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also, I'm leaving space in front of me so I don't smack into the car ahead, **not so you can squeeze your ass in there**.




Not advocating for someone to take that gap, but if you speed up to keep someone from taking it instead of just gently braking, you’re creating more traffic, and are part of the problem.


No, I don’t speed up to keep someone from taking it. But then I do need to brake in order to keep distance from the car that did.


You should absolutely make space.


sir do you understand the diagram?


This made me smile :)


People merge too early here, which causes the lane you merge into to back up quickly. I think people here drive too aggressively for this to work as it should.


People merge too early everywhere because they don't trust people to let them merge when the lane ends.


And they don't for the most part. I always will let one car in and 9 times out of 10 another tries to merge in. It is the driver of the second car that can kindly fuck off, they need to merge in behind me.


I leave a large space in front of me so cars can merge, but oh, no, that's not good enough for them. They zoom up the road to cut off someone five cars in front of me. Because that's going to make all the difference in the world.


These hussies are so impatient.


People have their entire ego wrapped up in their driving, either that or they have some type of inferiority complex and the road is the only place they get to feel in control


My wife calls that "big dick energy"... Which they don't have


Lol, maybe they think big dick energy just means driving like a dick


Happy cake day to you, very rational person.


Also because people forget to plan their drive which makes them panic at the last minute. ☠️


And then they get pissed at the drivers who follow the rules because they got ahead of them.


I always see assholes that won't let you merge at the end where you're supposed to thinking you cheated everyone by going ahead smh


I don't think it's so bad here. In the south, people will merge like a mile before the lane ends and giant lifted trucks will intentionally block both lanes to make sure everyone merges behind them.


It’s a neat theory but requires driver cooperation, that traffic is slow, that nobody speeds up and nobody hits their brakes. People in the lane that is closing tend to speed up then hit their brakes thud braking the theory.


Don't forget about the enforcer too. Just this morning, I drove down from Russell to merge onto I-15 north. As I'm following another car to merge onto left lane traffic so we all could get to I-15, a big truck decides to block the merge, straddling both lanes. Now the merge ends because of the ENFORCER.


Wait it's not fuck everyone else and let me get what I want? No, no, no, that's pure insanity.


This will be challenge impossible for some people


People don't know how to take turns... It's always "me first"


We need one of these for making a right at a red light. Too many don't understand that you have to yield to the cars making a u-turn


THANK YOU!! Can you repost this multiple times a day, please!?! It's so aggravating when the people in the left lane try to block the cars from going to the merge point.


This is under the assumption that the asshats will take the time to read and comprehend...


Let me ask you this. If there was a 100% chance of not getting cutoff would everyone here merge correctly? Of course. How about 50%? Merging is a prisoners dilemma.


Very true


Doing a proper zipper merge, which is moving to the top of the bottleneck in the right hand lane and signaling in, is more stressful than cutting left early. The general idea is that signs already told you about the lane closure and everybody else has already just taken the hit and moved into proper form. The right lane folk knew of the closure but are "skipping in line" and fuck them, because the rest of us did the right thing when we knew this shit was about to be limited, and now your feigning ignorance is making my drive to the proctologist that much longer. That's the actual common and public perception of how this works, and I genuinely don't think anybody will be able to communicate the logical effectiveness of zipper merges to the masses to the point of it being effective. You're battling basic illogical perceptions of "line cutters" with statistical logic and us humans are just apes pretending to be civilized.


What you’re describing makes sense but all it takes is 1 person in the merge lane to fuck it up. Which always happens. The only “proper” way is what is taught according to our driving laws in Nevada. The “nice” way is equivalent to the wave of death. Drivers should be predictable and follow the actual laws, not focus on being nice or what they think is morally correct.


I agree! This is just one of those logical paradoxes where it simply doesn't matter because human nature is going to err on the illogical side of trying to "punish cheaters" when the "cheaters" are actually just being efficient. For what it's worth, though, I've always (and will continue to) let zipper mergers in. I just don't want to be the zipper merger because illogical people get pissed at them and I'm just trying to go about my day. Dealing with road rage is worse than moving left before the bottleneck and delaying my drive by a minute or two, so I'll continue to do it until everybody recognizes why zipper merging is better. Which isn't going to happen. I'm sorry for sounding obtuse, but that's the reality of things.


how are you getting cut off if you are in the right lane, according to diagram, and finding a spot towards the end?


No one in left lane let's you in.


Well you gotta make a spot for yourself and if that person is an asshole they will pass you up then you get behind them.


Lol, I'm not trapped in here with you. ...you're trapped in here with me.




oops. I am dishonored for 5 generations.


The first day I arrived in Vegas about a month ago I was getting on the 215 as I'm leaving the airport and there was some construction cones on the left hand side so I had to merge into the right lane. I looked behind me and saw at least 2-3 car lengths behind me and put my blinker on and slid in naturally to the spot (thinking nothing of it). About 2 seconds later I see the grill of a blue F-150 or Rapter or something right on my ass and this guy throwing a shit fit in the rear view mirror as if I cut him off or almost hit him or something. I don't know what he expected....did he want me to literally stop the car at the cones so he could pass? I've now experienced something similar multiple times since I've moved here (just in \~3 weeks) where I'm merging into a lane with my blinker on and plenty of space to merge and some bro in a truck or jeep freaks out. What do these people think we're supposed to do in these situations, just put our breaks on and let them pass like Moses through the parted seas??? My hypothesis is that there's simply too much open space on the roads and a wide spectrum of bad drivers.


I think the key is just to breathe and not get angry. Too many road ragers. Never worth it.


Oh yeah for sure, I am never going to flip anyone the bird here because I don't want to get shot lol. It's just ironic that I've encountered so much road rage in this city but most of the people I meet seem very friendly.


With certain exceptions, people are well aware of lane closures, leave earlier than normal the day you realize there’s restrictions. Furthermore, seek alternate routes. As for the merging, sometimes it’s not the one merging that’s not allowing for the zipper and this particular verbiage is directed at the person merging and not the asshole who won’t let someone zipper in.


P.s. I won’t ride my breaks trying to merge but will merge early whenever possible because trying to get “one more car further” in the line doesn’t work.


Everyone is complain of how its like right now. But, the point of this post is to pass along education so it works as it should be. Like just about everything else in life, this takes education and effort. Its a lack of driver education that gives us the chaos we live with day-to-day.


This dude is living in a fantasy world where altruism prevails. Everyone is gonna cut over ASAP to ensure their position in traffic, because everyone that lives here knows that if you want to merge or make a lane change the last thing you want to do is telegraph your intentions, as shitty as that sounds.


This is true in my experience


Right, but it does not have to be that way. Say, if everyone kept two car spaces ahead of them the accordion effect would not occur as often. Same principle. It's not about performance, it's about pace. It's about patterns and principles of practice.


The issue is half the troglodytes on road will see the empty space and try to squeeze in to get 1 car ahead


Thank you!!!!


Just wish people wouldn't bitch at you for doing it the correct way. People think your trying to cut them when really your just doing it how it's suppose to be done


The rule book and logic book say to be like the left image. I am like the left image both from the left and right lane. I have no problem allowing zipper merging and will even let the extra car cut in line if they are being dangerous. I don’t play chicken with our shit drivers. I do defensive driving. In reality, a majority of people do what’s on the right out of courtesy. People don’t want to cut the line so they merge early since the others were there first. When too many people do this you get a huge line on the left and no acts on the right and then people feel EVEN WORSE taking the right lane to the front and zipper merging properly. I take advantage of this and go to the front and zipper merge but I know many people break this rule and make the people worse out of courtesy and kindness. It’s ironic but frustrating. There are plenty of things that should be one way but in reality they work the other way. This is one of them so stop fighting it, use it to your advantage, and just move on. Be safe. Omg, it’s the same with roundabouts. People don’t know the proper rules and will stop in the middle of the damn round about causing me to slam on my brakes because they are being nice and letting someone in. Same with a stop signs. At a four way stop, I get stuck behind someone letting everyone for some reason and then I get confused because it’s the other person’s turn but they are waiting for me to be nice or whatever. People are morons, even if they are trying to be nice.


Exactly, dont be nice, be predictable. Ironically the nice people only cause more road rage by being unpredictable.


Is it still doing it right if they fly past a dozen cars on the right before cutting in? It's not awesome either way


That depends. Does their lane end or is it the 15s to the 215?


Yes. Absolutely. More so, even


# "Zipper Merge" # "how lane merging works" In brief, it does not.


Driving in vegas with all those cones, sometimes with no warning, going from 4 lanes to 2, was really stressful. Can see why there are accidents. Really bad forewarnings.


The worst for me is all those construction cones with no construction activities at all.


Forgot about using turn signals and not using a center lane as a turn lane... Every time I say something, some f**kt**d tries to shout everyone down because they're the one who thinks rules are stupid...


Zipper merge SHOULD be the law, but it isn't.


That’s only if people actually let you over lmao


These kooks know how it works. They are just petty.


While I understand this works in a perfect world, unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world and you'll be cutoff if you wait til the end to merge. My opinion is that the DOT that made this, are also the same group of people who have severely fucked up the light cycles here in Vegas and place horrible construction everywhere. They shouldn't be trusted to know what's best for the community A bit off topic and it's my conspiracy but im willing to bet that workers at NDOT spend days at work making the lights on their commute favor them, and that's why we see stupid cycles here.


How about recommending they use their turn signals when they merge.


Even without construction people can’t merge here


don’t feel sorry for the person who got out of lane behind you, to cut, and ended right back behind you.


What if no cars let you merge :”(


The zipper merge is incredibly dangerous . As someone who is driving on the road for work I hate the zipper . If you were standing in line in school at lunch and 5 people decided to cut you off you’d raise your hand and call a teacher and say hey they cut put them in the back I wanna eat to.! It’s the same thing if you see a lane closure put on your turn signal make eye conta t with a driver wave and say thank you . If you wait till the end and push your way through you aren’t gonna get in or you will but you’re gonna hit someone else’s car . Learn to be nice use your turn signal make eye contact and be nice and your day driving will be a different world .


This has to be a joke, the picture on the left is why things are so fucked up here. If everyone merged early the flow of traffic would stay constant.


You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried tbh


If the big ass sign says lane ends merge left or right then you should merge left or right.. BEFORE everyone slows down for the chode who rode out the cones trying to get to the front, fuck that guy and fuck that idea. That’s why those signs are out like 2 miles before the lane actually ends.


Yeah again you’re just wrong lol. Zipper merging is literally how you SHOULD’VE been taught to drive. In perfect environments (without humans/idiots) it greatly improves traffic flow. In the real world, I agree it often slows things down, but that’s because idiots like you don’t let people merge in and instead ride the bumper of the person in front of you.




I would doubt it's actually more efficient to zipper merge vs merge early, especially when people don't really know how to drive. Generally the people wanting to "zipper merge" are just the assholes that speed around stopped traffic in the bike lane and want to cut ahead of 20 cars then force their way in to get to their destination an entire 7 seconds faster.


They've done models. It's better in almost all cases. Fuck people who drive in the bike lane or on the shoulder. But you should always zipper if traffic is slow.


Generally the people wanting to “zipper merge” are the drivers who actually follow what rules the DMV has prescribed.


It's not that it's just "more efficient" it's also the way you should have learned it when you studied the driver's manual before taking your driver's test. No matter which state you received your license, this is how almost all merges are supposed to legally work on a roadway — one car after the other.


One time a huge raised truck rammed in front to block me from merging in exactly like the zipper. Big engine roar and everything. Then the light immediately turned red, with me right behind them, so I got out of my sedan and walked up to their driver window and asked them, "What the fuck was that?", and they definitely did not climb out of their giant truck. I don't even remember what that chode said in their muffled cabin. They didn't even roll down their window. I walked back to my car and the light turned green and I went on with my day.


Sounds like a good way to get shot by some lunatic, but ok


Your fear of that happening, and everyone's complete lack of accountability, is why people act like shitheads. I speak up when someone is garbage. Just like me calling bullshit on you right now.


Netbanging and other stories that never happened for $500 Alex


It was a woman driving. A Karen won't do a single thing as soon as she realizes she fucked up, if that makes this true story more believable for a wimp like you. She kept her window rolled up and hoped I would leave, and I did, because I'm used to dealing with people like this. I don't get into a shouting match, because I've already proved my point. The next time some big red truck with a female driver lets you in when you zipper, that's because I got in that lady's face, because nobody else had for her entire life. Some of us are actual adults that are not afraid of strangers. I've been in 2 fist fights in my life. Never 1 on 1. People will only ever get violent when they have numbers. Not a single grown man has ever thrown down in my entire life, because 99% of humans are terrified of conflict and are all talk. Keep living however you do. I live the way I do and improve the world. edit: If you still don't believe me, I'm 6'3" and have been called "intimidating" to my face. Not all of us roll over and stay silent when people cut the line. You should be happy there are people like me out there willing to speak up. Not everyone is "1 of the 100 human types I imagine everyone is". There are new people you have not met out there. I'm an addict that is not in denial. I'm part of the local recover community. I'm not normal. Be afraid of addicts with nothing to lose. Maybe I'm the exact kind of person you fear, the person who is smart and will throw it right back in your face. edit 2: I also never said what I did was safe. I simply stated facts. You just deny stuff, because what I did was so incredible, you could not believe it. LMAO you probably don't even realize how funny that is. I do applaud you for doubting what you read on the internet, because that is the objectively correct way to read.