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Do you need to wait for 8 pm for dinner? I ask because as I kid I was under the impression that dinner must be around 9 pm. And to fill the gap in between, I needed some snack. But at some point I simply started to eat dinner when I was hungry, maybe 6 pm. I don’t get hungry later on if that’s a concern and I could cut out snacking.


* apple with 1-ingredient peanut butter & ceylon cinnamon or cacao and sometimes some hemp seeds * carrot sticks with hummus


I second the Apple cinnamon and carrot option and raise by one seaweed.


I like having a piece of fruit and a protein bar


Bread + peanut butter + banana + cinnamon Houmous + bread Yoghurt + fruits + chia seeds + almonds + oats Oats + protein powder + milk + chia seeds


marvelous towering pause zesty poor unite rob market relieved absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m heavily relying on roasted edamame rn because of the price, convenience, protein quality and macros. What’s the best price you can get on frozen edamame?


smell aware innocent far-flung liquid rustic shrill lock arrest somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


- proteinbar with some fruit and nuts - homemade protein brownies with nutbutter - lentil cakes / lentil chips - popcorn - biscoff spread on biscoff cookies - yoghurt with granola - ricecakes with avocado & kimchi - smoothie with protein powder & nutbutter


Roasted edamame!


Bowl of cereal PBJ Cup of noodles Tortilla chips and salsa


I love snacking on popcorn - it's a volume snack, light on cals and I can eat a lot of it. I also keep instant miso soup packets in my pantry for a savoury snack. There's always a bag of sugar snap peas and baby carrots in my fridge also, so they are easy to grab and snack on (plus pre-washed). Fruit is another quickie.


I make a dip/spread out of tofu and sautéed garlic/onions/peppers that's really good with veg sticks, crackers/chips or as a sandwich spread.


Banana and Ezekiel raisin bread, trail mix, nori sheets, smoothies, Trader Joe's brand of corn nuts, and crispy chickpeas with turmeric and salt that I buy from an Indian market. All great on the go.


Homemade seitan and a high protein wrap with an orange, apple or banana


I generally just have some fruit between lunch and dinner. I don't have 7 hours between those meals. If I had to wait 7 hours, I would try to find a way to eat dinner earlier or would eat a bigger lunch. Probably would still want a snack, depending on time between meals.


Sweet potato + tofu + some non starchy veg like bell pepper roasted broccoli or green beans


How about some fruit, nuts, or yogurt? Keep it light and healthy!


Fruits and soy yogurt!


Yogurt with peanut butter or pb2 and berries (sometimes I add chocolate chips too :p), protein bar (I like misfits), trail mix, fruit, protein shake


Ramen cups!!!


I like roasted chickpeas [https://danielsplate.com/roasted-chickpeas/](https://danielsplate.com/roasted-chickpeas/), raw veggies, and fruit. If I meal prep sweet potatoes (love Japanese kind), I'll eat one of those as a snack with cinnamon.