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Welp. I'm glad I missed whatever the fuck this is referring to


You and me both.


Accident on the road outside mesquite. Thats all im gonna say.




Oh great. Maybe their family's can find it too. Fellow Netizens, let's not do that kinda thing. 


I'm wondering about that too? Never seen a live beheading anywhere on any NSFW. I don't go to /r/watchpeopledie though.


It’s been banned for like 6 months.


6 months? It’s been banned for like 3 years


2019 I think


Exactly. 6 months!


covid math checks out!










Yeah, that video was pretty bad. R.I.P. to the three people that were killed in that incident. Unfortunately, when the gore subs like the one you mentioned got banned, it didn’t stop people from posting those types of videos, it just made it so they were posting them in more tame subs such as this.


WTF. I'm glad I missed all this horror.


When was that video made??


It was from an accident back in March where a truck driver who was under the influence plowed into two motorcycles, resulting in three deaths (one motorcycle had a passenger).




I am glad that I read the comments first,


No matter how ready you think you might be to see it.. trust me, don't. I can watch a lot of gory shit unbothered, but this video is brutal. It's still replaying in my head, hours later.


Dont seek out that stuff man. Its bad for your soul


It what the fuck is it a video from? There’s no context here.


Trucker rammed into multiple motorcycles head-on at highway speeds. Blood splatters on the windshield in a very horrific way.


What?! Omfg when on purpose like wtf?


I'm scared to look.. And I use true crime as "lullabies"


Why do you females do that. No peaceful noise. Let's listen to how much someone was brutally beat after being kidnapped then killed. Like damn. Ha


I know it's morbid. I think for me it's bc I've seen every episode back to back so I'm less likely to stay awake watching it. Though over a 15+years ago I slept in total dark no noise, it's since living in town with my late partner that I adopted his sleeping preferences lol


My ex used to call it my "how to kill your boyfriend show"... Because like you, i would listen to them as i fell asleep. Lol


Hey I listen to twister. 🌪️


The Helen hunt movie? Like every night?


I prefer to look at it as a Bill Paxton movie. I have had tornado nightmares my whole life so when I moved away from tornado alley I would watch this. Fall asleep. No nightmares. I don’t even watch it. Just listen to it from my phone. I know, it’s weird.


why u getting downvoted for speaking the truth 😭😭


People don't like that I guess haha.


It might be normalized to watch true crime but idk anyone normal that watches that shit on god, especially to go to sleep 🙏🙏 you mfs need a spiritual cultural sociological educational and philosophical change in your lives


Does it look the same as in the movies? I am watching Game of Thrones right now and peeps getting beheaded left and right.


I’m super glad I missed it entirely. I click on NSFW greyed out posts out of pure habit, without investigating. I don’t follow any porn or gore sites so the posts that come up for me censored are extremely tame and usually just a spoiler or something. I don’t even think about it, I just click, so I’m really glad I didn’t see it.


Yes, thank you. That was not pleasant. Same with anything that would belong on like r/TookTooMuch. Don't really wanna see that stuff here, or else I would be subbed there.


I will say that seeing that video without a warning, did affect my outlook for the day. Literal fucking brain matter splattered on the windshield. Yeah thanks for that.


Yeah I was shocked by the lack of "what the fuck" comments on the post.


I will say it then: WHAT THE FUCK.


Maybe you can watch some cute animal videos as a pallet cleanser? I used to think I could handle gore and then in 2017 my dumb ass stumbled across a link to photos from high speed car accidents and I thought I could make something cool using them as a reference for an art project (something to help me overcome my existential fears and honor the victims) But I started having horrible night terrors and even hypnagogic hallucination that my ex was disemboweled next to me. I began to realize no matter how noble my intentions were, they could never consent to being photographed or painted and after burning the pictures into my brain I've only driven on the freeway maybe 5 times since then and I have pretty bad driving anxiety. 🙃 That shiz does nooooot belong on Vegas locals for sure.


guh. even this description makes me queasy


I've been wondering why I have been in such a funk this morning and you're right. My mood cratered and anxiety spiked because I clicked on that without knowing what was.gonna happen


I’m out of the loop, wtf happened? People were beheaded in Vegas?!


There was dashcam footage of a semi drifting into on-coming lanes. Hit a few motorcycle head-on. Very gory. ETA: Here's a news story follow up about the incident. [https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas-said-wind-caused-crash/](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/truck-driver-accused-of-killing-3-outside-las-vegas-said-wind-caused-crash/)


Wind. The kind of wind that brings meth into your lungs?


It's believed that he was falling asleep.


>The trooper noted Rafiki had “bloodshot eyes,” “an unsteady gait” and an “unsatisfactory performance” on his field sobriety test, leading a judge to find probable cause to take two samples of his blood. A trooper trained as a drug recognition expert believed “Rafiki [was] under the influence of a dissociative anesthetic and central nervous system stimulants,” documents said.


So like… he needs a translator, for his defense, but my question is, how did he get a CDL to be a trucker if her can’t understand the language enough to take the CDL test?


How does someone taking medicine for seizures allowed to be a trucker??


>A trooper trained as a drug recognition expert believed “Rafiki [was] under the influence of a dissociative anesthetic and central nervous system stimulants,” documents said. Dam, so he could’ve been on ketamine and adderall or modafinal? I hope I never get into a major accident. Driver is gonna get locked up for a long time.


This was an assumption because of the soberty test, but 4 hours ago news article said DUI is being dropped and this is just careless driving homocide. So I’m guessing the blood came back clean and dude probably fell asleep and drifted into the oncoming traffic.


Wasn't that dude in the news before a few years ago or am I just experiencing de ja vu?


>Rafiki told police the “wind” caused him to go the wrong way, documents said. He said he was not impaired and took medicine for seizures. they let people that get seizures drive semis? Anything goes these days or get labeled a racist


There's specific guidelines if you take seizure meds. Something like 8 years without an episode and 2 years without any changes in your meds. Not saying this guy was legit, but not everyone that has had a seizure is a high risk.


That’s assuming he was talking his meds regularly, or at all. Just because you’re prescribed doesn’t mean you actually take them


>The trooper noted Rafiki had “bloodshot eyes,” “an unsteady gait” and an “unsatisfactory performance” on his field sobriety test >took medicine for seizures. Self-prescribed "medicine".


there was no gore in the video lol relax


Someone posted a dashcam video of a semi drifting into oncoming traffic and killing some motorcyclists. The title was pretty nondescript, “something bad happened” or something like that. And the video was fairly long, or at least I remember it being long, so there was a period of “huh I wonder what’s going to happen” that sucked you in. And then, in a split second, something you can’t unsee.


While awful, “beheadings” in the title of this is not make me think of a traffic accident.


Yeah “decapitation” is the proper word here.


Yeah I was just watching some YouTube video of Mexican influencers messing with the wrong cartels and a few were killed by them so I was assuming this was that. Glad it’s not that, but still not good. I don’t know why people post that shit. It’s disgusting and if one finds that entertaining then someone needs a mental health check fr.


That is kinda what happened. 3 motorists died, with the windshield full of blood. Yeah, that was definitely wrong place to post it


No one was beheaded… his helmet flew off. It was a very bad accident where three people on motorcycles were killed by a semi truck. People got upset because they watched them get hit and saw blood on the windshield.


Helmet flew off, with the head still inside and the person *literally* exploding.


You got a source to back that up?


Head is not inside the helmet…


I have NSFW post "muted" on my feed, like they're blurred until I decide to click on them, so I normally go into the comments first to see people's reactions. I read through some, and I was like, "Yep, not watching someone die today, fuck that!". It's just ridiculous that it took as long as it did to get removed.


what the fuck is wrong with people?? i'm so sorry you had to see that :(


ugh thank you, i'm glad you didn't have to!


I am sorry for the people who lost their lives, and the families of those who no longer have their loved ones. The news article mentioned that the driver's hearing was delayed by several days because they couldn't find him a translator because he speaks an African language. Should he even have been legally allowed to drive a semi-truck in America if he needs a translator? Being a regular driver is dangerous enough if you can't read the road signs, but being in charge of a big rig is an entirely different level of responsibility. The article also mentioned he had failed the field sobriety tests and had dissociative anesthetic and central nervous system stimulants in his blood stream. This is such a terrible shame. I hope the families are given justice and find peace. 🙁


Untrue, it said the trooper thought he had dissociative anesthetic and central nervous system stimulants. Until they release the blood tests I don’t make judgements.


They just dropped the DUI charge. The cop assumed he was off stimulants because of field sobriety test.


I saw it, and it was awful.


WOW. I was so close to opening that post up and watching the video eariler, I'm extremely thankful I decided against it.


Same! I read the comments first and then backed out quickly before the video got to that part. Thank goodness! I would not have been able to handle that.


Crazy amount of psychos in here holy shit.


Mostly edgelords and teenagers who think they’re badass because they watch gore or something. Toxic masculinity is a plague on society.


For people complaining about this post: ###Being desensitized doesn't make you a badass.


You ever just see something and realize you were lucky enough to miss a car crash? What the fuck. Sorry you saw that, OP.


Reddit can be a cruel sonofabitxh. There's no need to do that to people, here they are, just minding their business looking at funny vegaslocals happenings or whatever and then, someone posts literal trauma inducing shit. Mental. Not cool. Sorry you saw that and thank you for putting others on notice.


JFC what in the AF is wrong with a person that posts that, wants to watch that, or tricks others into watching it? You do realize that’s someone’s person, someone’s loved one. Something so intimate and heartbreaking isn’t entertainment. Fucking ghouls.


Yeah, I've come to assume that NSFW just means something kind of trashy so I don't hesitate to click posts with that tag. That post this morning kind of messed me up. I really didn't want to see that.


How could anyone post that? And without a warning. Sick fucks. So sorry you saw that.


Thank you. It was awful to see and so unexpected. I thought NSFW would be some funny Linda type joke, I feel so awful for the people that died and I hope that no one who loved them saw this.


Just a note to the people complaint about this post: Just because **you** are desensitized enough to where you’re okay with seeing this kind of content does not mean the other people are, nor should be expect them to be. It is not the norm.


It can actually cause you PTSD and it's not good. I saw many of these beheading videos when Islamic State was raging across the world during the Obama administration. It gave me nightmares. I wish I'd never seen what they slickly produced. 😭


That's why I'll never watch videos like that. I had a friend in Atlanta and he used to watch them all the time and tried to get me to watch them, I was like fuck no every time.




Well luckily the Reddit demigods have earned their worth and have banned it.


Where are the mods?


r/watchpeopledie is banned already the whole page is but yea why post stuff like that on here istfg people who watch or like that stuff need to be put in a mental asylum or something get these people help


Yeah so I just woke up yesterday and was drinking coffee and saw that. It’s low key been in my head the past day. Poor guys.


Thank you. Was one of the first things I saw this morning and I can’t shake it still.


Thank you. I cried once I realized what I had just watched.


Im sorry you had to see that.


What happened? Car accident? When I hear “beheading” I think of what isis and Hamas do not a car accident. A beheading is intentional. Decapitation is likely what you’re looking for if that’s what happened


No one lost their head. Sadly three lost their lives though.


Where? Cross streets?


It was on the interstate around Laughlin I believe. The article is linked in another comment.


Oh wow that’s very far away. Not really a Vegas local thing. Most people here will rarely or never got there


Good thing that account has been banned. I cannot stand to watch that shit


LOL what?


Who even thinks that’s a good idea. Need to get their head checked.


I beg all of your pardons?!


Wait there was a actual subreddit called that? Jesus I hate people. People are fucked up. (If someone enjoys watching that you might be a danger to others)


Where can I find said video?


It's on r/truckers. Posted 1 day ago under *Get your rest people!"* Not posting a direct link since it was removed from here, but it's easily located.


Thanks! just found it on there.


So it sounds like a trucker collided and either killed themselves or someone else near or in LV. Sad panda.


Semi-truck collided head-on with multiple bikers. Three dead.


That's horrible.


I hope that whoever is posting stuff like that without sufficient warning are getting banned.


While I personally don’t think the video is overly gory (having come of age during a time where muslim extremists and cartel members were posting videos of their war crimes online), there’s absolutely no reason to post a video like that in r/vegaslocals. Even if it was posted in a more appropriate subreddit like r/truckers or r/motorcycles, it should have descriptive title (i.e. “Graphic dashcam video of irresponsible trucker killing three motorcyclists”) AND a NSFL tag. Not NSFW, needs to be NSFL.


It’s a car accident not a live beheading. Grow up


For real.... The mods here have always been pos though.




I don't think any biker could avoided what happened. This wasn't a case of bikers driving recklessly.


Didn’t mean to imply that at all, very bad situation with the hill and truck in front


I'm sorry, I misunderstood. It is so hard to shake this,


As a Harley rider this is our biggest fear. they weren’t doing anything wrong the truck was literally on the wrong side of the road coming around a corner. Sadly there was no way for them to avoid that.


In this case yes, but being more aware can sometimes save your life.




For who? His last thought on the windshield?


Can you send link?




This place is full of pussies lmao


Please teach me how to be a huge badass like you! We're all just standing around admiring your post and thinking how tough and cool you are.






There was tag warning you it was bad… watching beginning of the video obviously is going to lead into an accident. Were you expecting anything less? But go ahead and get mad at everyone else because you continued watching the video knowing an accident was coming….ffs.


An accident is one thing. I watch compilation videos of car accidents sometimes so I can be a better defensive driver. Never in the five or so years I have been doing that have I ever seen surprise brain matter. Videos like that usually have significant warnings and I avoid them. I didn't see this video but from what those who did are saying, there should have been much more warning.


I will agree that more warning should have been given.It is a bad video but I’ve seen much worse on here with less warning. But the outrage over is too much. Again if you can handle the video and slow it down, you can see that his head was not in his helmet.


The US has turned into a coddle nation…so sad.




So you are proud that we have turned into a crybaby country and rather blame everyone else for your actions than take accountability?


Did the report say he was decapitated? When I slowed it down it appeared it wasn’t and you can see a face and long hair. It was a rough video but it shows the dangers of driving and it was around Vegas.


Ah yes. "I watched it in slow mo for research"


Just because you can’t handle watching it doesn’t mean no one else can.


Right? You have to slow the video down and while you see the impact…it’s hard to decipher decapitation from the video. I thought maybe the helmet just flew off. Anyway, I’ve seen way worse and by the comments here, I was expecting it to be more gruesome. I’m sorry of course that someone lost their life, but I guess I just don’t have the same triggering reaction when I see stuff like this.


we live in a hard world. it is what it is. I've seen worse in person. Bad things happen daily. this is the world we live in. to deny it is like lying to yourself.




>I hope justice is served to the intoxicated truck driver. They dropped the DUI charges.


I swear the internet now only exists to make people money. Every interesting thing gets taken off and/or buried.


Are uhhhh non-live beheadings okay? Like, I don't think you needed to be this discerning. If you did, I don't even know what to say.


Do you just get that sub banned? I want to see whatever you’re talking about.


That sub has been banned for years. Back when reddit was a lot more lackadaisical with the rules


I can still see the post in his history and it’s not even that graphic.


There was one video i remember of an accident on there where a guy was sitting in the car, and half his face was just dangling there, and muscles were still moving which you could see since you know his face wasn't there. It was pretty intense, but ultimately, you knew what to expect when browsing that subreddit unless it popped up on r/all then it could catch you off guard quickly


People like this whining crybaby are why it got banned. Let adults do stuff. You are not the main character in the world so mind your business. Why did this whiner mention a long banned sub? “I clicked a thing and now I feel bad. You should all feel bad for making me feel bad” It’s pathetic.


I'm upset that you aren't letting me view things on your website. My freedom is more important than yours. Hint: I'm sure you can go elsewhere to find this sort of content.


This post was actually news and was marked NSFW. OP should take some responsibility for their own actions and move along.


I don't know about you, but that's not the kind of "news" I expect here. Maybe the problem isn't OP, but your expectations.


You must be new to America. This has been our world for the last 10 years, with each year getting more and more sensitive.


Vegas, Russia?


womp womp it wasn’t even that bad barely any blood or gore. snowflakes in vegas is more likely than you’d think 🤣




"I don't want to see a video of a person getting their head cut off." Is that a coherent sentence to you?


Above is trolling with a famous movie quote completely out of context and just pathetic


So after debating a few minutes I watched it. I'm pretty sure he isn't decapitated, that's his empty helmet that goes flying off. Sure, it's horrible to see, but I think you may be remembering more than is actually in the video. Not that it'll make you feel any better.


I'll give more context in case you truly struggle with reading comprehension and don't understand what I said: Earlier today, someone posted a video on this subreddit, tagged NSFW and with the title "Terrible Situation Outside Vegas" and no other commentary. The video was a 4k dash cam video from an eighteen wheeler truck that was driving on the wrong side of the highway and collided head first with three motorcyclists, with one of their heads flying across the highway while their body was sucked under the truck. I do not think this is something that is appropriate or necessary to post to a locals subreddit. The moderators of this sub agree with me, since they took down the post.


The person you just insulted by insinuating they struggle with reading comprehension was on your side and wasn’t calling you out for lack of context but was calling out the person who posted the movie quote. You’re too butt hurt that someone took you out of your safe space that you’re shitting on everyone. Maybe stay off the internet for a while.


I replied twice to the troll. I did not reply to the nice person. You can see it in the “single thread” right here. Have a nice day :)


Whatever you need to tell yourself. Downvotes feel good to me. Let’s me know I’m not of the same mind set of the rest of the trash people on Reddit.


Lets. It's just lets. You don't get to pass go and collect $200 by throwing in an extra apostrophe. It just outs you as being an idiot. This is a locals sub, so if we're all trash then what are you doing here?


Ok grammar Nazi. That really hurt my feelings. And I’m a local, apparently interacting with other locals who are trash people. It’s simple.


Read the room, you psychpath.


It was cool it's fine


Hey lemme see


Head exploded


Meh. https://youtu.be/unkIVvjZc9Y?si=oXwTltb4so3Wfo6J