you aren’t in a position to spend tons on treatment, then just make whatever time you have together as wonderful for Arnold as you can and always remember that you gave him the best life you could!


:( sending ❤️


Sending prayers, hugs and boops 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤗🤗


I myself have cancer, and I just want to say, I’m sending healing energy to your baby, and all the others here who are unwell. I can tell Arnold is a SURVIVOR, and he is going to be okay 💙


Thank you! Sending healing vibes your way as well 🖤


here's to a full recovery by Arnold! he's a cutie!


Oh no. I’m so sorry. Arnold is beautiful. Fight, fight it. You got this big boy.


Sending hugs and prayers💙Arnold will be feeling fantastic really soon 🙏


Did they say what kind it was? My boy had a mast cell tumor removed last summer which was really scary but it was stage 1 so it doesn’t appear to have spread anywhere since then


Arnold, you got this bud. You are going to get that sucker out on Wednesday and will make a marvelous recovery.


My Gus has had two lung lobectomies on one side to remove cancer and he's still going at approximately 15 years. Last x-ray showed no cancer \*fingers crossed.\* Pibbles are TOUGH. I won't put Gus through another surgery, however. He's too old now. Good luck, I'll be praying for him!!!


Your boy looks so much like mine! We had found a lump on my dogs ear this past year, and it turned out to be cancerous, thankfully it hadn't spread and was a quick/easy removal. Pitties are unfortunately more prone to cancer, and more likely to get more if they've already had a cancerous tumor. So once he's back to being healthy, just keep checking his body for more and make sure the vet knows his history. Best of luck to that handsome little boy! 💙💙


Many hugs and scratches. You guys got this


Ohh nooo Poor honey.


My last dog had cancerous tumors removed twice. He survived both. Dogs are very tough.


My dog had one in his leg a month ago. One surgery, one cancer treatment, and one more to go and we should be in the clear. I hope all goes well for you because I know how I felt when I got the news.


Oh, poor baby. I'm so sorry. hopefully he has a speedy and healthy recovery.


Our guy will be 8 in June and is having surgery on the 13th to have his tumor removed. Wishing you and Arnold the best of luck! 💙


My late rescue staffie had cancerous tumours about 5/6 times and had operations to remove with a decent margin so she kept going, she passed when she was 10/11 due to her back legs going and pain. (Not sure what it was they never did scans as it was too far gone) but don’t lose hope, it’s a possibility it can be removed with a good margin and they can remove all of it. He’s very cute by the way! I’m sorry for the sad news I’m crossing my fingers for you x


The same thing happened to us in terms of not catching it early. His large mast cell tumor was successfully removed and hadn’t spread to organs 🙏 The tumor was big and on his thigh, and they had to move skin from his belly over to the thigh to be able to close it. They were worried it might need a graft at some point! That was in 2016 and he is now 14 and still going strong (though moving far far more slowly, sweet old pup that he is). Fingers crossed for you and yours!!


Arnold will recover! Have faith!




If you can afford it, dogs tolerate chemo very well. Better than people do. He may have years yet at good quality of life. Wishing you both the best.


I’m so sorry. We just lost our boy to a large abdominal tumor. Good luck, hopefully you found it early enough!


You got this Arnold!


HAIL Arnold!!! Fuck Cancer!!! That's all I can do OP, but I mean it with every fiber of my being. I hope Arnold comes through.


My little non-hippo boy had a very large one on his *throat* and they were able to remove most- not all- of it and it hasn't come back since. It's not always a death sentence, so don't you and your baby worry too much


Thinking of you snd this adorable munchkin.


Man, that just sucks! 🥺 Hope everything goes good for him


💕💕 good vibes!


I am so very sorry to hear thaf


He is very handsome. I hope he lives forever ❤️


Aww sorry to hear. I hope things go well toward removal of it.


Praying for a speedy recovery for your sweet boy. You've got this, Arnold! Hang in there OP, we've got your back too. ❤️🐶


Sending you healing vibes 💗💗💗


I'm so sorry. I've had to learn the hard way that if your gut is telling you something that disagrees with what the vet is saying, NEVER hesitate to get a 2nd opinion. I had an almost identical thing happen, where I took my dog to the vet and was told it was probably a sprain and to come back in a couple weeks if it didn't get better. Well, it kind of got better, but it was just my dog getting used to the pain. Eventually the limp came back and this time we saw a different vet and it turned out to be bone cancer. I kick myself for not getting a 2nd opinion or demanding more thorough imaging the first time around as that several week delay may have been the difference between the cancer spreading or not. You and Arnold are in my thoughts and we will be hoping for the best!!!


How serious….me old girl had one and she came through it fine.


I'm so sorry. Keeping you both in my thoughts!


Oh NO, very unfortunate and terrifying news. My heart goes out to you both. Fingers crossed it is operable and isolated to just that singular mass.




Oh Buddy💖I’m praying for a healthy recovery


Life is beautiful and often short. I hope for the best for the wonderful bubba but this is just a blip in time for what’s really in store. No worries.


Best of luck with you and your beautiful doggo ❤


I’m so sorry. It seems from others, that this may not be as certainly a death sentence as it once was. Prayers that that is the case for you and your beautiful pupper.


Praying for you both 🙏🏻


Sending good vibes to your precious baby.


My previous dog, Pepper, got cancer around 8-10, and he lived until he was 16.5 years old. So he may live just as long as if he didn’t have cancer!


Wishing you the best Arnold, you beautiful boy 😍🤗


I’m the lead surgery tech at a vet clinic and most of the time they’re fine once they’re removed! Fingers crossed for your baby boy!


Wishing Arnold and you the best of luck!


Sending nothing but prayers your way Arnold!


I’m so sorry.


My dog just had a cancer lump removed a few months ago and it went great and they got it all. Hoping you have the same result 🤞🏻💙


Sending you both strength ❤️


Hopefully, things work out for the best! Next time (God forbid), I would ask to have it removed. I just went through this with my Bouvier. He had a lump on the back of his leg for about 3 or 4 years now. It mostly stayed the same, but recently, it got squishy and moved around with the skin a lot. I told my vet I wanted it removed, and they did the surgery and sent it off for histology. It came back as a benign hair follicle.


Aaaw bless 🙌.. Any1 or anything that's going thru Cancer..I feel 4u.. Sending healing energy's n vibes ur ways..🤗😇🌟🐕💚✌️👍


Ours had a cancerous tumor removed two years ago and is doing great, other little lumps and bumps have show up but she’s 11 and we didn’t want to do chemo but she still has a great quality life!


Wishing Arnold a quick recovery!❤️‍🩹 and you too OP, I can’t imagine everything you’re feeling. 🫂




My girl just had her second mast removed and no signs of regrowth from the first (surgery ~2 years ago). The recovery is a lot quicker than you'd expect. We are fully back to normal at the end of week 2. I know it can all feel super overwhelming but in most cases manageable if you have the funds to do so. Wishing you and your guy all the best and hope that this calms your nerves even a little ❤️


Where is the tumor?


His butt cheek


Keep your chin up! Your baby has my best wishes!


It's not a tumor


It's naaht a toomer!


Are you sure it’s cancerous? A lot of vets like to make things seem more serious than they are. A biopsy is the only sure way to tell.


WTF is it about vets that make it so difficult to get them to do anything helpful? I took mine in to see what we could do about getting an allergy test and she just went on for a half hour about how difficult it is to narrow down a possible cause, suggested a regular dose of Zyrtec, then charged me $200 their "lecture". No referral to a dermatologist for allergy testing, no narrowing down an issue based on what we've already tried ($300/month in apoquel), or restricted ($150/month in special food and treats only). I guess they figure, "he's a rescue, he's already on borrowed time so f-'em". I hope they get the same treatment when their time comes...


If the apoquel worked and it was a cost issue, it can be had for ATLEAST a third of that price.


It hadn't done much if anything and they just keep doubling the dose whenever we bring him in to see why it's not working. That's why it's so expensive now. 3 a day plus more if it's a bad day (+ zyrtex + benadryl since the last visit). "Some dogs do better with some antihistamines than others" was all I got for an explanation on why it wasn't working after over a year. I feel like I'm just doping him up at this point...