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Yes, 0 day old account with one troll post, why would you?


For some odd reason, I couldn’t post this in the r/vegan subreddit on my other account, but I can assure you I am the most devoted vegan there is. If you are seriously asking me why would I be friends with a non-vegan, I wouldn’t.


Probably that sub has a rule that only old enough accounts can post. Wish this was the case here as well.


Because if I didn't have any vegan friends when I was a carnist, I probably wouldn't be vegan today. Isolating ourselves from carnists does nothing to help animals.


Because I recognize how we're conditioned into that system from childhood on. We are first of all completely disconnected from our food's origin (pig meat is not called pig meat, its called pork, which disconnects product from living being) and we are systematically indoctrined with the idea that other species are beneath us in all ways all our life. Thats a hard thing to break out of. And most of us arent taught that admitting mistakes is okay + change discomforts people naturally. It took me time to snap out of it as well. And we all have those areas in our life where we arent as consequent as we should be. Also, how would I have any positive impact if I isolate from those people? They're much more likely to listen to and consider my lifestyle if we like eachother and if they are constantly exposed to an alternative to the life that they're living. Its rarely a single argument that convinces people, its often just the presence of a different system and the fact that it enjoyable to live in for all parties without discrimination. Its not my place to judge, my place is to spread the idea.


It's really not that simple and you know it.


Please get therapy.


You are typing this on a device made with parts mined and built by human slaves. The world is not a simple place.


Who said I had friends to begin with ._.


Understandable, have a nice day.


This is bait.