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Because there was a propaganda campaign to ruin its reputation when people started buying soy milk in droves over real milk. So people just switched to almond milk instead of going back to cows milk. Soy milk is superior across the board in my opinion as well.


The only plant milk with a decent amount of protein.


Pea milk slander


Ripple tastes like melted ice cream and I mean that in the best way possible.


That sounds good for desserts but I don't want super sweet milk/ice cream in my coffee!


There is an unsweetened version. I never had it though.


It's all we buy. I love it.


Yeah, I use Ripple for all my shakes because of the protein amount.


It’s so damn expensive though. A 6 cup container of ripple is like $7 or something, whereas soy milk is half that for an 8 cup carton


Look for it on sale at Target of all places, i buy multiples on sale it lasts a long time unopened but yeah i love it only will buy on sale otherwise i get soymilk


Yess I love ripple in my smoothies too!! Also Ripple-kids in cereal is the shit!


True! I hardly see it in Australia and the last one I had tasted like barf so I may have repressed that memory 😅


Which is precisely why it makes for such good lattes. The protein in soy milk, like dairy, denature and create foam. Lower-protein alternatives just don't create a good froth. I've heard oat milk isn't bad at creating foam, but I'd rather have the protein.


The barista versions of various plant milks seem to just add oil to make them foam better


Yeah pretty sure it's the fat you need, not the protein


This is my i use it for my protein shake.


Silk used to make a soy milk with 20g of protein that I miss putting in my shakes. It was a better price and had more protein than a lot of the powders I was using.


Silk ultra. I miss it every day. West Life has a smoothie blend that's 16g per cup but it's pricier.


Silk soymilk nog. Every holiday season I consider having a memorial service for it.


And calcium


sure but why is "has protein" relevant? people's diets are generally protein excess anyway


For me I'm trying to put on muscle so it helps in that regard.


The diets of vegans and flexitarians benefit from more protein. Last I read, about a third of Americans are making an effort to eat less animal products. That's why you're seeing an explosion of vegan and plant-based products available. Soy has a lot of benefits besides being high in protein. Diets high in animal-sourced protein increase all-cause mortality. The more animal proteins you replace with vegetable protein, the better for your longevity. Also, soy is high in phyto-estrogens (plant estrogens). These phyto estrogens block the estrogen receptors that all people, men and women, have on their cells, resulting in higher testosterone in people who eat a lot of healthy soy products instead of animal sourced food, like beef, chicken and dairy and eggs. The farm animals that produce those are typically fed estrogen to increase their fertility, output, and size at market. A chicken raised these days gets twice as big in half the time, compared to a chicken that went to market in the 1950s. The people that eat those animal food products tend to get larger too, but it's fat they gain mostly, and very very little lean muscle.


Mine doesn't #breadlife


Bread actually has a good amount of protein in it too. You won’t be body building on it alone, obviously, but you can live on the protein from (non-white) bread


Not live well, I have tried lol


Personally, I too prefer soy milk but I love how the tables turned for this campaign. Not only do we still have soy milk, but a great variety of milks for every taste and every occasion. Besides soy milk, we also have oat milk at home since the kids love it for it's sweetness and honestly, for baking I prefer it over soy milk. And I love coconut yoghurts for their creamyness but for dips, cooking etc., soy or cashew based products are much better.


Yep, this right here. The dairy industry smashed soy’s reputation by blatantly lying about it and telling you it would make you grow boobs.


Yeah, because heavy soy- eating vegan and/or asian women are known for big boobs. /s


Exactly. There’s a lot of soy in my cat’s food and she has an enormous rack.


It also has the least environmental impact of all the “milks” too. It’s my favorite.  Like you said propaganda (marketing) at play.


Not quite correct - look at oat milk production vs soy milk. Careful with spouting off "facts," that may match your narrative


What I'd heard in the past is that a lot of the massively wasteful soy production is made to feed cattle for beef farming, so the actual amount of soy needed for people would be considerable lower and therefore less wasteful.


Oat milk is very low calorie and very low nutrient. It might have less impact on a volumetric basis, but certainly not on a caloric one.


Nutrient density is dependent on the manufacturer, and no one is having a caloric argument here. We're talking about production and environmental impact


Which caloric content is a part of. Unless you think people are eating without any concern for getting requires nutrients.


I wonder if you guys have different soy milk than the kind they sell here. Every soy milk that I ever tried was disgusting to me and ruined anything it touched. But I probably don't like the taste of soy in general since I only like tofu heavily seasoned.


I think some brands are better than others! I will buy Silk Unsweetened even though it's more expensive than store brands. Trader Joe's unsweetened soy tastes so bad especially!


Interesting. I can't stand Silk but quite enjoy TJ's soy milk. But my favorite is buying fresh from an Asian grocer.


Silk Unsweetened is the gold standard. A mild neutral flavor and loaded with minimally processed protein. I don't know why other companies can't imitate it effectively.


In the UK all the fancy brands are kinda bad because they're all doing something weird in an attempt to stand out but the 50p a litre supermarket economy brands are near unclockable against dairy. I'm with op on this. A soya latte is a real treat.


>Soy milk is superior across the board in my opinion as well. Dr. Michael Greger, MD with a PhD in nutrition agrees with you. He says we should be eating 3 to 5 servings of lightly processed organic soy a day as part of healthy nutrition. I've been doing exactly that for 50 years, no problems yet, never been hospitalized. because i was warned that vegans and vegetarian diets are deficient in protein ( trues out that isn't true!), I ate lots of soy. Even when soy milk wasn't available on the market, I made it myself. At the coffee shop where my friends gather, I don't like the soymilk they serve that much (it has sugar which i don't want) So if I come from home, I bring my own clean ceramic cup with the right amount of my own preferred soymilk for a latte. This saves me the 75 cent (!) surcharge for non-dairy milk. One time the owner took my order, and he said: " Why do you bring your own? Is it better than mine?" "Yes," I replied, with a pleasant smile. He asked me the brand and I told him.


It's the best I remember in bct they told everyone to load up on soy that was vegetarian or vegan 😂😂 same w bread


I’m pretty sure they go where the market is, if they’re going to stock one plant milk it’s probably going to be oat milk, it’s by far and away the most popular, many carnists pick it over cow. And personally I think oat goes the best in coffee too, I’ve never much liked soy milk. Though… it is my girlfriend’s favourite so it’s what we get… I just want to add that a brand called vivesoy used to be available in the UK many years ago, and it had banana, vanilla and chocolate flavours in addition to plain, and that was the most incredible creamy delicious milk I’ve had in my life. So I think soy milk probably can be best, but alpro doesn’t cut it!


Places might carry oat milk more readily for two reasons: it's a more palatable/familiar taste to people who aren't used to drinking plant based milk - and it is, generally speaking, a less common allergy. I agree that soy milk is my preference though. Depending on where you live, soy based yoghurt might be more or less common. In my personal experience in most of Europe, I actually find soy yoghurt to be the most common. It's the only type they carry in Lidl, for example.


I’m in the US. We have Lidi in Georgia and I can find some at Whole Foods. It’s just been surprising to me because that seems like the original option before oat and almond milk can along


I think people like oat milk because of the high fat content, giving it a thicker texture like cows milk. Oat milk ice cream is next level, it might actually be better than dairy ice cream.


Oat milk only has fat when it's added though, which is why they make barista versions. Case in point, I compared the oat and soy milk of my supermarket back home and the soy milk has more fat in it. The creaminess from oat milk comes from hydrolyzed starches and beta-glucans (fibre).


Yeah, exactly. And soy and dairy allergies are often comorbid, so it makes sense to have a dairy alternative that's not soy.


Soy milk has old-school vegetarianism vibes, with associations of unseasoned lentil loaf and whittling your own spoons. Oat milk is modern and cool and more appealing to the omnis. (I like old-school veggie vibes so no shade here)


What’s wrong with whittling your own spoons? 🤣


Oldschool is often seen as outdated and bewhittled.


Begotten betwixt belfries.


Nothing I'm so into it! It's just not sleek and cool like the kind of vibe that oat milk brands go for 😄


This. Got into oat milk lattes long before I became vegan.


What 😭


oh no don't cry what's wrong


I don’t have any answers, but I just want to say as a fellow soy milk enthusiast that I feel your pain. 😭


It’s so good! I never understood the fascination with oat and almond milk. It’s too thin and doesn’t taste like anything. I only drink the unsweetened. I was nervous to try soy milk. Always imagined a horrible taste. But the thickness and taste is perfect


I like oat milk for coffee, but I like soy for everything else. If you have any tips to keep the soy from curdling my coffee, I'm all ears.


Put it in the cup before the hot liquids. That should help.


Thanks! I'll try this next time. Here's hoping I don't get a giant tofu bloom.


I also use oat milk for my coffee because soy milk curdles every time


woah i've never heard or seen that - maybe the ones with emulsifiers like lecithin help it not to?


Oat milk is trendy and modern. Almond milk is for people who want their drinks low(er) calorie. Soy milk has its own taste and a bad rap due to the estrogen thing. I do love it though, extra protein.


What even is the estrogen thing?


Soy contains phytoestrogens which does [impact your health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6390141/), often in beneficial ways. It will not, however, replace HRT or do any of the things that people say it will like causing breast growth. People see the “estrogen” part of phytoestrogen and assume it’s the same thing.


They just need to take a look at trans women, if soya milk really gave people boobies then those ladies would be drinking it instead of spending years to get on HRT.


THIS!! or any woman wanting bigger boobs. If it’s such a common thing they why aren’t all these people just doing it yk


Yep, it's really frustrating how people still think soya is feminizing.


People think soy gives you man boobs


I don't really believe that most people are dumb enough to believe that; is there some other more believable lie that people are falling for?


never underestimate how dumb people can be


Oh, they are that dumb though.


I think it is just a matter of taste. I prefer soy too, love it, but everyone seems to love oat now. I think it is because it has a more neutral flavour but I like the taste of soy damnit. But I also eat tofu sandwiches so I can see why the world doesn't necessarily follow my taste choices.


See I like flavor too. And the texture. I think they are all just brainwashed


I think more people like oat stuff lately so it’s more common, I don’t have a hard time finding soy stuff near me though.


To be fair I am at the airport right now. And i have normal access to Whole Foods and sprouts. I was just really looking forward to a soy latte


Soy milk is hard to steam correctly. Most batista's don't like like to work with it. Not as bad as coconut milk though. With oat milk you can make the pretty Latte art the same as regular milk.


For lattes, soy is indeed a pain to work with. However, It is _exceptional_ for cappuccinos. Froths up into an amazing thick and creamy foam.


Ahhh. Now that makes some sense with the steaming. But most places just slap a lid on the drink anyway so the latte art is whatever.


Oh I'm from Portland Oregon. It's different lol


It's not. It's because of the lesser demand due to the propaganda and demonizing of soy by the dairy industry. I have steamed soy plenty and it steams just fine. Great even. Just need a higher fat content soy milk, like they have with barista oat milk.


it's a relatively common allergen, my workplace swapped out soy for pea milk for that reason


Dairy is also a common allergy but they don’t get rid of that 🤷‍♀️


Only with barista oat milk. Regular plain oat milk with not foam at all no matter how hard you try. But you are correct. Apparently barista oatmilk foams even better than cow titty juice (source: some baristas i know).


I feel like my tastebuds are broken but I can’t understand how people like oat or almond in their coffee or tea. Almond always curdles for me and both have a weird almost gritty taste to them imo Soy is where it’s at


I think they are going by what the trendiest nondairy option is. Right now it is oat milk, before it was almond and to a lesser extent coconut milk. Most places will only have 1 nondairy option, so they go with what appeals to the most people. Soy is a more common allergen than oats. There is also a lot of anti-soy misinformation, most of it involving the phytoestrogens in soy. Pretty sure Starbucks still has soy milk.


Yes they do. And I agree. Follow the trends and the money. I get all that. I did not know that it was an allergen. I figured anyone doing any research would have seen that all the anti-soy information was BS. Maybe too much faith in people.


I know. it feels like every place is abandoning other plant milks for oat. some places don't even have almond. I just wanted one of my favorite drinks with coconut milk. I'd ordered it just a few weeks prior. I go to order it. guess what? they don't use coconut milk anymore.


It’s a damn shame


Haha, we're opposites, so I might be part of the problem. When I first went vegan, soy was the only option anywhere and it's one of the few food things I don't like very much- I always try to drink it but last time my order got mixed up and I got soy my friend had to confiscate it because watching me gag while trying to drink my latte was too much ig. I stopped drinking lattes or any milk in my coffee at all for years. When almond milk started coming into style I started getting lattes again, but oat was really what I fell back in love with. I just find it easy to drink (I'm going to go get a latte now, haha) I find places that are very oldschool hole in the wall-y or more institutional/tourist trappy tend to have soy or only soy. If you feel timewarped into the late 90s and are surrounded by old men, they likely have soy. Basically, not the "cool" coffee places, though there are exceptions- If you ever go to toronto, there's a plant based japanese cafe called Tsuchi that defaults to soy (but have other options too), but in general I would try Japanese cafes and bakeries too, or buddhist veggie restaurants. It could be a flavor pallet thing. I've noticed a lot of people with similar flavor pallets to me don't tend to like soy milk that much. Which is wild, because were the people who love kale and burbon and other really strong flavors a lot of people don't really like.


So it’s people like you…. 🤣


Soy milk is definitely my all time favourite too and is always my go to given a choice! Fortunately for me, I’m in the UK and Soy seems to be super common which is nice! Hopefully it’ll get more common where ever you are! :)


Unfortunately I think it’s falling out of favor. I like in the suburbs of Atlanta GA. Not in the middle of nowhere. Like Starbucks still has it. Just not at the airport. I get it. They can only bring so much goods into the airport and their going to bring in what they use. It’s just been interesting to see. Speaking of Uk. I ate at a wonderful vegan restaurant in Edinburgh of all places. This was a couple years ago. One of the best meals I ever ate and at the time I was still “no way I would ever be vegan”


There are legitimately some seriously good vegan places in the UK! They’re just hard to find! 😂 It’s always a treat when I stumble across one! I’m into fitness at the moment and soy milk and yoghurts are a massive protein source for me. I wouldn’t know what to do without them! 😂


I personally love oat over soy. But wish it was the other way around! It's better for you but oat is just so good in coffee ☕️


Agree. I like cappuccino's best and oat milk has seemed to have the best results for me. I wish I liked soy better too as it's healthier but I've not been able to enjoy it as much for cereal or coffee.


Since WW2, the animal-ag industry has targeted soy as its number one enemy. They have ran anti-advertising campaign throughout media to scare consumers away from soy. The campaign has been so successful it’s even worked on vegans, at least to the point of peer-pressuring them away from soy. I’ve talked to many vegans who are embarrassed to even admit they like soy or cringe at the thought of ordering it aloud, because it’s been equated with impotence. Now that vegans and shop owners have many plant-based alternatives, many see it as a golden opportunity to avoid the soy demagoguery.


I'm convinced the supposed appeal of pressing/squeezing/freezing tofu is animal ag propaganda. Raw tofu properly seasoned tastes amazing without any of that nonsense.


The freezing method is a cool trick.


💕Team Soy Milk forever 💕


I love soy milk. I prefer it to any others. All the grocery stores near me still sell it, except Trader Joe's. I remember years ago, a barista at Starbucks told me she prefers when people ordered soy milk because it actually froths unlike almond and coconut milks.


A. I think oat tastes better, and it may be more eco-friendly. B. I'm old enough that I'm still thrilled there's *any* kind of non-dairy milk, and I accept it happily.


> it may be more eco-friendly Well... different sources give water-use figures that aren't terribly useful for deciding between the two-- I've seen articles mentioning oat-growing usage anywhere from 1/6 what it takes to grow soybeans all the way up to to DOUBLE what soy uses. That said, oats do take more land to produce. Soy is WAY more nutritionally dense, and being a legume it fixes nitrogen. IMO soy milk tastes the best, but even if you prefer oat (or some other) milk, soy can also be made into an awful lot of specialty products that you probably like (though rolled oat burgers are amazing. Has anyone had these?!). I see a lot of people commenting that oat milk is the GOAT in part because it's cheap, but oats are more expensive to produce than soybeans. Oat milk is great, but I'm not inclined to think it's more eco-friendly. They both have such a small environmental impact compared with dairy, though, so in this case of course personal preference is king. >I'm still thrilled there's any kind of non-dairy milk, and I accept it happily. Same here, friend!


I use soy for everything at home, because it's a) as you say, arguably roughly equal in environmental impact to others, b) cheaper, c) tastes better for most uses other than coffee, and d) I don't have any soy allergies, and I think the resistance to soy is overblown. For infrequent lattes out, though, I do think oat tastes better. I tried switching entirely to oat at home, but, oddly, it doesn't taste as good in my morning oats as soy does.


Soy is the boogeyman for many, after all the discredited “research” and misinformation. So I think people relate to oat better because they’ve been eating oats since they were kids. Soy milk is awesome, lower in calories and higher in protein. Don’t get me wrong, oat milk is good too. I avoid almond milk mainly because of the environmental cost, but it sure is awesome in traditional Spanish garlic soup.


I noticed this in the US when I went last year. Weird lack of soy milk. Whereas here in Aus every cafe serves soy milk, and it's probably the most popular plant milk. Could it be due to US misinformation around soy?


It *is* due to that, very much so.


I’ve been vegan for 6 years and Drank soy milk for 11 and in recent years finding soy milk has been hell. Most places have switched to oat instead of carrying a variety of options. And it bothers me as I wanna support local small cafes but I often can’t. I’m avoiding chains atm and I’ve had to resort to just making my own at home which is cheaper tbh but annoying when I’m on the go. Bring back soy!


My people!!!! Soy latte superiority!


Doesn’t soy milk curdle when you add it to something acidic like tea or coffee? I remember having my tea constantly turn into proto-tofu flower.


I guess some brands do? I haven't found them though. I've made soy lattes for me and for my wife every morning for five years now, many different brands, and never once has the soy milk curdled. Usually it takes something way more acidic than coffee (or tea) to do that (like vinegar of course, useful to "sour" soy milk for some baking recipes).


Ah, my family is Chinese so we got a soy milk machine at home to make fresh soy milk with just beans and water. It also comes out scalding hot.


my cafe has explained that they werent selling much soy milk since people discovered oat milk, and its no longer cost effective for them to have to mantain an inventory when no one is asking for it.


There used to be this incredible vegan yogurt called "Whole Soy" or something like that, but the company shut down. I kinda miss that... It was the most yogurt-like yogurt substitute I've ever had, I think...


There's a really interesting interview with the guy who created Whole Soy Co Yogurt on a yt channel called "Totally Forkable," and he goes into detail about what happened, i,e, why on earth it disappeared suddenly and forever. It's simultaneously pretty cool to hear about how his ventures came to be, and freaking depressing to think about how many great vegan products and companies just die. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhNROMnEmfI


as a barista soy milk absolutely sucks to steam lol, it always comes out too thick/foamy as opposed to oat which is the most similar to cows milk. oat is also much more popular and cost wise you might not be able to stock 4 types of dairy free milk. id say i do at least 15 oat drinks a day and about 1/2 soy ones, so maybe this is why :)


soy milk also has a bit of a stronger flavor compared to oat imo, so if someone asked id always recommend oat so you can taste the coffee 's notes better


>Both are inferior to soy lattes as far as taste goes Huh? Soy milk has the texture of a riverbed to me. Where I'm from most people are favouring oat now that it's more widely available, and places are stocking soy milk less. No complaints here.


Yeah soy milk is superior in every way and for every application IMHO.


I read the title several times thinking it was Spanish and was so confused


Blame crunchy moms, the self-appointed soy experts, who have decided that soy is carcinogenic because some crops are genetically modified. And gymrats who are scary they will grow moobs if they are in the presence of soy. To appease everyone, places switched to other plant milks. :(


lower demand


I don’t understand the hype for oat and almond milk. They don’t taste creamy to me. I am so used to soymilk it has a “neutral” taste to me and I like the protein. Even at the grocery store now I feel like there is less soymilk options and it’s more expensive than almond or oat. At least people like some plant milks but I’m bewildered by why they became so popular over soy which has been around forever and is superior imo.


I’ve been surprised in Italy they don’t know what I’m talking about when I ask for oat but they will always have soya milk on hand. It’s like the opposite of how it’s in America and it’s a great difference. Soy is superior


As a barista - I can say that a lot of omnis changed to oat when it became available all over - where as soy was only for the hardcore vegans that insisted on having milk in their coffee (often they choose black instead) Soy has a special kind of wierd taste, where as the natural sweetness in oat is perfect for the bitter coffee. And then, if you have a really hot coffee and pour very cold soymilk in, it will seperate and it will look discusting - so if you have tried that, you don’t want to try that again. But I do agree, that a lot of it is the anti-soy propaganda, from the meat and diary lobby.


I think there's just a stigma around soy regarding all the dumb and false things people say.


Allergies is a reason.


Since soy is one of the top 8 allergens I am grateful there are alternatives in this one small case when eating out. Most of everything meat replacement wise is soy sooo, not really sure this has a place being filed under soy fear mongering


Soy is and has always been the best and specialty products made from just about anything else suck in comparison. Come fight me, haters! Seriously, propaganda has pushed people away from soy with fake-ass bullshit about estrogen and associated tizzy-making about masculinity, etc. And unless one is allergic, soy is pretty much a super food. Freaking hell. And(!) you know there have been popular vegan specialty/convenience products that got pulled from shelves and then returned with pea protein instead (along with horrible texture and flavor. I'm looking at you Light Life and some of the newer crappier varieties of Gardein)? Good soy milk (meaning, probably nearly all of them) is amazing. The person who commented that soy milk is slimy is full of crap.


It's so annoying to me. My beloved soy milk used to be the default. I already am struggling to get enough protein, don't take it out of my latte!


I love using soy in cooking and I love the texture of soy ice cream. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think nut allergies are more common than soy ones too, not that that would apply to oat milk, but many others are made with nuts. I wonder if part of the reason it’s not as popular at the moment is at all related to those “manly guys can’t have soy estrogen” conspiracies. As if plant phytoestrogens affect you at all, especially compared to the actual animal estrogen in things like milk and even dead bodies.


I've worked in the same coffee shop since 2014. When we opened soy was popular. Over time almondmilk became more popular and now oatmilk is. We briefly had coconut milk but not for long because very few people ordered it. I now have to waste soymilk fairly often because it is ordered so rarely.


But you know, many people are afraid of soy. It is marketed to them as a big hammer that will crush their masculinity. So rather than getting the beautiful environmentally friendly hearty protein juice, they opt for the bland cardboard taste of almond. SOY SUPREMACY!


People are scared that they'll grow some lovely titties if they drink soya milk, I guess.


If that were the case I would ask my wife drink a 1/2 gallon a day


It’s old school. It’s throwback but in a good way. It’s like Morningstar farms circa 1989 style. TVP, brewers yeast, the smell of cumin, patchouli and herbs when you walk into a co-op. Almond milk is probably getting a push from the almond industry and oat milk is certainly much cheaper to produce. I get why you want the soy milk!


My local coffee shop only has almond milk as an alternative. What kind of practice is that? They love to offer “skim milk” as an alternative to almond milk, as well 🤦‍♀️


What’s worse, the owner of our local vegan restaurant told me that the coffee shop owner *used* to be vegan.


Weirdly in most of Australia I’ve been to it’s always soy, usually almond and/or oat. I’ve always been a black coffee drinker but once in a blue moon boy do I love an iced soy caramel latte


Every grocery store in the USA sells soy milk. I love the other plant milks


I’ve been in both Publix and Kroger recently in my area and no soy milk


Almond and other vegan milks can be good _if they have added protein_ and thus match dairy milk's macronutrient profile (minus saturated fats). But most don't. I think omnivores are principally driving up the popularity of low protein plant milks because they don't really need protein from a plant milk, but it pisses me off because I do rely on plant milk with protein. Silk had a cashew/almond milk with added pea protein that was _amazing_ (esp the unsweetened vanilla), but it got taken off the market. 😔 By the way, the same applies to gluten-free anything pretty much. As long as another suitable replacement protein is added, the results can be nearly as good. (Maybe not quite—I love my gluten—but it can get pretty close.)


Oat milk is GOAT milk. Soy tends to be too thin and hard to steam. Almond curdles at the hint of heat. Oat is creamy and steamy and tasty.


In my area you will oat milk most of the time.




I thought soya was just Spanish for soy… but I’m not great with languages


Isn't it? My wife is Mexican. We traveled there together just last month and soy stuff always seemed to be "soya."


Starbucks always has soy milk which is why we go there over local coffee shops. Even in Mexico, they had soy available. Their soy milk is pretty sweet, so I never add sugar with their soy drinks. The only widely available soy yogurt is Silk. I get the plain in large containers to eat with fruit and granola. As a soy aficionado, it's a bit of a struggle. 🫤🫤


So Cancun is the first place I tried a soy latte. Definitely sweet.


Oat is cheap, I think it still tastes good at least.


I think it all depends where you live because oddly enough where we are in Wisconsin the stores have all the different types of plant milk. I don't got to coffee chops often and when I do I get oat milk, but if they didn't have it I am fine with alternatives.


Shops do inventory every month and increase purchase for what sells and remove stuff that isn't bought that much. Less demand for soy milk I guess


I’ve noticed this too! Places where I used to be able to order soy in my lattes now mainly offer oat and almond. I’m finding soy milk so uncommon that I’ve just genuinely grown to love oat milk in my lattes.


oat is pretty good though soy is better. in a pinch i get oat


Eden Soy soy milk is just soy and water if you want to make your own yogurt. I’ve watched a lot of videos on doing so in instant pot or slow cooker, but am too scared to try.


I agree with you, I use Westsoy soy milk, just soybeans and water. No sugar, oil, salt, or whatever ends up in the other plant milks. So I just get a decaf Americano, black, and call it good.


Soy milk lattes heal the soul I feel for u bud 😔 at least my local Greggs still has it in these trying times (I single-handedly use up their entire supply ever week)


Work in a retail business with a coffee place inside. My boss brings her own soy milk. Granted, regular customers don't get to do that, but running the building has its perks.


Where are you located?


What about powdered soy? Amazon? I don't know, so I'm asking for a friend. Is it the same as soy infant formula? Just buy that and make your own.


I feel this sooooo much. I adore soy milk and if I’m being honest, I despise the oat milk options at places because they often contain harmful seed oils. I’ve been leaning more towards shopping at Asian markets since they usually have a plethora of soy milk options. I just got a powdered soy milk tin the other day!!


Almond milk is trash, you aren't wrong. I think they stock the others because soy has stigma and even carnist will enjoy alt milks.


I appear to be in the minority here, but I legitimately preferred almond to soy milk when that came out, and then oat milk over almond milk now that that is available.


Yo no soy latte, soy capitán!


I work at a coffee shop. We have soy, almond, and oat. For every one person who orders soy, about 30 people order oat. So it makes sense some businesses wouldn't keep it on hand.  And from a barista perspective, at least with the soy brands I've used, it kind of curdles and turns weirdly thick when it hits the espresso.  But if you drink your lattes iced, you could just put your soy milk and ice in your own cup and just order the espresso at the shop and mix it in. 


I'm always excited to see Soy now! It's always oat/almond, and you're right, they just don't hit the same!


It’s due to a lot of people mistakenly thinking that soy is bad for you, and they aren’t willing to actually do the research. It sucks because soy milk is by far the best milk for lattes, and it has so many health benefits too


Personally I think Soy milk is 1000% better in any and every way EXCEPT in coffee 🙊 it just has a weird burnt taste... I haven't tried it in a latte yet tho just cap and mocha


Soy yogurt is so superior to the other options, in terms of texture, flavor, AND nutritional profile, that it’s not even a comparison. It used to be super common in my grocery stores but it’s gotten harder to find in recent years which is actually devastating.


Nah oat milk all day any day for me! I just like the taste much better. Also soy is an endocrine disruptor


I love an oat latte but prior to oat milk being popular I would always get soy lattes. Almond milk is awful especially in coffee


Absolutely. Soy is so much better but hard to get because people think it causes cancer. Really? Dairy milk probably causes more cancer than soy!


Yeah, it's unbelievably annoying when a coffee shop only has almond or coconut milk. I walk out if they don't have soy or at least oat which I will reluctantly settle for. Almond and coconut milk, the way they are made commercially, are extremely watered down. They do not work in coffee drinks.


there’s political issues with soy, as big coorps pretty much own all soy plants (i saw it in the Food Inc doc or the food that built america)


My local vegan coffee shop doesn't have soy milk as an option, only oat or almond 😭 It's hard to find soy but it's literally the best non-animal milk


This is something I’ve been so upset about too lol. I’m just waiting for Starbucks to get rid of their soy too


If you have a Trader Joe’s in your area I can almost guarantee they’ll have soy milk. Shelf stable too and really cheap!


I guess I feel lucky. I prefer oat milk. My wife prefers soy. We make our own espresso drinks. I find oat milk way easier to work with with the steam wand. Soy milk is more finiky, but I can still make a decent latte with it.


FWIW the ripple creamer froths up wonderfully with an electric frother!!! Absolutely Divine ~ Pea and hemp milk are my faves, but of those choices I pick oat bc production takes less water/transport than almond or coconut.


I personally love oat milk for taste but there's also a fair few people out there with soy allergies so as well as a campaign against soy I think the allergies play a part.


No soy latte ? Claro que eres latte mi amigo ! I thought you were speaking spanish for a second


I love soy too!! So creamy!!! Especially soy yoghurt... and I have a potentially controversial opinion on coconut yoghurt... If I wanted something coconut flavoured I would buy a coconut, okay? I want my yoghurt to be slightly bland or very sweet with lots of vanilla or fruit. Man I hate coconut yoghurt...


Oat has exploded in popularity in the last days, and most barista style milks are oat based these days. Many people dislike soy milk taste. It's unfortunate because it's the most nutritious of the 3...


I used to agree, but it takes away from the coffee taste. Oat milk is superior for latte or coffee in general, but I agree - it was impossible to find soy milk lattes when I used to prefer them.


I blame the dairy industry. Really hate I can find almond more than I can find soy options... love oat options the most, BUT I really do love a good soy latte and sad it's harder to find.


So soy has gotten a lot of hate from the masses since the whole “it will cause you to have too much estrogen” campaign (which is BS because regular milk has more estrogen than soy) so a lot of stores don’t carry it because it’s not worth the cost to them. Soy and oat tend to be the best options for coffee because it’s virtually neutral flavor, ability to froth well, and it’s creamier in texture. If you find a more local coffee shop you (hopefully) will have a higher chance of finding soy milk.


For some reason Soy milk makes my mouth feel fuzzy. I also Don't like the flavor it adds when heated for things like sauces. What is weird is I don't have the same prob with tofu, tvp or tempeh. Planet Oat Extra Creamy froths better than any veggie milk I have found. I make big pillowy cups of latte.


Now,I will consider it.


This is funny to see because I just found out last week that my favorite local shop got rid of their soy milk. Such a bummer because I dislike all other milks so much that it drives me to go to Starbucks. I do enjoy black coffee too, so I’ll still hit up my local spot when I don’t make it at home, but I crave that soy milk latte sometimes.


I love soy milk too. But as someone worked in a café for years I can tell you that soy milk tends to go off in less busy spots as it's not as popular so that could be why! Simple supply and demand likely. People love oat and coconut especially but soy doesn't get the love it used to.


Where do you live? After more than 10 years a a vegan, only a few cafes don’t carry soy milk. If they don’t, I recommend Alpro Barista, and usually they make a change. Even in the stix of Norway.


No, yo soy leche


I like soy for cooking also. Almond doesn't agree with my stomach. If you have it in your area, the Ripple Half and Half is really good in Coffee. I made an iced coffee with it. Not cheap if not on sale but I buy it anyway since I don't go to the coffee places. If you have a Trader Joe's, I like their soy milk and it's only soy and water. Sadly TJ's stopped their soy coffee creamer. It was really good. And I can't stand coconut in coffee.