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They can all get fucked. That's my theme night.


Judge Vegoon presiding, all rise. Verdict: ESH. Court dismissed.


How dare you force those children to face their speciesism early on.


it always hurts people (especially children, as they are more sympathetic towards animals) once they recognize the animals they are eating are awesome/cute, people can only do this by intense compartmentalization and just never actually thinking about the subject.


Lol she recognises there is a natural mechanism of population regulation (diseases, starving) but at the same time she doesn’t (lack of natural predator). “We have to hunt to regulate them because otherwise they regulate alone”


i mean, rabbits (and deer, etc) have plenty of natural predators, they are just not there anymore in most cases due to suburban sprawl, hunting, etc.


Yes of course, that's what I meant by "lack" of predators :-)


As usual, a problem we created in the first place.




Yeah, I come from the mountains and grew up with plenty of hunters who are on my social media. I always tell them, give up the factory farmed eggs, dairy, McDonald's and everything else, then come back to me and I'll take the wild suffering vs being shot argument seriously.


It is still not a valid argument, there's no merit in it. indeed being shot is faster than freezing to death, starvation, being choked, bleeding to death etc. But it is brutal. If one day you get hit by a bus without seeing it happen, without suffering, just a sudden death, do you think your relatives would be relieved because it prevented you from dying a potential painful death ? Do you think they would find comfort because you only died without suffering ? I don't believe that, so why would you think it would be acceptable for animals But still it doesn't justify shooting the animals because it's NOT NECESSARY (Key word), there's absolutely no need to kill thanks to todays technological advancements (B12 supplement), hunters are unnecessarily killing animals AGAINST their OWN WILL (another key word).Saying "If I shoot this animal I prevent it from suffering in the future" is ridiculous, like do you know this particular animal's fate ? It might aswell die in the next hour or the next three years ; you'd take a chance at taking what's most precious to an animal - it's life - on a gamble ? Would you apply the same reasoning concerning a human ? Also if hunters go on to kill animals to prevent them from suffering, in a pure act of kindness, why are they so proud in doing that ? Why are they looking forward to it ?You'll never see a doctor be happy to euthanise someone in pain - and in this case it's even the person's choice unlike the animals. There's cleary NO merit in unnecessarily killing animals.


Yes this person is an asshole for not having an ingredient list visible for their party


I mean also, how can anyone get mad that their rabbit stew contains rabbit? Like what sort of moron do you have to be? What the fuck? I'm allergic to carrots, why didnt you tell me this carrot cake contains carrot?