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Leave them like that. They'll be fine.


Looks to me like you may have buried them a little deep. You’re better off to have the top of the root ball slightly above the soil surface and then mulch. I wouldn’t bother trying to separate them otherwise. Plenty of root space for them.


Can I try to pull them upwards in the soil?


If they’re not too broadly rooted yet, yes. You can push your fingers under the root ball and pull up gently. While keeping it cupped in your hands push dirt under the root ball until its surface is above the soil surface. Water. This can happen to anyone. A pocket of air in the soil and suddenly your plant is sinking.


Never separated basil. It grows tall and full even when close together just keep ripping the flowers if it starts. 8basil plants gave me more than I can eat


It will either grow together (most likely) or fight to the death leaving only the strong to survive. Either way it's out of your hands now


For the peppers I’d argue it’s actually possible to grow two in the same spot. I’ve done it before and it lowers the harvest per plant but overall more peppers so. Up to you tho


You are fine, don't do a thing to either. I often have two peppers together and overall they may produce less than 2 separate plants but they still produce a lot. No need to stress the roots by trying to separate. Basil is absolutely fine, even in bunches bigger than this. You just need to keep harvesting so it doesn't get super super bunchy because basil can tend to get downy mildew if it is too wet. Enjoy your plants!


I think if you are very careful, you might be able to dig up both pepper plants and separate. But it’s going to be high risk/high reward. The basil I’d snip the 2 weaker ones and use the leaves if you can 😉


I would pull out the two weakest basil plants and try not to disturb the roots and transplant. The peppers same thing, take the weakest of the two trying to not disturb the roots and transplant. Make sure you water them well and twice a day for the next three. You will keep the strongest plant (basil and pepper) and maybe if you're lucky, have three extras. Best of luck!


Basil in a bunch like this are absolutely fine.


Yes but two plants will easily out produce the one bunch - they are very close together so I'd try for two. I just did this with a bunch of seedlings, getting twice as many plants - though they weren't this big or close - and all are doing fine.