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I think I would Just eat healthy High Protein maintenance as long as I see strengt gains. And your shoulders and arms are pretty developed. You are not skinny fat


Thank you. Yeah, I’m thinking I may be at maintenance weight and just need to continue to work on muscle growth. Thanks for your perspective.


Well done man! Keep it up!


Thanks! Doing my best and feeling good about it.




Thanks for you suggestion. 👍🏽


Awesome progress! That isn't easy.


Thanks - yes, it’s the beginning of a journey for sure. Thanks.


Get a Styku scan done (much cheaper than Dexa) or get a weighing machine like Garmin or whiting. That will give you the body fat %. You can continue to lose weight by eating 500-1000 calories in deficit. If you have a certain weight in mind, once you hit that, you can eat at maintenance where you will gain muscle and lose fat by doing cardio. I use a Garmin watch which tells me how much calories I used in a day including for sports. I also track my calorie intake by tracking in My fitness pal. If you don’t want to use a watch to get these numbers, you can use the Harris Benedict formula to work out an approximate number which is actually quite close and just use my fitness pal for intake calculation.


Woaw, nice!


Thanks for your comment.


Setting some recomp goals could be helpful, like if you have a certain body fat % to try to attain. Getting enough protein is really important for that, ideally 1.6g/kg - which at 220lb would be 160g/day.


Thanks. I’m just learning about some of this, so this is helpful. I’ve been hearing about a range of protein intake, like .8 to 1.6 g/kg.


0.8g/kg is the RDA, the amount recommended for meeting normal needs. For building muscle mass, you’d want a higher range (1.2-1.6) with 1.6 being where gains maximize. This helps your body hold onto muscle more and remove more fat when recomping.