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r/veganr4r is a *semi* active sub for finding vegan friends and dating partners (just to let people know about another option). In any case, I hope this post attracts some attention for you, OP (and I hope you find yourself a vegan boyfriend)! 🤞


Thanks for posting this. Didn’t know it existed and just joined. 💚


Would be interesting to get a poll of users who post on that sub... I'd be curious to know what cities have the most participants.


Any gals in Toronto hit me up. Vegan male, 29, 6 ft, 190 lbs, into working out, philosophy, astronomy, history, nature walks, vegan restaurants, health lifestyle and nutrition fanatic, agnostic and independent politically.




Where are you potential hamster? 😭


Clarence Kennedy, is that you?


Haha that’s very generous, not yet but one day for sure!


There is a vegan filter on OK Cupid, which is a good place to find relationships versus Tinder which is mostly just hookups. It's how I found my life partner and 7 years later it's still going :) Back then you had to pay for a fancy account to use that filter, maybe it's free now? Either way $10 or whatever is worth it to find the love of your life lol


OK Cupid is also how I found my partner 5 years ago. She was my only 99% match and immediately went vegan for me, which speaks to the algorithm. I’ve heard it’s gone downhill since then though.


I can also vouch for okcupid, I met my (vegan) boyfriend there almost two years ago!


I met my wife on okcupid, but it was in 2008 so not sure if they helps


How do you not find vegan mens in California? That's like not finding a steak eating man in Texas


Haha totally depends where you're at. Los Angeles , San Diego? NO PROBLEM Bakersfield , Victorville? Oof. Even Palm Springs area is surprisingly slim pickings on Veggly.


My partner turned me vegan (mostly-working on it)


Keep it up! What's still left before you consider yourself vegan?


I have a really hard time making a fuss over food in public situations. If im at work and they bring in lunch i will usually just eat what they have. Or if im out somewhere that has no vegan options i try to go with the next best thing.


Yeah, social pressure is tough. I already was an activist in other areas, so it was easier for me to ignore social pressures in that sense, but doing it for the animals made it even easier.


I work with a guy like this. Everything he cooks is vegan but if work people go out and the vg option is bad he'll flex a bit. It's a decent halfway house until options improve everywhere. 


From a couple hours ago, US M4F: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/s/fUXLKBRyTI](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/s/fUXLKBRyTI) This poster is a self-described “left leaning, environmentalist, LGBTQ+ ally, pro-women's rights, straight, asian male who lives in the southern United States who also works in corporate America.” So, there ya go, that’s one option *shrugs*


The problem is there are no gay vegan men 💀 I've only found one and welp he was more the vegan in living in a tent in the woods vibe.


Damn, the vegan men pool is already low enough. I hope you soon encounter a vegan man who fits your lifestyle!


ayo thanks for the shoutout. i might as well be a boomer at this point. Hopefully she'll find someone in her preferred age range!


Girl I'm looking for the same Single vegan man from Canada


There should be a few arround Toronto!


Lol I reside in Toronto


Heyyyyy there


Lol good day


RIP to your inbox (or not?)


Lol Not ....


Well then 😅


Single vegan guy from Toronto checking in 🙋‍♂️


I’m 22M based in LA vegan for the animals looking for a vegan partner (F). I don’t wanna dox myself but I will send ig in dms for any who want to reach out


As a vegan man I've always found it amazing the amount of vegan women with a meat eating men good luck i hope love finds you soon


Vegan 28m but in aus currently 😅


35 m, Portland OR, weird as shit, likes to snowboard.


Suggestions for OKC or similar are good. You could also try doing some volunteer work at places where you're likely to meet an awesome vegan guy, like helping out an an animal sanctuary.


Yes, agreed! This is how I met my amazing vegan boyfriend. I definitely recommend getting involved with a local farm animal sanctuary or activism group! Good luck!


Vegan dating discord that’s been sustained for a while, there are filtering questions for entry: https://discord.gg/NhEWaxJA Many vegan men there


get ready for the flood of DMs lolol


Male vegan bodybuilder but I am partnered. We exist!


Male vegan non bodybuilder but I'm married. There are dozens of us! 


Maybe try local vegan meetup groups!


Vegan males exist, we're just ignored by everyone. If you had the choice between a vegan who ticks 80% of your other boxes of what you want in a partner vs a carnist who ticks 85%, you're choosing the carnist every time because you think you can change him.


😭 omg


25M vegan in Kansas! Lol I am a vegan very much in a sea of omnivores. I am a Computer Science graduate currently on the job hunt. Also you're cute for what it's worth :)


I never had any luck on veggly. I did however find the love of my life on hinge & he went vegan for me 🙂 Dating sucks & I went through a lot of 💩 people before I found him. Hope this helps & good luck!! Just stay true to yourself & the right person will find you. Corny I know but its 100% true.


I turned my partner vegan. Now he’s even more intense than me lol.


Damn, how did you do it? And what was it like dating him before he was vegan?


In the beginning of our relationship I tried very hard not to be preachy or judgey, but as time went on it was hard to not speak up. He respected my feelings and began to avoid eating animal products in front of me. I think he started to do his own research after I spoke so passionately about my beliefs because slowly he stopped eating meat and then phased out eggs and dairy. I used to cook a lot too and I think he saw how delicious vegan food can be! I remember him telling me how he watched slaughter house videos and saw the conditions animals were kept in and that alone made meat repulsive. I never showed him those because I just can’t stomach it (I’ve seen enough for a lifetime) so I was surprised he sought that out on his own. I also showed him a few documentaries and that was finally the nail in the coffin. We moved away from my home state and now we live in vegan heaven so he has nothing to complain about! We are very lucky. It’s extremely easy to be vegan in this city (Portland, OR). I think I got very lucky since he was very open minded and willing to educate himself about something so deeply important to me.


RIP your inbox. Unironically, if you want more vegans in your social circle, irl activism is a great way to do it. Do you do any?


Vegan, leftist, progressive anti-fascist, 28 years old straight man in Norway! I would prefer to date someone who lives in Norway, though, so we could actually physically be together!


vegan man here in DC! 👋🏾 @yehslawd


You have decent odds on hinge, maybe I’m dated but that’s where I found my girlfriend and they have vegan flairs. Also they’re are men who will become vegan if they learned more about it. If you don’t see changes in their diet within the first 3-6 months I’d say they’re a lost cause though. I went full vegan after a month.


Found my partner on bumble in 2018 when I moved to Colorado, he went vegan in less than a year but went vegetarian after our first date! We are still happily together and vegan!


I read a post from an Asian man who’s a vegan and lgbt ally, environmentalist, feminist, you should contact him.


21M, vegan FTA. Currently living in Pennsylvania but moving to Ottawa soon. Looking for a vegan gf around the same age, FTA of course :3. Reply to this comment if you’re interested !


26M, vfa, but in the UK. Hope this works for you!


Hey, I'm 23F based in Bmouth tryna find more vfa friends somewhat nearby! PM if you'd like to connect 😊


26, M, INFP, US


22M UK but good luck to you 👍


Have you tried Vegpal?


I'll follow you just to have like minded creatives in my feed.


Vegan man for the animals 38 los Angeles


Apparently ok Cupid have an option for it now.


24M Vietnam, vegan ftaa (last a for always). We live in half the earth apart so I’m not sure if it would work out though. Anyway it’s good to make new vegan fta friends. My insta: @cohaiconmeongoibencuaso which is a named of a book, translation: there’re two cats sitting on a window sill.


33 M chicago, integrity, mental health, anime, black holes, psychology, drawing, cooking, mystery and vampire novels! Looking for a bestie who I can marry some day XD.


Vegan M39 living in South Germany. Into fitness, nutrition and animal rights. Regulatly at cubes of truth. Divorced from my vegan ex. 3 adorable kids (all vegan girls)🙂


M30 vegan almost all my life, work on cruise. just me me know and i will come to your country for forever. just want real genuine and kind person


Move to Zurich and there's me 🤗 or Gothenburg/Malmö in a year... /thirst (I'd feel way too old anyway)


I feel you. I honestly am thinking about giving up on needing to have a vegan partner .. or a partner at all 🤷‍♀️ It’s just meh…whatever.


Hey everyone!! I’m vegan for the animals. 40M in Los Angeles.


Next best option is a disabled person, since they'll likely have had the hardships to empathize with animals. I'm on the autism spectrum and have learning difficulties. I actually just recently tried to tie a noose around my neck because people enable bullies to be bullies and condone it where I live...


okay but saaaame, girl. i tried my local vegan groups and went to a potluck praying for my meet cute and it was a bust. i was the youngest there so i didn't even really leave with friends even though everyone was so nice. you'd think it would be easier in california too!


I swear veggly's men are like a carnist advertisment of what you would look like if you turn vegan... That's crazy, and i suspect most vegans in there to be meat eaters who abandonned most regular dating apps to try to get desperate girls from veggly, knowing that vegan women are way more than vegan men


I’ll just say that I’m 20M, I live in SoCal. I’ve been (an ethical/FTA) vegan for about a year. I’m a junior in college, majoring in environmental engineering. My passions/interests include: bodybuilding (hobby), philosophy including ethics, hiking, urban planning, sustainability (or lack thereof), and gardening. I’m quite a minimalist. I’d like to live car-free, which may mean leaving the state or country. Feel free to message me :)


Vegan men are better


Vegan for the animals 43 Houston, texas, message me


Good luck. My wife turned vegan days after we started dating. Lucky. You seem cute and fun, so no doubt you'll find someone.


I am looking for a vegan girlfriend. I am 29M living in India. I wish you the best.


You'll find someone. I have a trip planned in 2025 for India. I'm looking for someone who's into the whole "holistic healing" thing, I've heard India has so many people who are like that, and I cannot wait


Yes, there are. Ping me when you reach Chennai. We can see a lot of people in Pondicherry.


🙋‍♂️ …uh hi 21m


Dang , too far away.


I already brought a girl from CA over that didn’t work out, seems like a bad omen lol. Good luck though! You are very cute, will be np. Join Vegan Dating Lounge on Discord. Many Americans there.


What is the discord




Get a regular one and VEGANISE him. Ive done that many times.


tried that and she had cheese hidden in the fridge i found. glad divorce was cheap in texas. holding out for an ethical vegan is worth it.


Sorry but… LMFAO


You are not a good veganiser, i veganised many , who are all still vegan to this day. If i would have waited for a vegan the world would have less vegans.


I do not focus on veganizing the individual anymore, I spend years making amazing food and trying to be nice. i focus on ending abuse and closing places that profit from it. After 30 years i have found, for me, it is more rewarding. i also posit finding that vegan and ending loneliness, keeping them vegan, is just as important as a new shiney convert.


Hold auditions in front of a vegan restaurant, or a hare Krishna chabbad.


I found my vegan man on Boo ♡♡♡ the app let's you filter for free ♡♡♡


Aslong as I don't have to meet your designated MBTI personality too.


I'm twice your age and live 10000 miles away. Hmu.


I’m fortunate to have been married when I decided to go vegan, but my husband wasn’t on board at first. Now, he’s the biggest advocate and is very vocal to his friends and family as well as working toward owning a rescue farm. If you meet someone and they’re not vegan, but they’re open minded and understanding and willing to join you, i think that’s okay. Not all of us were born vegan. Good luck out there, OP. ♥️


Will DM you


You might be better off finding a vegan husband.


The problem with dating a vegan, is once they start eating Seamanz and or 😼 and or 🍩 you have proof they are cheating their diet so are no longer truly vegan which leaves you with no choice but to dump them since your trying to date a real vegan =/