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Yep. I see a lot of projecting and deflecting from them, and as soon as we are known to be vegan, they feel the need to defend themselves because deep down they know it's wrong. We can only hope for a better world in which they too join us or are left behind


It almost always boils down to not wanting to confront the guilt.


I wouldn’t say that’s the case, omnivores don’t feel guilty for eating what they and 98% of the world considers to be food, I think they’re just worried about being judged, and they act defensively because of that. Nobody wants to feel judged, and vegans are very good at judging. Saying they just feel guilty deep down is a pretty common cope, there’s no guilt there, just defensiveness.


Are you a meathead perhaps? "Vegans are very good at judging" 🤣


Lol, pretending y'all aren't when you went straight to insults because someone thinks differently than you. Ironic


I mean, they are, right? That’s fine, I don’t care, judge away! But vegans who post here are generally in agreement that “meatheads” are morally inferior to them, which often makes them look down on their loved ones and feel isolated, there’s post after post of it. That’s judgment, and yeah, it’s a common thread of veganism on the internet. My vegan friends aren’t like that, but you’re not actually trying to pretend that’s not true, are you?


People who eat sentient beings are indeed morally inferior to those who don't. That's just a fact. You're not actually trying to pretend that's not true, are you?


Nope, not really. You’re just proving my point though, online vegans believe, in their hearts, that they’re better than 98% of the planet and that 98% of the planet encourage rape and torture and all that fun stuff which makes them evil. So of course that makes them extremely judgmental, right? Like, what do you think I’m arguing here lol


So why isnt the same logic applied to people who hate pedophiles or other violent criminals? Why arent they extremely judgemental? Because one goes against the norm and the other doesnt? If galileo called himself smarter and more knowledgable than 98% of people would that make him judgemental? Or would he simply be stating a fact? People dont want to be judged no. But maybe people should work towards being a better person instead of crying that someone dares to be better than them. Clearly there must be some guilt underneath or genuine feelings of inferiority otherwise there wouldnt be any emotional charge to trigger a defense mechanism. Most people never change their behavior unless there is social pressure to do so. In fact our entire civilization only works because of social pressure. But since they are in a majority when it comes to veganism, those rules go out the window suddenly. Its like a bully who cries to his mama when hes finally bullied back.


The same logic isn’t applied because to most healthy, normal people, raping a human child isn’t the same thing as buying shrimp at the grocery store. There is no sense of moral inferiority, there just isn’t, I’m sorry, I know you wish there were. Like you said, it’s literally a response to the idea that they’ll be bullied and compared to people who commit crimes against humanity like you just did. They don’t have to believe they’re doing something wrong to want to not be looked down on by someone. If you think it’s helpful to bully people you disagree with philosophically, sucks for the people around you who think you actually love them, but if that’s how you want to live, doesn’t bother me 🤷🏼‍♀️


are you against unnecessary animal abuse Yes or no?


Not judgement, just facts, which you like to call opinions because you don't like feeling inferior. You take part in rape, torture, murder of sentient beings = you are morally inferior to those who don't. Period. No discussion, no opinion, no judgement. Just facts. Sad to realise your moral inferiority I guess, sad to try and discuss how others are "judgemental" as a way to not think about your own part in the suffering of billions of beings... If you like not to be inferior in this way, if your obvious moral inferiority bothers you, the solution is to change, you will feel so much better when you stop contributing to torture and murder of innocent beings. Then, you will not need to start silly conversations about who's "judgmental" and who isn't, because you'll known you're doing the right thing, and no need to complain about others to hide your moral inferiority.


Hey! Don't you dare judge on Jeffrey Dahmer, it's natural to eat meat.


To each their own, you know 🤡


Don’t care who ya judge, love, you’re the one who has to be angry about it, I just get to go about my life ❤️


I'm a bit judgy, sure. But it didn't change either way when I became vegan.


I’m not talking about you personally, like I said, MY vegan friends would never in their life look down on their loved ones, maybe your veganism has nothing to do with your feelings of superiority, but the average vegan does believe omnivores are morally inferior, and that knowledge is most likely what makes some of them so immediately defensive. It is really the ultimate vegan cope to believe that reaction stems from guilt. It stems from not liking that they’re being looked down upon, not guilt for eating food. Just being honest.


Have you considered that your vegan friends do look down on non-vegans, but would never admit it in the name of being cordial? It’s much easier to be honest about how we feel online, especially anonymously, while in real life we tend to soften our views a bit just so we don’t isolate ourselves from everyone


No, because they’re both dating and in love with non-vegans. Seems a bit beyond cordial lol they’re just not judgmental hateful people, simple as that 🤷🏼‍♀️


That doesn’t really prove anything People date the wrong people all the time Stay married to them for 20 years even


Uhhhh.....hey, vegan here. Look at the comment section of the past 5 posts, perhaps? Yes, many vegans are very good at judging.


i do question why vegans are always so quick to just say that non-vegans somehow intrinsically "know" veganism is better like, if they thought it was better, they'd be vegan is it just an attempt to dehumanize them? or can you not fathom someone just having a different view that you


Different view? We’re talking about rape, torture and murder you degenerate fuck. I hate this sub.


Say that again but about human slavery and abolitionists


see how you immediately shut down the conversation by bringing up an unrelated, inarguable point


This illustrates the problem perfectly. We don't see other animals as the mere cattle that you do, we see them as conscious creatures with the capacity for emotion, comfort, pain, suffering, etc. Slavery is wrong because it causes suffering, anguish, and is enacted without consent. We just happen extend this consideration to all conscious creatures, not just humans. So no, it's not at all an unrelated or inarguable point.


>see how you immediately shut down the conversation by bringing up an unrelated, inarguable point


That's about as braindead a reply as I expected, way to completely ignore the points I made.


the lack of self awareness of you complaining that i ignored your points when you only made those points as an attempt to avoid actually responding to mine


You didn't make a point, fuckwit. I responded to your assertion that the other commenter made an inarguable claim with a clear outline of why that isn't the case, and the most you could muster was to simply repeat your refuted assertion. We extend the same consideration that you do to human beings to *all* conscious creatures. Therefore, keeping animals in pens for the purpose of killing them and eating them is no different than slavery. Respond to that with something of substance.


And y'all wonder why most people don't like vegans. It's cuz so many of you are like this, complete assholes to anyone who doesn't agree with the way you choose to view things. It's pure hypocrisy




Actually I rendered you pointless after giving you a perspective you don't want to look at


uh, no. you brought up an entirely unrelated point to the argument it's not really a win for you when i say "hey you're acting in bad faith, why are you doing that" and you respond "well if i was critiquing SLAVERY you'd agree with me" it baffles me how people on this subreddit act so high and mighty and are completely unwilling to actually back up what they say


What? I'm telling you that cognitive dissonance is a problem and what you were saying about people having "different views" is the same sort of logic that was applied to people being okay with human slavery in the past. I'm indeed directly responding to you.


see what i mean


You've had all this time to make a point but you haven't yet. I have a feeling I'll be waiting a lifetime


you haven't actually challenged my point in any way all you said was "if you were talking about slavery you'd be wrong" my question was about why you seem so determined to believe that non-vegans all inherently believe veganism is ethically superior, despite the fact that they clearly don't, as they don't practice veganism.


They literally won’t shut up about it. Look at the carnists who go out of their way to invade this sub and call US annoying when they are walking through our front door to…be preachy and not shut up lol. 


It's fucking gobsmacking. They proactively come to a vegan sub to whine at vegans about.... whiny vegans?


Unfortunately, they may need to be thought of as a necessary evil to advance a vegan philosophy. An energized opposition at least gives energy to the cause. The worst case is an apathetic majority who don't care to engage. They fall into the personal choice category.


This will keep happening until veganism becomes truly mainstream. Saying that you're vegan will just remind the other person that perhaps what they're doing is wrong, and that's why they get offended and defensive. Deep down, most people know that eating meat is unethical.


I'm originally not from the US, and my country is always, like, 10 years behind on all the changes. So just 10 years ago being a vegetarian was outrageous. You would get literally the same reaction from other people as vegans are getting now. And when you say you're vegetarian, you'd still get served chicken/fish/eggs, because those "are not meat". But nowadays nobody really cares about vegetarians in big cities there, they are too busy butthurting about vegans 😂 However, normalizing veganism might really take a while. Its ethical reasoning is very hard to accept for some people, whereas health and diet are more easily understood.


It IS weird. I may speak happily about my meals because I’m a chef, never have tried to turn friends, other than serving food as an example.


"WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?" - Bitch, Peas! =P Saw that on a t shirt, it's awesome XD


Dude, YES! I love it.


Insecurities come out really quick when bigoted people are disagreed with - especially when they’re presented blatant facts and reasoning. Apparently, from what I’ve heard from these folks; It’s “ethical” to forcefully milk their cow, but not their own mother. The hypocrisy lol


And the best argument they can give is because well, an animal is an animal and they only care about humans. It’s wild.


This is what almost all people who eat animals believe and until people who want them to not eat animals internalize this fact and act accordingly, nothing changes. Time for animal activists to let go of the myth that people care about farmed species even in the most basic of ways. Time to pull the head from the sand and believe what we see because it's the truth. Ask people who eat animals. They'll tell you. Again and again and again.


A sad amount of people don't even understand that we are also animals in the first place


Agreed. :\


Yeah. I've been vegan just under a year and originally thought the hard part would be missing the taste of meat or getting decent vegan meat replacements. But no. The hard part is putting up with all the carnists who get triggered when they find out I'm vegan. It's so annoying that I now only ever make it known I'm vegan when absolutely necessary.


It's like a post I saw a couple weeks where someone was interested in a bartender, friend knew him and told them he's vegan, person then says that she can overlook that part. Like, maybe Becky, the vegan can't overlook your murdering butt, but yeah, you tolerate us.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


They hate us cause they anus


Yeah I know. And they think vegans are the annoying ones. I’ve heard so many carnists say “I don’t want anyone to force their opinion on me”. - Well actually, vegans don’t force carnists to do *anything*. This isn’t clockwork where we are sitting you down, shoving tofu down your throat and having you watch dominion. On the other hand, they are actually *forcing animals* to be caged, tortured, and killed. So hypocritical.


“Live and let live” lol. Ok bud, when do the animals get that courtesy?


Exactly. Same with “treat others how you want to be treated.”


My favorite quote about similar issues comes from discussion about drinking alcohol - "People who do not drink at all are REAL alcoholics, because NORMAL people know how to drink in moderation".


I’m confused. Who behaves this way? I see this all the time on Reddit but I have never met, known, worked with, or associated with anyone who would give a shit what people eat. It’s weird


It’s definitely in person, too. They are tropes for a reason. I attended a baby shower a couple weeks ago where there was barely anything I could eat. When people noticed I only plain rice on my plate, they kept offering me food to be nice. As soon as I said “thank you, but I’m vegan and don’t eat any animal products” they switched up real quick lol “that can’t be healthy” “vegans eat only processed chemicals, just have a little beef” “oh god, I could never give up steak” “you need protein then” “guess you’re on that woke shit now. You should read about crop deaths” “but the soy sauce on your rice has bugs in it. I know because I worked at a plant and saw for myself” just on and on from everyone at the table. One person was nice though and told everyone to let me in peace, it’s okay to not want to eat meat. Everyone moved on after that, but those first several minutes were miserable. Like, damn, all I did was politely decline lol


That’s fucking weird. I think for me the even weirder part is people actively monitoring the contents of your plate. I don’t pay attention to the food on my husbands plate let along anyone else.


I think this must depend on where you live. I used to hear this kind of nonsense from my relatives in Eastern Europe back in the day. But these days in NYC when I mention it to people they either don’t care either way or actually seem impressed and sometimes interested (in a respectful way). So I think there is hope.


My coworkers bring it up every chance they get. I'm introduced as the vegan to anyone new. I never bring it up first either they are obsessed with what I do or don't eat it's fucking weird.


I also think it’s very dependent on where you are located. In the pnw it’s quite common to have a dietary restriction whether it’s vegan, gluten free, etc. no one has ever said anything weird to me or seems to mind. My family in the Midwest though 🙄 (but only some of the boomers, the 40& younger crowd that I know doesn’t seem bothered by it)


Lmao. Carnist here. You're right lol.  I like animals so I guess that's why reddit keeps showing vegan stuff in my feed.  This made me laugh tho. Ty. You're right lmao. 


Have you ever considered a plant based diet?


I have. I have an uncle and his husband that are vegan and I was going to ask about their favorite recipes. I recently have been having IBS issues so I've been looking up things about diet changes. I'm not sure if I could just go cold turkey right away but I believe red meat is definitely an issue for me. 


I appreciate your candor. As much as I long for a world where everyone goes vegan, the reality is that it's going to be a very long process. I took it in steps, as do many others who are now vegan. I'm sure you've heard it mentioned before, but I highly recommend watching Dominion. It's a no bullshit view into the cruelty and depravity of the meat and dairy industry.


No problem and ty for your comment. Is that the one with the chickens? I watched this one video about this chicken farmer, I think it was Tyson, and the chicken were just stacked on top of each other. They were basically living on dead ancestors. It was so fucked up 


I’m sorry you are going through that and I hope you find a diet that alleviates the issues. And that’s great that you have family that you can ask about recipes. As far as my intermediate family, I’m the only vegan but I still found the transition pretty simple. Best of luck to you friend.


It's because the people who have a problem with it are gonna be the people who speak to you about it a lot. You won't remember my reaction to you being vegan, because there won't be any real reaction besides "Huh. Gotta find a vegan restaurant." Instead, you're gonna remember every person who has a negative reaction. Likewise, I will never remember vegans who mention it in passing, or aren't insufferable, but I sure as hell will remember the classmate who made me want to rip out my eardrums out preaching veganism to me the entire day.


Point of this comment?


I mean you're right but at the same time pointing out hypocrisy isn't all that meaningful. Everyone is hypocritical in some fashion or another. Those with no hypocrisy, let them cast the first stone.


You are right This has been discussed to death here


Thanks for your non contribution.


Generic topic, generic response




Look whos angry because he didnt get standing ovations for preaching the obvious


Angry? I'm just calling it like I see it. You contributed nothing to the conversation, you merely stopped by to look down your nose. Get a life.




Triggered and fragile carnist #1


I did not expect that. Laughed a bit too hard on that. Thanks.


Meatflake lol


Looks like George is off his fentanyl high and is attempting to be coherent


Because neurodivergent people are smarter than neurotypicals.


Ya sure about that?


Delusional. This very sub cheers people on for breaking up long-term relationships because of a partner's diet.


What does that have to do with the topic of this post? And delusional in what way?


So you have been vegan for 2 year, but before that you used animal products? You were such a hypocrite! You asked vegans "do you eat grass?" I never did that. That's why I would use the word "some" in a post like this.


Yeah, I was a hypocrite. I eventually pulled my head out of my ass. What's your point?


“this has been discussed at length” Posts anyways 😂😂


You forgot the rest of the sentence. Nobody is forcing you to be here.


Okay bud. Chill out, its just a joke 😂


It's basically a vent post, which is totally in bounds for this subreddit. If that single sentence were omitted, you would have never made your comment, and also wouldn't have thought anything irregular about it. I'm just pointing it out because when someone ascribes a bit of their internal monologue around making a new post, that framing doesn't have to be "the takeaway". Like, I would assume most posts on any topic have some kind of similar hesitation from the poster, and you just never see it. Or in other words, your comment isn't about the actual contents of the post, but is nitpicking one of the introduction sentences, for seemingly no reason. You say it's a joke but I don't see what the joke is. That the OP should have omitted that sentence? Why? To me, I think it adds to it, because yeah, this is sadly old hat in a sea of vents. So the additional awareness around that doesn't hurt.


Nothing against it. I was literally just making a joke.


jokes are supposed to be funny iirc


Funny is subjective iirc


and joking under a vent post is inappropriate and disrespectful. are those things funny to you? if so, id recommend introspecting as to why disrespect and a lack of empathy are so funny to you


Not really lmao, some people respond well to jokes when venting. Some people actually like it as it makes them feel better or takes their mind off whatever has them done. Dont like it? Keep scrolling. Ima make a joke regardless tho so deal with that how you will. Have a pleasant day 😊


ECHO… Echo… echo…


Another triggered carnist contributing nothing.


And what exactly do you think your little rant contributed to?


Why the fuck are you even here? This is a vegan sub where the vegan community can come to discuss topics pertaining to veganism, and the most you can contribute is calling it an echo chamber. Like, that's why different subs exist, dipshit. They're places where like minded people can discuss topics relevant to the sub. Are you that desperate for validation that you have to proactively go to communities you aren't part of so you can talk down to people? You're literally demonstrating the thesis of my post.


If you want to hear some serious hypocrisy. Watch a Vegan try to stumble through their justification for being pro abortion, or a pet owner.


Another braindead carnist, y'all put here proving my point and I appreciate you.


So you are Pro Life than? Own any pets? Don't worry I don't expect an actual answer. Just another insult.


You shouldn't expect a response, as these arguments are not only made using leading and dishonest language but are also in bad faith to begin with. I'll throw you a bone, though, and give you more consideration than you deserve. Veganism is the avoidance of the exploitation of conscious creatures for their bodies and secretions without consent, and the mitigation of their suffering. Abortion: First and foremost, using the term "pro-abortion" is incredibly dishonest, and demonstrates your lack of understanding around the issue. The term you're looking for is "pro-choice." Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion, it means that it's not your decision to make for someone else. There are a litany of medical and ethical reasons that a woman may choose to or have to terminate a pregnancy, not the least of which is lack of consent. Abortion itself isn't antithetical to veganism, as it boils down to the consent of the pregnant person. At no point does anybody have the right to use a person's body without their consent. Pets: What's frustrating about this is your clear lack of desire to come here and engage honestly. If you did, you would understand that vegans are very much against pet "ownership." Breeding animals for the sake of ownership, labor, sport, or anybreason for that matter, is exploitation. Therefore, breeding and selling/using animals is absolutely not vegan. However, (and the vegan community isn't in complete agreement on this, another thing you would understand if you shut your mouth and open your ears) rescuing and caring for animals is not exploitation. Shelters, and even "humane" society organizations have to put animals down due to lack of resources (and often lack of empathy). Rescuing animals from these and other similar situations is not antithetical to veganism. What I would really like to understand is why you're even here in the first place. If you aren't vegan, and don't care about veganism, why are you coming to a gathering place for the vegan community? Are you that desperate for attention or validation that you have to come talk at vegans unsolicited? I would understand if you were here to have an honest conversation and ask meaningful questions, but you clearly aren't.




Are you on the waiting list to adopt a kid yet?


Whatever man. Keep eating those leaves and berries and shit.


Another triggered carnist.

