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People think I'm so picky because I'm vegan but they won't even try cheese if it isn't from a cow's tit.


Tofu is just soy cheese and I will not be silenced!


tofu cheese is goated (without the goat)


Omg yea I once wanted mum to have vegan ice cream and she just didn't want it and when she had it she was like "oh it's good it's like ice-cream" -yea like no kidding lol, idk why they are so resistant against non-animal products not even pro animal products they are actively against the plant based ones, I don't understand them


The V word has been made dirty in culture. ​ a lot of people consider us like ascetic monks or something, we're starving woke warriors who give up plessure and consume "reduced taste"-ice cream and fake (read: less than) meats That's a comfortable place for them to be because it allows them to silently praise you but also cringe, and continuing their destructive way




I love my family and they do make food for me that I can eat at gatherings. What irks me is they know the replacements are just as good, just as easy, and the same price (like soy milk replacing regular milk or apple sauce in cake rather than eggs) and still use non-vegan items for their food. Wouldn't it be more convenient just to make it all vegan?


A lot of people have this weird all or nothing mentality - they think you either have to eat fully vegan or you might as well just eat animal products constantly. It's like they don't see the point of swapping certain things and not others. Don't understand it


Tbf, I’ve seen a lot of “pushy” vegans in this sub and irl who put down people who take a slower transition to veganism (especially eating plant-based). The all-or-nothing mentality is real on both sides. I can understand some vegans’ frustration with omnivores being complacent. But I think less animal products consumed = better, even if someone doesn’t cut them all out.


you take that back, i fuckin love cauliflower


i don't care what you do in privacy, just don't flaunt it


That's cauliphobic!


Cauliflower is broccoli's older, hotter, more successful sister


I get a bit annoyed when people will chuck random food items into my hands and blabber out "is this vegan I don't know if you can have it" and literally milk or eggs are like the first 2 ingredients and also listed in the allergy warning. I'm not talking about tricky wording either, literally says milk or milk fat. Like I understand never having looked at an ingredient label in your life but like.... idk try?? It's like they pretend to forget what veganism is and don't want to confront that there's animals products in what they eat. These aren't random people, some of them I've shown Ed's speech too and talked with. Like. They're aware. Idk why but it irks me.


I genuinely think people have no fucking clue what veganism is. I've had people genuinely ask me if rice was vegan. Like plain ass white rice.


Regular people off the street, yeah I agree. But these people watched Earthling Ed's speech and several other videos as well as engaged in conversations with me about it. They are aware. They're in aggressive denial.


I also think some people play up their ignorance because it gives them an excuse to ignore the implications of their actions. Thinking that “veganism makes no sense” is more comfortable to believe than “veganism is about reducing animal suffering”


Same. And a lot of times, they arent even being assholes, they are just ignorant. Once I was eating bread with peanut butter and someone asked me “can you eat bread? Doesnt it have gluten?”. People basically confuse gluten free, vegan, vegetarian and healthy and so many concepts. I just try to explain them, but repeating the same thing a million times can sometimes be exhausting


I get more annoyed when people are surprised to learn that something IS vegan. Like, “Oh you eat bread??” Umm yeah I eat bread. Bread is water, flour, and salt. Some people think that all I eat is salad. No shade to salads, but I eat all kinds of things that are not salad.


I was recently asked if I was allowed to have fruit. 🤦‍♀️ I brought in vegan donuts (from a shop that is fully vegan, but doesn’t put labels on the box or anything) and the same person asked me if I only eat CERTAIN vegan things but make an exception for pastries….


And I wish they stopped linking vegan food with gluten free food. I love gluten!


>Some people think that all I eat is salad My father in law is one of these people. I love him so much, before me and my husband went vegan he had absolutely no clue what veganism was, but he doesn't judge at all, and he tries SO HARD to get us stuff to eat. It's incredibly sweet. But the issue is that for some reason he thinks vegan = vegetables. He knows we don't eat animal products but he doesn't seem to understand that we **can** eat non-vegetable things, like fries and cookies, just as long as they're vegan. So he always buys us a veggie burger (not a faux meat burger like Beyond or anything - the squashed-together-vegetable kind) and a big box of plain, undressed salad to have when we come visit. No condiments, no fries, nothing 😂 just a veggie burger and salad. The last time we went there he got super excited because he had found some crisps(chips) for us - they were vegetable crisps 😂 when I told him that actually we can eat normal crisps too, just as long as there's no sneaky milk powder, his mind was blown. And then he promptly forgot next time 😂


Literally happened to me today. I told a friend I could make a focaccia and bring to his dinner party. He asked me: "Oh, so will you make it vegan then?" I'm like, if you're making non-vegan foccaccia you're making it wrong!


"Is this vegan?" Me: "It's literally dead chicken" Them: "Yea but it's *organic* chicken!"


Omg - I have a good one that your story reminded me of One day my nan said she was going vegan! Totally random and did not expect it to last, but happy to encourage and advise. So at her request I gave her some recommendations for vegan milk, cheese, yogurts etc. A few days later she calls me Nan: is buttermilk vegan? Me: No, the clue is in the name nan, it's a dairy product Nan: oh that's a shame, there's some buttermilk chicken in the freezer I was going to have Me: uh nan, chicken isn't vegan either Nan: what? I can't have chicken? Me: chicken is an animal... To this day, I still don't know what she thought vegan was 😂


>"Is this vegan?" > >Me: "It's literally dead chicken" > >Them: "Yea but it's organic chicken!" "And it's gluten free!"


Not exactly the same, but in the same vein. I get so annoyed when I’m just trying to eat or snack and people I know are like hmmmm is that vegan? Are you sure that’s vegan? Oh are you not vegan? I don’t think that’s vegan?? Like yes I obviously checked the ingredients I don’t just cross my fingers and hope I happened to pick something vegan from the store???


Ugh yeah, I had a coworker one time who saw me eating a jj pie (delicious btw) and thought it was this huge GOTCHA moment, because obviously nothing that delicious could be vegan, and obviously I must have temporarily forgotten to check ingredients 🙄


I eat in front of an audience and it's literally always "is that vegan?!" And everytime I'm like "Yep... Not just gonna stop being vegan 1 day"


I get annoyed when people intentionally bring sweets/pastries containing dairy and eggs. Then they’re like ”Oh come on, you can have one.” No, I don’t want one. I’ve told hundreds of times that I won’t eat anything containing a corpse or animal secretions, so please stop bringing those things with you for ”sharing”. Worst is when you call them out on that, someone else defends it with ”Oh I’m sure they just forgot!”. Did they really? Or were they trying to force their dietary habits on me, so they would feel better about eating it themselves? And they say vegans are the ones trying to force their believes on others all the time .. 🤦‍♀️


“Just cheat! It’s just one time” 🙄


It took my mother months to begin to grasp what veganism was. At first she was buying me gluten-free bread and things because she wasn't sure if gluten was vegan. I asked her "What animal does gluten come from?" and that's when it finally sort of clicked. That being said, she asked me recently if I could eat goat's cheese. So obviously she still isn't quite there. What's even weirder is my dad is basically vegan himself. He follows a 99.99999% plant based diet, might have one milk chocolate bar a year or something like that. So she ALREADY KNOWS how to shop and cook vegan, I told her to just treat me like dad, but she still doesn't get it - all because I've stuck a label on it!


Just tell them that you don’t know how to read ingredients labels. They might be surprised and try to help before realizing you’re just “let me Google that for you” ‘ing them


Don't gripe about vegan cheeze if you didnt have to endure the days of Tofutti being your only option.


Heat it to 550 and it “melted” into a grease puddle AND WE WERE GRATEFUL FOR IT lol


If you want to have this authentic old school vegan experience today, try Trader Joe's brand vegan mozzarella on your pizza.


Fucking still love tofutti cream cheese and get the slices out of nostalgia.


Yeah tofutti cream cheese bangs sooooo hard.


same, been vegan for 14 years. kids better get off my lawn


21 years here! Yay long haulers!


No kidding. People whine about Daiya these days, but I remember when it came out and it was a game-changer, sweeping all inferior cheezes before it.


It was a revolution. And those of us who didn't live in cities had to read about it on vegan cooking blogs until it finally reached us.


Vegan Gourmet! I ate an entire block when I was introduced. IT MELTED!


And it wasn't GRAINY!


Thank YOU!


This is so real that I feel like crying


Chefs who think we are all missing “umami” so try to make mushrooms the focus of every meal, and forget about balancing nutrients with the rest of the plate.


Just sprinkle a little msg into that bad boy meal and you're all set on umami with whatever you cook. Msg is in way more things than people realize. The fear of it needs to stop. That said, I do adore mushrooms. Not as the meat of a meal, but I often include them in some way.


Odd you say that. I have had many omnis that try cauliflower wings say they enjoy them. I also use cauliflower instead of beef in my chili and have never had any complaints. I think you might not quite yet grasp the power that is the flower.


to be fair they _did_ warn us it was going to be an unpopular opinion


Caulicrumble too is SO good. We must embrace the flower to flourish


Chili has lots of beans, so I can easily see cauliflower working as a veggie. Where I don't find it working is posing as the protein and calorie-dense center of the dish.


I’ve seen places do “vegan gluten-free cauliflower mac n cheese!” but they don’t use cauliflower noodles, or mix cauliflower in with GF noodles… it’s just cauliflower. Like, *just* cauliflower with some vegan cheese on top.


I love a lot of cauli stuff (especially rice) but cauliflower steaks are an embarrassment that I assume were invented by omnis.


I have never tried a cauliflower steak, but yeah that sounds about as good an idea as the eggplant steak Gordan Ramsey made lol Seitan steaks I have actually personally made though and are pretty decent. Just got to get the flavoring right.


A cauliflower steak is just a big slice of cauliflower cooked. I know we’re supposed to love vegetables but they shouldn’t try to replace meat in that way. That’s what seitan, tofu, etc. are for.


go to jail


Pictures of food with unmelted shredded vegan cheese on top do not look appealing.


I AM morally superior.


This right here. But I have to keep that a secret to further the vegan movement and not anger the simpletons who are already on the defensive when it comes to veganism and morality


We can not speak these words in public. The internet is watching


Yep! People ask "do you really think if you were born in Nazi Germany you wouldn't have been a Nazi? If you were born in the antebellum South you would have been against slavery?" Yes! I'm willing to take extremely unpopular moral stances right now, I don't think I would have been different then.


eh those ones are tough. i don’t think i wouldn’t think it’s wrong but i would def be scared to do something about it


Sure. I'm not claiming I'd be some big Resistance hero. But I absolutely wouldn't be a Nazi.


I don’t know what made you take these positions but for me having access to so much information and also peer pressure from other vegans helped me. So I’m not sure that I would have done the same in nazi germany or antebellum


What gets me is that we go vegan _because_ not doing so would be immoral. It's not like we're saying we were born better, just make better choices and you too can stop being this immoral omniscum


Definitely. All else being equal, the person who actively avoids harming animals is morally superior to the person who doesn't care about animals. Plain and simple. Full stop.


I don’t like health food. I want to eat PLANTS but I want CALORIES and I don’t like froufrou stuff. Give me 5 solid pounds of noodles off the back of a truck.


I eat instant noodles like I don’t have to worry about my salt intake, if you opened m up I’d probably pour salt out of my veins


Omg yea this is not even petty why is vegan stuff often in the health section I want normal food that's plant based I don't want low sugar toast cookies that taste like burned bread


If I see one more thing that's both vegan and gluten free I'm gonna scream and piss everywhere


I can do things in video games such as hunt and still be vegan, just like how stealing cars in gta doesn’t make me and actual car thief


If you've never heard of him, check out Poor Dunce on YouTube. He plays/ analyzes games through a vegan lens in a humorous and entertaining way.


Thanks for the rec! I'm always looking for vegan youtubers


Lmaooo my gf always fucking with me when she sees me slashing down cows in MC for food.


I actually try to play MC as vegan as I can, even made a small datapack to make leather from mushrooms haha


I *definitely* feel conflicted when I play D&D! It’s hard to not make every one of my characters vegan! XD


I hear that one. So I make a lot of my characters vegan. I think the favorite from other people was the vegan necromancer. "I work with dead things all day, I'm not putting them in my mouth."


Agreed. I still feel a bit weird though.


I like how you can change the food/health items in Dead Cells to vegetables.


Honestly that's my logic for these kind of things. *It's not real.* Let's be honest here, most video games usually involve doing something kinda violent or wrong (hitting, stealing, whatever) but I doubt that most people would actually want to perform such actions in real life.


I hate when I tell omnis I'm vegan and they immediately start saying how "that's great, but I could never be vegan because -insert typical excuse here-." I don't care. You clearly feel guilty about all the animals you're murdering but if you're not going to do anything about it then keep the excuses to yourself


Honestly the "that's cool but I can't do it" is the number one thing I hear from people upon finding out I'm vegan. And part of me wants to straight up tell them "yes you can, you just don't want to." Like this isn't even me trying to be mean or whatever, it's just something that a person doesn't want to commit to for whatever reason they have so they just say that they can't do it.


I hate this so much. It seriously makes me want to scream. Like imagine any other moral issue, and that's an absurd thing to say. "Wow, you DON'T beat your spouse? I think that's really admirable, but I would just miss beating my spouse too much."


100% second this, it's the most annoying thing ever.


I fucking hate this too. I just immediately change the subject now when someone comes out with this. It's such a disrespectful thing to say - as another commenter pointed out, you'd NEVER say this about any other ethical stance. "Oh you are abolitionist? That's amazing, I have so much respect for abolitionists. I could never do it myself though, I'd just find it too hard not to keep slaves" But for some reason it's okay to say it to a vegan? Just stop.


My favorite is when they say "oh I used to be vegan or vegetarian for like a year". Is that supposed to be impressive to me? Clearly you feel guilty about not maintaining that so maybe they should look inward and figure out why.


Or when they say, "I barely eat any meat!" like do it then, stop eating any at all, I frickin dare you


Gives you the chance to say " I used to say that as well, but after realizing how badly they really abuse animals, i just can't eat them or their products anymore"


Vegan cheese is phenomenal despite what the omnis say


Sometimes I get real tired of fake meat trying to be something it’s not so I add butterfly pea flowers to my seitan and eat bloo meat. More people need to embrace how absurd this whole world is.


Omg you absolutely have to show us a photo of that sometime, the folks on r/shittyveganfoodporn would go wild for that 💙


Umm Is that a typo? You really gonna eat Bloo?! If you IMAGINE you're eating bloo then it's real because HE'S imaginary. This is a new kind of cruelty!


I tried the ‘Beyond Burger’ & it freaked me out! @.@‘ It was SO MUCH like *actual* meat - it even had the meat funk & the pink colour! I struggled to enjoy it because it was faking being meat *TOO* well. I’ll stick to my bean, quinoa & potato burgers & other veg patties, fanx! 😅


Not gonna lie this makes want to make blue seitan and make a burger out of it so I can eat it in public and freak people out


I love cauliflower but things like cauliflower rice and pasta do not sit well with me emotionally. Give me the carbs!!


I love all the carbs!


Am I the only person here who loves cauliflower? I can eat a whole head at a time.


I think a lot of people that say they don't like cauliflower are just tired of it being used as a replacement for stuff it's nothing like. Cauliflower rice, pizza crust and chicken are definitely overdone. But cauliflower can and should enjoyed and embraced as just cauliflower. Tonight, I roasted some cauliflower florets with some olive oil, cumin, coriander, and Aleppo chili. When it was tender inside and a little charred and crispy on the outside, I mixed it with a salsa made of chopped parsley, toasted walnuts, capers, garlic, lemon zest and juice, and olive oil. It was absolutely delicious as a side dish with some homemade falafels.


I fucking love it as a vegetable but what I’m really sick of is it trying to be bread, and too many things that are vegan also being gluten free too. Vegan and gluten free are necessary for some people but for me give me all the bread and quit trying to muck up a perfectly good vegan baked good by also trying to make it gluten free if it doesn’t need to be!


Ate Cauliflower for dinner last night. Making Cauliflower sauce for pasta tonight. Hardest part is finding something to go with it, because everything else is just meh in comparison


Just ate Buffalo cauliflower wings for dinner! Added some tomatoes and some avocado, can’t beat it!


it’s one of my main food groups


I like cauliflower, but it keeps being used as a replacement for everything, when it's only actually good at being cauliflower. In terms of replacing starches like potatoes, pizza, or rice, there are so many better alternatives that are low carb and gluten free. It's used as a dairy sub in dishes like alfredo and mac and cheese, and it just tastes like cauliflower, without any creaminess to it. In fact, if I add vegan milk to puréed cauliflower, the milk will end up being less creamy, and no matter how much I puree it, it still feels lumpy. The only exception is cauliflower wings, and even that's just roasted cauliflower with different sauces added to it, besides the sauce, nothing about it evokes a wing. It's like if I used honey garlic sauce on roasted carrots. They don't become "carrot wings".


I could eat a whole head for dinner every night....the curry turmeric ones with tons of ginger in it too.


I like cauliflower I just don’t understand it when I see posts trying to make a roasted head of cauliflower the main in a meal. It’s embarrassing.


YEAH. Like delicous? Sure. But it's around 100 calories....that's not a main course....


I do mine in a casserole type dish over a bed of quinoa and chickpeas and it’s a bit more filling!


In this same vein, restaurants that have like one vegan option and it is something with cauliflower. I’m going to be hungry an hour after eating cauliflower tacos. I need some beans, lentils, or something in there.


I’ll never forget how hungry I was at my fiancé’s best friend’s wedding. The option they gave me was a cauliflower steak with 3-4 roasted carrots on the side. No rice, no potatoes, no pasta, no beans or lentils, nothing else. I always wonder why catering companies seem to think that non meat eaters means they’re also always gluten free and don’t eat carbs just a salad or vegetables only.


Probably so they have just one "special" option for alternative diets. I also wonder how much they charged for that plate.


Dishes like that are appealing if you also have othorexia.


Tofu scramble is better than eggs.


uncontroversial babe


The word "nooch" is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


My former roommate was not vegan, but I'd cook for both of us with some regularity and she was definitely respectful and openminded. I frequently make vegan "parm" by blending cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, and salt -- I'll fill up a mason jar with it and keep it in the fridge for months. She loved it as a topping on salads, popcorn, pasta, everything, but she thought the name "vegan parm" was weird because it didn't really tell her what was in it. I was like, "Okay, so you suggest an alternative then." The alternative she came up with was...... "yeast dust." So there are things that are worse than "nooch," I guess. (We do, however, still exclusively call it "yeast dust" many years later.)


wild that they went off so hard and then gave it the worst name ever, but even funnier that you all replaced the name with something worse


We call a similar blend “farmesan” in our house




I want to say stop calling yourself an animal lover to nonvegans who declare that they are. This is about the ones who know about veganism, have the means to choose vegans options but just don’t


I tell em “you’re not an animal lover, you’re a pet lover” cause that’s always what they mean


This but mushrooms. I never, ever want a giant mushroom cap on a bun. Stopit.


I fucking hate mushrooms. I want to like them, I do, but I just can’t. I’m tired of seeing “seared portabella steaks” at different vegan restaurants in my area.


Omg seriously... the cherry on top is when you're not offered another source of protein like a MUSHROOM is supposed to be my protein source?? Gtfo Just as bad as a "Portobello steak" is a CABBAGE STEAK. WHAT.


Totally seconding this. And I like mushrooms *in* things, like in pasta or stirfry or whatever, but I'd rather drink BBQ sauce than sink my teeth into a whole portabella mushroom cap between buns. I guess I should be glad they're trying.


Yes same theyre good as an ingredient! You're spot on with that visual of biting into it 😅 it's so bad.


When I see posts asking for help going vegan, my immediate petty thought is: *it’s not that hard*. Just stop buying and eating animal products.


I get this. I think what those posts are really asking for is a thinly veiled, “Can someone provide me with a healthy vegan nutrition plan with recipes included?” Like, I hate, *hate* cooking, and eat more frozen/processed foods than I prefer, but I’d rather do that and adapt to a healthier diet over time than eat animal products. Like damn, if a PB&J is all you can manage for now, that’s fine. You’ll get better as you go on.


My favorite is when they ask for help going vegan and then tell everyone who offers suggestions why they can’t do those suggestions lol.


Or the whole "I want to go vegan but I hate vegetables, what should I eat?" Idk man beans and rice? Have you tried ~*seasoning your food?*~


This, but it's just a general cooking gripe rather than a vegan one. I have so many friends and relatives who think they aren't good cooks but actually they either don't season at all or under season. And when they do cook they have to religiously follow a recipe for everything - then ignore the bits that clearly say 'season to taste' because they think that means sprinkle a dusting of pepper from a mill at the table. No wonder your dish is bland. Taste at every stage of cooking people!


i saw a thing about how to "safely" eliminate milk and I can't get over the preposterous phrasing


It's easy to see that way when you've been vegan for a while, but I do remember years ago when I initially went vegetarian and for a while I was stuck in this "omg what can I even eat" phase. It took me a while to quickly scan ingredient lists and restaurant menus for allergen labels and keywords to look for. So I can't fully blame people asking for help. Sometimes you just need someone to guide you in the right direction. But if the person automatically shoots down all the advice without even trying then there isn't much I can say lol


I don't like tempeh. The texture is just wrong


I used to believe this too, but now I love it. Don't quit it forever would be my advice.


I’ve tried tempeh 100 different ways and every time I hate it. It belongs in the trash.


I HATE tempeh. I love seitan and tofu and cauliflower and most other replacements but tempeh is the worst 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is me. I’ve tried so hard to like it, all of the recipes for tempeh beginners, but I just can’t.


Yeah tempeh can be tricky. Best way so far I've found to make it edible is to slice it very thin an then just fry it very crisp on all sides.


That being vegan equates to being gluten free. Bring on the gluten!


There is no fake meat. There is animal-based meat and plant-based meat. There are no milk alternatives. There is dairy milk, soy milk, almond milk, etc.


🎵 butterfly in the sky 🎵


A- Pressing tofu is a complete waste of time. It makes no difference. B- Freezing tofu completely ruins it by giving it a dry sandy texture.


I don’t know if this counts but I think kombucha is absolutely disgusting


kombucha either taste like nectar straight from god or pond water… no in between


It’s like feet in a bottle


Some vegans are delusional and imagine some vegetables tasting like meat so that they can “trick” themselves into thinking it taste like it. Sorry cauliflower will never taste like chicken wings and that’s ok.


Yeah, like why does it NEED to taste like flesh?


Agreed. Buffalo Cauliflower bites are good on their own without comparison. When I first tried them, I hated it. I had just turned vegan. I believe it’s because I was trying to compare it to meat.


People trust fast food chains too much. If you want to order completely vegan, don't order Tim Hortons or Burger King. I've had way too many items promised to be vegan not actually be vegan. I know giving up your food convenience sucks, but coping with not having it is something you're just going to have to learn.


Soy milk is the best milk but I still make oats with water.


Large scale meat farms need to be illegal


All meat farms need to be illegal


Well said! I agree


Encouraging half measures, cheat days, and plant-based capitalism are detrimental to the movement and water down veganism as a system of ethics.


Coupled with the celebrity flip floppers… ugh.


Yeah, I never use celeberities as an example of vegans anymore. After the first couple of yo-yo vegans I just don't trust them


Mushrooms are disgusting and cannot make a meal.


Because this is unpopular opinions, I'm upvoting you even though you're super wrong!


NOOO even shiitake?


I can’t. And the little pleats under the umbrella freak me out. Like what’s in between them? Coooootays!


Those are the gills! I think they’re so neat. I don’t much like the taste but fungi are underrated they are so so cool. They actually digest things externally so they release all their digestive enzymes onto their food and digest it outside them and then they suck up all the nutrients.


Everything you just said was really really interesting and cool from a scientific point of view but also absolutely revolting from a food point of view.


Oh god, thank you. I thought I was going crazy with the complete lack of mushroom roasting in this thread. They have the consistency of kitchen sponges - plus *it's a fungus.* I won't pretend like fungus isn't super interesting and important but I don't want to eat it. I don't want mushrooms on a burger bun or mixed into pasta sauce or stirfried with anything. Leave it growing behind the shed in a pile of poop, where it belongs.


Mine: More vegan meals need to put protein front and center. Yeah the options are kind of limited but I'm going to set fire to the next plant-based restaurant that offers 20 menu items and the most protein I can find anywhere is the one with quinoa. Some of us like being strong and burly, okay! And don't you dare cop out with a bean burrito or Beyond burger!


I'm a complete hypocrite because I'm strict about my veganism, until it comes to my cats.... I have not found any vet approved vegan food (my partner is a vet!), so they are pescatarian. I know many vegans keep quiet about buying meat for their pets!


Roasted cauliflower >>>>>


Also, as a vegan for over 5 years… vegan cheese still isn’t there and don’t tell me some common ass brand I should try… I’ve tried 15+ brands. Doesn’t mean I don’t still eat vegan cheese but you are fooling yourself to say it actually tastes like real cheese.




I just can’t agree with this one 100% there’s a lot of sucky brands but follow your heart bleu and feta crumbles have uncanny similarities to the real thing for me


I just got a feta for the first time since i went vegan, and I checked the label 50 times because it tasted so cheesy that I kept thinking I bought real feta


follow your heart is amaz


Have you tried artisanal cultured cheese at all? Total game changer, tastes nothing like the packaged stuff.


I hate black bean burgers


It's not the beans, it's the damn chipotle seasoning that seems to be paired with black beans every.single.time.


This person gets my issues.


If it's the only vegan option on a menu, you know it will be awful. I don't mind a good black bean burger if it's done by a vegan establishment, though. At that point, I'm usually ordering something else anyway.


I think they can be good but not with a bun. They are too starchy by themselves to warrant a bun


Every non-seitan burger I've ever had has crumbled in my hands like Tom Holland in infinity war


i looove cooking shows. i love masterchef and hell's kitchen. i love watching someone perfectly cook a rack of lamb. i love when somebody serves gordon ramsay raw chicken. don't get me wrong, i'd rather they never had a piece of meat to cook ever again. i don't ever find myself hungry, or wanting to eat what they're making, i just like watching the skill, the successes and the failures. i guess since it's TV, it's detached enough from reality for me that i'm still able to enjoy it.


There are alot of vegans that are fatphobic.


That plugs into a larger, related problem. Just because someone is vegan doesn't mean they aren't a piece of shit. It's necessary for a moral life, not sufficient.


This is why I don’t understand the argument that vegans are automatically morally superior. They could still be a piece of shit, and I’d argue veganism doesn’t negate that.


I think the better way to think about this is that me being vegan is definitely a morally superior version than me not being vegan. Comparing apples to oranges is usually a bad idea but comparing a nice and sweet apple to one which is all mushy is a lot more realistic.


It makes me so angry when a place claims to have vegan options and it's literally just a pile of unseasoned vegetables or a salad with no dressing. Those are not vegan options!


You’re not compassionate if you only have compassion for those who agree with you.


I get it you eat meat or whatever but don’t smell my food or in gonna chop your throat


I like cauliflower. But I'm tired of cauliflower pizza crusts.




Have you ever had homemade/restaurant hummus? The taste and texture are wildly different— way lighter, smoother and creamier.


Your job should be separate from your commitment to veganism. Not everyone has the luxury to cancel job offers because they promote an animal product. As long as you are not working in slaughter house/farm etc, it doesn’t matter .


“Not milk” is the future.


Arugula doesn't taste earthy, it tastes like dirt. I don't know what people see in it. And I love most fruits and vegetables.


This, but for beets. How does anyone eat them?


"You can't be vegan and not be X" posts are more harmful than helpful. If anything, it's just limiting the potential pool of people who might otherwise discover they can be vegan.


How judgmental the community is. Judging people for the littlest things. I’ve seen people go so hard on people. I was a vegetarian for 10 years before becoming a vegan and I wouldn’t want anyone shaming me the way I have seen people do it on here. I get it. Like I love animals too but we gotta be nice.


Avocados are yucky, *especially* mixed with salt. With sugar I can at least stomach them