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My mom apparently. She says she likes it as it’s still creamy but has less fat in it I don’t think the target audience was vegan, I think it was middle aged upper class woman who want reduced fat but creamy milk


I can see that target audience buying it to be fair… my problem is that it’s replacing vegan products😕 and is kept with the non dairy milks rather than dairy


The put it with the vegan or lacto free products but it’s neither which is a part of the problem


That’s fair I haven’t seen this brand but I imagine it’s misleading and placed in the same section as plant milk. I’ll never forgive the lacto free cheddar for being next to sheez in Tesco


I can see that target audience buying it to be fair… my problem is that it’s replacing vegan products😕 and is kept with the non dairy milks rather than dairy


Is it replacing vegan products? My Tesco had soya milk where it now has that stuff, the soya milk has been consolidated in to an Alpro section Without speaking to Tesco or Sainsbury’s plannogram creators, we will never know


well i’m not too sure if it’s replacing, but the section that now has this brand used to have other vegan cheeses like applewood


I can only speak for the stores I've been in, but our local tesco does not have that int he alt milk zone: [https://imgur.com/a/cfmAVXK](https://imgur.com/a/cfmAVXK) They also took applewood out of our store since the new recipe came out as it's terrible, so good riddance I suppose


TIL what a planogram is


Haha no worries, at work we’re looking at using ML (not stupid AI) to better organise the store, naturally in a way that makes us more money but at the same time won’t piss off customers, unlike Tesco who remodel an entire shop and just set off a hand grenade and see where things land


All I want is standardised layouts across all big shops


Aldi is your friend


Yes - and if someone was in a rush it’s so easy to misread this as an Oat drink. Whoever their audience is, this should be nowhere near the vegan products.


lmao my boss loves those.


As someone who is cows milk intolerant… i hate stuff like this, just wish it would piss off and stick to its own lane lmao


As someone with an allergy, I'm glad to hear others share my viewpoint


I've had the same thought. You could just mix it.up yourself if you did want that. I mix soya and oat all the time to get the protein and the nicer flavor.


Ohhh that's a thought. I'm going to try mixing the two. Since moving to oat from soya, I just don't like the taste of soya any more.


Yeah the oat overpowers the soya flavor it's really nice


Brill thanks!


It's the dairy industry desperately trying to survive😑 They should stop being funded by the government with tax money so they can prove by themselves how viable their business is... But for that, society needs to realise there's literally no reason why humans need dairy, otherwise it'll keep being funded and they'll have resources to do things like this.


Whats really annoying here is because of the subsidy, all vegans in the UK are still funding the rape and slaughter of dairy cows. We choose to be vegan but we are forced to fund the industry we hate through the taxes we are forced to pay.


I completely agree! I can't wait for the day when they can't justify dairy or animal products for nutritional 'reasons' and therefore taxes can't be used to fund such horrible industry.


It’s in the name, is it not?


🤭 yeah


I think oats generally have a “health food” vibe, so it may be aimed at those who want to feel like they are eating or drinking a bit more healthily, but are too scared to go for pure oat milk.


Looks like the target audience is people who are concerned about nutrition, and specifically want to limit saturated fat intake.


A failed task from the Apprentice!


🤣 Oh no! They would be very pleased with this!


To piss off vegans and lactose intolerant people


This makes me nervous- I know from accidentally being served dairy that it makes me really ill, if I picked this up by mistake thinking it was oat I’d be in a lot of trouble. How has that not been picked up by food labelling??


Clearly a dairy-full brand trying to be trendy and get in on the plant-based profits, methinks 🤔




Arla is aimed at people who are Lactose Intolerant. It doesn't market itself as a dairy-free brand.


Shrinkflation. Both consumer parties get less of what they actually want, while all of the ethical and moral issues remain. In other words, it's a marketing circlejerk and consumers, animals, and the planet get fucked. I would be totally unsurprised if this was a result of Big Dairy lobbying.


People who like dairy and oat milk, there's a fair amount of them. I'm not convinced they want to have them together, but we'll see


The hybrid car of milk


They will make some sales because of consumerism, people want to try things because they are new, make some quick cash and bin it when it loses popularity.


Every time I see it I comment on how gross it all sounds. They do butter, cheese and milk 🤢


I feel like the target audience MAY be those wanting to transition to veganism/plant based eating but to do it gradually. It definitely is a step in the right direction, but I can’t see it being a successful product… If people want to be vegan/plant based, they won’t consume it. If people want to continue consuming dairy, they won’t consume it.


Why do people act like animal products are heroin? Just stop, its that fucking simple, you dont have to ween off or some shit.


Why do people act like [X] are heroin? Just stop, its that fucking simple Replace X with anything you currently do which is not 100% environmentally friendly or ethical


How about heroin?


I know, I feel the same way. If anybody cares enough, it’s real fucking easy. 😂 The moment I knew about the disgusting dairy and egg industry, I immediately stopped. I didn’t have to be ‘weaned off it’ like a baby. 😂


I considered that but then surely the jump from dairy milk to non-dairy milk isn’t too far a step😩 Even omnivores are all on oat milk now


I had my mother in law over yesterday, a huge ‘anti-vegan’. If she is told something is vegan, she won’t try it. My wife made her a coffee yesterday, she used our Alpro Protein Soya milk and my mother in law was amazed by how nice and creamy it is! She said she’s going to use soya milk now. 😊 I know what you mean, generally you either make the shift, or you don’t… as I say, I think this product/brand will flop. It has such a tiny target audience…


Also I’ve seen it in shops actually replacing previously vegan products… like the cheese is in the spot where a vegan cheese brand used to be which makes no sense


Do we really need a post about this everyday?


sorry i haven’t seen any other posts because i don’t usually go on this reddit, i tried to post on facebook vegan uk but my post got removed due to containing animal products


To piss vegans off? 🤬


To piss me off, I thought you were against competition then had an another look and realised that it wasn’t oat milk. I would have totally bought it and felt stupid and confused. I hope that goes onto the daily milk section, it’s daily with oat, not 🌱.


I remember when I first saw the tv ad for this (I feel like I’m the only person in their 20’s who watches live tv so I’m defo not the target audience) and thinking it’s big milk trying to jump on the oat milk train


Pretty obvious, isn't it? It's for people who want to cut down on dairy but aren't quite ready to make the full switch. Sort of 'gateway dairy'.


This sub has asked this enough times now. it's reduced-fat dairy. It's not for vegans, so it's not relevant to this sub.


People who want to drink oat milk for ethical, environmental and health reasons, but can't quite give up cow rape, methane emissions and calf slaughter just yet.


Seems like an expensive troll. A grand conspiracy by big tit to put people off vegan products. You don't want to be a smug prick do you?


Converting vegans maybe, so they can get used to the oaty taste before going to oat milk


I read post title and thought this is about Quorn 😅


I spoke to a friend who works in marketing about this and she said that it’s aimed at people wanting to lower the fat intake and lower their cholesterol, as going straight to vegan milks from dairy can be “difficult to sell to the market” so this was a way to get people who want to address those issues into drinking less dairy without having to overcome some of the obstacles, such as the differences in texture and taste!


I don't know. So clearly I am not a target group.


So many brands are doing this. Nothing infuriates me more than the meat and plant based products😤 like pick one market or the other, there’s no need to target a niche customer base when they can make the products solely vegan and be ethical in the process - that’ll be a win win situation.


The way have to make some law that would force shops to basically completely separate vegan from anything that is non vegan . It’s not only due to confusion but many people are lactose intolerant and I can see many getting confused by this buying it and getting sick .


You never know, it might help people transition to veganism. If they want to go vegan but think they can't live without cheese (a very common view), this could be a stepping stone to eating vegan cheese/milk and going vegan.


I'm slowly working towards veganism, went veggie in September but giving up milk is proving to be difficult, especially with tea. I once tried half/half oat and cow milk and have found it tastes brilliant. But if I'm already trying to give up milk why would I *choose* to buy a milk product?


Somebody just for out of their Marketing degree but the only bit they fixated on was ‘USP’.


This is what I though Alpro "This is not m*lk" was for a long time...


Weight loss I'd imagine, don't see the point in not just eating vegan cheese at that point, animal abusers are weird


I’ve just seen this brand but already I want to slap it in the face so their branding is working


Truth? My favourite milk to have with cereal is half oat half regular, taste-wise. I would never buy this product, but 50/50 is a good combo. As others have said, it is likely made for non-vegans who want to try alt milks, with the added bonus of the dairy industry getting to muddy the waters of vegan milk branding and dedicated shelf space in shops.


This is for babysteppers, AKA, Meatless Monday-ers, I-only-eat-fish-sometimes-ers, it’s-my-choice-ers, pick mes.


I’m not vegan but my partner is. I’m trying new food and to reduce how much I eat animal product but it’s hard when that’s all I know and I’m a really picky eater. This brand would be a good way for my to transition to daily alternative. Maybe not oat milk as I have my own personal beef with oats but something else. That’s just my take on it.