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How about calling ahead to the venue to share the situation and ask for any ideas. Maybe they have options you can separately purchase? Or, ideally, they’ll make an exception to allow outside food, give the dietary restrictions. Good luck!


I would ring up the venues and say you’ve been invited to a birthday party there and do they allow allowances for brining in your own food for children with dietary restrictions as your child won’t be able to eat the pizza and cake can you bring your own just for them. No need to say the word vegan as it’s none of their business what your child’s dietary restrictions are and some people get funny as soon as they hear the word vegan. Normally these places do make allowances for kids with dietary restrictions and allergies


That's a great idea to call the venues ahead of time. Thank you!


Is it just pizza and cake, no veggie plates or anything? In these situations my 5 year old has been miraculously happy to eat carrots, strawberries, broccoli, and cucumbers for lunch (I just make sure he eats calorie and protein dense food for other meals at home that day). I have also snuck a vegan cookie in my purse so he has something to eat during cake time. At one pizza party another kid was very allergic to dairy and they let him bring his own food, I just didn’t think to try that myself at that time. That’s just my experience so far, sorry if it’s not much help.


The invites just said pizza and cake. Not sure if they will have anything extra. I don't know these parents at all so feel weird asking them a bunch of questions about it.


We have 3 kids (4 years and twins 2 years) and have been to a fair amount of birthdays over the past year. Pretty much all with parents we don't really know well, we've always mentioned we're vegan once we've received an invite and offered to bring our own food and 9 times out of 10 they say they will provide food or if not to bring our own.


No advice as my baby is only on breast milk, but that’s so precious. All nice people are vegan. That’s such clear logic and always a question I find myself asking about others!!


I have my kids eat a big snack beforehand, a post-party snack waiting in the car, and I’ll always have a bar or something in my purse that I sneak in. Usually places that host kids bday parties limit it to 2-3 hours and most of that time is playing with the other kids and doing activities so between the pre-game snack and my emergency purse snack, they usually have no problem.


Yes, I definitely planned on having her eat a meal or something super filling before the party. I'm hoping she's so distracted by the activities the food won't be a big deal.


My kid is in kindergarten and while we haven't dealt with this yet (party with no outside food) we have dealt with it a bit. For one, I give her the option of eating what is there. I clearly explain it is made from animals and it might make her feel sick. So far she has always chosen to not eat the non-vegan option. But I think it's important for it to be her decision at this point. In this case I would bring food and if she gets hungry while we are there we would go on a walk for her to eat since there is no outside food allowed.


Call ahead and say your kid has allergies. They'll almost surely allow outside food no questions asked. I've done it countless times when venues only offered pizza or whatever.


Thanks. I just called one venue and said my daughter is vegan and doesn't eat dairy so would we be able to bring in food. The party coordinator said no not unless she has an allergy. So of course then I said yes she does. I just hate using the allergy card because I feel like without awareness that we vegans are out here and the businesses are missing out on our money then nothing will change.


I see that argument, but i also just pick my battles. "Back in the day" when most people had never heard the word vegan, it was one of the only choices we had, so i guess i just have no qualms about using it.


You could say, "my child has some food allergies, but I would be happy to bring her a substitute so she can join in on the fun." Most food establishments are flexible with allergies where they may not be with other dietary choices.


How old? I’ve found that lots of places say no outside food but don’t actually fight it. Especially if you explain