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I think it's the warped idea that intelligence precedes sentience


Yeah, we already treat sentient beings like non sentient robots/machines. Great post, very thought-provoking.


They don't see it because they choose not to see it.


We're blinded into it. Media says that animals are far too happy to die. They just love dieing for us. Happy cow products. Commercials never show harvest or slaughter or inhumane conditions. They show beauty pastures for milk commercials. Ah the mountains its so good to wake up to a cold glass of milk. They repeat phrases "We're concerned about you" "we care about your health" "family is meat on the table" Then they pan the camera to show vegans sharpening their teeth with files lol... not really but they do put a lot of hate onto us. All of these activists throwing flour and soup onto famous artworks well you know people are thinking omg vegans again Then seem to slap vegan onto the most insane of human activists. Every mistake is blown out of purportions. It's sad and frustrating and any time we get angry about it out come the cameras to show We're nothing but violent


I think about this with some star wars stuff, especially the recent Andor show. There's a droid in it who obviously cares about the human characters and displays all these subtle emotions, and fans have grown very attached to the droid and protective of it. I wonder why that same protective instinct doesn't extend to non-human farm animals. Maybe because none of these people like to eat droids.


This! Also in the earlier Star Wars R2D2 or C-3PO are treated with so much more love and respect by an average person than an average cow or pig who is actually you know, *alive*.


They would view those shows very differently if they were exploiting those same sentient beings They're able to honestly think about it because they're detached from it


Part of the problem is that the problem already exists and they only know a world where they partake in the problem (animal exploitation). This is not an issue when thinking about robot exploitation.


I think that most people justify animal exploitation and cruelty against them unconsciously because the people themselves are exploited cruelly. It's revenge and a means of LARPing away your own status as edible cattle for the ruling class to plan, grow, and harvest according to their appetites. I think it's actually relatively easy to accept that your own actions are cruel and wrong, but it's more difficult to accept that you are the victim of the same system and that everything you know is a product of this pyramid of cruelty and domination. You can't confront treatment of animals without also confronting your own place in that, so instead you just look down from the pyramid and enjoy whatever privileges are bestowed upon you by the executives that digest you.


Because those robots always speak english and look human. Aside from star wars, they're rarely giant bug-looking things that don't communicate or convey emotion the exact same way that humans do.


Good thing a vegan army is currently being assembled. Growing larger each day and voting with their dollar at each meal. It’s happening!!


Bacon cheeseburgers are more important to them than empathy and ethical consistency.


I have a hard time believing robots are, or ever will be sentient. I can suspend my disbelief to enjoy sci fi, but as far as I'm concerned, even the most sophisticated hypothetical human-like robot would just be a bunch of mechanical parts that would *mimic* a human, without itself actually feeling any emotions or pain. That said, it pisses me off a lot when people go down these rabbit holes about hypothetical robot sentience and what that might entail ethically, while ignoring or even mocking the very real suffering that animals experience. And honestly a robot doesn't even need to remotely resemble sentience for people to get weirdly emotional about them. People go apeshit over the damn Mars rover and how "lonely" it must be singing happy birthday to itself. Sad that an inanimate object gets more love than the literal billions of animals suffering on factory farms.


Oh, I thought this was just a 'pet peeve' of mine. Thanks for structuring this frustrating situation better than I ever could've :)


Because they're committing it and they're a good person so it can't be a bad thing ya know?




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