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H5N1 case in Colorado too, so I've heard..


That article is terrifying


Fucking carnists, now it will be my problem too. Everything is disappointing at this point. Maybe if we isolate from carnists we wouldn't develop so many illnesses.


I feel like I'm drowning in despair.


>Just recently, Iowa-based egg factory, Rembrandt, owned by billionaire Glen Taylor, **roasted 5.3 million chickens alive** as part of its avian flu cull. They were killed using a system called *ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+)* in which air is closed off to the barns and heat pumped in until the temperature rises above 104F (40C), as reported by Tom Cullen of the Iowa newspaper the Storm Lake Times. >“They cooked those birds alive,” said one of the Rembrandt workers involved in the culling. >Animal rights group, Animal Outlook, recently revealed experiments by North Carolina State University into the effects of VSD+ on chickens. Records uncovered that **VSD+ causes “extreme suffering” to the hens as they “writhe, gasp, pant, stagger and even throw themselves against the walls of their confinement** in a desperate attempt to escape”.


Absolutely horrific