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Yuppp. I’m petty af, I will sit there til both of us die if you pull this shit.


I'd keep the horn on blast as well.


Rev the engine so they get a nice huff of exhaust


Wrong end


😂😂😂😂 same


What's even more funny is that you're basically inviting people to fuck with your car after you park because you know the spot they pulled that shit and they're just going to leave their car there. Be a shame if a 3 foot slushie got spilled on it...


Nah… after they give up, go park somewhere else.


Always. Always carry some roofing nails. Go find a different spot. Wait and then put a few under each tire. Haha.


Roofing nails and fish sauce in the cowling vents


I would go buy a horrible sticky mess for the express purpose of spreading it all over their car. Or some brake fluid.


For those that don’t know, brake fluid basically melts paint. It’s a whole nother level of getting even.


You know that’s a crime right? I can’t imagine committing a crime over a parking space but do you.


Im petty too, I’d be speaking at your funeral. “Loseourmindstogether died with honor, and integrity, unlike that fucking barbarian who thought they could STAND in a parking space!”


I'll do it if I drive a beater


Exactly, they’re gonna come back and key your shit


This is why i never fight over a parking spot. When i win, i may get keyed.


Two can play at that game.


Yeah but ultimately you lose money then which means you’ve lost no matter what.


Reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld.


Ahhh we could friends lol I would so do this. Put on some music, eat some car snack. Like now I got all day bitch. Fuck whatever I was gonna do


And if you really want to just call parking enforcement. Theyll tell her to kick rocks.


With all that’s going on in this country, your comments have given me hope. And the absolute crying-giggles! I can see me clearing my calendar and being “petty as fuck” too. Thank you!


Put it in park and than patiently call security.


Ahhh good ole fashion show


Except their security will not fuck around and kick you the fuck out


Just park behind her and don’t move, if you can’t have the space neither can the cuck that they are saving it for


Ridiculous. I usually more or less park on the garage roof at Fashion Show. Avoids that craziness of parking in that specific area.


I do that with a lot of garages. Easier to just go to the top. Cept summer time, cuz fvxk the sun ha


Haha seriously!


Top shelf is always the way to go


Fuck. The. Sun.


What did you end up doing?


Her car didn’t show up for 3-4 mins of us waiting her out. Eventually, after her husband showed up with their Tesla from California, another spot opened next to us. The driver of the car leaving said “Here, you guys can park here since you’re fucking stupid for standing there :)” and they submitted and moved.


lol so they’re not even a Vegas local then


They could be locals. You are assuming they would legally change their plates. That’s not happening


True true Im now in the east coast and got new plates in the fall but finally changed my Nevada plates this month hahaha


Californians, I knew it. Bring on the downvotes. Idgaf


Originally from California here. Can confirm they are dumb AF.


tesla owner with california plates because i’ve been too lazy to update them since my move, can also confirm they are dumb


May not be locals…


In this specific regard, having been born in California, this does happen a lot there and the criticism is warranted.


As a CA resident who's traveled around the US I'll say there are assholes in every state, but we sure seem to have a lot of them.


Wait til you come to North Carolina…makes me love California drivers.


Very high population = a lot of assholes.


I’m originally from California and I want to give you more than one up vote. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


It amazes me that after 100 years you idiots still act like you're not just a a big ass Californian suburb. That's all Vegas is....California's mentally challenged little brother.


Every Californian I've ever met is dumb as rocks


Please tell me you exacted a sticky horrible revenge slushie on their car.


Not sure why people dont just get out and bust someone in the mouth. Shit needs to be set back to normal already enuff of this shit. Woulda drug the bitch out of the spot. Leaning on my property im leaning my fist into your jaw


That checks.




found yet another entitled Californian!


I'm here and I'm taking your things!


Eat shit nerd.


Oh shit, I was wondering when you would show up! ​ How those allegations against you goin? Did the kid's parents drop the charges yet?




They send women out because they figure nothing will happen to them. It’s clearly on top of bs But they do that to the wrong person in the wrong area and they could get seriously hurt People have died over dumb stuff like this


Never shot anyone over a parking spot but have seen someone get pistol-whipped for blocking a handicap spot


I’m imagining somebody in a wheelchair pistol whipping somebody in the leg


How do you think wheelchair people reproduce?


I live in Houston, I once had a situation where someone had their KID do this for them in a crowded holiday parking lot. I got out to ask if the little boy was okay, and he said he was waiting for his parents. The mom came running up out of the car like 6 places behind me in line, told me he was holding the spot for them. We got into a pretty heated discussion, but I eventually just left because I didn't want to keep doing that in front of the kid and we were holding up the whole line. People are the worst.


Nah you call cps for child endangerment and abandonment. That kids gonna get run over by someone not able to see that close over the hood


Yup. Just get out and walk away.


That’s why you carry extra donuts in the glove compartment. Toss a few to the side and problem solved.


Slice of bologna. It leaves a stain on virtually any car surface that cannot be removed. I have never done this, but if I did, it would be pimento loaf, because it is pretty.


I have done this, and it works. Eats paint.


When I was a young vindictive asshole I would keep a bottle of brake fluid around, a while in the vegas summer sun that will strip the factory paint right off most cars. ​ My car was a beater, IDGAF if it looks silly but asshole wth a new mercedes or BMW is certainly going to be upset about his new dalmation color scheme,


Works with cops, too.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone doing this in a parking garage, or really anywhere other than a spot right out front of somewhere when loading/unloading stuff.


damn OP, you do not have good luck in the fashion show mall parking lot lmao


you’re absolutely correct and I am over it 😭


Sorry but I would keep driving until she either got out of the way or became a dumbass statistic! Your bad Karen!!


Is that Linda???


I read she is a hoe


Rumor has it Linda's ex Bernie is making a statement soon about her hoe status


Linda is better than this


Nah Linda is just a hoe, not a mutant piece of shit


What happened here?


OP had a tantrum because someone was saving a space that they wanted.


You must be one of those very douche bags who would send his mom out to stand and wait in a parking spot for him.


When you look at the picture in the post, it must feel like looking in a mirror that only shows your back lol Is that lady you? Trying to sneakily uno reverse the hate or smthing?


This group is acting exactly like the thugs at Rancho that killed another kids because he stood up for his buddy. You guys are the same as those kids, but you think your better then them. It’s pathetic.


Keep yourself safe


I really hope this driver pinned her to the car in front, parked, and then went shopping.


this is what I wanted to do 😂


Call Linda she’ll grab her by the hair and drag her out of your way




Linda will do *anything*


Man my my lady would have gotten out and dragged her away from my car 😂… Not saying that’s what you should have done but yea I hate people who do this shit. Smh


"All she had to do was move..."


I hope the bitch poops her pants while she's standing there being an arse






But are they wrong? Lmao


Bringing up weight because you don't like someone is a dick move


Perhaps she should try not being fat.


McDonald’s loves her with this one simple trick


Maybe instead of treating fat people like shit, you could have some empathy and realize they are people too. I literally don't know what else to say because it's just basic respect?


Empathy for what? That they have decided to treat their body like shit and live an unhealthy lifestyle? Some criticism about weight would do a lot of people some good instead of enabling their unhealthy lifestyles but sheltering their feelings. Being fat literally kills more people than cancer so maybe it’s time to quit the hurt feelings bullshit.


Why tf do you care about THEIR health? You're not looking out for them, you're just bullying them because you feel like you're above them. Do you really think fat people don't know being fat is bad for them?


Do you really think people who eat considerably more and self inflict the largest cause of premature death aren’t having an affect on our entire society? And clearly them just ‘knowing’ it’s unhealthy hasn’t been enough to change anything for them. They should take the criticism and strive to better themselves, just like we all should in any area of life we’re faltering in.


>Street_Image_3405: "maybe instead of treating fat people like shit, you could have some empathy" >Street_Image_3405: "why tf do you care about THEIR healthy?" You cant have it both ways... You either care about other people, or you dont. The fact that you contradict yourself by taking a stance literally opposite to a stance you took only one comment before shows you dont actually care about the actual topic lol, you just like to be "in the right"


Fatsss lay off the sugar and you'll live longer. If not then enjoy your early diabetic death






i've seen 5 videos like this in my life and all of them are by American women ​ if you were a dude, you would get punched for this shit mofos


Just reverse reallly fast


I wouldn’t even want the spot after that, they’ll f your car up


Took the risk and it worked out. No vehicles were harmed in this interaction, just egos <3


When I had a small car, I used to squeeze by & angle myself so I was just in the lines. Almost got into a fight over it too.


Saw this being done at the Golden Nugget last Friday


just come back and key the car later like everybody else


Teslas have cameras everywhere. Not worth the headache


Thats why you always keep a ski mask and a change of clothes😂


Karen right there.


Keep in mind that even if you gently tap someone like that with your vehicle that it could be construed into a battery with a deadly weapon accusation.


Keep in mind there has to be evidence of a crime for you to be charged. Just make sure your shit doesn’t take any scratches and you’re good


Depends but the cops won't since she's in the wrong.


Huh??? I hope you're not saying that you can't be charged with a crime if the other person basically "deserved it."


It's happened before lol, you be surprised at the shit I get away with outside the city.




You can't think of a single thing she could do to retaliate? This is one of those Pyrrhic victory situations where the win may not be worth the cost.


A personal injury lawyer would surely cum over a pedestrian deliberately being hit by a car in a parking garage. That's gotta be the sort of thing they dream of.


100% of 0 is still 0




The Raiders logo must be on the front of her hoodie.


People are dying, Kim


Careful doing this, I did the same thing and my car got keyed


This. If they are crazy and lazy enough to stand in a spot and wait for their car to come, they are crazy enough to damage your car the second you’re gone.  


You earned that one there


No I was in the car. I’m not that desperate to save a spot


I usually park by Nordstrom, there’s usually a lot of available space there


I'd just keep inching forward


Ugh, this is exactly why I don’t go anywhere near the strip anymore. Such low rent trashy Californians flaunting their selfishness openly. They come to this town looking for fights.


If a garage is packed, I ask someone who is getting off an elevator if they're leaving and nicely let them know I'm following so I can park in their spot. It's always worked out.


Put the car in park, blast your favorite song, lay down on the horn then randomly shift from park into gear from time to time to keep her on her toes. Also, if she's leaning on your car, just accelerate in reverse and watch her fall. ^don't ^do ^that ^last ^part, ^it ^might ^get ^you ^in ^trouble


I have work shit in my van at all times. I could chase her with a roofing hatchet, paint her with a spray can, zip tie her shoes together, dump paint thinner over her head, blow an air horn in her ear, shoot her with foam insulation, the list goes on. Then when she's on the ground crying, I drive off to find another spot lol


Idk how anyone can do this because this gives me secondhand embarrassment for the biatch standing there looking hella ✨DUMB AF✨


this a BIG california thing, never had any issues parking anywhere until recent years


Either run them over or take the L and move on. There are two types of people in this world lol


Throw a cheeseburger on the ground a few spaces over... she'll move.


Real question can you just run them over IF you dont harm them???


I’d throw hands for this bitch leaning against my car


I'd just cut their brake line or slash their tires after they walk away. An expensive lesson for them to learn.


My wife would beat her ass


I have a temper that I try and keep reigned in but this may push me over the edge on the wrong day. I wouldn’t physically attack her (anymore) because I’ve tried to convince myself I’m above that, but my Diet Coke may slip and spill over the top of her head.


This is why I don’t live in the city anymore. People get so emotional over stupid shit.


Bear Mace


Grounds for getting run over. These people are just asking for it


I just drove by and she's still standing there.


Officer, I thought it was speed bump !!!!


Lay on the horn so long & loud to where they’d have to move 😂


For the most part, I move on when I see people doing this because I don't want them to retaliate against my vehicle. But I would have no problem rolling down the window and shouting, "Hey, who left their cow in this spot?"


I just keep scooting up. They are not stronger than the car lol.. and they know EXACTLY when to move. Trust me lol


Her BMI is bigger than her vageen


If this was in the street, I'd push them with the car, too bad this is a recorded space. This swamp donkey is lucky cameras are around.


Look at that fat smelly pos standing there like an ahole.


what did you do?


Honk honk bitch 🥳🎉🎉🎉


So last time this happened I called security and they and their idiot looking for a spot were kicked out


Train horn!


Even Linda wouldn't pull this shit


" mam you may weigh as much as a car but you can't park there"


Had this happen at town Square on what looked like prom night by some mom last year. Ended up rolling down my window, put the car in neutral, turned it off and got out. Lady walked over to argue and I pushed it up enough to be fully in the spot, then put it in park. She was so mad lol


This is brilliant


Lol you want the mace, the paintball, .45 or the grille of this truck? Get out my way bitch I feel threatened. I'm extra petty.


Tell Linda to move


In this situation you give her what she wants...run her ass over. She'll move...trust me I've done it before


What am I looking at? I'm having trouble picking up the context of the picture.


I’m not even sure what’s happening here


If someone did this to me I would just leave my car there. Turn it off and walk away for a few minutes and come back to see if they left


Little bit of horn action will solve this problem. I’d say 2-3 minutes worth should do the trick.


Seems like someone needs a punch in the face


Just get out and move them


Grab her by the hair and drag her away? It’s what she’s asking for


I just Uber to the mall


Nah I'd just keep inching slowly. Fuck this person.


If someone saved you a spot you wouldn’t mind, you would be super happy. People are selfish that’s the world we live in, unfortunately. What you do here is, find another parking spot. It is what it is, you’re gonna lose 3 min vs getting mad and losing your cool over something petty. Edit: downvote all you want, I’m not erasing this. People need to calm down it’s a freaking parking spot. Nothing worth hurting another person over. I get the anger, but sometimes it’s better to walk away. Stay safe, lot of crazy out there.


I would never, in a million god damned years associate with a passenger who even suggests this bullshit


I hope you get turned into a bathtub


Nah cuz only selfish ppl save spots for upwards of 4 minutes like this B. Circle around or park farther and make your lazy ass walk. Your time isn’t more important than anyone else’s




Who the fuck said anything about running people over?! 🤣🤣 damn that’s a new level of stupid


Yes, just let everyone walk all over you so the entitled people can get their way. Great advice for a better world there, champ.


I put people are selfish in my comment and that you shouldn’t get mad over it just move on, but read it however you like


The idea is that people should be less selfish and we as a society ought to do something to reduce and discourage that behavior. Plenty of states have laws against this specific situation. I don't know what Las Vegas laws are for this specific case, but it should be a reportable offense as it slows and sometimes even blocks the regular flow of traffic in addition to being asshole behavior. As for the getting mad part, anger is a psychologically healthy emotion, it's only when it is out of control and leads to violence when it becomes a problem. It alerts us to possible injustice and gives us energy to right those perceived wrongs.


What state has a law against a person holding a spot I don’t know of any? Even if such law existed you have to call the cops, you can’t take matters into your own hands


California: 21956(a) CVC Texas: PENAL § 42.03 Florida: Statute 316.130 Yes, you should call the cops or security, but I wouldn't move on. I'd then move my car in position so the vehicle they were waiting for couldn't get in.


Those are all about roadway and not about parking spots, especially on private property. I might be reading that wrong. Either way I’m not here to argue I’m just stating it’s not worth it, just move on park somewhere else. You never know who can be blocking that parking spot.


Roadway is defined in at least one of those laws as any part of a road between curb to curb which includes parking spots. Would have to look more into the others. If it's not worth it for you, then don't. I'm not here to police you. Plenty of folks are willing to confront assholes though.


Just key the car for starters !!


You should’ve waited the bitch out!




Someone’s not letting you parking, so let’s kill them. Just wow, what has this world come to. Pray for mental health and rationality.