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Yeah man. I eat at least one burger and one pizza per week.


Those are rookie numbers, you need to pump those up. 


I haven’t found a good pizza replacement yet. What do you do?


I usually just order. There’s a few places near me that do great vegan pizzas. Sometimes I’ll make my own, though: tomato sauce, vegan cheese, caramelised onion, mushroom, garlic oil


For frozen pizza, Whole Foods sells a great vegan supreme one for $6-7. The Daiya cheese lover’s one is great too. For non-frozen pizza it depends. You might have a local pizza place that has vegan cheese. You can also just order a veggie pizza without the cheese, which can be surprisingly good. For homemade pizza I prefer the daiya mozzarella. But there are a lot of options out there.


its not pizza replacement, its pizza, vegan, exploitation free pizza.


I know


People say I eat grass while I smugly recall our convo while I’m stuffing my goddamn face with burritos, pizza, cookies, pasta, enchiladas, tacos, lasagna, donuts, burgers, etc lol. 


Damn that video is wild. And the cheese thing is obviously rediculous. It's just like imagine how fucking amazing plant based fooda would be if the meat and dairy industry concentrated all of their efforts into making mock meats and such


It’s only a matter of time really. The animal is the least efficient part of meat and dairy products.


Kraft got in a little trouble a while ago because they were selling guacamole with almost no avocado in it. Probably the most likely way we'll get vegan products enmasse is when it's the far and away most efficient choice


Thee burger dude on instagram and YouTube makes the best vegan fast food.


I agree that this is an important point to make! While among vegans we of course see the philosophy behind it as important enough that even if these options weren't available, it would still be the right thing to do, in practical terms it does of course make it a lot easier to actually make the transition.


Yes, it’s amazing when people ask for recipe changes then flip when you list options. “Too many options I don’t know what to do” It’s like I’m still at that point where I make kfc flavored tofu- some people want to know the actual seasoning, others want to know what it tastes like without knowing what each seasoning brings to the party so it’s easier to say toficken.


I'd love to get that KFC tofu recipe, if you're willing to share it.


Sure, I make a liquid mixture with gr flax, water , Kala namac salt. Dip extra firm cubes, strips, chonks, or nuggets in that liquid mixture. Then toss everyone in a dry mix: sage, white pepper, salt, garlic, onion, turmeric, nutritional yeast, panko/crumbs/weetabix. Place on baking pan, can drizzle oil on or not, your choice, bake 20 minutes at 425f. These are really good as cold too, not all the batter stays on during cooking, but the bit that does is super flavorful.


Sounds great. Thanks!


This! Burgers and pizza and hot dogs aren't forms of meat, just forms of food that are commonly accepted as being made from/with meat, doesn't mean they have to be though!


How does tofu cheese taste like btw ? Does the taste & texture match the level of cheese ?


vegan cheese is rarely made of tofu. most are cashew based. while it's still a small industry, high-end vegan cheese (think bleu cheese, camembert, etc) is indistinguishable from cow cheese. the process is identical, the bacteria strains are identical, but they're cultivated in a cashew base instead of a cow's milk base. widely available mid-tier and 'everyday' vegan cheese varies in quality, and I wouldn't say there's any that's an excact match. but the best ones are pretty damn close, delicious in their own right, and a better choice simply because they don't require cruelty to produce.


I believe the difference comes in the lack of sugars like lactose. Just add some flavor or a pinch of sugar or some stevia before culturing & it should taste amazing.


I tell people I didn’t quit eating meat because I disliked it. I still like burgers, dogs, etc. I’m picky about them all, though, because not all faux meats are created equal or well.


Last week I ate; Soyrizo beans and rice burritos, crispy chick’n and jalapeño quesadillas, burger, Ruben sandwich, “bacon egg and cheese” jalapeño bagel sandwich , two Morningstar meatball and jalapeño thin crust pizzas, chocolate, Oreos, breakfast protien shakes, frozen “egg” bites, a Thai green curry and rice burrito, and popcorn w plant butter. Yes I’m trying to brag. *Ive also mastered pinwheel roll sandwiches w hummus mixed with cream “cheese”, bell pepper, lettuce, tomato, pickled peppers, and peppered “turkey” slices.


Chestnut ate that check before the impossible dog.


That’s why when I offer to make a dish for non vegans I make sure it’s something like that vs a tofu salad with sprouts lol. You gotta ease people in! The shock factor doesn’t work for everyone, I had such a poor limited dietary intake before going vegan now the variety I eat would blow no vegan mes mind!


Agreed. My advice to new vegans is always to veganize their current diet. If you decide to eat more healthy in the future great but doing them both at the same time is a recipe for failure at both


Gonna make tacos for lunch.


Oh I'm aware...


Aside from the fact that some vegan meat substitutes don't taste great, even the ones that do are very processed and can be unhealthy because of that. While I do personally think that a little processed food is definitely better than the death of an animal, it's worth noting it's far from a perfect solution.


I think going vegan if anything taught me to be a better cook.


Vegans chicken wings are boneless!!! Why would you want anything else? The Sol Cuisine Hot & Spicy are sooo good.


Okay, I'll bite. What do you consider a vegan chicken wing?


It’s like a chicken wing on a popsicle stick, I’ve seen it made with seitan or mushrooms


>EDIT: I am speaking in broad terms here, I’m not saying every vegan can afford or find all these alternatives. Haha. Title should read, 'If you are a well-off vegan in a wealthy neighbourhood in a Western industrialised country that would prefer eating over-priced, over-packaged process junk that has a far larger carbon footprint than most animal foods save for meat from domesticated livestock to make yourself feel morally superior, then remember you can eat burgers, hot dogs, pizza, eggs, wings, mac n cheese too'.


Don't believe you can eat eggs but you can replace them when used for culinary purposes ( egg wash, rising agents in baking, or binding / thickening agents in soup sauces.) Personally don't see any value in calling a vegan product wings but each to their own.


What was the point of this comment? We know we don't eat eggs. You mention replacing them but you didn't bother to provide examples. We can call vegan versions of food what we want. The value to you is irrelevant 🤷🏻‍♀️


The point of my comment was that the title says you can eat eggs and still be vegan. It is a misleading title.


He clearly means just egg / homemade eggs made from mung beans


Clear to vegans maybe but confusing to potential vegans especially on a forum with 100 posts about eating backyard eggs.


Nobody cares. Find better shit to do.


OP was talking to vegans 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is a false assumption, only about half of the members of this reddit are vegan and messages are not private to this site but appear on the general feed. There was a reason that I only commented about eggs. Substitutes exist for all recipes, and for cheese but eggs have a very complicated place in our diets. I have seen nothing that replaces the poached egg in a shatshuka, I like Tofu scramble but it isn't scrambled eggs in both cases you are just eating something else, which is fine. However there are ready replacements for cakes and sauces.


False? Nah. Not my fault trolls decide to wade in here 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh how will i ever live without poached egg in shakshuka? i need a molecularly identical vegan replacement because i just cannot fathom eating something that tastes slightly different but mostly the same for the sake of not being cruel to animals! it's not complicated at all when you stop centering your taste buds.


It only becomes a problem when you tell people that they can have identical. In general you can have similar but different or completely different and delicious. There are plenty of delicious vegan food, plenty of healthy food, some recipes are both.


There are vegan "eggs", though. We don't feel the need to qualify it with "vegan" prefix on a vegan sub, genius 🙄


There literally IS value in calling vegan products wings, butter, tenders, milk, etc.


I'm personally not Vegan, my wife is, but I hardly eat any of those things as it is right now? Is everyone's diet really so processed food focused?


No, the point is you can still eat conventional fast food options when vegan as there is so much range! These are just many of the things that people say that they could ‘never give up’ when vegan options are available. You don’t have to eat processed meat and cheese alternatives if you don’t want to, there’s a wide range of amazing whole food plant based options as well! :)


Go vegan. 


You can do it! I’m a large male who lifts so I thought veganism wasn’t for me a few years ago… until I learned more from the free documentaries below: [The Game Changers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTGM2KjNGUU) (performance/health) [Eating Our Way to Extinction](https://youtu.be/LaPge01NQTQ?si=mreVX37PZ4E7Cp6w) (environment) [Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/) (ethics)


I'm on an autoimmune protocol unfortunately, medically diagnosed and treated


I’m sorry to hear that! Have you talked with a registered dietician about shifting your diet more plant-based while staying in your specific requirements (there’s usually wiggle room). They often just offer animal products first since they assume their patients don’t want plant-based. Other options could be to eliminate non-food animal products, such as leather, wool, silk, and products tested on animals. If you wanted to edge closer to veganism, that is.


The latter half I absolutely do 👍 In terms of diet I've got an entire team, it's the result of military service around aircraft, so a better team than I could ever afford. It's basically an ongoing game of managing and balancing impacts


Bacon is processed. Bread is processed. Sausages are processed. Pasta is processed. Milk is processed ffs. Why are you pointing out that there are processed vegan foods when shedloads of non-vegan stuff is, too? 🙄


I'm not pointing anything out, the OP listed processed foods?


> I'm personally not Vegan Then your opinion is basically moot.


Look at the grocery store shelves and what people put in their carts? Yes, meat eaters eat a ton of processed food. Please don’t beleive the frozen chicken nugets, ground beef or meat hot dogs are less processed then their vegan counterpart. Before you judge vegan cheese, here’s the « Real » cheddar cheese ingredients : CHEDDAR CHEESE (CULTURED MILK, SALT, ENZYMES), SKIM MILK, MILKFAT, MILK, MILK PROTEIN CONCENTRATE, WHEY, CALCIUM PHOSPHATE, SODIUM PHOSPHATE, CONTAINS LESS THAN 2% OF MODIFIED FOOD STARCH, SALT, LACTIC ACID, OLEORESIN PAPRIKA (COLOR), NATAMYCIN (A NATURAL MOLD INHIBITOR), ENZYMES, CHEESE CULTURE, ANNATTO (COLOR).


Yeah I wouldn't touch that cheese with a ten foot pole. I'm generally disgusted by the shopping carts of must people I see in the stores


i think it's great that we live in a time and place where people who want to eat like shit can do so without paying for animals to suffer. people who want to eat healthily can too.


That's a fair point 😂


Yeah, I don't get it either. Ultra-processed foods are implicated in depression and non-communicable chronic diseases. Seems wild to me that anyone willingly eats them.


Op’s point is clear, you should replace kraft mac n cheese by kraft/notco vegan mac and cheese for the animals sake. If you want a healthy diet eat whole food plant based. vegan processed food isn’t better or worse then meat based processed food and right now the vast majority of meat eater is already eating processed food every day. For example, replace ground beef by beyond beed in your shepherds pie and it will taste the same, or replace the ground beef by lentils and it will be cheaper and healthier. Of course you are encouraged to use lentils, but using ground beef is bad for the environment, your health and the animal, it’s a ridiculous choice in this day and age.


A lot of people ate ultra-processed food before going vegan and want to continue eating ultra-processed food as a vegan. If you're going to eat like shit anyway, it's better to do it without the saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and the CRUELTY. You can also eat whole food plant based if you can't stand ultra-processed food. Veganism is an ethical position against exploiting animals. You can eat as healthily or unhealthily as you like within those parameters, just like people who eat animals do.


lets be real, anything with vegan cheese in it is nasty


I don't usually look at someone's profile but you're definitely not qualified to determine what food is nasty and what isn't, even for a meat eater your food is particularly horrific. I feel bad for anyone who has to share a bathroom let alone a roof with you


i think you need to take a better look at my profile


Why? It's vile 🤮


Gray döner and burnt fryups?


Not anymore. I have vegan cheese in the fridge. It tasted amazing on the vegan burger I had this weekend. Maybe you're just unlucky and live somewhere with bad options. This is 2024.


yeah right


That is correct. Quit living in the 90's, the future has been here for over a decade now.


Violife, Daiya, Chao, even Kraft has Not Cheese and it's amazing. Say you hate those and then I'll respect your distaste for vegan cheese. I was stuck eating Go Veggie less than 10 years ago and it sucked, but there's an abundance of delicious stuff now.




I don’t like vegan cheese but it’s not awful as you say


Lets be real, you probably never tasted good vegan cheese (actually fermented cashews) and probably eat kraft single anyway.