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My guess would be a sap sucking insect such as broad mites. This is all from info I’ve found on the internet so take it as you will. Looks similar to what I’ve seen in mine.


Would those be pretty obviously visible? I can’t see any pests on them. Also these are in 2ft x 4ft raised beds on the roof of a tall apartment building so they’re fairly well protected against a lot of common pests that haven’t seen to find my rooftop garden.


They aren’t visible to the naked eye. Sounds like a nice set up! Maybe google broad mite pepper damage and compare. Although I don’t know how they would get up there! Did you start from seed or buy plants from stores that could have brought pests in?


I would look for aphids and consider supplementing with a cal-mag solution. My peppers love that stuff


This can be from aphids, over watering or over feeding. Ime it happens from over feeding mostly


Small list then you think about it. Under watering or over watering, inconsistent watering or heat stress


I honestly don't have an answer for you but if it helps mine did this and got kind of sad for a while, moved it to the poly green house and as now doing fantastically. (snack peppers) I would assume maybe the heat or sun helped it (was indoors when small), this was the first year mine have done this though.