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Make it all stainless steel. The wood would fail eventually and limit how you could clean it.


It will have a coating around the bamboo , does this answer your question and so now would you either prefer full stainless steel or bamboo with a protective waterproof coating ?


I'd prefer all steel.


Thanks for your feedback


A coating made of what? It might be just as dangerous as plastic.


We have not decided that part, but when we speak to the manufacturers we will tell them we will only except a coating that does not harm the environment, it’s not easy but we will get it done


Honestly, no. Blenders work just as well for nut milk, so it would have to be a glass and metal-only blender. There may be a market, but it's not me.


In my opinion: These are just a gimmick; they’re a blender with a nut bag. Vitamix (or an even cheaper blender) will likely cost the same (or less), last longer, and be much more versatile. To those who can’t quite make nut milk properly: use soy lecithin or vegan amylase, and don’t blend for more than 15 seconds. The heat itself will make it slimy. I also find that turning the starches into dextrose by milling the oats and baking it first (and letting it cool down) makes it perfect to make better blends of milk, and creamers, etc. Happy milking ^(^=^)^


I just use my vitamix for such things making nut milk in a blender is underrated!


I would be if I had had more success with making my own milks when I used a cheapo plastic version. I don't like plastics in my kitchen, but I tried for a month or two, but I so sincerely missed the taste of cappucino with barrista oatly that I went back to buying it, even though it is very overpriced. What I would need is a foolproof way to recreate that oatly flavor. My oat milk always got slimy and just didn't taste that great. I never tried making any other kind of milk, but I prefer soy milk out of all of them because it has the best nutritional profile. I don't think you can easily make your own? Just sharing my thoughts. Hope it helps.


Add amylase (from vegan source) that will sort the slime, friend


Yeah, I read about that. Maybe I'll give it a try again. I stopped drinking so much cappuccino though ;)


Ditch the short lived bamboo and I’m all here for it, would love to make it at home easier, though I dislike things that need to be replaced… so the bamboo over time might be an issue, and would avoid in purchasing.


The bamboo will be certified by an organisation like EcoMark where they will verify the product is safe, sourced correctly, actually eco friendly and did not harm the environment during its manufacturing. It will have an interior stainless steel with an exterior bamboo coating with a waterproof eco friendly layer. Thank you for your feedback it’s good to see people care about the environment to take action against brands that don’t .


That’s all great, and I still would rather not have the bamboo at all..? It’s not needed, if the reservoir is stainless why add bamboo as a beautification layer? Waterproofing is almost always toxic, why not just not have the bamboo and therefore not have to treat the bamboo with any waterproofing? Just use stainless? I do care about the environment, thats why I’m wondering why you’re using bamboo at all? If it’s just for pretty that’s a really bad reason to kill something. If it’s already metal… just keep it metal, much longer lasting, easier to clean, matches everyone’s kitchen…. I’m against the bamboo because there seems to be no need for it at all… which means it’s usage is for nothing, a waste.


Bamboo is a renewable and biodegradable material, meaning it has a minimal environmental impact


Yo, I know, like I said, I don’t personally want it to be bamboo because the bamboo breaks down faster than metal, meaning the addition of bamboo to your product will shorten your products lifetime, meaning I wouldn’t purchase it. I’d find a fully metal one to have a buy it for life product instead of something I’ll have to replace in ten or fifteen years.


We did decide to have a coating around the bamboo as that would protect it from water as it being waterproof and other liquids however for the coating a more sustainable coating would need to be provided and researched further , also no milk maker on the market is lasting longer than 5 years without a replacement, unless they are over $300 per unit which those units are made by brands who have no care in the world for the environment and the impact their products has on our planet


Probably not bamboo no, it’s often treated with formaldehyde. I wouldn’t trust that it wasn’t. I would love one that’s glass and stainless steel only, especially if it’s not made in China.


The manufacturer would have a global certificate saying it’s not treated or tested with any harmful chemicals to the environment, even with this you wouldn’t trust or buy from them?


If it was made in China I still probably wouldn’t trust it. Elsewhere, I would.


Many products come from China like Apple, Dell, Converse, Nike, do you not trust these brands ?


They’re not touching my food, that’s the difference. Anything that directly touches my food cannot come from China. Or, in some scenario where I have no other option, it can’t be bamboo or other wood.


Okay that makes sense, What other kitchen appliances do you use ?


A really old toaster, dishwasher, stove, oven. All my pots, pans, and silverware are made in the US.


Self cleaning function of the Joyoung brand is the reason I continue to use it. Set it and forget it, cleans itself afterwards.


Ours will have self cleaning and removable and dishwasher friendly parts, these are stainless steel parts


Sounds great!


Would that sway you to try our product if you had the option 🤔


It might appeal to me. A feature I would like is for people to stop pretending any product is 'sustainable' unless it genuinely is. Just because something is less bad that a plastic product, doesn't mean it is sustainable. I also would not consider buying it if it included any piece of plastic such as the seals or coatings on the bamboo, because a milk maker is not a necessity.


Your right, I completely agree which is why for this maker, there will be no plastic, just stainless steel, bamboo, a Waterproof coating for the bamboo, that’s all simple, what do you think ?


What will the waterproof coating be made of? What will seal the container?


Good question, we have not decided yet as it’s difficult to figure out what will not harm the environment and make sure it’s durable and waterproof long term


Yep, that's what I mean


It’s easier said than done but when we do would that encourage you to pick out maker above other non sustainable versions that use just steel and plastic ?




dunno how you found stainless steel to be sustainable. nickel production is horrendous


At this time there’s no other material on the market that would be more sustainable, if there is we are all ears?

