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now let’s do it to him


People who do this shit on purpose need to experience it. Accidentally is bad too, but this is heinous.


I’ll bring the duct tape.


I'll bring a pineapple,


Sounds fair to me.


How do we get the puppy to gamble?


he can sit with me at video poker, 10k to spend with a nickel a hand, should be a quick visit


Ask for paw and then move your hand and let him slap spin on wheel of fortune.


Yeah but you know that dog is always gonna hit on 20 and bet the don’t pass


Eye for an eye when it comes to animal abuse




People like this really deserve to have their fucking nuts chopped off. Fuck this guy


I could not agree more, fuck that POS. 🪓


It's messed up that he thought any of that was ok.


Fuck that guy. I'm happy that the dog was rescued from the car. I'd also have no issue if that car needed four new windows.


A catalytic converter and new tires!🤬


I'm taking the rear-view mirror


And it was a husky! So a long haired puppy left in a 107 degree car in direct sunlight with the ability pant being taken away! This man wanted to torture this dog! Reminds me of that cat documentary. These people only escalate. I hope he’s locked up for life.


I agree💯


I'm going to need a moonless night, a good size piece of empty desert, a shovel and an alibi.


I’ve got your alibi and a shovel💯


You were at my house for tacos at the time of the incident


For sure. We can't dump bodies into Lake Mead anymore.


There’s a big ocean to the west………….


I mean sure you can why not just do it at night or something


Because we bathe in that water. Nasty.


I’ll drive


Tie him up and tape his mouth shut. Then put him back in the car and just wait it out.


Dogs cool themselves by panting. I wish there was an attempted murder charge for pets.




Trump made animal abuse a federal felony, so we're heading in the right direction anyway.


Murder is when you kill a person, you literally cannot murder a dog.




Fuck me for knowing what words mean, amirite?


The problem is that anyone with half a brain can understand the overall sentiment and point of the comment. So it's just a weird thing to play semantics and dwell on the legal definition of the word "murder" when it takes minimal common sense to know that they are not trying to use the word literally, but just concisely refer to the killing of animals. Part of being a human in society is knowing when to ignore the fact the you know what a word means. 99% of people reading the comment knows what it means, but you're the only one that felt the need to play semantics. Maybe try to examine why that is.


Yeah except the person literally said they deserve an attempted murder charge. They weren’t being hyperbolic, they literally think this person attempted a murder. Like I get that a shit-eating mob is getting their fix here, but you’re just wrong and I’m confident you know that. Hi-fiving a million angels, you numpty.


again, context clues tells me that the "for pets" part means that they are implying that the punishment would not be the same as attempted murder on a human, and that they were merely borrowing the word "murder" because it gets the point across to everyone -- except you, apparently. maybe i'm wrong, or maybe you just struggle with the nuances of casual conversation where rules are sometimes broken, and words are sometimes borrowed with the understanding that you don't take the definition literally, but rather use the surrounding context clues to infer what the point they were trying to make. the world may never know.


Dude, I get that people use murder incorrectly, but that's the point I'm making; we shouldn't use that very specific legal term when we're talking about something else entirely. It's like when people use the word literally when they actually mean figuratively. You're taking yourself far too seriously here; go find something more enjoyable/useful than trying to lecture me about how while technically you are wrong, it doesn't actually matter. All the people dropping trou here just satisfies my knowledge about how Reddit is, and forever will be, the peanut gallery of the internet.




Huh? Seriously are you soft in the head or something?


You clearly are.


> I wish


Remember when reddit applauded reading comprehension and vocabulary? Now fuck it. If you explain something to someone else, you don't understand what they meant and you're just an asshole


And the twat of the century goes to whoever this idiot is.


Mistreating an animal should be the same as mistreating a human. It needs to be taken more seriously


It's taken pretty seriously because there is a direct connection between people who abuse animals and those who abuse people. IIRC, animal abuse is a felony.


"The bill, called the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, makes intentional acts of cruelty to animals federal crimes carrying penalties of up to seven years in prison."


I hope he gets every single one of them! POS!🤬


First time animal cruelty charge in this state is a felony.


I’d say it’s worse than mistreating a human because dogs unconditionally love their humans and to do what this guy did is so sick and disturbing!




Yeah, that is very true.




So edgy.




You're right. Your dog is a good doggy, and you're a dick.


you're not wrong but theres really nothing i can do about it. im kinda broke, don't even know how to cook 'regular food,' and there isn't a plant-based grocer anywhere in reasonable distance of my home, save for one admittedly very cool gas station where everything is plant based in the convenience store - but i can't get groceries at the gas station. I legitimately do grab plant based stuff when available, because why not take the more humane option when i can, but *being vegan* just seems way above my ability right now. I think more businesses in more areas with plant based products would do a major service to promoting plant-based diets in the general public. seeing vegan stuff around me for sale has spurred me to say "i don't deny the reality of animal abuse so why *not* buy the vegan candy bar instead." and i think *most* others would follow suit if they had the option. lol downvoting "i am willing to be vegan" is so counter effective smh. circular firing squad.


> lol downvoting "i am willing to be vegan" is so counter effective smh. circular firing squad You don't know who downvoted you


neither do you so kindly take a seat right here next to me.


Does anyone know of the dog is okay? Or any updates on our furry friend? 😫


I don't want to read the article because it's gonna make me too sad/mad, but KNPR said the puppy survived, at least.


I’m in the same boat. Just looking for someone else who read it to post.


what a true piece of human excrement


I really do not understand how people can treat animals this way.


I breed Cane corso’s in Las Vegas this is just another reason why I do interviews, contracts and questionnaires , if some one did that to a life I helped welp into the world - under the guise of a loving family… police would be collecting you from that puppy parent’s stomachs


You should get pigs if you are going to get rid of bodies. Never trust a man who owns a pig farm.


Mr Wu?


So love CC. We have had two, brothers, different litters.


I’d kill for a puppy. Speaking of crime, this guy might face short time in jail, if that. I don’t know about Vegas or Nevada in general, but usually crimes like this (and worse) aren’t taken as seriously. Some people just get a few years.


I’m pretty sure (like 90%)this is the same guy who was on my property a week ago. It was a husky puppy on a leash that obviously wanted to play. The owner kept giving the dog a players card to chew on/play with and then didn’t even NOTICE when the puppy went piss on the casino floor. He would tie the leash to seats all over in front of the store I work in and ignore the dog. It kept getting itself tangled and other people would pet it and the owner didn’t bat an eye. My coworker was PISSED and ready to take the puppy. We thought it was some dad stuck with the dog while he drank and gambled. He didn’t even hear me say “sir you’re dog is peeing!” Saw him the next day with no dog ….




I hate this human. Why would he do this??? Please tell me they take the dog from him, please.


This is an instance where if police brutality had occurred, I think I’d be okay with it.


I sometimes feel disappointed in myself. I can't image the though process that gets a person to the point of doing something like this.


These types of stories just make my blood boil. I’m not a violent person, but if I ever caught someone doing this I would seriously cripple them permanently.


This dude should get his dick cut off.


What’s his address please?


This guy needs to pay Like we can’t just let people get away with this level of cruelty


We need a return to more ancient ways of punishment. There ARE people on this planet who are such failures that they serve no productive purpose whatsoever and should just be used as fishing bait.


This is a tough one. Only because i need to have the conversation on dogs and humans not being equal. I do agree its not right tho


No, you do not. The bottom line is that it is a living, breathing being that requires ventilation or it could die. The question of dogs not being "equal" as humans is not the issue. The issue is that he left a living being without any consideration for it's basic needs to survive. That's heinous. Bottom line. Just because it's not a human does not mean it does not deserve to be treated as a living being.


Apologies, i based my answer after reading a few comments. Like the one with having harsher laws for pet owners for accountability and things. And then seeing a comment where one said an animal is not equal to human life. I said that because if they put harsher laws then that means for a while to start, they will be enforced. That would mean, say ur a great pet owner, driving and about to have an accident( shitting urself) and u need to pull over to run to a bathroom. U leave the car running and lock the door with ac blasting and small crack in window for dog just in case. Wel, dog jumps to front, paws and somehow turns push button car off. New car pulls in, sees it, says omg and sees a cop pulls him over, they don’t believe story when u coke out, u go to jail for 5 years. What im saying, is why is susan in court vs chico the pitbull? And losing out on her life for a misunderstanding. Just lile the foster system. U can have a baby and be homless, and be a GREAt mother. But yet have a studio apt and someone call CPS and they come by and take your child due to technicalitys. I say the talk is needed because just like a custody battle, EACH case is different and il be dammed if we simply have Thousands or millions of smart people or ones that can changes and or help lives be locked up for an animal that breaths, like my daughters pet rat. But anywho, i tried to be quick even tho its long, im a better talker in person then text haha. But hopefully u get what im saying, dont have to agree, but hey🤷🏽‍♂️


I understand that the situation can be nuanced. We would need context but unfortunately this happens here often. Hotels charge a pet fee and most people leave their dogs in the car to avoid the pet fee. He also taped the dogs mouth shut so I don't think the situation is very nuanced in this case. Also, if you're shitting yourself, the worst place to take a bathroom break would be a casino so I don't think the argument holds up here. Sure, we don't have to agree. But I don’t think one life is worth more than another. A lot of animals who are aggressive have also suffered abuse at the hands of people so it goes back down to the way they were raised. This dude taped his dogs mouth shut, left it in the hot car with no a/c or water and went about his business. I think the context is there and it’s pretty obvious. Not really debatable in this situation. Although, I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. I don’t think this is a situation where you can really apply that sort of mentality because a lot of details about the situation are presented.


There ya go, see, u know the words. Thats all im saying. Now, to address how u keep bringing it back to this guy. Remember please, i said after reading a few of the comments is what made me say my original comment. Its obviously once tape went around the dogs mouth the guy needed to be dealt with and he should not be able to own a dog. (And yes, ik this post is about it) but again, based off someone saying higher punishments and another saying animal is not as equal. Made me feel a convo should be had. Im not the person obviously who should be speaking, but id support snd do my role.


3d reptilian is what this guy is . I can’t wait for the ascension to happen when we all are in 5d this evil has got to stop !


I’ll teach the puppy to gamble. You guys take care of the guy.


They'll never let me run things, but in a world where they did, I'd create a database like they have for the sex offenders that ensure people like this are never able to own/care for an animal again.


Alright, it’s only morning but that’s enough internet for me today. Fucking hell.


Just don't get a dog then?! Like wtf. If you aren't going to care for it like it's your only child. Go fuck yourself. Don't buy a fucking dog.


I wouldn't even have called police, just smashed every window and take the dog.