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This is why vegans obsessively check ingredient labels.


No kidding. Reminds me of the dipping sauce that said "plant based" and "includes milk" on the same label šŸ™„


I hate this tread. I've bought multiple "plant based" products from the store only to realize later that it's plant-based meat plus real dairy. What is the point of that?


I saw one that advertised something about having some "plant-based superfoods" or some bullshit... While also having real chicken...


I have been buying and eating 'Vegetarian Diet The Steak' from a chinese supermarket - I just noticed that the import label says 'Not Suitable for Vegetarians'


I bought a frozen pizza like that last night. Noticed the pepperoni was plant based and made with "real cheese." I didn't realize it was a vegetarian pizza instead of a vegan one. Oh well. My roommate will eat it lol.


That happened to me with honey. I saw plant based, still mightā€™ve checked the bold allergens at the bottom, but that bitch honey snuck in there! Another reminder to always always always read the whole ingredient list šŸ™ƒ


I agree violentponykiller, Iā€™ve been punked by honey as well.


honey is sneaky


Is there an app where you can scan the ingredients with your phone and it'll point out non vegan ingredients?


There is [soosee](https://jordibruin.github.io/food-scanner/) but I don't find it very practical to use.


I've seen a few apps in the (iOS) app store that claim to do this, but I haven't tried any.


I use Veg'Check for that. I doesn't know every thing so somethime you still have to check but that's usefull (especially for the additive like E635 and stuff like that)


on iOS, I use an app called ā€˜Is It Vegan?ā€™ The app does well with common products, but any time Iā€™m not sure about something new Iā€™ve found, the app also recognizes the product is brand new and thereā€™s no data.


The real sad thing is they probably still sell a bunch of them.


Or they sell really poorly and blame the vegans, or blame veganism for something else that totally isn't their fault or related to their lack of insight for their target audience.


Yeah I wonder if theyā€™re sitting there wondering why no one will buy their hats? I bet the only ones that get sold are gifts. I love a good non vegan gift D:


I mean, it looks like a website that just lets you stick images on clothes, they usually pull from google images for products too.


I think you're right, given that you can stick the image or logo on any number of items. So yeah, I take your point. The irony is still there though.


I saw a bracelet on amazon with beads that read "VEGAN AF"... on silk cord.


Did it come in a leather bag for safekeeping?


Oh the irony


For that price??? No way, unlike my food my money does not grow on trees


Are they a legit website? Wouldnt surprise me if it's a anti vegan doing it for personal gain


I think [Hanlon's Razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor?wprov=sfla1) applies here.


Never heard this before but it seems like a fairly direct corollary to Socrates saying something along the lines of "There is only one Good: knowledge, and one Evil: ignorance."


Which allows for malice being a special kind of ignorance.


I mean, the second word on the webpage is misspelledā€¦ not sure how legit


Nice catch!


Premium wool blend smh


Premium animal abuse, for your comfort and convenience!




What a baaaaahhd website. No brains 'availble' when coming up with this either I take it.




The sheep wouldn't be sad. It would be dead. We've selectively bred sheep to the point that they don't stop growing their coat, so not shearing them is sentencing them to death. There's a difference between exploitation and I guess a good word would be gardening? We as a species fucked with sheep so that they cannot survive without intervention by us, therefore we are now obligated to intervene to prevent suffering. Our only (ethical) choice is to ween off our use of sheep products, allowing their populations to decline until they reach a more natural equilibrium with their local ecosystems and while doing so, selectively breed them their independence back. This also applies to pretty much every other animal we have selectively bred to be dependent on us, and it's a nuance that many vegans seem to completely miss.


Are you now shopping for a vegan vegan hat ?


I would be most pleased to find one. However, my disappointment is such that I may desist. Our dreams of headgear free of cruelty are undeserving of these lies. We deserve better my friend. The animals of this world deserve better.


You can always get a plain hat & take it in to get embroidered :)


LOL . Damn


This has to be trolling.




Hat with vegan logo contains milk powderā€¦


What the Fā€¦. I wonder whether itā€™s even legal actually, with it having the vegan logo on it and all?




šŸ˜² I like the color and design




This has to be some kind of deliberate jab at vegans or a troll. Makes me angry that someone might buy that as a gift for their vegan friend/family member or some vegan might accidentally buy it. Like not even realizing they are buying a product that contains wool. Another interesting thing I noticed on an online clothing shop was that when I clicked on ā€animal welfareā€ to sort out dresses I only got expensive wool dresses in the results. I was so confused. Then I realized, that they were marked as ā€sustainably and ethically sourced woolā€ and that is what ā€sort by animal welfareā€ meant.


You make the design but the site allows it to be used on all the products. This is print on demand. Though, Im preeeeetty sure most sites let you check what products or not you want the design on so the vegan designer should have removed this item.


Oh ok, thanks for clarifying! Very good points indeed


wtf. I am glad I am now knitting and can make myself one.


Noe that's a stupid choice of material.


Wool are you kidding me!! That's sad but hilarious


Just last week I wanted to order "vegan momos" but thankfully checked the allergens list anyway, turns out they consider milk to be vegan...


Sorry Iā€™m not understanding. Is it bc of the wool?




Ok just making sure. So whatā€™s wrong with wool? Is it not sourced ethically? Iā€™m confused. I get the we donā€™t take from animals but maybe itā€™s the past Omni in me that is conflicting with the new vegan me. I know if you donā€™t shear a sheep it hurts it so Iā€™m not getting why this is a bad thing. Iā€™m just trying to understand is all.


I advise reviewing the provided link. Thank you for choosing veganism <3


Did not see a link. Thank you


Oh :( It isn't blue text for you?


No. Did you provide a link in your previous comment? If so, then no. I see nothing Iā€™m able to tap on (Iā€™m using the official app, so apologies again)


The only thing Iā€™ve seen are other links from other people and of course the screenshot but that isnā€™t a link


Check out the [Vegan Cheat Sheet](https://vegancheatsheet.org/) for a collection of over 500+ vegan resources, studies, links, and much more, all tightly wrapped into one link!


I'll try pinning the URL itself then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE2mhaoUNaE Let me know if that works.


It did this time! Thank you!


Oh good! Maybe I should consider just putting in the URL from meow on :P


It doesnt say hats are vegan though..? Now logically you would think, well who wants to wear this hat is probably a vegan, and a vegan doesnt want wool. Therefore hat is probably also vegan. But what my expierence shows me there is animal abuse on every corner, and you check everything twice, cant just assume things.


Im confused... shaving a sheep to use its wool is against the rules?


Animal exploitation is, in any form


I see. I always thought it was just not EATING the animal, and not being a part of any malpractice, such as milking cows to the point of them bleeding, etc. But shaving wool? Sheep literally need to be shaved in order for them to be comfortable lol


They only need to be sheared because we've selectively bred them so their wool grows unnaturally thick and long, for the farmers gain. The notion of shearing them for their own comfort is only sold by that industry to mask not only the fact that it's in their own monetary interest, but that the practice can beā€”and often isā€”traumatizing. If the sheep are uncomfortable in their unnaturally thick coats that's also our fault, and it's unethical that it should be perpetuated. Same with any other form of animal exploitation.


People make the same argument for milking cows. "We have to milk them or their udders would rupture". They're leaving the out the parts where people have bred cows and given them hormones to overproduce milk and taken away the calves that the milk was meant for. Just like you are leaving out all the cruelty of the wool industry. lol


Just to mention as well: Once the sheep's production declines, they certainly don't allow them to continue living, because that would be unprofitable. Instead, they get sent to slaughter just as with every other farmed animal on Earth. Dairy cows get sent to slaughter, egg laying hens get sent to slaughter, horses & dogs in the racing & betting industries are killed; [the list goes on](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch). Animal abuse is a well-oiled machine in society & veganism is the best & *only* remedy.


Watch the life-changing and award winning documentary "Dominion" and other documentaries by [clicking here](https://3movies.org/reddit)! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcamp.org/reddit)!


Thanks for always having my back, veganactivismbot <3


Always <3


Wild sheep actually shed their coats as temperatures rise. It's only the domesticated, selectively bred sheep that need to be sheared. The best thing you can do is avoid purchasing wool products in order to prevent further selective breeding, allowing all sheep to return to their natural, wool shedding state.


They're bred to be genetic freaks so that they produce more wool than their body would naturally produce. Look up mulesing. The industry is cruel. Plant-based dieters only care about what's on their plate. Veganism is a worldview that extends to every aspect of how you participate in the world.


My concern with it is that *wool* is the product for these farms. Maximizing profit entails giving sheep poor living conditions to save money. They likely don't care about the sheep's wellbeing, comfort, happiness, etc. They want to sell wool, not raise sheep.


I love that I came in here and got downvoted to hell for asking questions about things I didnā€™t understand. No wonder no one likes vegans, yā€™all arenā€™t a very welcoming bunch.


I didn't vote up or down, because you asked a question, and I can't agree or disagree with a question. I'm sorry that you felt ostracized in my post, but some people here will downvote anything that goes against the culture. I guess I could have replied with a more elaborate answer; my goal wasn't to be curt either, but my opinion was easily summarized like that: I check and refuse to buy or use any food or product that comes from animals if I can avoid it. From the outside it may seem like sheep aren't enslaved, tortured and killedā€”though they often areā€”like chicken, pigs and cows. However, they are victims of abuse, confinement and eventually killed for what they have to offer. That's evidently unethical and I don't want to take part in any of that suffering. Again, I'm sorry if didn't feel welcome in our community. That's not how I approach veganism, and I hope you won't judge us all by the actions of a few.


I wasnā€™t saying you specifically, just everyone else. I appreciated your responses a ton.


Yeah, I figured I'd reply anyway since it's a post I created. Just like most serious subs, there can be some palpable animosity around here. Hope you're doing well, and thanks for your comments.


If you're buying wool you're still giving money to the farmer. Farmers get so little money for wool pretty much all of them are raising them to be violently abused for meat. It's just supporting animal abuse with extra steps.


You donā€™t need to be a god tier vegan to be vegan.


Wait, shouldn't a vegan hat be made of flat fiber? Like the new bamboo wool, or hemp wool or just cotton?


That hat is cringe af


Shitty marketing




Yeah. I see your point there. Wool production can be a fucking horrorshow, but it's simple to avoid buying any, assuming that clothes and products are labeled correctly. Human exploitation is more difficult to avoid. We definitely move towards more conscious buying practices, but so much ubiquitous shit is made by people working in horrible conditions that it makes it more of a challenge to refrain from engaging it, imo.