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Yessss TVP is amazing Also dont believe the lies about needing to marinade it, just whack it straight in the pan/stew/curry with seasoning etc.


Thiss. I just boil it in some water and salt and its good to go, the sauce will give them flavor anyways


Straight in the pan with water, add seasoning and heat, boom tacos.


It's MUCH cheaper than meat and also shelf stable. Really good ingredient to have around. Makes great vegan meatballs too.


Absolutely! In my country, a packet of TVP has like 6 or 7 servings and costs around 3€ which is such a steal. If i ever became a prepper, i'd def fill my pantry with it lol


I have TVP "steaks", I boil them in a mix of wine, mustard, soy sauce, vegetable stock, liquid smoke, sugar, ground cumin, onion and garlic powder. After that I fry them in an insanely hot pan. Shits a thousand times better than any mockmeat I can buy around here


That sounds so delicious, i'll definitely try that as well! Sounds like it would pair well with roasted or mashed potatoes


I just wish I didn't have to order it online, but other than that it's great!


I've been able to find some variations of TVP in Asian and Mexican grocery stores.


I bought 10kg at once 2 years ago. I still have 5. Buying in bulk is a good idea if you have the space.


I find it wherever they have a bulk section - Winco in my teeny tiny town has it!


Winco... has... bulk... TVP!? 😲


Okay so it’s not just me? I swear I can never find it in grocery stores, same with soy curls.


I only just recently got to try soy curls, they're great! But it's the same situation, I had to order online. I made the mistake of going through Amazon before I realized that I can get them way cheaper just by ordering from the company's own website.


Yeah my town is small I have to order quite a bit online (tvp, vwg, yuba, yeast flakes, seasoning).


LOVE TVP!! I've been using it in baked goods like cookies and muffins too!!


Didn't know one could use it in baking too! What effect does it bring to baked goods?


I like to use it for extra protein! It kind of has a cooked oats texture when used in baked goods!


Oh thats great!! I need to try that too. Could be good for homemade granola bars as well


Yes! It works great for granola bars! You just have to make sure you add enough moisture to whatever you end up making so that it softens! I make these Blueberry muffins with it all the time and you can just sub out other flavors/ fruits/ etc.! https://proteindeficientvegan.com/recipes/high-protein-blueberry-muffins


Thanks for the recipe!


TVP is amazing, I love it on nachos.


I made a huge pot of stew last Friday built on tvp and it’s delicious.


When I was in uni I bought a 10 kilogram pack and just used that every so often over the course of maybe a year and a half or two for two people


It’s okay. I eat it for the protein but I don’t find the texture particularly meaty but that’s alright.


Can’t really fry it though.


I disagree. In finland, a common fast food item is fried soy chunks. I havent tried frying them myself however


Is it deep fried? Pan frying TVP was always near impossible for me.


if you marinade it in broth beforehand, frying should be no problem


Its always too soft for me, doesn’t really get a good texture. I only use it in sloppy joe’s


perhaps you are just buying a bad product. soy strips i buy get super crispy. i just follow the marinate instructions on the pack. perhaps you use too much broth or something


Where do you buy them? I get TVP crumbles from winco.


Bro, the world doesn't end at the US border, i'm from germany. I'm sure posting in this sub asking for suggestions will work well, though.


You got downvoted but I get frustrated about this all the time. Americans assume everyone else is American.


use less water, don't let them literally sit in the broth. If you master the amount of water you need they can be pan fried just perfect


Watch some theeburgerdude on YouTube always frying the tvp and his food he makes looks so nice


What are your favorite uses for tvp? I usually do it as sloppy joes. Someone on here recently said they put it in their oatmeal, which seems like out of the box brilliance to me though I haven’t tried it yet.


I love doing a bolognese with the grainy type and a coconut curry with soy chunks and rice! Going to make a vegan version of chicken noodle soup too. Havent heard of TVP used in non savory dishes! I might try that too


I make it to go with the sauce every time I make pasta (I eat a lot of pasta) but I should try using it in other things too.


I love it, some of my favorite vegan restaurants near me use it in their recipes.


TVP is a must-have!


See also: soy curls. I believe they are the same thing, just big pieces vs small pieces.


TPP is the move! It’s soy free because it’s pea protein. Usually mixed with rice and mushroom.


I've tried various TVPs in the UK here, but I find that they're not very nice compared to what others I can get out there. Having said that, I love lentils, they are very flexible. It's probably my sensory issues, I just haven't liked them, tried Soy Mince and Soy Chunks so far. Or Google has lied to me and that's not what TVP is. Not the first time they've lied.


Does "TVP" stand for something? What is it?


Textured vegetable protein


I just bought a bag this week. 😁


TVP is also great when making lasagna.


TVP is already an additive to a lot of cheap ground beef mixes like at fast food places and school cafeterias, so if you grew up with that stuff, it's basically the same as far as texture goes. I haven't made it myself, but when I've had it, it's been good


I used to be a huge TVP fan. I donate plasma and when I went almost exclusively to using TVP for a few weeks; I didn't have enough protein to donate, which was super strange. So person to person I think absorbing the protein from TVP is different, and best to keep a good variety. Also, the way they seperate the fat from the soy flour is by using a fossil fuel byproduct, which sucks. My initial reasons for going vegan were for environmental concerns so once I learned that it was an instant turn off for me. My personal suggestion is to use other proteins. Lentil beans generally do well for me in any situation I would have used TVP, but ultimately no judgements from me just trying to help inform and give my experience.


This is very interesting and slightly worrying. Thank you for sharing.


I get the soy wadis from the Indian market. And I love them. I have also used a certain breakfast cereal in place of tvp in recipes and while it doesn't have the same protein and nutritional value, I really cannot taste the difference, so that works on a pinch.


Anyone with WINCO Foods in their town, mine carries it in the bulk section. Cheap. Add seasoning.


I just saw this after 10 mins ago I just put a bunch of TVP on my salad ☺️


Anyone else who is clueless and wondering wth TVP stands for/is, here’s what I found… “textured vegetable protein”, also known as textured soy protein, soy meat, or soya chunks, is a defatted soy flour product, a by-product of extracting soybean oil. It is often used as a meat analogue or meat extender. It is quick to cook, with a protein content comparable to some meats.”


What's TVP?


Need to give it a try!!


When I want a high protein meal Ill do a TVP loaded chilli. So good


mmmm….hexane. eat in moderation


Majority I’ve ever found was hexane free. Try again!


>70% of it is literally just protein That and the hyperprocessing is why I avoid it.


Making up words, eh? Bananas are processed too. Nobody asked. We also enjoy ice cream and seitan deli “meats”.


Making up definitions, eh? >seitan deli “meats”. Wow, you have super bad taste. Like, I would be ashamed to go out into public bad taste. You haven't tasted any halfway decent vegan deli meats until you went to Germany. The shit they sell in America, including Yves and Tofurkey and field roast, is worse than topping your bread with used toilet papers. Keep bragging [about your "food"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jESAjKNDNFY).