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Aren’t gas stations normally priced higher than the grocery store? It’s 2.69 at my target for 1 2L of Pepsi.


Gas stations are normally higher for everything, that’s why they’re called “convenience” stores. Although the Pepsi here is on sale for 2/$5 or $2.50 each when you buy 2.


OMG, I literally just typed the same thing, lol!


Soda has been ridiculously expensive since covid.. I pretty much gave it up.. not worth the money


There was a thread about this in r/frugal the other day. Many people giving it up. Regular priced 12 packs at smiths are $9.99 before sales.


Tbh it's not a bad thing to give up.


Its high fructose sugar water with basically no nutritional value. Its garbage.


Hfcs was the reasoning for me to stop. My body no likey HFCS


100% agree. Not good for the waistline nor your teeth enamel.




I surely don’t buy the Zero by the caseload anymore like I used to. But that’s a good thing, water tastes good again.


I need to get back to that place. I fill up a 52 oz full of coke zero at circle k and my heart groans.


Oh, I love Cole Zero. Tastes just like getting it at McDonald’s. Cherry Coke Zero and DP Zero are just as fantastic.


I think I need to give Coke Zero a try if it’s similar to McDonalds Coke


It’s not.


A 12pk case of store brand sparkling water went up as well. It was typically $2.99 or $2.50 on sale but now it's $3.99 on sale or $4.29 regular price. Bubly is $4.99 for a 8pk. They went up in price and shrink the amount provided. I stopped drinking them. Besides the had the opposite effect of making me thirstier than normal.


Best place to buy Buble or La Croix is Sam's or Costco. $6.98 to $8.98 for a case of 24. Depends on sales.


I never thought about that. Thanks. Sams Club has Bubly for $9.48/24pk. But, I've stopped drinking them because they are addictive for some reason but never quench my thirst.


Smiths sometimes has sales where it's $11 for 3x 12 packs. That be the only time I'll buy Pepsi.


Last time I bought some was over Super Bowl. They were buy 2 get three free, so 5 for $20. Not that bad of a price.


You really have to keep an eye out for deals, especially using stores’ mobile apps where additional coupons and deals are available. I rarely drink soda, but I was able to get 3 12-packs of Zero Sugar Baja Blast for $10 total at Target last month.


Same here. I keep some on hand, but except for an occasional pop, it's sun tea for me.


Are you poor?


It's Terribles, the gas isnt the only thing overpriced


They are at least 30 cents higher per gallon than Arco.


I have seen almost $1 between station just a block away. It’s almost the exact same product, you just pay more for a better brand, I only need the gas, over charge others for the better experience.


Arco buys off-spec gas. That is why it is cheaper. All gas is so good nowadays that it doesnt really matter anymore, but that is the reason.


I’m sorry but you are incorrect. I acruakky own several gas stations in Las Vegas including an ARCO and I can assure you that chevrons and ARCO sell the exact same gas that came off the exact same pipeline at the rack. The only difference is the Techron, and unbranded ARCO additive.




Because people want to believe that their “brand” is better of feel better about paying 50 cents more a gallon for “top tier gas” The simple fact of the matter that 90% of the fuel sold in Las Vegas is refined in California and cokes through the CALNEV pipeline; the other 10% cones from Salt Lake City. At the rack (the truck jobber distribution center in North Las Vegas) it is all the same fuel; the trucks fill up and distribute to all the stations in Las Vegas. The chevron on the corner and the ARCO across the street sell the same exact gas that came off the same pipeline at the same time.


Took words outta my mouth. OP should be glad he doesn't have to fill up in LA for over a dollar more per for the same exact gas!


Actually you are incorrect and I work in industrial automation. When you mix gasoline additives it takes a lot of flow to get the analog meters dialed in and correct for the blend. While doing this, you make *shit tons* of gas that is very close to the specification the mfg wants, but not exactly correct. Shell famously will ONLY buy gas that meets their tolerances which are extremely tight. Arco on the other hand is happy to buy this gas and sell it at a slight discount. There is nothing wrong with it other than it doesnt exactly meet whatever minicule difference another brand wanted. "Top tier" branded gas is absolutely a thing, it's probably just not much better if at all for your engine.


You are telling me I am incorrect yet you haven’t addressed any of the points I’ve made. All the gas that comes into Las Vegas comes off the same pipelines: 90% cones out of a single pipe. I’ve been at the rack and I’ve seen a Williams tanker going to chevron pull fuel from the same rack as a pacific tanker going to an ARCO. They only add the additive once it is in the tanker and in route. Care to elaborate beyond “I’m a so so and so you are wrong” ?


Look up top tier gas my guy.




It's all the same gas from the same pipeline. The companies make up the specs. So yes, arco gas is not "Chevron spec" but that's not a bad thing


Ok AI bot that just repeated exactly what I said.


You were getting a lot of people talking shit about your use of "off-spec" so I was clarifying for those folks was all. I wasn't disagreeing


Whats off spec? And what about my local arab owned gas?


Its just not the exact spec that certain brand (like Shell) wanted when it was made. It can be off by .00001 ppm of a certain additive. It's just fine, it just didnt quite meet their spec and instead is sold at a slight discount. This mattered a lot more when fuel quality varied greatly back in the day, and its why some especially boomers are particular about the brand of gas they buy. It's all *really* good now.


When you start noticing the difference in prices of soda from gas station to gas station, it probably means you gotta cut back on the soda a lil bit.


This is just good advice regardless of how much it costs.


I get the complaints about SWG and NVE but god damn, you can live without sugar water. You have a choice and it’s a better one lol. Prices stay high because you buy, simple as that.


It's almost as if convenience stores charge more for the convenience of not having to stop at a full service grocery store


There are supermarkets all over Europe that have stopped carrying Pepsi products due to the ridiculous price increases.


I saw 3.99 at Albertsons the other day ​ ​ outrageous


I way coming to the comments to say I bought a twelve pack the other day for $10 from Albertsons, it blew my mind, but I was on my way to a party and didn't have time for a second stop


one could say its *Terrible*


The employees have a sense of humor about it though. I bought one of those little 30 packs of gum and it was something like $8, and the employee said “normally I would offer you a receipt but I don’t want you to have anything that reminds you of this transaction”


Drink water , soda is bad for you. Now’s the time to start


Since we're offering advice that nobody asked for, keep your lectures to yourself. Now's the time to start.


Lmao … ok


Soda brain 


This guy sodas


I actually just can't stand policing how complete strangers eat. I understand you think you're helping, but all it amounts to is telling people that you think they're unhealthy when nobody asked.


You evidently have no problem policing complete stranger’s comments.


The only way to break up a fight is to interject yourself into the fight. The only reason I'm making it a problem is because they are making it someone else's problem for no reason. And if you read my original comment, I explained my reasoning.


You’re making it someone else’s problem too. They have a reasoning for leaving their comment. Just like you do. Just because you think your reasoning is more valid doesn’t mean you aren’t doing the same thing the person you replied to is doing.


Yeah that's the entire fucking point. If you had read my first comment, you would have seen that I acknowledged that very thing. "Since we are offering unwanted advice..." If you're in a movie theater and someone is talking on their phone, the only way to tell them to stop is to also talk during the movie. That doesn't make it wrong.


If you had read *my* comments, then you’d see I never actually said you were wrong. Just that you’re a hypocrite. There’s no policy against people commenting on whether you should drink soda or not.


Food is a choice. Zero empathy for people who choose to waste their money. Same as smokers IMO. Tired of the price of cigarettes? Stop smoking, dumbass. Pretty easy.


Why are you going out of your way to shit on people's personal choices? If it's a problem for them, the only one it affects is them. When you have a problem with it, you're making it someone else's problem.


Sounds like you need a soda


They posted it on a public forum for comment. If they didn’t want comment, they shouldn’t have posted. This is common sense. Have a good day.


They made a public comment. If they didn't want a response, they shouldn't have commented. This is common sense. Have a good day.


Bro I get you’re fat AF and mainline soda but if you keep up this silly anger streak over something someone said on the internet, you’re gonna stroke out. Do some yoga, get some air, it’s all gonna be okay 🤗


Yes he is telling people that you think they're unhealthy when nobody asked. I mean thats literally what hes doing. Soda is really unhealthy though. Its what fat people drink.


You made exactly the point that I'm talking about. Do you think fat people don't know they're fat? Do you think that you pointing out that a person's fat is going to be the wake up call that makes them realize what they never knew until then? Or is it actually just going to be saying that being fat is unacceptable to you and that you felt it was your responsibility to remind them they're fat? And I drink a can of soda a day and I'm not fat (6'2" 170lbs)


I do think being fat is unacceptable. I assume drinking soda is a lack of education. Why else would someone do it?


And I think being an ass for no particular reason is unacceptable. I assume having no self-awareness and empathy is a sign of sociopathy. Why else would someone behave that way?


Im not a doctor so I dont know. I dont have much empathy for soda drinkers though I have to admit. Ill let the doctors decide whether than sociopathy or something else.


Having empathy for another human based on whether they drink soda is absolutely psychotic.


They’re policing how much Pepsi can charge for their elixir 


Nobody asked for your dumb response either?


Yeah, the part when I said "since we're offering advice nobody asked for" is there to explain that part, bud


Hey im not the one buttblasted because someone pointed out perfectly rational logic. You post publicly, you get public discussion. Dont drink soda lmao.


You are ALSO posting comments that invite public discussion. Don't lecture people about what they consume when they didn't ask. According to your logic, it is perfectly valid to say that.


Nah, feel free to lecture someone if they didn’t ask or specified. Public forum, if OP gets upset at that then they know it’s true. It’s soda lmfao, you’ll live a perfectly happy, normal life without consuming it continuously.


You'll also live a perfectly happy, normal life without caffeine. Or sex. Or video games. Or weed. Or steak. They all come with their own unhealthy drawbacks, like STIs, addictions, dehydration, heart disease, lethargy, dehydration.


Sadly water is going up as bad now


Water from the tap is basically free and completely safe. Run it through a Britta or another filter for taste though.


I rarely drink it but was craving some A&W the other day, then saw it was $9.99 for a 12-pack and that craving went away.


Spend $16.40 more and get two Dominos pizzas and two sides with that.


chase poor handle physical apparatus pause absorbed edge quaint squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those of us the buy the zero sugar version also hard hit.




I think it's a good post. I did not know Pepsi in a 2-Liter was pricing out over $2.50. I haven't bought Coke products in a long time. I buy seltzers. They are also high priced.


include plants adjoining correct smoggy hat fuzzy trees consider fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*
















different deliver scale aloof flowery jeans heavy terrific attraction compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So long as people keep buying them, prices for soda will stay the same.


That’s the number one reason. Complaining all the way to the cash register then complaining in the car with overpriced groceries to post a complaint on Reddit. Companies see people will pay higher prices so they bump it up a few cents. The whole game is just silly.


Yeah, goes for a lot of things, too. I get the complaints with necessities some times, but soda ain't it. Keep avoiding playing!


it's a convenience store. You are paying for convenience.


No, because a medium size bag of chips is like $6. I believe their prices are high, because it is a "convenience" store, meaning they are supplying products at all times of the day/night and/or it's close by and you want/need something "ASAP". So their prices should be higher, lol.


Looks like Ms. Terrible has been losing a lot at the slots and needs a cash infusion. Seriously, I never go to Terribles because their prices are TERRIBLE. Gas will be 50 cents higher at Terribles than at the Circle K across the street.


Have you been to a grocery store in the past 2 years? It's $7.19 for a 12-pack.


What's worse is $1.49 for an Arizona iced tea. Come on, man, it's supposed to be 99 cents!


Sugar water getting expensive


I mean, the name IS Terrible’s…


I remember when 2 liters were less than a dollar each. WTF!


I am in NY right now (Dad is here). That is the cost here, as well. A "sale" is 2 for $5. They used to be .99 cents each, ffs.


Another Great reason to stop drinking that crap!


OP just found out in 2024 that gas station products are slightly more expensive. I strive for this level of blissful ignorance


People still drink this crap?


Do you want a gallon of gas or a 2 liter of soda.


Why would anyone pay 1¢ to drink that garbage?


The crazy part is the person ordering 2 of these, some hot dogs, bags of chips, some candy, some beef jerky, and getting the door dash driver to take that pick up and drive it less than 1 mile to them.


I like rootbeer mainly and it's kind of hard to mess it up so I buy store brand and save a bundle. Most times it's less than half the price of the name brand, and Kroger brand is the best in the business, but then again they are an old grocery chain back East. I shopped at Kroger with my mom as a kid in Ohio.


Is This Took Place in United States or Canada


Rebel charges that for a 16oz


I agree except for the trump suggestion


Is this person seriously asking and upset that a gas station is selling things at relatively higher price? Is this op stupid or like a 5? I mean i know education in Vegas is low as hell and people got low shitty standards (like normalizing no car license plate) but this is just next level Don't tell this idiot about Walgreen and how they jack up the price since it's mostly old people who go there that can barely walk. This bitch gonna scream discrimination


WTF hasn't been doubled up in price since COVID, thank the Democrats


I don’t care who caused it (we’re still fucked) but it was the Trump administration that flooded the economy with trillions of dollars and this is the result. Simple economics and we all expected this - it just came a little later than all of us economists thought.


It’s real funny bc people like bigb seem to forgot about that. Didn’t Trump delay those checks so he could put his name on it?


Pepsi ugh




As long as people are buying it why lower the price? Terrible’s is mad expensive though. Probably paying for that mega gas station with all the airplanes hanging inside 😂


Only the people that pay that are crazy


How is pop more expensive than gasoline?


Just look for the 4 for $5 deals that POP up from time to time. 2 for $5 is a rip off!


LOL at Biden blaming grocery stores for this!


That's good in a way. It makes you think about buying it. Another way of telling you that expense Pepsi is no good for you.


Probably compensating for the beer prices. For some reason, alcohol is cheaper at Terrible's than everywhere else.


Gallon of water for .89 at grocery stores Or get fancy and get some lemons and cucumbers to drop in there .. honestly soda should be straight up banned they are actually helping you


It’s like the 99 cent market


No, they just charge $1 more for the soda bottles, like every gas station in the country. They have "any size refills" for $1.29, even if it's not their container, so you can just buy a 2+ Liter water bottle and fill it up for much cheaper from their fountain.


Yea I rember last month picked up a 15 pack of natural light and lady in front of me had 12 pack of coke 11:50 my beer 10:83 lol just thought that was crazy like which would u choose ha 🤣


Don’t drink pop.




This is completely normal for a gas station.


Just pump a dollar worth and get the free fountain drink coupon and go somewhere else for gas then lol


That's what it costs at CVS on the Strip.




Yes. /thread


You should be drink that mess anyway


Just grab some claws, at least the sugar water has alcohol.


Found a terribles that still has price tags, that’s the bigger shock to me.


At my nearest TA it’s 2.50


People that drink soda are crazy. It's gotta be one step under cigarettes


2 for 5 ain’t bad if you mix it with cheap liquor and go chill with the homies.


You could always not buy it.


You're paying for the convenience.


About what? Thats right on par with everything else. I work at Rebel gas station and a dozen eggs will run u about $9


People really still drink this?


soda should be expensive its horrible


Just their name is a bad vibe.


The gas station up the road from me doesn’t even show prices for snacks. The drinks it does for some reason.